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Posted: Tue 29 Dec 2009, 14:09
by mikeb
Wow a new version before I get to play with the previous one....... :D


The end of Christmas

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 01:06
by mcewanw
Flash wrote: An elapsed time meter or stopwatch that starts with the Record button and stops with the Pause or Stop buttons would be a useful addition for me. :)
Christmas is over.

I intend that no horrible. cpu eating, gtkdialog progressbar kludges for up/down display timers will pollute the simple, but hopefully flexible and reasonably efficient, precord. But note how I use Pschedule as an adjunct to the existing incarnations.

I think you may like the soon to arrive Precord version 6.0.0, even if it does not provide "quite" what you ask for. Actually, in a way, it provides more.

Precord revolutionary version 6.0.0 about to be uploaded

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 09:39
by mcewanw
Precord 'revolutionary' version 6.0.0 about to be uploaded
But first here is the info you will need to use the added facility:

Well, Precord's automatic add/hide Pschedule button methodology has already been used successfully in the great wee pupRadio app (to hide the Precord button of all things!).

But that was nothing: Precord version 6.0.0 brings a really, revolutionary, much likely to be copied facility (I hate to sound like ttuuxxx, but this is a simple but powerful new approach for extending gtkdialog apps):

slave plugins (external applications) for every major Precord function (all plugins sent an automatic terminate process signal on re-use or quit). So you want a progress bar, or up/down progress timer, or some external VU meter: just add the external app to the appropriate function buttons via the plugin folder facility...

I haven't written any useful plugin as yet (too busy just getting the idea working) but I do supply a simple demo to show how to use it. Here is the blurb from the header file of that (the demo happens to be a simple bash script, but it doesn't have to be):

# Program: PrecordDemoPluginSlave version 1.0.0
# Creation date (YMD): 2009/12/07 (original version 1.0.0)
# Revision date (YMD): 2009/12/30
# (C) Copyright 2009 William McEwan (
# Changes:
# Version 1.0.0: First version.

# Notes:
# To quickly try the supplied demo, rename it in Rox filemanager to
# stopplayslave, run precord, press play and then press stop...
# To stop the stupid popup app, just rename the file back to
# PrecordDemoPluginSlave.
# This slave is just a simple demo of how to create a function slave for
# precord. Actually any program can be used for a slave. Indeed, a symlink
# placed in /usr/share/precord to any existing application is a slave, though
# you may find it better to use small shell scripts which call up existing
# applications instead, since that way you can control the termination of the
# called-up applications.
# Precord slaves need to be stored in directory /usr/share/precord. The slave
# application, if it exists, is typically loaded on the press of the
# associated function button, or in response to that function being given
# from the commandline (e.g. precord rec outfile.mp3 would check to see if
# there is an executable, or link to an executable, called
# /usr/share/precord/recslave). If there is no such slave, no attempt is made
# by precord to execute it (so you can add and remove slaves as and when you
# like, even when precord is actually running...).
# The plugin slave application (or, for example,
# symlink) must be given one of the following names (which match the available
# precord functions):
# recslave (which is executed on push of record button, or via commandline call of form: precord rec outfile...)

# stoprecslave (executed on push of the record stop button and/or the quit button etc)

# stoprecnowslave (executed whenever a switch is made between precord small and config GUI's)

# pauserecslave0 (executed on record pause being first pressed, and
on every second press thereafter)

# pauserecslave1 (executed on record pause being pressed the second time, and on every second press thereafter)

# playslave (executed on play selected)

# stopplayslave (executed on stop play selected)
# pauseplayslave0 (as per record, but for play)
# pauseplayslave1 (as per record, but for play)
# quitslave (executed on quit selected)
# vuslave (executed on vu/mixer button pressed/selected)
# Note that pressing the associated precord button may or may not call up the slave program. The stopplay button, for example, only looks for an associated slave application if an audio file is already playing.
# Note that precord automatically, temporarily saves the called up slave application's Program ID, in /tmp/precord, in the form,
# for example: /tmp/precord/PIDrecslave
# However, many applications start up several processes, so it is up to the slave application plugin designer to make sure the slave applications processes are all terminated at the time desired. Precord only sends a simple TERM signal to the first slave process (the plugin designer may need to trap that signal and then ensure all plugin child processes are terminated).

