Page 62 of 73

Posted: Tue 30 Jan 2018, 14:54
by musher0
Many thanks, Sailor E.

Posted: Sat 03 Feb 2018, 18:10
by rockedge
I am working on building an Xenial 64 with woof-CE and using the the kernel #31... I get this error and the ./3builddistro-Z fails and stops.

Code: Select all

huge-4.9.58-xenialpup64.tar.bz2         : 5ef4ab0c3c097b3301cba549a279d410
huge-4.9.58-xenialpup64.tar.bz2.md5.txt : #
checksum failed
anyone have some insight as to what is going on?

Posted: Sat 03 Feb 2018, 18:50
by Sailor Enceladus
@rockedge: I think the syntax in the md5 file is messing things up: ... z2.md5.txt

I guess it should look more like this: ... z2.md5.txt

It seems 3builddistro-Z gets confused and grabs the 3rd one from the file (SHA256) or all 3 instead of just the first (MD5).

Posted: Sat 03 Feb 2018, 21:07
by rockedge
@Sailor Enceladus
Thanks for the quick info! what you say seems true. Any suggestions before I begin to look into fixing it?

Posted: Sun 04 Feb 2018, 01:07
by musher0
Hello all.

What's with the new woof-CE for xenialPup-7.5 creating xenialpupsave-blabla.?fs
pupsaves instead of plain xenialsave-blabla.?fs pupsaves?

706 version had plain xenialsave pupsaves. Hehe, the new xenialPup-7.5 is getting wordy!
This is not a criticism, I just find it funny.


woof-ce stops working at end of 3builddistro-Z script

Posted: Sun 11 Feb 2018, 21:01
by Lassar
woof-ce stops working at end of 3builddistro-Z script.

I am using xenialpup64-7.5 frugal install with a save folder.

I get this error.

*** INITRD: initrd.gz [x86_64]
*** /DISTRO_SPECS: xenialpup64 7.5 x86_64

chroot: can't execute 'echo': No such file or directory
ERROR: could not 'chroot' into sandbox3/rootfs-complete
This means that something is incomplete, perhaps a library
needed by bash. Check it out. Have to exit script now.

The only change I have made is to _00build.conf

Code: Select all

#  persistent configuration options
#  **NOTE**: check the original file every once in a while
#            settings might be added or removed...

#support/findpkgs (called by most scripts)
## set to 'no' to speed up process..

# 1download
## this will check all remote pkg repos and choose the working ones

# 2download
# binaries are usually already stripped. set to 'no' to speed up process

# 3builddistro

## -- Live CD --
## The default is to use the traditional Puppy Live CD (isolinux)
## However there are 2 other options.
## UEFI_ISO overrides GRUB4DOS_ISO if both are set to YES..
## UEFI_ISO also supports legacy BIOS booting
##    On 32 bit systems this will still boot legacy BIOS however it
##      Will not boot 32 bit UEFI machines. These are rare anyway.

## UnionFS: aufs or overlay
## the kernel must properly support your choice

## Kernel tarballs repo URL
## for choosing/downloading kernel

## Kernel tarball URL
## avoid being asked questions about downloading/choosing a kernel

## an array of generically named programs to send to the ADRIVE, FDRIVE, YDRIVE
## ADRV_INC="abiword gnumeric goffice"
## YDRV_INC=""
## FDRV_INC="" #this one is very experimental and it's recommended to be left unset

## Include kernel-kit generated FDRIVE
## set to yes or no or leave commented to be asked the question at build time

## build devx? yes/no - any other value = ask

## include devx SFS in ISO?

## Include the windows puppy installer LICK
## by Luke Lorimer aka <noryb009>

## compression method to be used (SFS files)
SFSCOMP='-comp xz -Xbcj x86 -b 512K'
#SFSCOMP='-comp xz'
#SFSCOMP='-comp gzip'
#SFSCOMP='-noI -noD -noF -noX'

## Would you like to strip all binary executables and shared library files?
## These are usually already stripped, although some packages may have the shared
## library files stripped with the '--strip-debug' option only, and extra stripping
## should be okay. It won't do any harm answering yes here.

## -- Dependency check --
## The script can optionally do a thorough dependency check
## This may take a long time.

## PPM2 or the Classic gui for PPM?

## Puppy is normally run as the 'administrator' (root) user, though there is
## also 'fido' which is not currently very mature.
## The structure of Puppy is such that we consider root to be safe (with a full
## disclaimer of any responsibility if anything does go wrong), but there is a
## compromise, to run as root but to run Internet apps as user 'spot'.
## Note, in a running Puppy 'Menu->System->Login & Security Manager'
##    can be used to enable or disable running as spot.

## Certain Xorg drivers require KMS (Kernel ModeSetting)
## A value of '1' means on, '0' means off.
## assume not using kms at all when boot from sd card (arm arch).

