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Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 01:09
by Guest
A swap file will always be slower than a swap partition due to the overhead of accessing a loop filesystem....

But since puppy (ususally) runs from ram I beleive any speed increases would be academic. Tho the use of the XFree X server did appear to make my machine run quicker, well GFX anyways.

A custom kernel tuned to the machine would also give a slight increase but would the effort be worth it.
I used to run Win98 on my lappy but got sick of the boot times and the final straw was not being able to get a reliable connection with my new wireless card........
Now I'm being lead down the road that Linux has better hardware support and is a damn sight easier to install a new driver, no more rebooting 50 million times

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 03:43
by Lobster
GuestToo wrote:it's easier to make a swap file than a swap partition

find somewhere to put the swap file ... type:
df -h
to see how much free space you have on each partition
The info has been added here

people are welcome to add improve the page
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Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 12:02
by JaDy
Added note to replace dd with fsutil at:

Posted: Thu 07 Jul 2005, 17:58
by Shagpile
Would configuring all of puppy with the right device drivers speed it up?

Graphics surely would, is the any way of telling what graphics drivers are loaded up at the moment and if I do need other drivers then where can I get them and how do I install them.

Compaq Armda 7730MT Laptop
