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Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 10:42
by BarryK
Someone reported that youtube-dl does not work. It does, I just tested it.

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 10:50
by BarryK
blgs wrote:Downloaded easy-1.0.11-amd64.img.gz 2019-Mar-08 16:08:47. (latest update?)

Running easyOS 1.0.8. Did open the new image file (easy-1.0.11) by clicking two times. Copied the 3 files to the boot partition.
Manualy edit the initird file wit the correct UUID's for boot and the working partition.

Rebooted the computer. During bootup the boot and working partition are recognized. The screens regarding the language/keyboard and pasword setiing appears.

Then it stops....

I have attached a jpg file with the error.

Currently I'm switching back to easyos 1.0.8.
The information that you are providing is confusing me.

According to the jpg snapshot, as attached on page 95, your boot-partition is sda1 and working-partition is sda2.

However, in a later post you have said that you are updating an installation in mmcblk0

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 11:27
by blgs
BarryK wrote:
blgs wrote:Downloaded easy-1.0.11-amd64.img.gz 2019-Mar-08 16:08:47. (latest update?)

Running easyOS 1.0.8. Did open the new image file (easy-1.0.11) by clicking two times. Copied the 3 files to the boot partition.
Manualy edit the initird file wit the correct UUID's for boot and the working partition.

Rebooted the computer. During bootup the boot and working partition are recognized. The screens regarding the language/keyboard and pasword setiing appears.

Then it stops....

I have attached a jpg file with the error.

Currently I'm switching back to easyos 1.0.8.
The information that you are providing is confusing me.

According to the jpg snapshot, as attached on page 95, your boot-partition is sda1 and working-partition is sda2.

However, in a later post you have said that you are updating an installation in mmcblk0
Both are correct.

sda1 and sda2 is the usb stick. mmcblk is the drive in my netbook. Installation on my netbook fails every time.

I managed to install it on a usb stick but after one or two reboots the same error occurs.

Version 1.0.8 operates perfectly.

EasyOS on usb-stick

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 15:06
by lp-dolittle
Hi Barry,

thank you for your comment on the 'snapshot alternative' which can provide the same security as the former 'running totally in RAM option' that required the usb-stick only for booting and saving!

Sorry for spotting another problem!

What about the continuously ongoing flickering of the flash stick's light (that does not stop even if the OS seems to be 'idle'), in view of your previous warning remarks about the sticks' limited durability (ca. 1000 read/write cycles, indeed managed by appropriate firmware) and also about the risk of damaging interfaces by some usb-sticks whose firmware uses to run hot?

kind regards

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 19:25
by don570
mypaint appimage ran well in EasyOS 1.0.11, March 8, 2019

It worked well with GIMP as the external editor.

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 19:38
by don570
During booting there was the boot message
/dev/fb0 could not open

however it recognized my nvidia gt 1030 card and used the nouveau driver

Code: Select all

 X.Org version: 1.19.6

OpenGL 2D/3D Rendering:
• Direct Rendering: Yes
• Vendor: Mesa Project
• Renderer: Software Rasterizer
• Version: 2.1 Mesa 17.3.8

VGA controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation GP108 [10de:1d01] (rev a1)
• Kernel Driver: nouveau
• Memory Used by Driver: 1536.00 KB
• Path: /lib/modules/4.14.105/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/nouveau.ko
• Description: nVidia Riva/TNT/GeForce/Quadro/Tesla
• Video RAM: 256M

Sound was muted so I had to unmute.

It didn't recognize my ethernet initially so it had to be set up with Simple Network Setup.

Code: Select all

Ethernet controller		: Intel Corporation 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 04)

It will run the latest blender 2.79 app, however when I tried
to run blender 2.80 I got the following error

Code: Select all

Error! Unsupported graphics driver.
Blender requires a graphics driver with at least OpenGL 3.3 support.
The program will now close.
This surprises me since blender 2.80 does run in Fatdog64 version 800
with the nouveau driver.


Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 19:44
by don570
When I tried running the latest KRITA appimage
the app would launch and seemed to behave fine but when I tried to save a file in its native format
it would crash. When I did 'Export' in jpeg format it was stable. ... age_Build/

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 19:49
by don570
Frugal install of EasyOS 1.0.11

I used Fatdog64 v800 linux to modify the BOOT_SPECS file
using uextract 1.33 to extract the image. Then double click on initrd to open it.
I have a frugal install to first partition of a hard drive.

Every partition has a unique UUID (Universal Unique Identifier), so BOOT_UUID is the UUID of the boot-partition, WKG_UUID the UUID of the working-partition. My booting partition and work partition are the same

Using blkid command I found the UUID of /dev/sdb1 ---> db470606-2cf7-46c6-9c07-be95936b06ca

Here is edited BOOT_SPECS file...

Code: Select all

Then used the included 'repack' script to reform initrd again.

A simple dragging of files to easy/1.0 folder to make a frugal install.

Improvements noted - but?

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2019, 19:51
by Rodney Byne
To Barry Kauler,
Following your recent interventions, I can report that
Gnome-mpv, Mpv, SMPlayer and VLC are now launching
and working correctly.

Using application chooser, I have relegated xinewrapper
in favour of Mpv to drive pupRadio without those intrusive
xine guis floating about in the background.

Recompiled Firefox however is still temperamental at launching.
Sometimes fairly quick and other times painfully slow.
Another occasional issue is a notification that says
to the effect "can't connect to the server - press retry"
So retried and up comes the chosen home URL page.
Not a satisfactory dbus? but thanks for your efforts
to date. I am writing this with it to prove FF works.

