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SFS problems - Pup Control Panel

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 11:42
by tlchost
Beta 5403 - Selecting SFS files to load at boot not operating correctly. When files are selected, they are added to /etc/rs.d/BOOTCONFIG correctly.

Pup Control Panel > Manager > Boot Manager does not show files as loaded,
SFS-Loaad-on-the-fly shows the sfs files are loaded.

Bootable USB, 16 gigs memory


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 12:09
by zigbert
I have an idea I want to test with gtkdialog-splash. Give me a day or 2, since it require some rewrite and I am in lack of time today.


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 12:14
by 01micko
zigbert wrote:Also
Be aware that the bottom fix does not fix the case where text contains more than one line.

Yes, was aware that's why "fix" was quoted :wink: . Same situation in the standard version anyway. It is good enough for rerwin's frisbee modifications so that's good enough for me.

Ok, just caught your latest post, no rush ATM 8)
tlchost wrote:Beta 5403 - Selecting SFS files to load at boot not operating correctly. When files are selected, they are added to /etc/rs.d/BOOTCONFIG correctly.

Pup Control Panel > Manager > Boot Manager does not show files as loaded,
SFS-Loaad-on-the-fly shows the sfs files are loaded.
I'll look into this but I think it may be a naming issue of the sfs. Thanks for report.

Slacko 5.4.1 Beta

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 16:16
by Billtoo
I tried a frugal install of both the pae and non-pae versions of 5403
and I got the same result with both on my hp desktop pc with intel
Things seemed normal on first boot, got to the desktop with
network,sound, working and proper graphics driver.
Rebooted creating save file.
I installed a few pets, then installed some apps from ppm.
While the ppm was working I noticed some missing icons here and there,
when everthing finished installing I rebooted but when back at the
desktop the screen was full of red triangles and the drive icons were
little red x's.
Same story with both versions of 5403.
I guess it has to do with the new font size wrecking the rox filer
pinboard (after seeing the message from ETP)

Rox-Filer bug

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 17:14
by vicmz
Hello 01micko :D

Last year, there was a bug in ROX-Filer patched by npierce. The patch wasn't applied to Slacko, it remained until version 5.4. I can't tell if the new beta has the bug, no broadband to download here, so I'm posting the link to the information and the patch:

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 17:38
by zigbert
Ok, this one is for testing.

I used this testscript :lol:

Code: Select all

while [ A != B ]; do
	for I in top-left top top-right bottom-right bottom bottom-left; do
		gtkdialog-splash -placement $I -bg red -timeout 1 -text "$TEXT" &
		TEXT="$TEXT hello"
		sleep 0.25
It offers accurate placement in all corners and center is now the actually center (not a guess as earlier).

- It also adds -font -align and -icon_width parameters

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 18:55
by mavrothal
Hi Mick,
just managed to update my 5.4 tp ( :oops: ) without any issues.
I like the new JWM but I can find no way to decrease the font size, both in the menus and in the windows. Changes in /root/.jwm/ does not appear to have an effect, so will you spare me some searching/reading and point me to the right direction(besides global font size)?


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:06
by drblock2

Installed linux_kernel-3.2.33-slacko_4g and am very positively impressed. Here some details and suggestions:

I used the save file from 5.4-PAE, but it updated without incident.

I downloaded the devx and renamed to also the appropriate kernel sources.

No problem in updating VirtualBox with the utility provided: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

The proprietary nvidia driver 173.14.35 also compiled with the new kernel and delivered an extremely respectable 3000 fps.

The global font size 96pt did not work well with my monitor(1280 x 1024), but this was easily resolved by reducing the point size to 72.

The built-in Opera 12.14 (as with earlier versions) does not download and play audio files (.mp3, ogg, flac, etc.). The reason for this is that Opera relies on the current gecko plugins (in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/) and these do not work. When replaced by the older mplayer plugins, the problem is resolved. For detailed discussion see ... &start=155. This is clearly a problem for the Opera developers, but easily resolved so that Opera can be used as the default browser.

There is also a strange problem with the spell checker in SoftMaker freeoffice. Once again, not your responsibility, I mention it only because freeoffice textmaker has been discussed as a replacement for abiword and the problem was not present in Slacko (k3.1.10-slacko_4ga) and perhaps you can shed some light on this. The problem is described here: ... 4&start=55.

