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Posted: Mon 17 Dec 2012, 19:04
by greengeek
It turns out I was wrong when I said that Freeoffice works without the getconf and whereis errors when run on 412Lite or Choicepup412. The errors still occur but were not visible to me because I was not having to start the textmaker file through a console window - I was starting it direct from the program icon. (but I later realised I could see the same error show up in the console if I used the ./textmaker syntax). So it seems that I can ignore the whereis and getconf errors - they don't stop Freeoffice working correctly on the fatter 412's.

I am still stuck with a critical system error "Xrender initialisation failure" if I try to run the Freeoffice version of Textmaker on pupngo. However, I then decided to try the Textmaker_2002 pet from the official puppy3 repo and that runs fine on pupngo (still gives the whereis and getconf errors).

So for now I will use the textmaker2002 and come back to the Freeoffice testing if I can work out what the xrender initialise failure is about.

Posted: Thu 20 Dec 2012, 17:18
by greengeek
I made a previous post detailing how I got wireless running with WPA in a pUPnGO Live CD session. Now I have found out why I could not get it running on an HDD installed session. (It turns out I needed to remove some files that the dhcpcd routine creates each time it connects. I have also corrected my note about hostname). Here is the method I am now using to connect wireless on my installed pUPnGO:

1) Create a new file as /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf containing the following:

Code: Select all


	id_str="some name to identify the connection you are creating"
	ssid="the SSID name of your router"
	psk="the shared key password for your router"
2) In a terminal do the following steps:
type: rm /etc/dhcpc/* (This step removes the dhcpcd config file which persists in an installed pupngo from the previous session and prevents the new dhcpcd from running correctly)
type: ifconfig eth1 up
(this brings up the network adapter - obviously not always eth1 for everyone)
type: wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
(this will then connect but the terminal may appear to hang. Wait for about 30 seconds to allow the connection to be made between the PC and the router, then open a new terminal and continue...)

3) type: dhcpcd -t 30 -h pupngo -d eth1
(the pupngo is the hostname, which ordinarily should be made unique so each PC stays separately identified, but for the sake of testing the connection script I stayed with the default of pupngo for now)

4) type: ifconfig (and check that IP has been correctly assigned)

When I first tried to write the terminal commands up as a single script it didn't work because I did not have the -B switch in the string. The issue was that the script got hung up at the wpa_supplicant step and wouldn't proceed on to the dhcpcd step. Tempestuous offers a way around this by including the -B switch in the wpa_supplicant string.
tempestuous wrote:wpa_supplicant may take about 30 seconds to negotiate the connection.
Hopefully you will see a connection reported, then you can open a second console and proceed to obtain an IP address (DHCP).
It's possible to background the wpa_supplicant process in order to keep using the same xterminal by adding "-B" to the command
... but do this only once you know that the wpa_supplicant command is successful, because once backgrounded you won't see any error messages. ... 9&start=10

So, my final script is:

Code: Select all

rm /etc/dhcpc/*
ifconfig eth1 up
sleep 2
wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
sleep 30
dhcpcd -t 30 -h pupngo -d eth1
In most cases you probably don't need such a long sleep before the dhcpcd request though. For the sake of connection speed you can trial shorter timeouts, but test it to see what works with your PC/router combination. EDIT:I've got the sleep down from 30 to 12 on my system and it works reliably. (It will probably vary for different routers though.)

I have included this script in the /root/startup folder so that my machine now connects quickly after each boot. I think it might be possible for me to make it connect even faster if I can get the script to run earlier on, maybe by putting it into one of the files within /etc/rc.d I think? More research to do.

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 06:50
by Ibidem
So is udhcpc (the BusyBox dhcp client) disabled or nonfunctional in pupngo? It's been fairly reliable when I used it.
It does need /usr/share/udhcpc/default.script to actually change the system after getting a lease.
Sample script from Debian:

