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Posted: Thu 11 Feb 2016, 07:33
by Puppus Dogfellow
LibreOffice-5.1.0_en-US_xz.sfs, LibreOffice-5.1.0_64_en-US_xz.sfs to word processing and related

edit: 5.1 is buggy--i don't recommend it. pets have been pulled because of a prohibitive degree of bugginess--the sfs packages are less buggy, but still not as smooth going as 504, which was bug free from what i saw. for whatever reason (same method to make them as the previous, successful batches), these 32 and 64 bit pets are plagued with menu and gui problems (things are unresponsive or blank, whereas the sfs packages just seem to be missing icons so far). you'll have a much better experience with the 5.0.4., and i almost feel bad for offering this update...


pandoc-,,, recoll13-full.sfs [recoll packages contain,,,,,,,, and so far in unicorn pup, precise pup, slacko 64 (running with 32 bit compatibility pack), and quirky werewolf64 (no compatibility pack)--the updated packages are sometimes hit or miss, but this old one seems to always work. 11 mb.] to word processing and related.

edit 2:


the above java packages appear (respectively) to fix the problems i was seeing with LibreOffice 5.1 in both 32 and 64 bit (precise 5.7.2 and slacko64_6.0.3), so i've reupped the pets:

menus and responsiveness have returned, but it appears Libre in its most recent form is no longer usable without java.

Posted: Sun 21 Feb 2016, 16:28
by Puppus Dogfellow
palemoon-26.0.3-i686.sfs,, and slimjet-8.0 by OscarTalks to browsers, network, internet, games

dpw- by musher0; OB-Precise_1501 by vicmz; p6.0and ~572.14 by Puppus Dogfellow to puppy isos

jre-8u73-x64.sfs,,, jre-8u73-i586.sfs to Wine/JRE/JDK/Python/Virtual Box/Java

LibreOffice 5.1 Language Packs by vicmz to word processing and related

Posted: Fri 04 Mar 2016, 14:16
by Puppus Dogfellow
palemoon-26.1.1-i686.sfs,, slimjet-8.0.2, tor552-x86-sfs and pet by OscarTalks; megasync-Debian_7.0_amd64.deb; megasync-Debian_7.0_i386.deb; c-ares.gz; cryptopp.gz to browsers, network, internet, games,, and by watchdog to Utilities Tools System Libs

Emacs 24.5 sfs and pet by cdr255; by musher0; nwp-keys-icons.tar.xz to word processing and related

Posted: Wed 16 Mar 2016, 16:08
by Puppus Dogfellow

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016, 05:25
by musher0
Hi, Puppus.

Many thanks for adding my "Pooch" (dpup-whhezy- to your repo!


Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016, 22:42
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:Hi, Puppus.

Many thanks for adding my "Pooch" (dpup-whhezy- to your repo!

you're welcome, musher0. looks like it'll still be one of the lightest modern pups around even after i add JWM to it (i like the idea of multiple, light windows and file managers, and i know you dislike jwm). :P

a new t.o.c. post

Posted: Thu 17 Mar 2016, 22:45
by Puppus Dogfellow

Posted: Fri 18 Mar 2016, 00:15
by musher0
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
musher0 wrote:Hi, Puppus.

Many thanks for adding my "Pooch" (dpup-whhezy- to your repo!

you're welcome, musher0. looks like it'll still be one of the lightest modern pups around even after i add JWM to it (i like the idea of multiple, light windows and file managers, and i know you dislike jwm). :P
Hi Puppus.

Oh! :)
But I trampled my personal preferences and kept the jwm in this one! You don't need to
add it, I didn't remove it! :(

This Puppy is for the general public, not for me! I did make a variant for myself with the
echinus wm, but I try to keep the published, "source" Puppy as run-of-the-mill a Puppy
as possible, which means: no fancy wm (i.e. just good old jwm), strict-minimum
customizations, etc.

It's easy to be lead astray when you start customizing, and I dIdn't want to go that way.
My mandate (or mission, if you will) on this Wheezy Pup is only:
1) to get it out of the mothballs (done)
2) bring as many apps as possible up-to-date (on-going; almost done)
3) filling in the blanks (missing scripts or configuration files) or correcting errors when
__ there are any (on-going).

There are still some bugs when running "The Pooch" on a portable. When all the bugs
will have been squished, I'll decide what to do next; maybe I'll customize it a lot! But I
suspect bug-hunting will keep me busy for another month or two.

Thanks for the "light-weight" compliment, but it may not be so light-weight when I'm
finished with it. It will probably have a +/- 34Mb's adrv.sfs, a bigger devx and the 15
Mb's full and recent player-1.2.1 (this one you can already download, install and use).

