Consumer models applied to operating system choice

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Consumer models applied to operating system choice

#1 Post by disciple »

From the section on marketing in a small business management course my girlfriend is doing:
We can use models to demonstrate how different and unique the individual consumer is. If you understand what model (or models) applies to your "average" consumer, you can work out how to market to the potential customer best. Some examples of consumer models are outlined below:

This model assumes that the consumer weighs up a purchase in a rational manner, taking all things into consideration, before a smart or sensible choice is made. These are consumers who are on the lookout for the best deal, at the cheapest price and who take advantage of discounted offers, perceiving this to be value for money.

This model is the opposite of the economic model. Consumers in this category seek fulfilment of their deepest desires, and are influenced by their emotions, regardless of how illogical or irrational it may seem.

Cognitive Miser
This is the lazy buyer who can't be bothered spending time figuring out which product to buy, due to an information overload. They would prefer to buy the most convenient product requiring the least amount of effort, or a product that they already know about. They won't bother to seek alternatives, as this would be an inconvenience or waste of time.

Collective Decision Maker
These consumers buy what everyone else is buying. They do this through peer pressure, and a need to socially fit in, or be accepted. They do this without really assessing their purchase.
It seems to me that people can be easily characterised by their choice of operating system:
Cognitive Miser or Collective Decision Maker=Windows
But what about the users of more esoteric operating systems? Perhaps there should be another category for people who just want to be different...
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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