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Posted: Mon 12 May 2014, 23:18
by technosaurus
speaking of browsers netsurf-3.1 was recently released with more javascript support - it may be able to start weanin us off the heavy multi-megabyte browsers. (note you have to specifically enable js support @ build time still)

Speaking of browsers

Posted: Fri 23 May 2014, 00:20
by LoboGrande
I was looking for a faster browser for Akita with my Tecra M5 laptop and found that there was a -wary. pet version. So I downloaded it and gave it whirl. Works great so far.

Link: ... 9&start=75

Problems i detected in Akita 16

Posted: Thu 05 Jun 2014, 23:00
by Arguser

I am a long user of Puppy in general, and in particular puppy arcade (The old version) and Akita.

Now, started using Akita 16.

I would like to make some comments about thinks that seems not working well enough:
- Required internet connection to install packages (I already red a post about this, just want to resume all problems that i detected)
- Problems with Pmount. I can not open it, and puppy is not detecting some of my external memories. Try fastmount, and also cannot mount them. For example and old mp3 that i use like flash memory. Other version of puppy detect it without problem (Puppy 2,14)
- Shell command "less" it seems is not working normally.
- Midori close sometimes unexpectly.

I am far to be a linux or puppy expert, just and old user, but i have some free time, so if i can help with something let me know.

I like akita very much, because speed and because all the options that give with the right button of the mouse.

Best regards


Posted: Sun 17 Aug 2014, 07:54
by sc0ttman
Hi Arguser,

the pkg manager can be edited, to change to net connection requirement... I posted how to earlier in this thread somewhere... Essentially you open /usr/sbin/pkg and edit the net_connect func (I think) ... Search for 'ping', or and you'll find the code you need.. Just swap the return values so it always reports a net connection was successful..

I also posted a fixed/updated pmount earlier in this thread too.. The default one won't open unless you have exFAT partitions installed/connected (if I remember correctly)...

The 'less' command appears weird as unlike most other puppies, Akita uses the full less command.. Which is a bit different..

Yeah, midori sometimes crashes.. Maybe try Slimboat, as suggested by Argolance.. It apparently works well.. And it is also lightweight.

Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 19:26
by Mike7
Hi, Scott Jarvis.

I was unable to download akeeeta-15-atom.tar.gz from your archive at Could you fix the download? I want to try it out on my 1000HA Atom eeepc.



Posted: Sun 05 Jul 2015, 19:52
by ally

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 11:51
by Mike7
Thanks, Ally.

BTW, I found - in's extensive puppeee listings - a really super eeepc distro called puppy-eee (actually Pup_301-eee). It's filled with all sorts of great little control apps and thing-ies that I've never seen before, plus it's the fastet Puppy I've tried. Unfortunately, there's no info on who made it or what pets it can use, and the browser is too out-of-date. I might give it a whirl with a newer browser and flash. It really is a doozy of an eee pup.


Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 14:49
by ally
this slightly newer chrome over installs on the puppeee build so may be worth a look a try ...

yes, unfortunately I was unable to find build info on puppy-eee


Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 14:55
by Mike7
Thanks for the Chrome link, ally. I'll give it a whirl.

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 17:08
by Keef
Looks like it could well be this one:

New Pup for the Eeepc based on Puppy 301
By dvw86 in 2008.

Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 20:15
by Mike7

Yup, that's the one (don't know which update). Gotta say that, aside from the old browser and possible networking problems from newer encryption, this puppy beats the heck out of Jemimah's Puppeee and even Carolite. My 1000HA Eeepc was never happier.


Posted: Mon 06 Jul 2015, 22:39
by ally
thanks keef

I will update the archive page


Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2015, 22:03
by Mike7

I downloaded and installed, but the browser wooldn't open. The package manager said there were missing libraries that it couldn't find in the repo packages, so that's what is probably hanging it up. I uninstalled it, thinking I'd look around for the missing packages, but I've never done anything like this and don't know if it's worth the time. What do you think?


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015, 19:21
by ally
was just throwing it out there, worked in puppeee but that's built on puppy 4

darry1966 has done some work upgrading older pups, he may be able to advise


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015, 19:41
by Arguser
HEllo Scottman,

Thanks for your answer. It seems it have not been a lot of activity in akita last year. Any special reason? I think that is a very good puppy, may be the best, so you msut go on!!! Any help i can try..

BEst regards


Posted: Wed 08 Jul 2015, 19:59
by Arguser
From the old browser problem, the best option is to take firefox from browser install and then go to help -about firefox. Will install the last version--
Another option that goes very well with akita is to use the portable version of firefox or chrome! You must have it in a flash disk and use it when you one! Very stable!

Posted: Thu 09 Jul 2015, 15:00
by Mike7
Hi, Arguser.
take firefox from browser install


Posted: Fri 10 Jul 2015, 17:07
by Arguser
Sorry, bad english.

Go to Menu
-Browser installer

Select Firefox (is version 17)

When already installed, go to firefox menu, help, about firefox

Then will start to update your browser.

Also if you find a wary pet from last firefox, i think will worlk, but not sure


Posted: Sat 11 Jul 2015, 21:41
by Mike7
Hi, Arguser.
When already installed, go to firefox menu, help, about firefox. . . Then will start to update your browser.
Okay, I understand.

I have now done a pendrive frugal install of Akeeeta from akeeeta-15-atom.tar.gz. It's nothing like Pup_301-eee. As much as I liked Pup_301-eee, I've got to say that Akeeeta beats it hands down. The large number of applications and control and configuration GUIs in Akeeeta make it the most user-friendly puppeee I've seen yet. The browser and wireless selectors, and the pup apps and pup control panels, are all gems. In fact, all functions have so many redundant apps that it's really hard to understand how they can be packaged into such a small iso (81Mb w/o browser).

I had pretty much decided on Carolite as my new default puppeee after puppeee-4.4 went south on me, but I'm fascinated by Akeeeta's flexibility and will play around with it for a while, especially the various browsers available, some of which I've never heard of (like TOR). Akeeeta is also very fast, while Carolite is too slow.

I do foresee one major problem with Akeeeta: its Frisbee is not working properly and I had to fall back on Pwireless2, which is fortunately there as an alternative. Pw2 may not be able to resolve modern WAP keywords, though (it doesn't in Puppeee-4.4).

But Scott Jarvis deserves a round of applause for Akeeeta. I hope he keeps the repo updated as much aspossible.


Posted: Mon 13 Jul 2015, 21:59
by Arguser
For the "browser problem" another good option is portable browsers
You can use it independent of puppy version you are probing.

In my case, much more stable, very good if you have low ram and no swap partition.

Thanks to shinobar. ... 11f8cbfbd2

Another option for stability are swap files,. only my experience, not profesional opinion!