Faulty Screeny Capture program in Graphics

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 00:02
by Rodney Byne
To Barry Kauler,
please be advised, in Graphics the Screeny Capture program,
saved picture output to File is both in black & white and slanted.

imo it's not really worthwhile devoting time to troubleshoot,
so I suggest bin it and download the working alternative
Take a Shot or TAS from Petget for future releases.
This gives perfect colour screenshots.

Re: Huawei E173z-1 can not be detected by EasyOS 1.0

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 01:52
by mouldy
alibadrelsayed wrote:I spend all day trying to make Huawei E173z-1 work in EasyOS 1.0 , but the problem still there, I go back to Xenialpup 7.5 and it works in less than a minute, Barry's new post ... asyos.html
seems good news (for me I guess :) . I'll return to EasyOS as soon as he uploads the new img file, to check if that solve the problem.or not, thanks again for Barry K and rufwoof for their help and support.
I ran into this same problem trying to tether my 3G Samsung phone with EasyOS 1.0.8. No problem with any Puppies I try. Well Quirky was bit quirky and would drop connection after a couple minutes, but all the regular Puppies did fine and held connection long as I wished. Even did ok with Xubuntu.

Just wondering if alibadrelsayed or anybody has tried tethering with Easy 1.0.11? Dont want to waste time downloading if this still doesnt work. Tethering to cell phone is my only internet for while now.

Re: Faulty Screeny Capture program in Graphics

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 04:30
by scsijon
Rodney Byne wrote:To Barry Kauler,
please be advised, in Graphics the Screeny Capture program,
saved picture output to File is both in black & white and slanted.

imo it's not really worthwhile devoting time to troubleshoot,
so I suggest bin it and download the working alternative
Take a Shot or TAS from Petget for future releases.
This gives perfect colour screenshots.
Rodney, I had the same problem when capturing from my browser until I put the browser into full screen (maximize) mode, it apparently doesn't like to capture partially complete screens, so can you try it please and get back to this thread with a reply, thanks.

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 05:38
by zygo
***Edit: Sorry: HTML directory index works but no sfs found by sfsget.***

I get the same result from ldd. However, Hiawatha serves the dir index as xml even though I have 'UseXSLT = yes' in the config file and index.xslt in /root/Web-Server/. The manual says 'requires that Hiawatha was compiled with --enable-xslt'.

Does this not indicate that is unused?

Code: Select all

# ldd -u ./hiawatha
Unused direct dependencies:
Did you use the same method as at ?

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 07:07
by cthisbear

labbe5 posted a DistroWatch review...very positive. ... 26#1021426


Re: Faulty Screeny Capture program in Graphics

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 08:39
by rufwoof
Rodney Byne wrote:To Barry Kauler,
please be advised, in Graphics the Screeny Capture program,
saved picture output to File is both in black & white and slanted.

imo it's not really worthwhile devoting time to troubleshoot,
so I suggest bin it and download the working alternative
Take a Shot or TAS from Petget for future releases.
This gives perfect colour screenshots.
Give the mtpaint screenshot menu option a try Rodney (or sleep 5;mtpaint -s from the command line - to give you 5 seconds before the snap occurs). That loads up mtpaint with the image ready for editing. mtpaint is a great program that can do many things. Personally however I tend to just use it for screenshots, resizing images (such as screenshots) using image/scale canvas, cropping a image (such as a region out of a full screen snapshot by left mouse press/hold and and drag to select the region and then release mouse and use the image, crop menu option) and saving a image as alternative formats (save as ... png, jpeg ...etc.). Just for that handful of functions mtpaint is great, but it has the capacity to do so much more as well.

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 08:43
by rufwoof
cthisbear wrote:BK:

labbe5 posted a DistroWatch review...very positive. ... 26#1021426

In that article they had two easy desktops due to quick repeated single clicks of the desktop icon (as I guess some from other OS's might tend to do). Tried it myself and indeed had two easy desktops opened.

efi install

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 16:31
by wdt
I too would vote for continued iso, I use for install, not to burn to
optical disk,, e2b , easy 2 boot for bios,,, refind, dd to part, for uefi
The hd install still does not address if you ALREADY have an esp
You probably don't want to copy a 400M file to ESP:/ (the sfs), so
you probably will rely on auto-merge (of ESP's,, that is 2 ESP's)
(and maybe gpt partitioning so as not to care how many parts)
Is there something I am not seeing here?

To scsijon

Posted: Tue 12 Mar 2019, 19:42
by Rodney Byne
To scsijon,

"Rodney, I had the same problem when capturing from my browser until I put the browser into full screen (maximize) mode,
it apparently doesn't like to capture partially complete screens,
so can you try it please and get back to this thread with a reply, thanks"

In reply to you, yes I agree with your findings.
Well done in noticing the work-around.

The slant takes me back to my early analogue tv repair years and correcting mis-syncing of line time bases.

Anyway the same try happened to me and so would also do to anyone else.
Best regards.

Posted: Wed 13 Mar 2019, 13:44
by rufwoof
Changed my setup for the easy container to instead of launching fullscreen, I've used the screen option to size it to my display size, less the height of the normal jwm tray. I've also set Xephyr1 in my jwmrc to not show the window title or border. That way when the container is running I have two jwm trays at the bottom of screen, stacked on top of each other, with the lower tray being the main systems and the upper tray being the containers. And when a container window is maximised it starts at the top of screen as per any other window. Something like the attached

Posted: Wed 13 Mar 2019, 14:00
by rufwoof
Neat! If I F11 (full screen) in the easy container showing seamonkey, then the containers tray is hidden