Search found 18 matches

by fresnofred
Thu 06 Apr 2017, 03:38
Forum: Hardware
Topic: How I made Ubuntu see my USB drive
Replies: 0
Views: 1520

How I made Ubuntu see my USB drive

I use ubuntu on a thumb drive and recently discovered that usb drive is not recognized and i found the fix: partially remove, slightly, the usb drive and then it recognized. I hope this helps with anyone with puppy or other linux installed on thumb drive or even just to use it! Especially happens on...
by fresnofred
Thu 11 Jun 2015, 00:50
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Puppy sometimes takes forever to save
Replies: 3
Views: 817

Puppy sometimes takes forever to save

I am using precise puppy on an 8 gb usb drive with lots of save space left. It usually performs well but sometimes has these 2 issues: 1) Autosave will come on and stay on forever. 2) Sometimes when i shut down, it will "save session" and when I come back 45 mins later it still has not shu...
by fresnofred
Sun 05 Apr 2015, 02:28
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Remastering 5.7: how to clear songs from amule?
Replies: 2
Views: 531

Remastering 5.7: how to clear songs from amule?

I am trying to remaster correctly puppy 5.7 and have succeeded EXCEPT for amule. it remembers songs i tried to download just to test it out and see if it worked. I tried deleting all aMule files and reinstalling but my new remaster still has these songs. Any ideas how i can remaster with a clean AMu...
by fresnofred
Sun 25 Aug 2013, 03:19
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Puppy Desktop Sleep icon
Replies: 0
Views: 493

Puppy Desktop Sleep icon

I am using puppy 5.7 on a flash drive. I am puzzled by the desktop-sleep function. what is it and how do u use it?
by fresnofred
Sun 14 Jul 2013, 04:54
Forum: Puppy Derivatives
Topic: Distributing my puplets
Replies: 2
Views: 2123

Distributing my puplets

I have developed two nice puplets, one based on 5.2 and the other based on 5.5. They both even have a working xscreensaver, frostwire, and lots of other software. I have even customized pupradio with working radio urls. How would i submit these remasters for a puplet, as I do not have a website or s...
by fresnofred
Mon 13 May 2013, 03:41
Forum: Hardware
Topic: white screen of death with xfce and compiz
Replies: 3
Views: 2487

white screen of death with xfce and compiz

Probably an old topic but here it be: I have installed xfce4 and compiz on puppy 5.2 on a flash drive. when i change from jwm to xcfe it looks like it will load but instead just get a white screen with the mouse active, but no picture. hoping someone would have found an answer to this prob that has ...
by fresnofred
Tue 30 Apr 2013, 01:30
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How do I fix my remaster so it will install correctly to usb
Replies: 2
Views: 584

How do I fix my remaster so it will install correctly to usb

Howdy! I remastered the perfect puppy, at least to my desires. Here is the problem. I boot to the rmed puppy, stick a flash drive in and it shows up. I use the universal installer to install my rmed puppy to the flash drive. It all goes well. When I boot the flash drive, it does not show up on my de...
by fresnofred
Tue 26 Mar 2013, 22:58
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Saving remaster settings in Precise Puppy
Replies: 2
Views: 1319

Saving settings in Remaster

Thanks to 666philb for his reply to my previous posting. It really helped. I was indeed able to follow his instructions and made my perfect puplet, I guess u could say. I fixed all the radiotray URL errors and added a lot of my own and also added a lot to Pupradio. By copying his advised locations o...
by fresnofred
Sun 24 Mar 2013, 03:54
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Saving remaster settings in Precise Puppy
Replies: 2
Views: 1319

Saving remaster settings in Precise Puppy

I want to save and add pupradio and radiotray urls and get rid of the bad ones in Radiotray.. I successfully remastered Puppy 5.5 with lots of nice programs including Radiotray, from a previous remaster (which also had the screensaver in my startup menu so it started at 2 minutes. I was even able to...
by fresnofred
Thu 13 Sep 2012, 04:13
Forum: Multi-session live-CD/DVD
Topic: How to clone a multisession DVD?
Replies: 6
Views: 7059