# Sorry, this first slave is the ultra in simplicity. It has no useful
# precord-related function (it just pops up an rxvt terminal and displays the date... I'm too busy to write a useful plugin at the moment.
# Forum member Flash would like a simple progress counter; you could write that, for example, as a shell script and call it up, and control it, as per above or you could wait until someone who understands what I am talking about writes it for you.

# Note that, to use this demo, you need to put it in folder /usr/share/precord/, or make a symlink to it from there, and rename it according to which of the above functions you want to automatically call it up (being half a sleep for days now, it took me ages to get it right...).

Have fun, but do realise that the 'tricky' part in writing/using plugins is in keeping track of the process IDs; the supplied demonstration plugin gives strong hints on how to do that.

version 6.0.0 uploaded

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 10:52
by mcewanw
By the way, you might imagine that the main precord program has gained a lot of extra bloat compared to the 5.0.2 dotpet size. That is not the case. The dotpet without the demo plugin is less than 400 bytes larger. Indeed the actual demo plugin itself is absolutely tiny (half a dozen lines of bash code); it's just that I've included tons of text documentation in the plugin demo app's header... Precord itself will always be a tiny application, which I intend keeping in the form of one executable script...! :-)

[though I might also write a client/server version, because that coding model can be advantageous when it comes to fast commandline as well as GUI control and usage].

Note that an easier way to test the new plugin system is to simply put a symlink to the PrecordDemoPluginSlave shell script into /usr/share/precord alongside it. If you want the plugin app to popup everytime you press the play button, for example, simply call the plugin symlink "playslave" (i.e. right click /usr/local/precord/PrecordDemoPluginSlave in Rox filemanager and select Link... relative - and name the link playslave).

Being a shell script you can of course get the plugin to start up any number of other apps (and if you copy the technique used in the demo, each and every one of them can be shut down automatically when precord closes, or some other of its buttons are pressed, and so on...)

Automatically terminating the demo with another button...

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 11:41
by mcewanw

Code: Select all

# If you make a symlink called playslave to the demo plugin,
# you could, for example name this simple script here: "stopplayslave"
# You will then find that the demo starts with the play button and
# terminates with the stop button...

kill -TERM $(cat /tmp/precord/PIDplayslave)
Just make sure the script is made executable and placed in /usr/share/precord (and is named "stopplayslave"); and the symlink to /usr/share/precord/PrecordDemoPluginSlave should be called "playslave" and also placed in /usr/share/precord

Hope you get the idea...

Posted: Wed 30 Dec 2009, 13:02
by mikeb
Hope you get the idea...
several reads later perhaps....
so what you are saying is puppy could eventually be one giant shell script with plugins (or is it already?) :D

You've got me at it again...a folder sync utilty that does not take a week...coded up the precord way....very neat...the bash not the utility :)



Precord version 6.0.1 uploaded

Posted: Fri 01 Jan 2010, 16:44
by mcewanw
# Changes:
# Version 6.0.1: Provides revolutionary (!) slave applications "plugin"
# facility. Documentation on usage is provided as a separate download.
# Now passes "Command" details directly to Pschedule version 0.8-1 and above
# when that program is available and activated by Precord.

Version 6.1.2 uploaded

Posted: Sat 02 Jan 2010, 11:21
by mcewanw
*****Latest Version 6.1.2 uploaded to first post in thread.

# Usual GUI, but can also now read commandline args [action][filename][duration] via stdin (e.g. pipe).

For example:

Code: Select all

precord [with no args starts GUI version]
echo "gui" | precord - [note the space then minus at the end meaning: read from stdin]

precord play /root/out.mp3 [plays without GUI]
echo play /root/out.mp3 | precord -
[also plays without GUI; useful for quickly playing an mp3, or ogg, or wav - depending on how last configured]

If no outfile or duration parameter is supplied, precord uses previous configuration as defaults.

precord --help
echo --help | precord -
for commandline usage 
I considered using getopts/longoptions and so on, but decided against it in favour of keeping command line usage very simple and quick, whilst being compatible with the GUI saved configuration.

