Dpup Stretch 7.5 CE (RC-5)

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#181 Post by Smithy »

radky wrote:
Smithy wrote:Yes I noticed that restarting thing Sailor mentions, after a few seconds, and also some apps not starting for ages.
Do I understand correctly, the version with the 4.1 kernel is OK for your hardware? No long delay when loading apps?

Yes the 4.1 kernel is much better than the 4.9 for me and the flickering is more like Terry H says.
With the 4.9 it hangs around a bit at optical drive (that last boot bit) before it decides to get its head together.

I am used to openbox tint 2, maybe JWM is always a bit funny on the restart wm, fix menus?

Once it settles after a while it is fine. Hope this helps and doesn't confuse.


weX and weav with scrox (weX dependency)

#182 Post by hamoudoudou »

weX and weav with scrox (weX dependency)
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#183 Post by radky »

roadkill13 wrote:
Everything appears to be working well.
Thanks for the report roadkill13.

OscarTalks wrote:
...galculator can be compiled from source for GTK2.
Thanks OscarTalks!

Smithy wrote:
If you could get the code from joewing or the other suspects to make the (jwm) TRAY go semi transparent or even the fake transparency.
The alternate FbBox desktop provides full control of panel transparency, but the jwm desktop does not currently provide usable panel transparency. See joewing's comment below (26 Dec 2017).

Right now, the only option for making it (the jwm panel) transparent would be to set the Opacity in TrayStyle. Unfortunately, that will make all trays somewhat transparent and it won't just affect the background (the icons will also be somewhat transparent). Supporting psuedo-transparent backgrounds would be cool and should be possible, it's just not done yet.
hamoudoudou wrote:
dpup Stretch 7.5 RC installed to day for check.
Thanks for testing!

mavrothal wrote:
Glitches in my local network biased against stretch was the source of the apparent differences.
Thanks mavrothal. I'll add your updates to the next release.

Terry H wrote:
I swapped back to JWM and rebooted, all I saw on my laptop ... was the slightest blink of the desktop, not actually a black screen.
Thank you Terry.

davids45 wrote:
I have the same 'incomplete pinboard' with the latest Slacko but can't recall if my Xenial or Artful Pups are affected.
Is it possible the pinboard is set before the data partition is mounted and available? Does your customized pinboard work correctly in Xenial or Artful?

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#184 Post by musher0 »

Hello radky.

Since you demoted the version to RC2, I will open up and say that I did encounter a
couple of glitches when I installed DPupStretch 7.5 on New Year's Day. (If they had
been the only glitches, some forum members would have perceived my intervention
as being "not nice".)

1) When choosing the language in the Mouse-Keyboard -> Advanced Keyboard
Wizard, clicking the < yes > button second from bottom when finished produces an
error, and as far as I can tell the language is not changed in the xorg.conf file.

The same wizard in xenialPup-706 does not display this bug.

2) jwm's top taskbar does not center properly after using lxrandr to switch to
monitor #2. The resolution on my portable's monitor is 1200x800 while the outside
monitor's resolution is 1920x1080. When lxrandr turns off the portable's monitor and
monitor #2 becomes the only one active, jwm's top traybar stays at the x-y co-
ordinates of the portable's monitor.

3) Similarly, any program running under jwm is maximized to 1200x800, and if you
try to move it further right on screen while maximized, the program shrinks back to
its previous size.

I don't know what is incongruent here, the jwm's config files or its code. If the bug
is in the code, the solution process obviously falls on Joe Wing's lap. In any case,
this bug is certainly a deterrent to using jwm.

