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Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 09:44
by drunkjedi
Lobster wrote:I can not find the online version of the FAQS
There you go, just in case...

Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 14:47
by jamesbond
- Could I use Secondlife which only supports 32bit wth 84bit Fatdog or do I need to add some extra files, which I noticed in the package manager?
Use SFS manager and download 32-bit compatibility SFS.
- Do Seamonkey, Chrome and Firefox all use the same base code.
1. Seamonkey is self-built, version 2.47 uses Gecko 50 engine, the same as the one used in Firefox 50. But they don't share the engine (if you have seamonkey and firefox installed, there are 2 copies of the Gecko 50 engine).
2. For firefox, you have the choice of using official binary (requires GTK3), or our own self-compiled one (works with GTK2). Get the official one from Control Panel, get our self-compiled one from the repo.
3. For chrome, you can download the official binaries from Control Panel.
If so what alternative browser is recommended as more secure?
Ahem :) Security is in the eye of the beholder 8) The question is, "secure from who?" :wink:
- Is Mono available?
No ... we can do with a contributed package (I saw snayak posted a request for this too - but for a much older Fatdog).
The wine (package or SFS) both contains wine-mono, but of course you need Windows tool to use it, so perhaps that's not an option.
- Openshot?
Yes, though it's the older one, version 1.4.0 I think.
I am a bit wary of installing Fatdog to a spare hard drive as last time (installing the Slacko64) it messed with the Ubuntu MBR and boot file (no doubt my mistake)
I remember that. It wasn't your mistake. It was Ubuntu's mistake. But I have worked around that anyway, so it should be safer now.
I will be using composer in Seamonkey for HTML editing to further my plans to build a time machine (keeps me out of trouble)
:D Seamonkey Composer in general works well, but it's not bug free. Especially once you start using the more advanced features. We too use Seamonkey to maintain the Fatdog FAQS and web pages.

And drunkjedi already posted the link where the online FAQS can be found.

@Billtoo - thanks for testing.

Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 16:43
by belham2
Lobster wrote:
I will be using composer in Seamonkey for HTML editing to further my plans to build a time machine (keeps me out of trouble)

If it is of the Dr. Who variety, can you please, Lobster, take me with you when it's done? (provided we're goin' forward and not back!) The human bio things are becoming more unbearable (or maybe I am) as I get older.

Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 16:54
by mories
@fatdog team: Great job.

For now only a minor problem: at startup on a HP G62 appears rfkill: wlan soft blocked.
To connect I have to use rfkill unblock wlan and everything (wpa_supplicant, etc) works perfectly.
This did not happen in 710b2 (was the hp_wmi module included?).

On another HP Pavilion g6 no problem and wlan works correctly at startup.

Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 18:08
by Doglover
Sound in VLC clips, every half-second. Card is ALC3227 analog.

Sound works in MPlayer.

Choice of which version Firefox is best

Posted: Mon 05 Dec 2016, 19:36
by Rodney Byne

Regarding the two available versions of Firefox from the repo
that is v50 and Nightly 38.5.2esr,
please clarify as I am confused by the info.

Per instructions after downloading GTK3, is GTK3 for allowing my choice of Nightly to work and update,
or is GTK2 solely allowing for v50 to work and update.

Frankly I think it's all a muddle as I can't find an easy way to update
Nightly, but I can see in Control Panel that v50 will update.

Clear as mud, please assist.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 00:51
by kirk
Sound in VLC clips, every half-second. Card is ALC3227 analog.
I can only guess, VLC might be trying to use the wrong video acceleration. Try opening VLC and then Tools - Preferences - Video and use the "Output" pull-down to select a different video acceleration method. Start with X11 video output. If that doesn't help you could try opening VLC then select Audio - Audio Device and try a different output device. If that helps may be able to set that device as the default using the Fatdog Set Default Sound Card in the control panel. Besides mplayer, Xine is also in the Repo, but I think VLC has the best GUI. In September I compiled VLC-3.0 from git, if all else fails you could give that a go, it's here.
Regarding the two available versions of Firefox from the repo
that is v50 and Nightly 38.5.2esr,
please clarify as I am confused by the info.

Per instructions after downloading GTK3, is GTK3 for allowing my choice of Nightly to work and update,
or is GTK2 solely allowing for v50 to work and update.

Frankly I think it's all a muddle as I can't find an easy way to update
Nightly, but I can see in Control Panel that v50 will update.
You only need to install gtk3 if you want to download or update the official version from Mozilla, which is what is offered if you click on Firefox in the main menu.
If you use Gslapt to install Firefox or just download the Firefox package directly from the repo (ibiblio web site) then you don't have to install anything else, GTK2 is installed by default.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 01:10
by kirk
This did not happen in 710b2 (was the hp_wmi module included?).
Yep it's still in there. But the kernel is updated to 4.4.35. Old bugs fixed, new bugs inserted might apply in your case with this kernel update. You can go back to the 4.4.21 kernel used in Beta2 if you want. It's here. Download vmlinuz-4.4.21 and replace the kernel for final. