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Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2017, 07:16
by saintless
Max Headroom wrote:Please How to Create a Save Changes Folder rather than a .dat File? Thanx :)K
You already have the answer here: ... 808#959718
If you have different setup compared to the one in the link above post the boot code you use now.
It is the same using Xenial or DebianDog. You need ext2,3,4 partition to be able to use save folder. Usually adding changes=/ will create /changes save folder on ext2,3,4 partition if it is available. Or in the link above you can see how to add it in different name subfolder.
Read also examples here: ... rteus-boot

Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2017, 07:20
by dancytron
Max Headroom wrote:Please How to Create a Save Changes Folder rather than a .dat File? Thanx :)K
Just use a different entry in menu.1st file and the folder is created automatically. It has to be on a linux partition.

Here is a sample for you to use as a guide.

The first one is save on exit or when you run save2flash only. Second one is save as you go. Third is don't use save folder.
title newchromebook Jessie64 (sda2) noauto from=/newchromebook/ changes=EXIT:/newchromebook/
root (hd0,1)
kernel (hd0,1)/newchromebook/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/newchromebook/ changes=EXIT:/newchromebook/
initrd (hd0,1)/newchromebook/live/initrd1.xz

title newchromebook for upgrade Jessie64 (sda2) noauto from=/newchromebook/ changes=/newchromebook/
root (hd0,1)
kernel (hd0,1)/newchromebook/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/newchromebook/ changes=/newchromebook/
initrd (hd0,1)/newchromebook/live/initrd1.xz

title newchromebook Jessie64 (sda2) No Changes from=/newchromebook/
root (hd0,1)
kernel (hd0,1)/newchromebook/live/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/newchromebook/
initrd (hd0,1)/newchromebook/live/initrd1.xz

Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2017, 07:21
by backi
Hi Maxroom !

All Instructions for different Boot-Methods on first Page of this Thread:

Other links for different Boot-Methods read carefully here:

Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2017, 07:30
by saintless
Please all, try to leave this thread only for how-to information.
Post questions like that in the correct Debian/XenialDog threads you downloaded the iso from.
After reading the porteus-boot example WIKI first post in the threads your boot code and information about the HDD/USB partitions type you have.
There is already porteus-boot examples post in the first page: ... 2f9#774456
More and more posts on the same subject do not help.

Backi, /DEBIAN DOG will not work in your example but /DEBIANDOG will work.

Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2017, 07:38
by backi
Hi Tony ! mistake.......corrected it .

Regards !

Posted: Fri 17 Nov 2017, 06:19
by Max Headroom
G'day Fred, Please Help because I've Corrupted Me GumBoot USB ( ie. isobooter ) by intending & Attempting 2 Add a Swap Partition 2 the eNd of the USB

Now I just get

Cannot overwrite an independent Partition.
partnew (hd0,3) 0x00 (hd0,0)/Angel_Student_Eco.iso

Error 30: invalid argument

Press any key to continue...

Of Course I've Searched on the iNet, like so...

isobooter Cannot overwrite an independent partition Error 30: invalid argument Solved

4 the answer, But there's Nun

Also I should mention while I was running the isobooter-mod script it was sumtimes / often ( about 1/2 the time, but random whether I choose Y or N ) returning

isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD

& I did Run WinContig on All the iso files & they're Clean ie. No Fragmentation... aRe these 2 issues Related?

of course I've really shot a Hole in Me GumBoot, having 60 isos, Mostly working!

Thanx Mate 4 Your Wisdom!


Posted: Fri 17 Nov 2017, 17:43
by fredx181
Hi Max,

There shouldn't be more than 3 partitions on your USB-drive for isobooter (and isobooter-mod) to work properly, do you have a fourth partition ? If so, remove it and see if things work OK again.
isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD
You asked about that earlier here: ... 790#959790
And I replied. Sorry, can't help more.


Posted: Sun 03 Dec 2017, 01:14
by Max Headroom
G'day Fredx181, I Finally Solved the Error 30: invalid aRgument issue... Evidently it didn't like the Partition being Resized 2 accommodate a Swap partition.

But Now altho I did ReFormat it Fat32 w/ GParted w/ Boot Flag & Copied isos in Linux, the Most Critical iso Angel Student Eco XX EE17 KloneOS PC ( ie. Me ReMastered iso ) is Fragmented, so of course won't boot, But when I Try Running WinContig in Windows ( Err I should say M$ Virus Bait! :), it can't Read it, because it turns out According 2 Disk Management is a RAW File System, yet other isos Boot OK, so I'm Hamstrung, I Really don't want 2 Start from Scratch Again, Any Suggestions!?!


Posted: Sun 03 Dec 2017, 17:34
by fredx181
Max Headroom wrote:G'day Fredx181, I Finally Solved the Error 30: invalid aRgument issue... Evidently it didn't like the Partition being Resized 2 accommodate a Swap partition.

But Now altho I did ReFormat it Fat32 w/ GParted w/ Boot Flag & Copied isos in Linux, the Most Critical iso Angel Student Eco XX EE17 KloneOS PC ( ie. Me ReMastered iso ) is Fragmented, so of course won't boot, But when I Try Running WinContig in Windows ( Err I should say M$ Virus Bait! :), it can't Read it, because it turns out According 2 Disk Management is a RAW File System, yet other isos Boot OK, so I'm Hamstrung, I Really don't want 2 Start from Scratch Again, Any Suggestions!?!

Hi Max, you can try the "defragfs" script (required is having perl installed), from Readme:
- Use defragfs to defrag this partition (it won't work always).
It may easily happen that one of the ISO's is not contiguous (fragmented)
In that case it won't boot, if defragfs doesn't help, better start all over by reformatting to FAT32 and copy the files from this archive and the ISO's again..
From terminal in this directory, run (if e.g. mountpoint of this drive is /mnt/sdb1):
./defragfs /mnt/sdb1
(change according to the mountpoint)
If your mountpoint is /mnt/sdb1, run from terminal in /mnt/sdb1 directory:

Code: Select all

./defragfs /mnt/sdb1 -a -f
(just wait, and it will show if defragmentation was successful. The options -a -f makes it do it's job without asking questions)
You need free space on this partition at least the size of the fragmented iso (recommended is much more)
If defragfs doesn't work, I think there's no other option than reformatting and copying the ISO's again.


Posted: Mon 04 Dec 2017, 06:54
by Max Headroom
Thanx Fred, that did the Trick!

Next Question How2 Boot Series 1 & Series 2 Puppy isos Sucksessfully?

I've Tried Both No Splash Screen & ChainLoading & Various

Puppy acpi=off ide=nodma pmedia=cd Combos

No Luck!


Posted: Mon 04 Dec 2017, 09:51
by fredx181
Max wrote:Thanx Fred, that did the Trick!
Next Question How2 Boot Series 1 & Series 2 Puppy isos Sucksessfully?
That I don't know about, strange that booting from it's splash screen doesn't work (assuming you tried that).