## -- Xorg Auto --
## - This overrides DISTRO_XORG_AUTO in DISTRO_SPECS..
## - For ARM it's always set 'no' (may be changed)
## Do you want Xorg to start automatically at first boot (or at 'pfix=ram'
## kernel boot param) or run Xorg Wizard? The latter has been the case for
## earlier puppies. Automatic startup of X usually works, though in some
## cases may choose the wrong monitor resolution or driver -- which can be"
## fixed by running Xorg Wizard afterward. (yes/no)

## -- Xorg Text DPI (dots por inch) --
## this is overriden by PTHEME - $DEFAULT_THEME_XORG_TEXT_DPI
## see 'rootfs-complete/root/.Xresources' for the current value
## You can specify a font dpi if you wish
##   ...72 78 84 90 96 102 108 1114 120..

## -- pTheme -- applies only if ptheme pkg is being used
##    woof-code/rootfs-packages/ptheme/usr/share/ptheme/globals
## You can choose a ptheme here if you wish
## otherwise 3builddistro will ask you to choose one
#PTHEME="Dark Touch"
#PTHEME="Dark Mouse"
#PTHEME="Bright Touch"
PTHEME="Bright Mouse"

## -- ROX desktop text - black --
## The ROX-Filer desktop text defaults to white with black shadow, but this is
## not best for some light backgound images.

## ROX-Filer defaults to 'DejaVu Sans 10' font for the desktop. 
## If you would prefer bold text 'DejaVu Sans Bold 10',
## type in a full font specification (ex: Mono 12)

## -- Xload in JWM --
## By default xload is displayed in JWM. You can disable it here...

## -- Custom wallpapers -- if mkwallpaper is in $PATH
## Do you want to build some custom wallpapers?

## -- Locale --
## Puppy is built with a default locale LANG=en_US and keyboard layout KMAP=us,
## which may be changed after bootup.
## However, if you are building a language-specific Puppy, you may change the
## defaults. But, please do make sure that your Puppy has a 'langpack' PET
## for your language installed -- if one does not exist, then you will have to
## create one -- see MoManager in the Utility menu, also read the Menu -> Help
## -> HOWTO Internationalization.
## see valid locales in /usr/share/i18n/locales
## (the default is en_US.UTF-8)

## -- Keyboard layout --
## Default is english (en, us, "")
## Choose another one if you wish..
##   azerty be-latin1 br-abnt2 br-abnt br-latin1-abnt2 br-latin1-us by cf
##   croat cz de de-latin1 dk dvorak dvorak-l dvorak-r es et fi fr
##   gr hu101 hu il it jp106 lt mk nl no pl pt-latin1 ro ru
##   se sg sk-qwerty sk-qwertz slovene sv-latin1 uk us wangbe

## -- Default Apps --
## Not all are implemented in the puppy scripts,
##   but you can specify a default app if you wish...
## If you specify a value it will override anything that previously
##   set that value in the corresponding script...
## These are the current default*apps (scripts) in /usr/local/bin

## - extra commands --
## Here add custom commands to be executed inside sandbox3/rootfs-complete
EXTRA_COMMANDS="rm usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-amdgpu.conf
sed -i 's/rox/defaultfilemanager/g' root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
sed -i 's/Height>22/Height>28/g' root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal
sed -i 's/"24"/"MENHEIGHT"/g' etc/xdg/templates/_root_.jwmrc
sed -i 's/"24"/"16"/g' /root/.jwmrc
rm -r root/.config/
rm -r usr/share/themes/Raleigh
rm -r usr/share/themes/stark-blueish
rm -r usr/share/themes/FlatBlueContrast
rm -r usr/bin/xcalc
rm -r root/.config/autostart/pmcputemp.desktop
rm -r usr/share/applications/Xcalc-scientific-calculator.desktop
rm -r usr/share/applications/jcontrol.desktop
cp -r root/firstrun/yassm usr/local
cp -r root/firstrun/yassm-search.desktop usr/share/applications
rm -r root/firstrun/yassm
rm -r root/firstrun/yassm-search.desktop
cp -r root/firstrun/jwmrc-personal root/.jwm
cp -r root/firstrun/.jwmrc-tray root
cp -r root/firstrun/globicons root/.config/
cp -r root/firstrun/jwmrc-theme root/.jwm
rm -r lib64
ln -s lib lib64

Re: woof-ce stops working at end of 3builddistro-Z script

Posted: Mon 12 Feb 2018, 11:18
by 01micko
Lassar wrote:

Code: Select all

rm -r lib64
ln -s lib lib64

:?: :!:

Posted: Mon 12 Feb 2018, 18:14
by Lassar
This code was originally in _00build.conf , I never changed it.

Code: Select all

rm -r lib64
ln -s lib lib64
How would the above code affect chroot?

Been doing some research, and the error seems to be associated with chroot.

Maybe there should be a mount -bind before it?

Have a question about packages?

Posted: Tue 20 Feb 2018, 19:44
by Lassar
Trying to make a bare bones slacko.