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#185 Post by radky »

musher0 wrote:
1) When choosing the language in the Mouse-Keyboard -> Advanced Keyboard
Wizard, clicking the < yes > button second from bottom when finished produces an
error, and as far as I can tell the language is not changed in the xorg.conf file.
I tested as follows:

Input Wizard -> Advanced configuration -> XKB Configuration Manager (Main tab) -> click Layouts -> click Change ->select fr France -> click OK -> click Yes on Main tab

The change in language is successfully applied to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, line #64

Option "XkbLayout" "fr" #xkeymap0

For me, this is reproducible and the keyboard action correctly reflects the change of language in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

At the moment, I can't replicate the error that you describe. Maybe others could also test.
2) jwm's top taskbar does not center properly after using lxrandr to switch to
monitor #2. The resolution on my portable's monitor is 1200x800 while the outside
monitor's resolution is 1920x1080. When lxrandr turns off the portable's monitor and
monitor #2 becomes the only one active, jwm's top traybar stays at the x-y co-
ordinates of the portable's monitor.
I have a single monitor, so no dual monitor configuration for testing, but maybe Billtoo or others with dual monitors could test.

Does the position of the top tray reset after restarting jwm, restarting X, or rebooting?


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#186 Post by musher0 »


Not fr. A sub-set: qc.

And if the 2nd guy cannot reproduce the bug, the bug did not happen to the 1st guy?
Some logic that is...

Unless the 1st guy is a known liar, I'd say help the 1st guy describe the steps leading to
the bug. Now that of course is not called logic; it's called empathy -- but it is reproducible!!!

Anyway, I'll retest my claims if and when I have the time (I trust myself, you see; I know I
am a good man) and I'll flood you with screen captures if need be.

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#187 Post by radky »


It seems Stretch is missing the qc symbols keyboard map.

Could you test the attachment?

Just remove the false gz extension and place the qc keymap in the /etc/X11/xkb/symbols folder, then run the xkb configuration manager.

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#188 Post by musher0 »

HI radky.

(Writing this post from your DPupStretch-7.5.)

Many thanks for your effort. Actually, everything went fine on this boot.

The top jwm taskbar places it itself in the true center of the 1920x1080
monitor after sort of a hop of half a second at where the old center was.
This behavior is weird, but that's all it is.

As to the qc keyboard, no it is not provided anymore. I remember from a
research I did for a forum member from Montreal on the French side of
the forum. It is replaced in newer Pups by some sort of configuration trick,
and it does the job just like the true qc keyboard did. These are the
lines in file xorg.conf from your DPupStretch that concern it:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105" #xkbmodel0
Option "XkbLayout" "ca" #xkeymap0
#Option "XkbVariant" "" #xkbvariant0
Option "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
Thanks for your patience. I guess it was just a matter of restarting the Pup
so that the changes could "settle in place."

This grouch is presenting apologies...

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#189 Post by musher0 »

Hello radky.

After changing lines 163 and ff in /root/.xinitrc to

Code: Select all

#if [ "$CURRENTWM" != "jwm" -a "$CURRENTWM" != "icewm" "$CURRENTWM" != "aewm" -a "$CURRENTWM" != "waimea" ];then
case "$CURRENTWM" in jwm|icewm|aewm|waimea)echo . >/dev/null ;;
	*)if [ -f /usr/bin/fbpanel ];then
  #a bit of a hack: when 3builddistro runs fixmenus, which calls variconlinks,
  #which populates /var/local/icons with symlinks, /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps
  #is not yet populated (happens at first boot, from default icon theme)...
		[ ! -e /var/local/icons/home48.png ] && ln -fs /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/* /var/local/icons/
		fbpanel &
	  [ "$desktop" = "rox" ] && [ -f /usr/bin/lxpanel ] && lxpanel & ;; # bizarre
I was able to run aewm properly on DPupStretch-7.5.
Please see attached screen capture.

My point for changing those lines is:
aewm has its own taskbar. And several other WMs besides jwm and

Plus there is a way to run even icewm or jwm with another task- and tray-
bar, aside from fbpanel and lxpanel, say, bmpanel2. The way that code is
currently written, the user cannot do it.

With a case...esac stucture, that "paragraph" of code can more easily
accept various WMs and taskbars, beyond icewm, jwm and fbpanel.

