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Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2010, 09:25
by 01micko

Posted: Tue 06 Apr 2010, 13:05
by tasmod
Version 0.5.1 released on first page.

Two minor bugfixes.

Multiple entries in rc.local. Fixed slightly differently but thanks to sasaqqdan for pointing it out.

The use of '&' in the menu title entry and in the .desktop file causes JWM to "corrupt config file" error for tray desktop settings when using tray configuration manager.
This comes from the dir2pet allowing '&' in entry and JWM interpreting it as a command.

Posted: Thu 15 Apr 2010, 05:40
by sasaqqdan
/usr/local/Startmount/startfunc,line 81:

Code: Select all

echo  "$(if [ "`grep $i $WORKDIR/drive | awk '{print $4}'`" = "ntfs" ]; then  echo "mount ntfs-3g";else echo "mount" ;fi) /dev/$i /mnt/$i 2>/dev/null"  >> $WORKDIR/ ; done

Code: Select all

echo  "$(if [ "`grep $i $WORKDIR/drive | awk '{print $4}'`" = "ntfs" ]; then  echo "mount ntfs-3g";elif [ "`grep $i $WORKDIR/drive | awk '{print $4}'`" = "vfat" ]; then  echo "mount -o shortname=mixed,quiet,utf8";else echo "mount" ;fi) /dev/$i /mnt/$i 2>/dev/null"  >> $WORKDIR/ ; done

Posted: Thu 15 Apr 2010, 08:51
by 01micko

Thank you for finding bugs :) . Will be fixed soon


Bug reporting is important, if you find one please report.


Posted: Thu 15 Apr 2010, 13:26
by jemimah
I'm planning to add this to Puppeee, but no startup programs show up on the programs pane. It's supposed to list the things in /root/Startup, right?

Also you have two pets in the first post with the same name, do I want the first one or the second one?

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 05:36
by 01micko
Hi jemimah

the 2 pet thing, AFAIK they are the same, I know Rob was having forum issues at the time.

Now, the main issue, are you reporting a bug? Are you selecting programs from the top pane, adding to bottom and clicking apply?

Or are you saying that the programs in the top pane aren't appearing? It gets those from all the 'default*' programs in /usr/local/bin

More info please :)


Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 07:55
by tasmod
Second instance of pet removed. Sorry, forum issues.

Forum's not playing well for me.

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 16:50
by jemimah
I'm not sure if it's a bug or not. How do I get startup programs to appear in here?

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 19:43
by 01micko

that sure looks like a bug, I'll investigate, thanks.

See the screeny in my first post on page 1.

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 21:16
by 01micko
ok, heres a bugfix

drop it in /usr/local/Startmount, gunzip and make it executable

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 22:33
by Jim1911

Is the above fix already in the .pet file?

Also, consider having Startmount shutdown automatically after it has mounted the selected drives and started the selected programs. I'm running it in lupu-006.

Thanks for another helpful utility,
Jim :D

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 22:37
by 01micko
Hi Jim

No, that is a manual bugfix that needs to be applied to 0.5.1

Check the preferences tab in the dropdown menu, There is no need to have Startmount start at all after drives have been mounted. We've covered quite a bit in preferences to make Startmount highly configurable.


Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2010, 23:32
by jemimah
Works good now! Thanks Micko.

Posted: Tue 20 Apr 2010, 18:28
by tasmod
Startmount 0.5.3 small bugfix release. See page 1

Posted: Thu 05 Aug 2010, 01:02
by mistfire
This apps is great! I must be included by default on puppy. Good for some experienced and advanced users.

more tweaks

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 02:59
by mistfire
I suggest that the program starter must have enable/disable button. In case if you add program that required to start. You can enable or disable it

more tweaks

Posted: Fri 20 Aug 2010, 03:03
by mistfire
I suggest that the program starter must have enable/disable button. In case if you add program that required to start. So You can enable or disable it and also for better management.

Posted: Wed 25 Aug 2010, 07:30
by 2beta
I would like to run "transmission" my torrent client on startup.

In a terminal when I write "transmission" it launches the program.
But when I write transmission in "enter your own program choice" and then click "set programs". Nothing is saved.
I open again StartMount, my choices for HardDisk are well saved but nothing in "chosen program list".
I run puppy 5.1. How can I start a program not listed in default program (like transmission)?

Posted: Thu 26 Aug 2010, 06:18
by 01micko


I just tried what you described and it's working ok here .. I'm in the devel version for 5.1.1, but there is little difference from 5.1 except some bug fixing.

I use SM in my 5.1 install and everything I tried tested fine.

Are you clicking 'apply'? Also, check your spelling.

Your own program choice is not saved in the gui, but is saved in the hidden file.. might be neat if we include it in the gui,.

type the following in a terminal to see what is saved.

Code: Select all

cat /root/.startmount/exec

Posted: Wed 08 Sep 2010, 21:50
by willem1940NLD
Puppy511 quickpet leads me to this thread so I think to download/install newest startmount pet .... where? All I see is " discussion" .