Finally, a small problem I noted with slacko 5.4 (but did not report). When rebooting from the menu, nothing happens. When I drop out of X with CTR+ALT+BkSpc reboot proceeds without any further action.

All and all, Slacko makes a solid impression.


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:17
by rodin.s
Russian Puppy forum member RoDoN has gma500 card and he was testing new Slacko- and he asked me to help with translation.
After start of X he had his mouse pointer disappeared. It was working but it was invisible. He managed to fix it by editing xorg.conf. He added this line:

Code: Select all

Option     "SWCursor"       "ON" 
But after run of xorgwizard this setting is overwritten like this:

Code: Select all

#Option     "SWcursor"           	# [<bool>]
He also said that in Section Device of xorg.conf it is better to write:

Code: Select all

Identifier "gma500_gfx"
instead of

Code: Select all

Identifier  "Card0"

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:24
by tlchost
01micko wrote:
tlchost wrote:Beta 5403 - Selecting SFS files to load at boot not operating correctly. When files are selected, they are added to /etc/rs.d/BOOTCONFIG correctly.

Pup Control Panel > Manager > Boot Manager does not show files as loaded,
SFS-Loaad-on-the-fly shows the sfs files are loaded.
I'll look into this but I think it may be a naming issue of the sfs. Thanks for report.
Would a valid test be to load an sfs in whatever you say is the correct naming convention(the LibreOffice .sfs did not laod and that was created in the beta software?


Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 20:34
by SFR
tlchost wrote:Pup Control Panel > Manager > Boot Manager does not show files as loaded
I can confirm this - it seems to be Xdialog related:

Code: Select all

Xdialog --buildlist "test" 0 0 5 abc abc off def def on
displays all items only in the left pane.

What can I say - disregarding those few issues reported above, is practically perfect, at least for me. :D

Thanks for the great job &

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 21:19
by zigbert
full resolution!

A suggestion.
Since the mouse-settings(X) is rather aggressive (read accelerated), I will suggest to include a link to PupX in the mouse wizard. If I were new to Puppy, I doubt I ever found the correct setting. The menu states: 'PupX set properties of X' - What does THAT mean ;)

And when we're talking about menu explanaitons. What is 'JWM configuration' for a user not familiar with JWM?

I have a feeling that ROX is faster when it comes to rendering of huge directories. /usr/bin/ is now really snappy to enter.

No issues so far...


Re: gma500

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 21:40
by 01micko
rodin.s wrote:Russian Puppy forum member RoDoN has gma500 card and he was testing new Slacko- and he asked me to help with translation.
After start of X he had his mouse pointer disappeared. It was working but it was invisible. He managed to fix it by editing xorg.conf. He added this line:

Code: Select all

Option     "SWCursor"       "ON" 
But after run of xorgwizard this setting is overwritten like this:

Code: Select all

#Option     "SWcursor"           	# [<bool>]
He also said that in Section Device of xorg.conf it is better to write:

Code: Select all

Identifier "gma500_gfx"
instead of

Code: Select all

Identifier  "Card0"
OK, thanks for that. There is supposed to be a gui popup that suggests to hit "Enter" and it fixes xorg.conf. I might have it too early in /usr/sbin/delayedrun It's at /usr/sbin/ You can gettext if you like and I'll add the "on" parameter.

Do you know what's up with Xdialog? I used your version from the previous slacko-5.4 dev thread.

zigbert wrote:A suggestion.
Since the mouse-settings(X) is rather aggressive (read accelerated), I will suggest to include a link to PupX in the mouse wizard. If I were new to Puppy, I doubt I ever found the correct setting. The menu states: 'PupX set properties of X' - What does THAT mean :wink:
Ok, sounds like an idea, and yes some descriptions are a bit geeky :shock:

billtoo wrote: I installed a few pets, then installed some apps from ppm.
While the ppm was working I noticed some missing icons here and there,
when everthing finished installing I rebooted but when back at the
desktop the screen was full of red triangles and the drive icons were
little red x's.
I don't think it's the font thing. It's my rebelliousness. Barry has a symlink that exists in woof to do with the pixbuf loaders. I hate that idea and run the correct command to update the pixbuf loaders. I have tried many times to convince Barry that this is a bad idea. This has never been a problem until now. Guess I'll have to swallow my pride and conform to non conformity!

