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Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 11:55
by Aitch

maybe from your link, try

ntfs-3g_2011.4.12AR.4-2ubuntu3_i386.deb - read/write NTFS driver for FUSE [unless you have AMD64 processor, then choose the one above]

listed under ubuntu11.10, as that seems closest to lucid...?

and maybe also run

Code: Select all

chkdsk volume:/f

Code: Select all

chkdsk volume:/r

in windoze

As per Sylvander's suggestion, using PPM, try updating repos first to see if a later version is available

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 15:51
by otropogo
Aitch wrote:otropogo

maybe from your link, try

ntfs-3g_2011.4.12AR.4-2ubuntu3_i386.deb - read/write NTFS driver for FUSE [unless you have AMD64 processor, then choose the one above]

listed under ubuntu11.10, as that seems closest to lucid...?

and maybe also run

Code: Select all

chkdsk volume:/f

Code: Select all

chkdsk volume:/r

in windoze

As per Sylvander's suggestion, using PPM, try updating repos first to see if a later version is available

Aitch :)
That's the one I tried. I subsequently tried the earlier one 10.8.8, but still have error messages and issues copying (though not deleting, apparently).

When I try to see the version currently installed, I get this response:
sh-4.1# ntfs-3g --version
ntfs-3g: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Can't run Windows on my linux system as no W version is installed. Will experiment further later, hopefully I won't dig myself an even deeper hole...

Update: after installing ntfs-3G_2010.8.8, my internal ntfs partition gave the same error message ( read only mounting) I'd been getting on the external ntfs drives. I uninstalled it, and then was unable to access the partition at all, and after each attempt, had to restart X to access the other partitions.

I finally reinstalled the original ntfs-3G_2010.3.6 and was able to write to the ntfs internal partition again.

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 16:10
by Sylvander
1. Here's what I get:

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# ntfs-3g --version 
ntfs-3g 2010.3.6 external FUSE 28
2. And searching for ntfs-3g...

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 20:43
by Aitch
When I try to see the version currently installed, I get this response:

sh-4.1# ntfs-3g --version
ntfs-3g: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
That does look as though your file system is broken, so maybe re-install/update ntfs-3g from the updated ppm list?

I can't help but feel that it's giving symptoms of fat table damage, as I've had drives behave like that, too, which just seemed plain weird at times....
With no win to run chkdsk, maybe copy your files elsewhere, then reformat the drive with gparted, to ensure the fat table/partition has no errors underlying puppy?
Have you checked the partition with gparted, [partition/check tabs] to see if it shows damage, or can be repaired that way?

When I run pfind ntfs-3g I get this, attached, which also gives locations[path]/permissions, in slacko 530

Aitch :)

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 21:16
by bigpup
Program update:

Right click options 5.6

Posted: Fri 17 Feb 2012, 04:50
by otropogo
Aitch wrote:...
Have you checked the partition with gparted, [partition/check tabs] to see if it shows damage, or can be repaired that way?

When I run pfind ntfs-3g I get this, attached, which also gives locations[path]/permissions, in slacko 530

Aitch :)
not yet/. but here's my jpeg and yours for comparison

Posted: Fri 17 Feb 2012, 05:05
by otropogo
Sylvander wrote:Here in lupu-528.004...
Yes, that's the one that ships with lupu 5.28. It's also the one that intermittently mounts my two USB drives read only citing a problem with ntfs-3g (the problem I'm trying to address by finding a compatible update).

It has never yet displayed this problem with internal ntfs partitions (one on my desktop, three on my laptop). The two usb drives are hardly used, factory formatted by Seagate, almost empty, and are not likely to both be fragmented or otherwise corrupted. Windows doesn't see any problem with them, nor do other Linuxes that support ntsf-3G.

I was hoping to find the version of ntsf-3G Aitch is using without problems, but haven't been able to find any deb package with that name. It's not among the three updates I found. The only other mention of it was on Barry's blog, but there's no link to a download.

