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Re: Desktop container

Posted: Sun 13 Jan 2019, 23:19
by BarryK
Rodney Byne wrote:Default SfsGet delivers Firefox ok.
In container system, SfsGet looks as if it wants to download Firefox
while showing the orange % progress banner, but doesn't actually install.
Same thing with Chromium. Is this right or wrong?
If SfsGet is supposed to provide working s/w in this mode, then it isn't doing its job.
the SFS is downloaded, then a window pops up asking how you want to install it. You choose, then it gets installed.

Posted: Sun 13 Jan 2019, 23:25
by BarryK
Gyle wrote:For those who are concerned:
I just discovered some comments from BK on a thread specialized in translations

1 I destroyed the translation files, I made in a hurry just to bring help, so as not to interfere with musher0's, just in case, hoping for normal relations in the near future between him and BK. He is far better than me, a true bilingual, I sometimes read his posts.

2 Between musher0, belham2, and myself there is no relationship at all, we are three people totally unknown to each other, who have never communicated with each other in any way, so there can be no rivalry, discussion, dispute of any kind in the past or present. They can confirm this.

3 Not too seriously, when there's somewhere a mess, there's always a messiah.
Thanks for clarifying.

Yes, I will be very happy for this thread to stay only on testing of EasyOS. Anyone with a personal issue can pm me.

Posted: Mon 14 Jan 2019, 12:08
by BarryK

Just saying hello Down There

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 06:59
by bankwtf
Don't have a lot to say, but am using EasyOS 0.9.18 with ease now that I remembered to try the Logitech 400+ keyboard/pad I use mainly as a remote volume control for music with WinP7. Works perfectly. Oh, I did try installing a crypto wallet from a project I'm involved in as an investor/speculator. I've updated my profile if you care to look. Couldn't get anywhere; pressed right menu/show in container, nothing happened. I saw a recent posting regarding "container"; I don't really have a handle on everything Linux.

Essentially I need a Linux version and Puppy has always got me there fastest in the past (first began w/pups around 2012). I did read Barry's flaming of the Verbatim stick, and it's what I'm using without any issues so far... Like I was saying, I'm trying to "stand-up" a Digital Ocean VPS by January 31st, two weeks away. I think this young kid, only 16, Miles Manley is terrific. Check it out if it sounds good, thanks again for Easy. Lastly, here's some cool old-style music archives I often enjoy. Excuse me but I'm not getting these URL's to be hot! Guess they must include http...

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 07:21
by Sage
0.9.18: ran into a few issues with a 2008 CQ71/4Gb. It has one of those nasty Atheros wifi units - driver not present. Default tapping on touchpad not set (couldn't remember where to set, short of testing time) - surely pointless not to set to a 'usual' default? One or two other minor issues, but otherwise not a bad option compared to the rest of the OS offerings.

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 08:18
by belham2
Gyle wrote:For those who are concerned:
I just discovered some comments from BK on a thread specialized in translations

1 I destroyed the translation files, I made in a hurry just to bring help, so as not to interfere with musher0's, just in case, hoping for normal relations in the near future between him and BK. He is far better than me, a true bilingual, I sometimes read his posts.

2 Between musher0, belham2, and myself there is no relationship at all, Edit : I'm totally unknown to each other,Edit : I have never communicated with each other in any way, so there can be no rivalry, discussion, dispute of any kind in the past or present. They can confirm this.
EDIT: ooops ! sorry for belham2 and musher0, I don't know nothing about their relations

3 Not too seriously, when there's somewhere a mess, there's always a messiah.

Good night, janv 13, 21:12, it's time for me to drill in the political messes.
Hi Gyle,

There was no need to respond. Musher has long ago descended into paranoia-like behavior. One day he is fine, the next he is ranting and raving about some perceived slight or he just goes straight into some sort of pointless, deranged attack-mode. Over the past few years, he's done it to me, to Tux, to Nic007, to too many countless other Murga posters.

Best thing, imho, you can do is put him on your "ignore". You did nothing wrong here, know that. And neither did Barry. And neither did anybody else that I've witnessed Musher do it to. Simply put, Musher needs help, but he won't admit it nor, sadly it seems, will he seek out that help. Everything wrong that "supposedly" occurs on Murga is mostly all made-up in Musher's head and, unfortunately, will remain that way (for anything Musher-related) going forward.

Posted: Wed 16 Jan 2019, 09:08
by BarryK
A bit of advance notice...

I intend to release version 1.0 in a few days.

Not that Easy has hit any particular level of "readiness". There are still lots of issues. But then, as I have positioned it as an experimental distro, it doesn't really need to be as polished as the other mainline distros.

It probably will live up to the classification of "experimental", as I am likely to keep playing with new ideas, "shifting the goal posts" so to speak.

At least with 1.*, I am probably going to consolidate, just do fixes and minor improvements for awhile.

Regarding the translated builds, I have been refining those, and will be releasing those as well. That will be de, es, fr, pl, pt and ru.

I haven't had any interest from any Russian-speaking person. The chap who created the ru langpack PET, rodin.s, has not visited the Puppy Forum for a long time -- one post in 2017, then before that 2015.

There is a Puppyrus derivative of Puppy, and they have a forum, but I was unable to register -- it is in Russian, and despite using Google to translate, something went wrong with my registration.

So, if any Russian-speaking/reading person reads this, it would be great if you could try out the ru build of Easy.

After 1.0, will give it a rest for awhile, as most keen to get stuck into playing with the new Purism Librem 5 phone dev kit.