Posted: Sun 04 Apr 2010, 23:47
by Ron
I wonder what happened to this thread? It suddenly died. Does that mean it's perfect now? LOL. I just came on this thread because I have been trying to find a simple stream recorder that will record directly into mp3 without fuss and muss. This looked perfect and does work for me, but:

I don't understand the filing system. I would like it to put the recorded file into a location of my choosing. I was able to drag my folder into the file location window ok but the program didn't put it there. It keeps putting it into the root location. EDIT: I just realized that I could rename and drag the root file to my own folder, which is ok, but an extra step, but that's no big deal.

The config file seems to keep my selections for the current session, but rebuilds it every time I reopen the program. Again, no big deal, but inconvenient, especially if the file location has to be changed each time, presuming this function works properly.

The play mode is very choppy. I wonder why? Again, I usually would use AquaLung or some other player anyway, so not a huge problem.

What is the function of two file controls? It seems that if the record button on either of them is pushed, both are active, but only one file is recorded. Maybe for future development?

I think this will work quite nicely for me, especially my wish list is fulfilled. Thanks for the app.


Posted: Tue 20 Jul 2010, 01:13
by edoc
Barry included precord in spup 040 but it does not seem to work.

Anyone tried it?

I may need to download and install Audacity for my son, though precord seems a smaller and more elegant simple-solution.

Precord 6.1.3 and 7.0.0 uploaded. No new funtionality though

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 10:03
by mcewanw
Versions 6.1.3 and 7.0.0.

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 16:16
by edoc
Wow, it has been a while since the prior post, good to see things are happening with this.

We are using only Fluppy (current version is 013) as it just got too complicated and time-consuming to try to support multiple versions of Puppy across several laptops and netbooks.

Do you have any thoughts as to the compatibility of Wary-based apps, esp. Precord 7.0.0, with Fluppy 013, please?

We can test but it would need to be in Fluppy.

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 21:43
by mcewanw
edoc wrote:Wow, it has been a while since the prior post, good to see things are happening with this.

We are using only Fluppy (current version is 013) as it just got too complicated and time-consuming to try to support multiple versions of Puppy across several laptops and netbooks.

Do you have any thoughts as to the compatibility of Wary-based apps, esp. Precord 7.0.0, with Fluppy 013, please?

We can test but it would need to be in Fluppy.
I think there is a good chance Precord (and Pcreole with nme for that matter) should be compatible with Fluppy. I don't know about other Wary apps, but many might be fine. If you haven't used Precord the main problem you might have is nothing to do with Precord itself but with setting up alsamixer before hand (or with the help of Precord). Precord can't record anything if alsa isn't correctly set up to record, and it is a bit tricky doing that and different sound cards have different volume controls etc that you may need to set up.

You might first like to give Pcreole-2.0.3 a whirl, since though that is a complicated program because it is very multi-purpose, I think it should work "out-of-the-box" on Fluppy (hopefully), with nothing to set up first: ... 446#370446

Note that Pcreole brings the power of the commandline into a GUI so be careful with it. But you can simply press some of the buttons labelled "X" and try some of the combobox inbuilt commands first (especially CMD3_, CMD4_ andf CMD5_ combo command lists). The usual disclaimers apply... If you make webpages ever, you would also maybe find the wikicreole markup facilities useful (but their use is entirely optional). For info on creole markup: Creole is just a simple text markup language (tags for bold etc). You don't need a wiki to use it. The program converts simple marked up text into straight html for whatever use you want.

I'd be delighted to know of any and all successes with Precord version 7.0.0 in particular since, with the help of forum member L18L, I'm hoping to internationalise it (adding language German first).

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 22:15
by vovchik
Dear William,

I notice that the precord.desktop file has the exec as /usr/loca/bin/precord while the pet places the executable in /usr/bin - hence no entry in the Multimedia menu.