Posted: Fri 17 Feb 2012, 13:07
by Aitch
re libs
The only real noticeable thing is your is in path usr/lib, where mine is in /lib, as are the other 2 libs, but also usr/lib

So maybe try copying it to /lib and see if that makes a difference?

I note also you have a usermap in /bin, and don't know if you may have made changes from default, as that doesn't appear in mine, but we are looking at different OS versions...?

I am puzzled especially as I have a 1Tb Seagate drive, presumably factory formatted NTFS, and have no problems with Slacko, on my scsi/xeon workstation, nor in 214X on my laptop, though I had to add a powered usb2- pcmcia adapter for it to work


Aitch :)

Posted: Fri 17 Feb 2012, 21:06
by otropogo
Aitch wrote:otropogo
re libs
The only real noticeable thing is your is in path usr/lib, where mine is in /lib, as are the other 2 libs, but also usr/lib

So maybe try copying it to /lib and see if that makes a difference?

I note also you have a usermap in /bin, and don't know if you may have made changes from default, as that doesn't appear in mine, but we are looking at different OS versions...?

I am puzzled especially as I have a 1Tb Seagate drive, presumably factory formatted NTFS, and have no problems with Slacko, on my scsi/xeon workstation, nor in 214X on my laptop, though I had to add a powered usb2- pcmcia adapter for it to work


Aitch :)
I'm reluctant to play around further, given the troublesome effects some of my attempts have produced. At the moment, I have the original 2010.3.6 version installed via the deb packet. And I believe things are back to the way they were. However, there's no way to tell, because when I boot clean from the original lupu 528 CD w/o any 2fs file, pfind doesn't see any of those entries, but refers only to the ntfs-3G packet in root.

I'm running lupu528 with the 004 patch, so we should be running the same OS. The difference is in the updated ntfs-3G 2011.1.15 deb package you managed to find and install, and which I haven't been able to find.

I've backed up my 2fs file, and If I find time later this weekend, I may try the remaining updated deb driver and your root suggestion.

The most puzzling effects I've found with the 10.3.6 driver on my desktop's internal ntfs drive (created by gparted, IIRC) are:

1. although it never gives me the read-only ntfs-3G error, it won't let me copy jpeg files from a vfat partition on the same hdd to the ntfs partition.

I haven't experienced any of these problems with the ntfs partition on the laptop, because it has no internal vfat partition, only ntfs.

2. It will let me copy jpegs from another vfat partition on a separate hdd, without any error messages.

3. It will let me delete any file on the internal ntfs partition

All of this is quite different for its behaviour with the external ntfs partitions accessed via USB, which it sometimes mounts, reads and writes normally, and other times mounts read only complaining about a problem with the ntfs-3G driver.

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 16:13
by Aitch
OK, but I think playdayz should have his thread back now,
sorry for the attempt to assist resulting in an attention grabber, playdayz

Aitch :)

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 23:25
by stiginge
I'm running 529 at the moment but for b43 compatability with my wifi I need to switch to 528, is this possible without losing my downloads/firefox settings in 529?

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 08:08
by bigpup
stiginge wrote:I'm running 529 at the moment but for b43 compatability with my wifi I need to switch to 528, is this possible without losing my downloads/firefox settings in 529?
What type install?
Frugal or full?

pequalizer for lucid puppy

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 08:26
by recobayu
hi everybody,
is there a pequalizer for lucid puppy 528 like slacko has?
thanks a lot.

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 13:38
by stiginge
Hi Bigpup, its from 529livecd to 528livecd that I want to go

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 16:27
by playdayz
is there a pequalizer for lucid puppy 528 like slacko has?
Sorry, no, recobayu. That is a special feature that 01micko and zigbert built for slacko. Some audio players have built-in eq though. I use Audacious which does.

audacious 2.5.4 ->
audacious 3.2 ->
I'm running 529 at the moment but for b43 compatability with my wifi I need to switch to 528, is this possible without losing my downloads/firefox settings in 529?
stiginge, back up your save file please before trying. Thanks.