Code: Select all

# Busybox udhcpc dispatcher script. Copyright (C) 2009 by Axel Beckert.
# Based on the busybox example scripts and the old udhcp source
# package default.* scripts.
case $1 in
	[ -n "$broadcast" ] && BROADCAST="broadcast $broadcast"
	[ -n "$subnet" ] && NETMASK="netmask $subnet"
	/sbin/ifconfig $interface $ip $BROADCAST $NETMASK
	if [ -n "$router" ]; then
	    echo "$0: Resetting default routes"
	    while /sbin/route del default gw dev $interface; do :; done
	    for i in $router; do
		/sbin/route add default gw $i dev $interface metric $metric
		metric=$(($metric + 1))
	# Update resolver configuration file
	[ -n "$domain" ] && R="domain $domain
	for i in $dns; do
	    echo "$0: Adding DNS $i"
	    R="${R}nameserver $i
	if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
	    echo -n "$R" | resolvconf -a "${interface}.udhcpc"
	    echo -n "$R" > "$RESOLV_CONF"
	if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]; then
	    resolvconf -d "${interface}.udhcpc"
	/sbin/ifconfig $interface
	echo "$0: Lease failed: $message"
	echo "$0: Received a NAK: $message"
	echo "$0: Unknown udhcpc command: $1";
	exit 1;

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:54
by greengeek
goingnuts wrote:here it is
Its only all the firmware stuff - the original linux wifi-drivers are all present in pUPnGo 2012.
When I try to download from this link I get a message saying: "Accessing directly the download link doesn't work. The download only starts if you click from the download page.". Any clues what I am doing wrong?

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 17:44
by starhawk
No idea. Works for me.


Are you copying/pasting the link into a browser window, or just clicking on it in [insert browser here]? Might be something to do with copy-paste ops if that's what you're doing... but they shouldn't be able to detect that...

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 19:11
by greengeek
starhawk wrote:, or just clicking on it in [insert browser here]?
Just clicking on the links. I've tried again in another puppy, using seamonkey and theres no problem downloading, and also tried loading Links27 into pupngo and that works too. Must be something up with Dillo. When I connect to the download page with Dillo I see the attached image (which looks slightly different to what I see with Links and very different to what I see with seamonkey):

Posted: Fri 21 Dec 2012, 20:46
by Keef

udhcpc is present and working, although originally I couldn't get it to. Tried again using your default.script, and with a bit of fiddling with my wireless script, I'm up and running.


All I did in rc.local was add the name of my script, but had to include its path, eg

Code: Select all

You could also copy the contents of your script to rc.local, but it is probably cleaner and easier to manage to keep it separate.

Also - I get the same as you using Dillo when trying the download. Works ok in Opera on pupngo though.

Posted: Sat 22 Dec 2012, 20:44
by greengeek
Keef wrote:Works ok in Opera on pupngo though.
You have opera working on pupngo? Do you have a static available?

Posted: Sat 22 Dec 2012, 21:08
by Keef
I have Opera-Next sitting in a folder outside of any save file, so it gets used by other puplets. Just did an ldd on the binary and added any missing libs.

Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2012, 18:48
by greengeek
When I use the pet installer it gives me this message:
"A package with the name - Linux - is already installed. You will have to remove the package before doing a reinstall. Would you like to run the uninstaller now?"
However, if I run the uninstaller it does not find any packages to uninstall. The package I am currently trying to install is a midori static made by technosaurus, but I also got a similar message a couple of days ago when trying to install a different pet - although I can't remember which pet that was. (was probably the
Are there known problems with the installer/uninstaller or could it be related to an unsuitable choice of pet?

Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2012, 19:18
by greengeek
Keef wrote:I have Opera-Next sitting in a folder outside of any save file,
Just had a look at Next - it seems like a development version of Opera that sits separately to any installed version (maybe cache etc is separate?) but not quite like a true static - is that how you see it?

Posted: Sun 23 Dec 2012, 22:35
by maddox
hi goingnuts, would like to try out the latest version on some older hardware catching cobwebs.
just downloaded it from your mediafire link ->
no cookies necessary/javascript necessary ~54KB/s
.. just wondering if the console calculated md5sum is correct (no indication on the 1st page of your post)
md5sum pUPnGO_V412_160612.iso
417baa52faaa023e4637130741d64bdc pUPnGO_V412_160612.iso

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2012, 07:30
by goingnuts
greengeek: There might be issues with the installer - long time since I made it and haven't reviewed it lately. If you could provide links to pets pr other archives that gives problems I will look into it.

For the downloads via dillo: Might be missing javascript abilities - the link provided must be download-able by wget...

