Fatdog64 700 alpha1

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Joined: Mon 26 Feb 2007, 05:02
Location: The Blue Marble

#241 Post by jamesbond »

They will be updated as time goes.
Fatdog64 forum links: [url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=117546]Latest version[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/ke8sn5H]Contributed packages[/url] | [url=https://cutt.ly/se8scrb]ISO builder[/url]


#242 Post by stemsee »

I am posting from a fatdog 700 sfsdirect-remaster so it seems justifiable to post it to this thread as well as others. :roll:

SFSdirect-remaster is now working. It is probably the fastest possible remaster method.

Remaster in ram from ram or on device from ram.

Works with both fatdog and standard pups.

Only replacing the fd64.sfs in initrd is not automatic must be done manually until someone supplies the needed code!! Also maybe some tweaking is needed with regard to -e 'excluded' files and directories!

Please try it as a beta release ie use at your own risk. (back up your original initrd before replacing the fd64.sfs)

Code: Select all

#sfsdirect remastering suite by stemsee copyright Marcos Contant 2014

if [ -d /aufs ]; then
echo "SfS direct is a live remaster system which works in either ram or device.
Make sure that your system has enough ram or uses a swap for the remaster, or
specify path and drive. e.g. mnt sda2.

Do you want to work in ram? y or n"
read ram
case $ram in
    y) if [ -d /tmp/quaddirs ]; then
   rm -r /tmp/quaddirs
   rm /tmp/*.sfs
   mkdir -p /tmp/quaddirs/{mnt,tmp,sys,proc}
   mkdir -p /tmp/quaddirs/{mnt,tmp,sys,proc}
   mksquashfs /* /tmp/quaddirs/* /tmp/$name.sfs -e /proc /tmp /mnt /initrd /proc /sys /aufs /archive /root/.cache /root/.Trash /root/spot/Downloads/* /root/Downloads/* /root/.history /root/.bash_history /root/.Skype /etc/resolv.conf /root/.XLOADED /etc/.XLOADED /lib/modules /lib/firmware -keep-as-directory -noappend -comp xz
   echo "'$name'.sfs has been created in /tmp. Where do you want to save it to?
   Enter the path e.g. /mnt/sda2/"
   read savepart
   mv -f /tmp/$name.sfs $savepart
   echo "All done!" && exit;;

   n)  if [ -d /tmp/quaddirs ]; then
   rm -r /tmp/quaddirs
   mkdir -p /tmp/quaddirs/{mnt,tmp,sys,proc}
   mkdir -p /tmp/quaddirs/{mnt,tmp,sys,proc}
   echo "Input path and drive e.g. mnt sda2"
   read path drive
   mount /dev/$drive /$path/$drive
   mksquashfs /* /tmp/quaddirs/* /$path/$drive/$name.sfs -e /proc /tmp /mnt /initrd /proc /sys /aufs /archive /root/.cache /root/.Trash /root/spot/Downloads/* /root/Downloads/* /root/.history /root/.bash_history /root/.Skype /etc/resolv.conf /root/.XLOADED /etc/.XLOADED /lib/modules /lib/firmware -keep-as-directory -noappend -comp xz
   echo "All done!" && exit;;
   *) echo "You didn't enter anything relevant! Exiting script." && exit;;


#243 Post by stemsee »

@Jamesbond or Kirk

I remastered fd700 b and have an 800mb sfs in initrd, which cannot load into ram .... i have 8gb ram
What is restricting the load size of initrd?

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