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 23:28
by bigpup
Barry has posted a bug fix pet for the Rox-Filer focus problem.
Explained at his blog.
The updated pet is in a comment to the main blog post.

ROX-Filer PET ...

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2012, 23:45
by bigpup
playdayz wrote:
I'm running 529 at the moment but for b43 compatability with my wifi I need to switch to 528, is this possible without losing my downloads/firefox settings in 529?
Hi Bigpup, its from 529livecd to 528livecd that I want to go
stiginge, back up your save file please before trying. Thanks.
I guess Playdayz is saying, a good chance the save file, made under 529, will work with 528.
The main stuff will be in the Lucid Puppy sfs file, so my thinking is the save file is only settings and new programs.
Make a copy of the Lupusave 529 save file, and see what happens using it with Lucid 528.
You can give it a different name, so you get to choose which one to use, on bootup.
Name it like- lupusave-test.Xfs. (X being 2 or 3)

You are the test dog.
I would like to know the definite answer to that one.
Never tried to go back, in versions, with use of a save file.

When will lupu get an ntfs-3g update?

Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 06:20
by otropogo
Have just spent several more fruitless hours trying to find a way to get lupu 5.2.8's ntfs-3g v. 2010.3.6 driver to work reliably.

I then rebooted with two other current Puppys, and had no problem, except for lacking hot-plug capability on my USB3.0 expresscard adapter.

The first I tried, Slacko 5.29.6, uses the 2011.1.15 driver, while the second, Racy 5.2.2 K31, uses the 2010.8.8 driver. Each mounted both of my two Seagate Goflex drives, one 3TB, and the other 320GB, without issues on the USB3.0 port, so long as the expresscard and drives were connected at bootup and not re-arranged (once unplugged, they disappear until rebooted). Not perfect, but usable.

On the USB2.0 ports, both drives could be hot-plugged repeatedly without problems.

The best lupu could do on USB3.0 (with the xhci-k2.6.33.2 USB driver installed) was to mount one of the two drives read-only. The other doesn't even appear in Pmount. On the USB 2.0 port, both drives appear, but sometimes give the ntfs-3g error message, and will mount read-only. Sometimes one will mount normally, while the other is read only. Sometimes both will mount normally or read-only.

I haven't found a deb package for ver. 2011.1.15, and the ubuntu deb package for ver. 2010.8.8 didn't work well for me.

Why does lupu have to be stuck with a defective two year old ntfs-3g driver?

Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 14:41
by stiginge
bigpup wrote: I guess Playdayz is saying, a good chance the save file, made under 529, will work with 528.
The main stuff will be in the Lucid Puppy sfs file, so my thinking is the save file is only settings and new programs.
Make a copy of the Lupusave 529 save file, and see what happens using it with Lucid 528.
You can give it a different name, so you get to choose which one to use, on bootup.
Name it like- lupusave-test.Xfs. (X being 2 or 3)

You are the test dog.
I would like to know the definite answer to that one.
Never tried to go back, in versions, with use of a save file.
My 529 savefile is at /mnt/home and is actually titled 'lucisave.3fs', rather than lupusave as you mentioned, does this make any difference?. So now if I want to use that savefile in 528 what do I have to do? (there is also a warysave.2fs but presumably its the lucisave.2fs that we need).

Is there a command to identify the title and location of the savefile that you are running? And more nb, is there a command that be inputted at F3 on bootup that will specify which savefile, and automatically choose this one thereafter?

Posted: Mon 20 Feb 2012, 17:33
by playdayz
My 529 savefile is at /mnt/home and is actually titled 'lucisave.3fs', rather than lupusave as you mentioned
stiginge, I wasn't thinking. You can make a copy of your lucisave.3fs named lupusave.3fs--that will serve as the backup. Lcuid 5.2.8 will then use the lupusave and the lucisave will be safe just in case.