Just a thought.

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#190 Post by mavrothal »

radky wrote: mavrothal wrote:
Glitches in my local network biased against stretch was the source of the apparent differences.
Thanks mavrothal. I'll add your updates to the next release.
If you are "cherry picking" you might want to consider also the following 3 commits 3edf4a4, 1b588d and aa2208.
BTW are you planing to commit your build changes/additions/modifications back to woof-CE?
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#191 Post by radky »

musher0 wrote:
Many thanks for your effort. Actually, everything went fine on this boot.
Thank you musher0. Your report is very much appreciated.

mavrothal wrote:
BTW are you planing to commit your build changes/additions/modifications back to woof-CE?
Today, wdlkmpx provided a major update to the default Woof-CE configuration of Dpup (7.0.0b1) and addressed many of the problematic issues of the old 7.0.0a2 build.

wdlkmpx's new upstream configuration aligns closely with conventional Puppy builds and provides a solid base for those who will build Stretch or Puduan variants.

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#192 Post by mavrothal »

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#193 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

In reference to my last post above, I'm continuing the discussion on .xinitrc here:
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... ost#979283

If anyone interested cares to join me.

TWYL, hopefully.
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#194 Post by dejan555 »

I tried the last iso posted just now, the No suitable partition for save error appears again, I searched a bit for the piece of code that checks for this and it appears that it's the line in shutdownconfig (see screenshot) which returns a list of my partitions when I copy it to terminal. The PC shuts down immidietly after the error so I cannot catch any log files or terminal outputs when it happens unfortunately. I will investigate further... Also I'll try with manually making a savefile, it will probably pick it up at boot.
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#195 Post by Billtoo »

radky wrote: Today, wdlkmpx provided a major update to the default Woof-CE configuration of Dpup (7.0.0b1) and addressed many of the problematic issues of the old 7.0.0a2 build.

wdlkmpx's new upstream configuration aligns closely with conventional Puppy builds and provides a solid base for those who will build Stretch or Puduan variants.
I gave it a try in woof-CE this morning,it's working pretty well so far:

System: Host: puppypc10133 Kernel: 4.1.48 i686 (32 bit) Desktop: JWM 2.3.6 Distro: Dpup Stretch 7.0.0b1
Machine: Device: desktop System: ACER product: Aspire M5620 v: R01-A4 serial: PTS860X0348050CF642700
Mobo: ACER model: G33T-AM v: 1.0 serial: 00000000 BIOS: American Megatrends v: R01-A4 date: 12/19/2007
CPU: Quad core Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (-MCP-) speed/max: 1603/2403 MHz
Graphics: Card: NVIDIA GF108 [GeForce GT 430]
Display Server: X.org 1.19.2 driver: nouveau tty size: 185x45 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network: Card: Intel 82566DC-2 Gigabit Network Connection driver: e1000e
Drives: HDD Total Size: 500.1GB (0.7% used)
Info: Processes: 125 Uptime: 43 min Memory: 276.4/8097.7MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.5

EDIT:I changed kernels and added nvidia driver,
video-info-glx 1.5.3 Sat 6 Jan 2018 on Dpup Stretch 7.0.0b1 Linux 4.9.75 i686
0.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GF108 [GeForce GT 430] (rev a1)

X Server: Xorg Driver: nvidia
X.Org version: 1.19.2
dimensions: 3840x1080 pixels (1049x292 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GT 430/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL core profile version string: 4.5.0 NVIDIA 384.111

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Core 0: @1603 1: @1870 2: @1603 3: @1603 MHz
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Comparison testing of Artful after Stretch issue

#196 Post by davids45 »

G'day radky,
davids45 wrote:
I have the same 'incomplete pinboard' with the latest Slacko but can't recall if my Xenial or Artful Pups are affected.