Again, thanks for your "30-Gb's Initiative". I'm quite honored!


Posted: Sun 20 Mar 2016, 05:02
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:
Puppus Dogfellow wrote:
musher0 wrote:Hi, Puppus.

Many thanks for adding my "Pooch" (dpup-whhezy- to your repo!

you're welcome, musher0. looks like it'll still be one of the lightest modern pups around even after i add JWM to it (i like the idea of multiple, light windows and file managers, and i know you dislike jwm). :P
Hi Puppus.

Oh! :)
But I trampled my personal preferences and kept the jwm in this one! You don't need to
add it, I didn't remove it! :(

This Puppy is for the general public, not for me! I did make a variant for myself with the
echinus wm, but I try to keep the published, "source" Puppy as run-of-the-mill a Puppy
as possible, which means: no fancy wm (i.e. just good old jwm), strict-minimum
customizations, etc.

It's easy to be lead astray when you start customizing, and I dIdn't want to go that way.
My mandate (or mission, if you will) on this Wheezy Pup is only:
1) to get it out of the mothballs (done)
2) bring as many apps as possible up-to-date (on-going; almost done)
3) filling in the blanks (missing scripts or configuration files) or correcting errors when
__ there are any (on-going).

There are still some bugs when running "The Pooch" on a portable. When all the bugs
will have been squished, I'll decide what to do next; maybe I'll customize it a lot! But I
suspect bug-hunting will keep me busy for another month or two.

Thanks for the "light-weight" compliment, but it may not be so light-weight when I'm
finished with it. It will probably have a +/- 34Mb's adrv.sfs, a bigger devx and the 15
Mb's full and recent player-1.2.1 (this one you can already download, install and use).

Again, thanks for your "30-Gb's Initiative". I'm quite honored!

i wasn't intending or aware that inclusion bestowed any particular honors or that it in any way elevated status, and i wish i could say every addition was ever so carefully considered, but i'm glad you're pleased, musher. :D to tell you the truth, i quoted your post rather than replied to it directly because i do think your work in general deserves some attention--eventually (more or less) all my posts get recorded in the repo as well, so it's sort of a lazy way of doing a summary of your pup. or will be, once i get around copying the stuff over. :?

anything that looks or seems good, useful, or a convenience, or that comes from a popular or respected contributor and that i happen to come across, i add, business and laziness affecting the frequency and, i guess, the care and scrutiny.

i do intend my recorded posts in the repo to be somewhat helpful reviews or overviews, or a record of my (unforced and leisurely/practical/practical?) learning of linux, but i only, for example, consider trying a new o.s. when i'm forced to reboot for whatever reason. i've had bad luck getting tahr64 to boot on this machine, but yours seems like it'd make a good fit for the old gateway desktop i have in another room. when the time comes and your pup is more developed, maybe a swap in of an x32 capable kernel (this also needs development?) and that as my primary on my main? just thinking out loud now...(in a way i hope to be at least indirectly helpful on at least some vague level).

Posted: Sun 20 Mar 2016, 05:40
by musher0
Thanks, Puppus.

TWYL, it's been a long day.

Posted: Sun 20 Mar 2016, 06:20
by Puppus Dogfellow
musher0 wrote:Thanks, Puppus.

TWYL, it's been a long day.
that it has. also, i seem to have injured my elbow sitting here like a potato--i should find a less ridiculous location for the mouse. 8) :oops: :roll:

Posted: Mon 21 Mar 2016, 09:25
by Puppus Dogfellow

Posted: Mon 04 Apr 2016, 07:02
by Puppus Dogfellow
slimjet_9.0.1.0_amd64.deb (for DebianDog64 but also works in Slack064) by fredx181; firefoxESR-nightly-38.7.1-i686.tar.bz2, firefoxESR-nightly-17.0.11-slack14.0.tar.bz2,, palemoon-26.1.1-i686.sfs, slimjet-, (, slimjet-, slimjet-, (, opera-36.0.2130.32-i386.sfs,,,, vivaldi-1.0.403.24-i386.sfs by OscarTalks; by Barry Kauler; youtube-dl to browsers, network, internet, games

a_very_large_pack_of_very_small_icons.tar.xz to desktop

slacko64-, slacko-, devx_slacko_6.3.0.6.sfs by 01micko; Just-Lighthouse64-605beta1.iso by DryFalls; DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-2015-09-02.iso by saintless; DebianDog-Jessie-jwm_icewm-2015-09-02-PAE.iso, 061-DEVX-DebDog64-Jessie-2016-03-20.squashfs, DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2016-03-20.iso by fredx181to puppy isos

close all windows (as "caw") by MochiMoppel to Utilities Tools System Libs

jre-8u77-linux-i586.sfs by musher0; jre-8u77-32+64-pet+sfs folder to Wine/JRE/JDK/Python/Virtual Box/Java