Was looking at DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS and noticed that it didn't really show separate libraries for gcc.

For example gcc in packages-slacko take up about 100 mb.

Don't need gcc, only need about 3 libraries taking up about 3 to 4 mb.

If I edit the gcc packages to only include what shared libraries I need, would woof-ce think there is something wrong with the packages I edited.

Or would this work?

Posted: Tue 20 Feb 2018, 20:21
by Sailor Enceladus
@Lassar: I think gcc is here: ... -14.2#L228

exe>dev means gcc_dev all goes into the devx, I guess the packages-slacko/gcc_lib folder is the only one what would go into the puppy.sfs.

Posted: Wed 21 Feb 2018, 20:44
by Lassar
Did some experimenting.

Turns out you can edit the packages in the woof-out folder to take things out.

One question can you add a package to the local repository, and put that into
distro_specs ?

Just figured out why the slacko puppy is smaller.

It seems to use a xf86 server.

I am thinking using xvesa or tinyx would be smaller and faster.

Posted: Sun 25 Feb 2018, 22:53
by recobayu
I am sorry if it ia not possible. Can we make manjaropup using woof-ce?

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2018, 15:36
by Sailor Enceladus
I keep getting this url error when trying to use kernel-kit. I also one when fetching initrd_progs now. Maybe I'll try again later.

Posted: Thu 01 Mar 2018, 16:48
by peebee
Sailor Enceladus wrote:I also one when fetching initrd_progs now.
See: ... ssues/1151

Posted: Mon 05 Mar 2018, 14:50
by Sailor Enceladus
Thanks peebee. I tried another vanilla puduan build with the latest woof-CE and it's working now. Here's the iso:
md5sum: ead14624d2097c804229b6800db885ad

Kernel 4.4.x is working for me in kernel-kit again. I got an error with 3.18.x branch this time about "Failed to compile aufs-util", might look into that one more later. edit: got it working using again (it uses aufs3.18 instead of aufs3.9).

Posted: Tue 06 Mar 2018, 08:31
by greengeek
Sailor Enceladus wrote:Thanks peebee. I tried another vanilla puduan build with the latest woof-CE and it's working now. Here's the iso:
md5sum: ead14624d2097c804229b6800db885ad
Thanks for this Sailor. I am not much into experimenting with other new Puppies, as Slacko 5.6 is the perfect distro - however I decided to try your Puduan for the heck of it and it seems pretty good. In particular it allowed me to connect my new Blackberry smartphone to my PC and access files, which indicates that the exfat enabling utilities and automount utilities are working correctly.

Making it easy to get stuff off my new phone without installing any pets etc.

Many thanks!

(BTW - posting from it now on a Toshiba M700)

Posted: Sun 11 Mar 2018, 10:25
by darkcity
recobayu wrote:I am sorry if it ia not possible. Can we make manjaropup using woof-ce?
Manjaro is based on Arch Linux. A while back there was a Arch based version of Puppy. It would be great there was a version of Puppy Linux which could use the AUR (

According to Woof-CE v1.0 changelog Arch support has been dropped (I think it was broken anyhow): ... /CHANGELOG

Distro configuration files for woof-ce are in the 'woof-distro' folder:

Info about Apups:

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2018, 00:20
by Sailor Enceladus
Thanks greengeek.

I tried another slacko-14.0 build with the latest woof-CE here. One strange thing is that System and Setup on the menu are now the same icon (I think originally System was the wheel/gear thing?). I think I noticed this change on puduan recently too.

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2018, 08:07
by greengeek
Sailor Enceladus wrote:I tried another slacko-14.0 build with the latest woof-CE here. One strange thing is that System and Setup on the menu are now the same icon (I think originally System was the wheel/gear thing?). I think I noticed this change on puduan recently too.
Hi Sailor - thanks for the updated Slacko 5.7 - looking good so far. Who knows - you (and CE) might bring me into the new century yet :-)
If I am going to replace Slacko 5.6 with anything it may well be with an updated Slacko 5.7 8)

With regard to the "system" menu icon, as far as I can tell, the icon is specified in /root/.jwmrc as "<Menu label="System" icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/preferences.svg" height="16">"

As you suggested /usr/share/pixmaps/puppy/preferences.svg does seem to be the same icon as is used for the Setup menu.

It is also the same as the icon "Utility-development.svg"

I would suggest that any of the following icons (from /usr/share/pixmaps/puppy) might be a better option for the "system" menu:


I think my personal favourite is "puppy_config.svg". It combines the sense of "the whole puppy" combined with "set it up how you want".

But any of the options would be good too.


OOps! "extension .svg is not allowed" - had to attach the icon as a jpg

Posted: Tue 20 Mar 2018, 08:11
by greengeek
Hmmmmm, does not look good as a .jpg.

Attached is a screenshot showing how the .png icon actually looks in real life:

Still not ok. Looks like a silly french moustache.