How to clone a multisession DVD?

after great trial and effort i have finally produced a dvd that contains about 6 save folders that are loaded each time i boot. how do i make a bootable iso image that i could offer for distribution?
by fresnofred
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 02:23
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: How to make a Puppy cd from my perfect Puppy thumbdrive?
Replies: 1
Views: 532

How to make a Puppy cd from my perfect Puppy thumbdrive?

i have created, at least for me, a perfect puppy usb flash drive. it has pupradio and streamtuner with a lot of added stream urls and have songbird with shoutcast enabled and other nice adjustments. Is there a way to create, from my flash drive, a live cd or dvd that will remember all these details....
by fresnofred
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 02:06
Forum: Users ( For the regulars )
Topic: Which laptops or netbooks will boot from sd card?
Replies: 0
Views: 464

Which laptops or netbooks will boot from sd card?

I can boot to my eee 900 netbook and my toshiba netbook but both are older models and i want to buy a newer one or a laptop but want to be able to install puppy to an sd card but i know a lot of laptops/netbooks do not have an sd card reader option in the boot bios. I would like to get other user's ...
by fresnofred
Sat 01 Oct 2011, 02:28
Forum: HOWTO ( Solutions )
Topic: How to Clone a USB stick
Replies: 11
Views: 18582

Using Pudd

I use PUDD, part of almost all puplets. But u have to have the same size usb sticks. U can copy a smaller one (say a 4gb drive that shows in gparted as a 3.81 gb stick to a 4 gb that is, say 3.85, but not the other way around (larger to smaller). What I do is buy 2 or more of the exact same sticks a...
by fresnofred
Fri 08 Jul 2011, 03:08
Forum: Multi-session live-CD/DVD
Topic: Puppy on Blue Ray
Replies: 2
Views: 5802

Puppy on Blue Ray

I have successfully put Puppy 5.2 on a dvd+rw and am able to save each session if desired. My question is has anyone tried and succeeded in putting Puppy on a rewriteable blu ray disk, which would be like having a 25 gb hard drive!!?? If so, does it save the file if you have the expensive blue ray b...
by fresnofred
Thu 30 Dec 2010, 00:32
Forum: Bugs ( Submit bugs )
Topic: Printer causes boot problem
Replies: 0
Views: 1353

Printer causes boot problem

I was unsuccessful in booting 3 different usb thumb drives with various pups. I would get to a #bin prompt saying could not start tty1 and could not find main puppy file. I noticed my printer was on, as I had used it in Windows before and forgot to turn off. After turning off the printer, all 3 usb ...
by fresnofred
Thu 30 Dec 2010, 00:26
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: problem booting solved
Replies: 2
Views: 1183

problem booting solved

My good deed for the day! I could not boot 3 different puppy versions on 3 usb drives. WOuld get to a #bin prompt and nothing more after saying it could not find the puppy...sfs file and couldnt find tty1 or some such message. I noticed my printer was ON! I turned my printer OFF and then all 3 thumb...
by fresnofred
Sun 31 Oct 2010, 03:26
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: pupsave file increase not working
Replies: 2
Views: 1137

pupsave file increase not working

I have Lighthouse Pup installed on a thumb drive and have plenty of space left to increase pupsave file. however, when I run it and reboot it says it is increasing save file by 256 or 512 mb, which i had previously asked for. But I still get the same flashing icon in bottom right which says that I o...
by fresnofred
Tue 05 Oct 2010, 03:40
Forum: Beginners Help ( Start Here)
Topic: Espeak-GUI
Replies: 2
Views: 1716


Has anyone found a way to install Espeak-GUI in Puppy? I am using TeenPup 2010 and love it and have espeak but am looking for a GUI version