FocusWriterPortable_1.5.5.paf.exe; libreoffice-5.0.5_en_es.sfs (higher compression plus spanish) and by vicmz; by takenp;, LibreOffice-5.0.5_en-US_xz.sfs,, LibreOffice-5.1.1_en-US_xz.sfs to word processing and related

Posted: Thu 14 Apr 2016, 18:43
by Puppus Dogfellow
Quirky Xerus 8.0 [xerus64-7.90-4gb.img.xz, xerus64-7.90-8gb.img.xz, xerus64-7.90-18gb.img.xz, xerus64-7.90-32gb.img.xz] by Barry Kauler; DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce-2015-09-02-PAE.iso by fredx181; DebianDog-Jessie-jwm_icewm-2015-09-02.iso by saintless to puppy isos

aOO-4.1.2_amd64_en-GB.sfs,, aOO-4.1.2_en-US.sfs by musher0 to word processing and related

Posted: Wed 04 May 2016, 18:22
by Puppus Dogfellow
Smplayer0.6.9, Deadbeef0.4.1, Terminator0.93,, Vlc1.2.0-git to audio, graphics, video, studio, QT

32 bit PaleMoon.26.2.1 and SlimJet-9.0.6 by OscarTalks to browsers, network, internet, games

fatdog64-710 by kirk and jamesbond; LxPupXenial-16.05.1-pae.iso by peebee; ToOpPy 2.0 by Argolance; Xenialpup_7.0.1 by666philb; 061-DEVX-DebianDog-Jessie.squashfs, 00-locale-files-jwm-icewm-jessie.squashfs, 00-locale-files-jessie-openbox_xfce.squashfs by fredx181 to puppy isos

yad-tips-0.0.1.ncd by smokey01; by L18L; peasyscan.pot.tar.gz (to the rcrsn-peasy../nls folder along with peasy_it_by_xanad.tar.gz and peasydisc_es_by_vicmz.tar.gz),, peasyscan-2.9 by rcrsn51; Make_Concurrent_Copies.tar.xz by PuppusDogfellow to Utilities Tools System Libs

Kompozer0.8b1, Gnote0.5.2, GHex, Focuswriter1.3.2, LibreOffice-5.0.4-x86_64.AppImage, LibreOffice-5.1.0-x86_64.AppImage, Scribus-1.5.1.svn.20937-x86_64.AppImage to word processing and related

Posted: Thu 12 May 2016, 20:38
by Puppus Dogfellow
wine198 by version 2013; w198.sfs; w198.tar.xz; jre-8u92-32+64-pet+sfs to Wine/JRE/JDK/Python/Virtual Box/Java and LibreOffice-5.1.2_en-US_xz.sfs to word processing and related

Posted: Wed 18 May 2016, 04:35
by csipesz
Hello, people! How can I convince an otherwise very good slimjet browser that plays videos? because it is not willing to play - nothing...

Posted: Wed 18 May 2016, 16:14
by Puppus Dogfellow
csipesz wrote:Hello, people! How can I convince an otherwise very good slimjet browser that plays videos? because it is not willing to play - nothing...
hello, csipesz.

haven't noticed any issues on my other machines (haven't used Slim Jet on them much in a while) but they all appear to play youtube fine. at least one (9.0.7 on Xenial) won't play video content on facebook, but that's the only issue i've found so far (not that i'm looking for trouble (edit; but i just checked for some and found 9.0.1 on precise doesn't have the issue)). since you've found some, maybe ask OscarTalks---he made the package i host (the pets are made from his SFSes). you'll likely get much better help asking in the linked thread. that said, hth.

Posted: Fri 20 May 2016, 02:05
by Puppus Dogfellow by nilsonmorales to browsers, network, internet, games

X-Slacko-4.1 by by rg66 to puppy isos

nwp-1.5 to word processing and related

Posted: Thu 26 May 2016, 22:09
by Puppus Dogfellow
light.sfs by peebee and a pet made from it to browsers, network, internet, games

pcman by gyro to file managers and viewers by greengreek to Utilities Tools System Libs

peasypdf 3.6 by rcrsn51; nwp 1.6 -1.8 to word processing and related