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Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 12:20
been on holiday so sorry about the late response to this:

Noryb009 said:
I think I didn't give users an option to choose their sub directory because it has to be in the root directory and has to have no spaces.
It used to be the case that puppy would only search 1 subfolder down from root and the above is true (if subdirectory means where the puppyfolder is stored).

More recent puppies based on recent woofs have this restriction removed, although I never bother to go lower than 1 folder for storing the puppy files myself.

The location of additional sfs files were also restricted to /mnt/home (or c:\) in the past. I think this may have changed in later woofs as well but I am beginning to lose track of all the changes in woof so cannot be certain.

sagelive exe installer

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 17:07
by emil
I made an exe installer for the Sage Live CD.
It is huge 680 MB.

Everything went smooth, I used Wine from inside the running Live CD.
To avoid clobbering up my save file I shifted the /root/.wine/drive_c to /mnt/home and symlinked it in /root/.wine.

Earlier I also built some versions on a 32 bit windows machine, which works fine too.

thanks noryb009 and all!

sagelive exe installer

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 17:07
by emil
I made an exe installer for the Sage Live CD.
It is huge 680 MB.

Everything went smooth, I used Wine from inside the running Live CD.
To avoid clobbering up my save file I shifted the /root/.wine/drive_c to /mnt/home and symlinked it in /root/.wine.

Earlier I also built some versions on a 32 bit windows machine, which works fine too.

thanks noryb009 and all!

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2011, 07:55
by HiDeHo
Hi is this a port of the lin4win project or the wubi installer. please define it here.

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2011, 11:35
by jakfish
I'm about to give this a whirl on an ancient IBM Thinkpad 570/Win98FE laptop.

A couple of questions about power savings:

1) With my 192MBs of RAM, can I assume that everything but the pupsave file will be loaded in RAM?

2) With plans to forgo the hard drive altogether once puppy is running (in console, I'll try to use "hdparm -y /dev/sda1"), is it possible to have a booting puppy look for the pupsave file on a compact flash on PCMCIA card?

The cf would probably be considered an sdb2 or something akin. I think that a booting puppy will recognize that drive and install its proper drivers. But will it do so in time to look on that drive for the working pupsave file?

Am I on the right track?

Thanks much,

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2011, 11:55
jakfish wrote:I'm about to give this a whirl on an ancient IBM Thinkpad 570/Win98FE laptop.

A couple of questions about power savings:

1) With my 192MBs of RAM, can I assume that everything but the pupsave file will be loaded in RAM?

I can only answer point 1)

With 192MB of RAM recent puppies will not load anything into RAM. The SFS file will be accessed from wherever it is located. I'm not sure what RAM is now required for everything to load into RAM. 512MB is certainly enough but not sure if 256MB is OK.

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2011, 12:04
HiDeHo wrote:Hi is this a port of the lin4win project or the wubi installer. please define it here.
As can be seen in the first post (by the thanks) Lin'N'Win was used as the start point for this project. It is essentially an automated version of that built into an exe file. Windows 7 support was added independently.

As far as I am aware wubi was not used in the process.

Posted: Wed 19 Oct 2011, 13:06
by jakfish

Thank you for your quick response. Too bad about the RAM, though. B/c if the *.sfs can only be installed on the hard drive, then it would continue to access the hard drive once puppy was fully booted (I've never heard of puppy unmounting its OS sfs, and remounting it on a different drive).

The ideal thing would be to do the IDE>HD>CF Adapter deal, but I can not get that to work with the IBM Thinkpad 570. Other computers, yes; not w/ this one, however.

Wait a minute. Would I be able to put the entire installation of puppy on the cf (PCMCIA) and merely have the loader on the c: hard drive? Does the loader itself determine and load available drives?

I doubt it, somehow. In DOS, to get the PCMCIA slot recognized, users need CardSoft or some other *.sys files and drivers.


Posted: Thu 20 Oct 2011, 15:28
by Aitch

I messed about with both a 560 and 570 IBM lappy

I seem to recall that different versions of puppy load the pcmcia driver at different times, and it needs loading very early in the boot process

I was trying 214R and 412/431 IIRC.....with help from either MU or tempestuous......too long ago for me to be certain

I believe the CF-pcmcia adapter did work with a 4gb microdrive [1" hard drive]....but there were other issues.....I was using a boot floppy in an IBM external floppy drive on its own port/cable, I think, which had a dos driver on it, as I didn't have a built-in CD, plus a usb CDRW....It booted OK that way
I succeeded in watching videos/youtube on it, though in the end I was easier.....though it remained in use as a hard drive swapper for quite a easy :wink:

The Windoze loader at the start of this thread didn't exist then....I had W98 on the 3.2gb hard drive.....later swapped for a 5400rpm 10gb, which improved it a bit too [didn't try 7200 drives as they run hotter, and use more power, I believe]

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2011, 08:18
by jakfish
Hi, Aitch,

I was able to solve this dilemma by stumbling over an amazing piece of software:


Users burn an image of this boot manager onto a floppy (there are other ways of installation, too), then install it on the hard drive (comes w/ full uninstall), and upon reboot, a menu appears of boot devices, one of which is USB.