With kind regards,

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 22:46
by mcewanw
Thanks vovchik

I forgot about that after moving the 7.0.0 script from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin. I'll fix and re-upload as 7.0.1

Pcreole 7.0.1 uploaded

Posted: Sun 08 May 2011, 23:06
by mcewanw
Uploaded 6.1.3 and 7.0.1

Download from first post of this thread.

I prefer directory structure of 7.0.1, but it needs testing so if you don't have time to do that, use what works. Test reports on 7.0.0 welcomed. I'm planning to port 7.0.1 to multi-user systems, and I prefer the new directory structure for that. Note that I'm planning to modify the 7.0.x series to use gettext for all text strings (towards internationalisation), but I wanted to get the main code working first with the new directory structure in the hope some users would test it.

Developed on Wary 5.0, but probably works in many other puppies too.

No new functionality added to either version, but pressing OK button on Help window should now correctly close it. Otherwise 6.1.3 is almost identical to 6.1.2.
Consider 7.0.0 a beta [and now 7.0.1]. The only major difference between it and 6.1.3 is that I've changed the directory structure/config_file_location to be more similar to that of Pcreole. For example, precord in /usr/bin rather than /usr/local/bin. More details below.

# Changes:
Version 7.0.1 (needs testing): Fixed the desktop app file so that it points to /usr/bin rather than the old /usr/local/bin location. The JWM Menu -> Multimedia entry should work now.

Version 7.0.0 (needs testing):
Re-organised to more closely follow structure of Pcreole.
In particular, precord script in /usr/bin not /usr/local/bin.
Default install config data stored in /etc/.precord/.
/usr/share/precord is no longer used.
Specified /bin/bash rather than /bin/sh and removed errant
"break" in case statement.
Bugfix: Help window should now close on pressing its OK button.
Main runtime configfile now stored as $HOME/.precord/.precordrc
You should now put any user-created slave plugins you want to use
in $HOME/.precord/

Version 6.1.3
Same structure and no major change to 6.1.2 except:
Version 6.1.3: Help window now closes on pressing OK button.
Removed an errant "break" in case. Changed /bin/sh to /bin/bash.

Posted: Fri 19 Aug 2011, 10:28
by nooby
Much appreciated. Love this prog and use it every day but have no clue on how to set it up properly.

More by accident I found this text. Not your fault I am a poor reader of text.
3. You should turn up the amplitude setting of the device being used for 'Capture', but be careful you don't unwittingly turn up the Playback Mic volume rather than the capture one, or you may end up recording sound fed back to your mic from your blaring speakers! Pressing the Tab key such that you come to the alsamixer Capture window, before setting capture devices, may help you to avoid unnecessarily increasing the playback amplitude controls rather than the record ones.

4. As an alternative to recording from the microphone, you could select some other device to capture from (e.g. Line in). If you select 'Mix' (or perhaps 'Mono Mix', 'PCM' or 'Master'; depending on what your sound card provides) as the capture device you can record most anything passing through your sound card (for example: streaming radio as in 01micko's pupRadio program).

5. You'll be able to see from the running VU display window if, and when, you have your sound controls correctly set up (but turn off the VU display before actually recording or you'll end up with a blank recording!).
Yes but have no idea what one do with it. I will try to make a screen capture to show where I get lost.
How do I make the screen cap seen in the forum?

If you take time and look at my pic. I have no idea if ogg_q is better than ogg_mm

And the 10 there seems to be default? Is that better or worse than 0?

128KB most likely is better than 64KB. But how does one know about the ogg_q. and ogg _mm thing

Yes I have looked in google and wikipedia and don't get a word of what them write there.

What about the Capture thing and Digital. To get close to 100 on the VU I have to add the Digital at the most right on Alsa. Have I forgot to do something.

What I want to do is to Capture what I hear when I listen to through the soundcard. So want to take it from the internal mixer but see not column for Mix or how to look into Mix? Where is that?

So many unknown things and I have no clue. Help would be appreciated.

Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011, 02:02
by mcewanw
nooby wrote:Much appreciated. Love this prog and use it every day but have no clue on how to set it up properly.