Is it possible the pinboard is set before the data partition is mounted and available? Does your customized pinboard work correctly in Xenial or Artful?
A bit of an off-topic wander but I've been trying ArtfulPup-17.11-9 with my testing of many small pets loaded from my data partition during booting.
I find an all-links-pets-added Full Artful fails to re-boot due to Xorg failing to load - it's OK when I've just installed all the pets but won't then re-boot past setting up the video and I cannot get xwin or xorgwizard to resurrect Artful.
I've switched to a Frugal Artful as this is a better trial set-up for one-by-one loading of pets (run the pet, if OK back-up the Save file, and then cross fingers as I re-boot the Frugal Artful).
I suspect one of my links-only pets is the problem (gimp-2.8 which has some lib link issues) so now I've loaded all my links-pets except gimp which I've loaded via an sfs. After I log out of the forum, I'll re-boot this Frugal Artful and see if it is still OK.

I'll try the same testing process with a Xenial, and if my links-only gimp pet is again suspect, may test Stretch again pet-by-pet.

In summary, after your question, my problem found with Artful is different and more serious than the incomplete loading during booting with Stretch which is simply fixed with a re-start-X. If I can find the restartX script/file, I can drag it to the Pinboard which would be fine for me at present.

But maybe there's still a general issue in the boot-loading of new CE Pup versions when there are lots of user-loaded apps (or a few multi-file large ones?) which just booting the "bare" Pup doesn't show up?

How I often wish I knew what I was doing :oops: :shock: .

Thanks again,

David S.

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#197 Post by mavrothal »

dejan555 wrote:I tried the last iso posted just now, the No suitable partition for save error appears again, I searched a bit for the piece of code that checks for this and it appears that it's the line in shutdownconfig (see screenshot) which returns a list of my partitions when I copy it to terminal. The PC shuts down immidietly after the error so I cannot catch any log files or terminal outputs when it happens unfortunately. I will investigate further... Also I'll try with manually making a savefile, it will probably pick it up at boot.
Neither shutdowncnfig nor rc.shutdown have been changed for almost a year now in woof (with a small inconspicuous change in shutdownconfig)
So you may have hit a new bug.

The attached gzipped files would log the shutdown sequence to the relevant files, so you (we) can review them for possible issues.

Make sure they are executable and copy them over the originals in /usr/sbin/shutdownconfig and /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown before your first shutdown.
The files in their current state will write the logs in sda1. Please change the device to the one you intend to use for your savefile/folder (line 8 in rc.shutdown and lines 28-30 in shutdownconfig)
You can then just click on shutdownconfig and will go through the configuration process without actually shutting down so you can verify that logging is working, review the logs and see where the no suitable partition comes from.

BTW the terminal command is not the same as in the one in the script since is missing expBOOTDRV which is defined earlier in the script in relation to PDEV1 and boot parameters. I suspect that in your case may point somehow to a non writable partition.

BTW2 do other recent puppies (Artfull, LsPupSc) have the same issue under the same conditions?
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#198 Post by dejan555 »

Here's the log file.
I haven't used mentioned pups so can't tell if they would behave the same

EDIT: I see that script also checks for free space but the amount is wrong since I have 9GB free on this partition and it says 0? (See screen)

EDIT 2: Attached also pup sysinfo report on harddrives (hdparm)
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#199 Post by mavrothal »

dejan555 wrote: EDIT: I see that script also checks for free space but the amount is wrong since I have 9GB free on this partition and it says 0? (See screen)
Actually that is exactly the problem.
Both df and rox report 0B available on the partition although not all of it is reported as used.
Can you write on this partition?
what is the "dmesg|grep sdb" output? any complains there.

There are several reasons that this can happen.
Most likely you are out of inodes (check with "df -i") because of too many (small) files.
You may have some large file deleted and yet open (check with "lsof +aL1")
You have set some reserved space (commonly 5%). You should be able to use it as root but maybe not when down to 1%.
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#200 Post by dejan555 »

Yes, I can write on partition.
Here are outputs from the commands you suggested, lsof doesn't show any files from partitions though
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