I almost fell over b/c IBM 570 BIOS never had this option, and I thought such a thing was hard-wired.

On another computer, I made a USB-install of Puppy 4.31 Retro (the Thinkpad 570 needs the Retro to see the hard drive). Then booted from PLOP/USB and off I went.

A bit of a warning: I was having great difficult with an erratic boot of linux until I realized that the physical slot of the 570 USB port is narrow and some USB drives won't fully seat. Since the problem is erratic, I kept thinking it was a bad kernel or wrong OS (I initially tried ttuuxx's 2.14).


Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2011, 15:42
by Aitch
Hi Jake

Yes, I forgot to mention PLOP....used it later, and recommended a few times, too

Damn bios was next to useless....though it does offer network boot

I think I had a weird effect with usb ports, but because I tended to add pcmcia gadgets, [including usb2] on to make things work faster, I hadn't noticed the usb slot issue.....not worth digging it out now just to check,'s resting peacefully :wink:

They're good'n'tough though, those old IBMs - mine survived a flight of stairs fall, and worked faultlessly afterwards....but it's not recommended treatment :lol:

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 21 Oct 2011, 20:38
by jakfish
The thin form factor is lots of fun, but mine seems to fall apart a little bit more every time I use it. The little screen-blanking hole (upper left) caved in only b/c of age. And the head phone jack has to be inserted juuuust right. The screen went dark for one entire boot, for no real reason.

Tick, tick, tick :) But what can we whine about when the price is 50USD?


Posted: Mon 24 Oct 2011, 22:49
by Aitch

Wanna buy another one? :lol:

Aitch :)

Posted: Tue 25 Oct 2011, 04:28
by jakfish
Actually, I am looking for one with with more durable innards. But UK to US shipping can be prohibitive. :)


Posted: Sun 06 Nov 2011, 19:00
by noryb009
Uploaded 530 and 530 PAE - link

Posted: Mon 07 Nov 2011, 16:20
by Aitch
Thanks noryb009

peculiarly neither 530 nor 528, when using your exe installer, sees my
cd or dvd drives - running from live cd is showing only the cd?
both install ok, and play nicely together...
slacko still not remembering settings....

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 04:08
by noryb009
peculiarly neither 530 nor 528, when using your exe installer, sees my cd or dvd drives
Try to run:

Code: Select all

mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom
and see if the CD is mounted in /mnt/cdrom.
Slacko still not remembering settings....
Are you sure you have your savefile in the same partition as windows' C drive? In windows, does C:\Puppy-Linux-530\slackosave.#fs exist?

Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 12:34

Is the save file encrypted?

Barry reporting a bug with encrypted save files where the settings are not saved.

Posted: Thu 10 Nov 2011, 13:39
by Aitch

No, just set up using ext3, no encrypt, same as 528, which remembers ok...
I note they use different folder arrangements in the root of 'C:', so maybe it's not finding the savefile.....? It does exist

Edit: :D :D
Old man's memory tricks - I have too many PCs around me, and remembered something that wasn't there....
I'm playing with several PCs, as my desktop blew its usb sockets, so I bought a possible replacement, onto which I installed 528, 530 PAE and added firefox and a few tweaks....but it was riddled with viruses and had SIS chips including video, I started using my old faithful....twin Xeon scsi drive serverbox....and I had a different savefile for 530....528 didn't go because of the scsi drive, I, bottom line, problem doesn't exist in the PC.... :wink:
Oops...Except for the CD not showing up....sr0 not found
It finds my usb flashdrive and adds it as both sda1 [usb icon] and sr1 [cd icon] :?
Supermicro S5DA8 mobo, with a Samsung SC152G CD - seems like only the memory controller is ide support..?
Intel E7505 chipset...
Going back into XP for more detail...and try firmware update

Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 11 Nov 2011, 10:05
by Aitch

Things did not go well! I was trying to apply a firmware update....and the damn box froze....had to power off to get out of it, in windoze....gggrrr

On re-firing it up, no CD!

After many attempts to get it to work/apply the firmware I ended up concluding that may have been the problem all along....I found a suitable replacement, and installed it, and lo, after chkdsk did its thing, I have a working CD, and windoze
[wonders never cease :lol: :lol: ]

However, when I boot back into puppy 530 pae.... no CD, AND NO SAVEFILE

Double gggrrr! : :lol: ...Conclude I was tired yesterday and got it wrong...

Peculiarly using live CD finds the CD and the savefile, yet when using the .exe version, the CD shows up in the hardinfo hardware list under storage, [but on scsi1 controller?], but no drive icon on the desktop, nor mount....I wonder if, because the files are on a slow start SCSI drive, the save file isn't loaded when puppy looks for it....I get the feeling it's timing related...can't explain, though....any ideas please?
[btw both CDs tried are atapi/IDE devices, not SCSI]

Edit: more clues...
CD is found by mut, but not pmount, will mount in mut if CD in tray, but no persistent icon after CD removed....weird

Aitch :)