More by accident I found this text. Not your fault I am a poor reader of text.
3. You should turn up the amplitude setting of the device being used for 'Capture', but be careful you don't unwittingly turn up the Playback Mic volume rather than the capture one, or you may end up recording sound fed back to your mic from your blaring speakers! Pressing the Tab key such that you come to the alsamixer Capture window, before setting capture devices, may help you to avoid unnecessarily increasing the playback amplitude controls rather than the record ones.

4. As an alternative to recording from the microphone, you could select some other device to capture from (e.g. Line in). If you select 'Mix' (or perhaps 'Mono Mix', 'PCM' or 'Master'; depending on what your sound card provides) as the capture device you can record most anything passing through your sound card (for example: streaming radio as in 01micko's pupRadio program).

5. You'll be able to see from the running VU display window if, and when, you have your sound controls correctly set up (but turn off the VU display before actually recording or you'll end up with a blank recording!).
Yes but have no idea what one do with it. I will try to make a screen capture to show where I get lost.
How do I make the screen cap seen in the forum?

If you take time and look at my pic. I have no idea if ogg_q is better than ogg_mm

And the 10 there seems to be default? Is that better or worse than 0?

128KB most likely is better than 64KB. But how does one know about the ogg_q. and ogg _mm thing

Yes I have looked in google and wikipedia and don't get a word of what them write there.

What about the Capture thing and Digital. To get close to 100 on the VU I have to add the Digital at the most right on Alsa. Have I forgot to do something.

What I want to do is to Capture what I hear when I listen to through the soundcard. So want to take it from the internal mixer but see not column for Mix or how to look into Mix? Where is that?

So many unknown things and I have no clue. Help would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, different sound cards appear to offer different facilities with alsa. My help text is the best I could offer based on the sound card on my own system. There is no "Digital" capture setting with that, so I'm afraid I don't know anything about that.

As for ogg, I actually don't know a great deal about the different ogg modes either (I knew more at the time I wrote Precord but that was long ago...). As far as I recall however, ogg_q is the Variable Bit Rate mode available with vorbis/ogg, so the encoder automatically tries to use higher bit rates for more complicated parts of the audio track. I "think" that ogg_mm is a fixed (constant) bit rate for all parts of the recording you are making, which for the same overall recording quality generally means bigger files. Perhaps some audiophile can enlighten both of us (and correct me should I be wrong with what I say here...)

In general, I believe most people use ogg_q and choose the quality number to give a suitable file size (for example, try recording a ten second voice clip at different quality values, compare the sound quality and the file size that results).

On my system at least, I find that I get much better recording quality if I select mono rather than stereo.

Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011, 02:44
by Flash
I've never used Ogg, but I've converted many audio books on CD to mp3 so I can listen to them on my mp3 player at work. I experimented with quality settings and found that, at least for audio books, I can't hear any difference between 32 kbps mono mp3 and the original wav file on the CD. Mp3 files at 32 kbps mono take up about a 44th of their original size on the CD.

Posted: Sat 20 Aug 2011, 12:05
by nooby
Thanks to both of you. Yes for listening to voice reading a book one can accept lower quality but if one hear high quality music over the radio and have that radio hooked up to the computer for recording then one want a quality on the recording that match what was sent out at least.

Yes I should read up on ogg then.

Yes it helped to know that the ogg_q change according to the content and thus give less big files and that ogg_mm has a fixed rate and thus a bigger file. Wish I had a place to read up on what it means practically.

Another thing in another thread one guy told us about a delay he noticed.

I have some 5 or 6 MiniDisc Recorders. only one or two still works. All the others have malfunction most likely due to fail to focus of the lens or too much dust on that lens.

Anyway most of these audio recorders have the opposite of a delay.

They record before one hit the start record now. So one can listen to the 6 seconds of start of the music and decide if it was what one expected and then hit start and it records six seconds prior to the hit start. That way one often manage to get the start recorded instead of missing the start.

That would be possible to implement on Precord and other such software too. Them already have it all in the memory and only have to include what is already there and do the opposite of a delay.
Would be very handy to have.