If you haven't trashed those savefiles, run

Code: Select all

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
then restart X.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 21:46
by 01micko

Thanks for your earlier report about k3.8rc7 and the "BUG". I now have enough info I think to present the case for change to rc.sysinit to Barry. You know, I have been experiencing the bug all along on my laptop with USB install on VFAT, The snapmerge runs really slow but since the fix it runs properly. I'll just have to add a test to not apply the fix if kernel is >= 3.8.

Re: gma500

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 22:34
by Billtoo
01micko wrote:

billtoo wrote: I installed a few pets, then installed some apps from ppm.
While the ppm was working I noticed some missing icons here and there,
when everthing finished installing I rebooted but when back at the
desktop the screen was full of red triangles and the drive icons were
little red x's.
I don't think it's the font thing. It's my rebelliousness. Barry has a symlink that exists in woof to do with the pixbuf loaders. I hate that idea and run the correct command to update the pixbuf loaders. I have tried many times to convince Barry that this is a bad idea. This has never been a problem until now. Guess I'll have to swallow my pride and conform to non conformity!

If you haven't trashed those savefiles, run

Code: Select all

gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
then restart X.
I tried your fix but it didn't work so I renamed the save file (non
pae version) and rebooted to start anew.
Everything was good on first boot, I rebooted and created a new save
When I got back to the desktop everything was okay, I didn't install
any pets but I started ppm and installed qt-482 then exited ppm and
rebooted again.
Back at the desktop everything is still good, went into ppm and
installed kdegames, while it was working I noticed my firewall icon in
the tray was missing, I let it finish installing kdegames, exited,
tried one of the games and it worked.
Rebooted again to a screen full of upside down red triangles and small
red x's where the drive icons should be.
Kdegames is the culprit for some reason.

Posted: Tue 12 Feb 2013, 23:15
by 01micko

Did you try this in [kde-games] If so, did you have similar problems? I know a couple of icons wont show, but that we can let slide.Changes to petget aren't well tested. It is sureley possible the font change did cause this but if there is similar behaviour in then it has to be petget or my gdk-pixbuf hack.

Try this:

Code: Select all

file /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
If it's a symbolic link (probably a dead one) then try this:

Code: Select all

rm -f /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 00:26
by Billtoo
01micko wrote:Billtoo

Did you try this in [kde-games] If so, did you have similar problems? I know a couple of icons wont show, but that we can let slide.Changes to petget aren't well tested. It is sureley possible the font change did cause this but if there is similar behaviour in then it has to be petget or my gdk-pixbuf hack.

Try this:

Code: Select all

file /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
If it's a symbolic link (probably a dead one) then try this:

Code: Select all

rm -f /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache
gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache
I tried those fixes but no go.

I'm in my 5402 install right now and it's run perfectly on this pc, kdegames etc. work fine.

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 00:30
by 01micko
Billtoo wrote:I tried those fixes but no go.

I'm in my 5402 install right now and it's run perfectly on this pc, kdegames etc. work fine.
Ok, then it must be the font thing, I'll roll that back.

Re: gma500

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 10:58
by RoDoN
01micko wrote:There is supposed to be a gui popup that suggests to hit "Enter" and it fixes xorg.conf.
Yes, of course, it all works.
But, if the re-run xorgwizard, then the mouse pointer disappears. And it's bad.

Re: Slacko

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 11:02
by 01micko
drblock2 wrote:01micko
The built-in Opera 12.14 (as with earlier versions) does not download and play audio files (.mp3, ogg, flac, etc.). The reason for this is that Opera relies on the current gecko plugins (in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/) and these do not work. When replaced by the older mplayer plugins, the problem is resolved. For detailed discussion see ... &start=155. This is clearly a problem for the Opera developers, but easily resolved so that Opera can be used as the default browser.
I tested some old packages for mplayer-plugin, which is deprecated, but I found it to work with at least mp3. I'll repackage it and put it in the Opera plugin directory so it doesn't interfere with gecko-mediaplayer if a user installs it later for the other browsers.

RoDoN wrote:01micko wrote:
There is supposed to be a gui popup that suggests to hit "Enter" and it fixes xorg.conf.

Yes, of course, it all works.
But, if the re-run xorgwizard, then the mouse pointer disappears. And it's bad.
Ah, and I think I can fix that too, quite easily, a small oversight.

Thank you for the information.