Seems to be ok - the original has:
417baa52faaa023e4637130741d64bdc pUPnGO_V412_160612.iso

Posted: Mon 24 Dec 2012, 22:44
by starhawk
You are being watched carefully, goingnuts ;)

From the French section of the forum:

Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2012, 01:35
by Ibidem
FYI: Debian uses a trick with wpa_cli that lets you run the DHCP client at the right time, consistently.
First, background:
wpa_cli is the way you can control wpa_supplicant from the CLI.
When you run it, you can type several commands, the most useful being:

Code: Select all

scan - search for new networks (DOES NOT LIST!)
scan_results - list all networks found at the last scan
reconnect - reconnects if (it realizes that) there is no connection
reassociate -reconnect, unconditionally.
terminate - kill wpa_supplicant
select_network - Select a pre-configured network to associate with.
list_networks - list all pre-configured networks.
reconfigure - reload the configuration file
Second, the commandline syntax:

Code: Select all

 wpa_cli  [args] #This form gives an interactive prompt where you type the commands
wpa_cli [args] <command> #Runs <command>, displays output, exits
wpa_cli [args] -a <action_script> [-B] 
#This form runs wpa_cli as a daemon.
#When you do this, wpa_cli executes <action_script> on connection/disconnection
#with interface name as $1 and CONNECTED or DISCONNECTED as $2

-p /path/to/control/sockets 
#This should match ctrl_interface in your wpa_supplicant.conf
-i iface
#This should match -i iface in wpa_supplicant invocation
-h, -v
#The usual version/help messages
Third, the actual trick:
Start the dhcp client from an action script.
Here's aproximately what you'd need to do (bare minimum, DHCP connection):
NOTE: I have not tested this, it's based on the Debian documentation.
In /sbin/wpa_act:

Code: Select all

case $2 in
udhcpc -i $1 -h `hostname`
In your script (the one that starts the dhcp client right now:

Code: Select all

ifconfig eth1 up
sleep 2
wpa_supplicant -B -D wext -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 
#You shouldn't need to sleep here, unless wpa_supplicant doesn't 
#create a control socket soon enough: try sleep 1 in that case
wpa_cli -B -i eth1 -p /var/run/wpa_supplicant -a /sbin/wpa_act
You may also want to automatically rescan, attempt reassociation, etc. when disconnected. But be cautious, since you may want to turn the internet OFF sometime...

Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2012, 20:05
by greengeek
goingnuts wrote:And here is a new Xorg-pack with everything coming from P412
Install via ""
exit to prompt
run "xorgwizard"
start x again by "xwin"
If everything works you should be in Xorg.
Do not run the xorgwizard from within X as it will fail - only from command prompt.
Hi goingnuts, do you still have that xorg pack? I tried to download but it seems to have gone from the 4ceedeca server.

Posted: Tue 25 Dec 2012, 21:31
by goingnuts
Ibidem: Thanks for the scripts & explanations!
starhawk: Thanks for the pointer - I was not aware...
greengeek: Re-uploaded the here

As for the wifi-things - anyone tried the sns-retro?

Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2012, 09:16
by greengeek
Thanks for the xorg pet - I will be having a tinker with that over the next few weeks.

Just tried the sns-retro in a live CD session and it works perfectly for me on a Toshiba TE2100 laptop with intel wireless (2915ABG I seem to remember, but not 100% sure). Haven't tried it yet in an installed session.

The pet loads the sns-retro program to /bin.

Posted: Wed 26 Dec 2012, 18:02
by greengeek
Couldn't wait - had to try the xorg pet this morning. It installs easily and worked well. All I had to do was as Starhawk suggested and change the xorg.conf file to reflect my 1024x768 resolution. I did notice that console fonts are very bad when xorg is running. (although other onscreen fonts are fine).
EDIT:ok I see the fonts were already noted here: ... 1&start=91

Most importantly, this pet allows Freeoffice to run now (no more xRender initialise fault). I tried using the Freeoffice Textmaker and made a one page document with text and an inserted image, and saved it as .doc and also exported as pdf. Both worked fine. Very happy. More indepth tests later.

Heres the bad console fonts:

Posted: Thu 27 Dec 2012, 09:37
by greengeek
technosaurus wrote:You can "remaster" any squashfs by mounting it
mount pup.sfs /dir
The copying its contents
cp -arf /dir /newdir
Add files to /newdir and
dir2sfs newdir
Check out my manual remaster howto in the howto section.
I've just had a read through your guide and it seems I need to manually add the extra pet files etc into the original sfs. However I thought I had already achieved that by adding the pets etc into my running system (and therefore into the savefile at shutdown time). Why is it not possible/easy to automatically "merge" the savefile into the original sfs?

If I'm mounting the old sfs to manually graft the new files into it can I also mount my savefile and just copy across the files I need from there instead of starting again with turning the pets into tgz etc and copying them in?