Posted: Thu 17 Jan 2019, 14:48
by Sage
Would be most appreciated if one of our kind correspondents could talk me through finding, prep-ing and loading the Qualcomm Atheros AR9285 wifi driver into Easy, please (unless BK loads it into 1.0).
Thanks a $bn.


Posted: Sat 19 Jan 2019, 16:33
by L18L
BarryK wrote:So, if any Russian-speaking/reading person reads this, it would be great if you could try out the ru build of Easy.

After 1.0, will give it a rest for awhile, as most keen to get stuck into playing with the new Purism Librem 5 phone dev kit.
Posting this from easy-ru

apprars to be all right :o allmost :wink:

ps de is in progress

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 10:10
by BarryK
Yay, version 1.0 is released!

See announcement and links here: ... eased.html

I will now have some respite. want to power-up the Librem 5 dev kit, play with that for awhile.

EasyOS is in the waiting list at It is liable to stay there indefinitely, requires "voting up" to get it reviewed and included as a distro.

I am not in any hurry to get it voted up, but if you feel like doing so, go here:

...I see also, voting up in itself might not hurry things along, they also leave it in the waiting list for a year. Perhaps that is not a hard rule though.

New theme

1.0 has a new theme, very deep blue. If you don't like it, the previous theme is in the build.

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 11:28
by Sage
Brilliant, thanks. Bit slow starting, first time, but nice background/theme, etc. Got my Atheros wifi running at third ask. Everything working so far. Latest version negates many of BK's reservations; might use this one a lot more.

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 13:32
by rufwoof
Phenom X4 Radeon ATI 2GB ram HDD frugal installed/working OK here (Easy Container).

EasyOS 1.0, January 19, 2019

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 17:01
by Billtoo
It's working well here,

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 17:02
by Argolance

No firefox installed in containerized desktop

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 18:38
by Rodney Byne
To Barry;

Repeating my previous post without success:
Default SfsGet delivers Firefox ok.
In container system, SfsGet looks as if it wants to download Firefox
while showing the orange % progress banner, but doesn't actually install.
Same thing with Chromium. Is this right or wrong?
If SfsGet is supposed to provide working s/w in this mode, then it isn't doing its job.

Your reply:
"the SFS is downloaded, then a window pops up asking how you want to install it. You choose, then it gets installed."

I obeyed your instruction to install to NEW as before above,
Orange firefox triangle appears with exclamation mark inside.

A warning notice then appears;
File doesn't exist, or I can't access it:

Please investigate, thanks.

Russian build

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 19:19
by rodin.s
Just got your messages. May be too late as you have already made a release. I guess I will look at it as soon as I get to a computer capabale of running it. I am posting this from Raspberry Pi.

Posted: Sun 20 Jan 2019, 22:42
by Billtoo
I installed to a 32GB Sandisk Ultra usb-3.0 flash drive with easydd.
I tried to install the proprietary Nvidia driver but had no success
with that so rebooted restoring the original install.
I installed xenialpup,chromium,kodi,and firefox with sfsget.
Computer is a dual core Lenovo desktop.
Dark blue background and icons are nice.

It's working well,

Re: No firefox installed in containerized desktop

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2019, 00:39
by BarryK
Rodney Byne wrote:To Barry;

Repeating my previous post without success:
Default SfsGet delivers Firefox ok.
In container system, SfsGet looks as if it wants to download Firefox
while showing the orange % progress banner, but doesn't actually install.
Same thing with Chromium. Is this right or wrong?
If SfsGet is supposed to provide working s/w in this mode, then it isn't doing its job.

Your reply:
"the SFS is downloaded, then a window pops up asking how you want to install it. You choose, then it gets installed."

I obeyed your instruction to install to NEW as before above,
Orange firefox triangle appears with exclamation mark inside.

A warning notice then appears;
File doesn't exist, or I can't access it:

Please investigate, thanks.
That is a bug! The "sfsget" icon should not be in the container.

"sfsget" should only be run on the main filesystem, outside of a container.

I know that you reported this before, but I didn't understand the situation. Thanks for persisting with reporting it. I need to remove "sfsget" from the Easy-in-container window, also prevent it from being run from a terminal.

Re: Russian build

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2019, 00:51
by BarryK
rodin.s wrote:Barry.
Just got your messages. May be too late as you have already made a release. I guess I will look at it as soon as I get to a computer capabale of running it. I am posting this from Raspberry Pi.
No, not too late, there is going to be a 1.01 or 1.1 release soon.

Try out the 1.0 ru build, you can use that to run momanager and add more translations, and fix some old ones.

Note, the langpack must not contain any executables, no binary executables or shared libraries, and no scripts.

Some of the older langpacks have scripts that replace those in the build, but the Woof build now has later version of those scripts.

If there is a script that does not yet have translation capability in it, get the latest from Woof, add the translation capability (usually getttext) and send it to me for inclusion in Woof.

Latest Woof is here:

Right now, Easy 1.0 also has the latest scripts.

L18L has just posted an updated momanager, with some fixes for Easy: ... &id=121217

...this will replace /usr/sbin/momanager in Easy.

Re: Russian build

Posted: Mon 21 Jan 2019, 00:58
by BarryK
rodin.s wrote:Barry.
Just got your messages. May be too late as you have already made a release. I guess I will look at it as soon as I get to a computer capabale of running it. I am posting this from Raspberry Pi.
Thanks for responding to my pm.

There is an earlier Easy release for the Pi3. You are giving me some incentive to do a 1.0 build for the Pi!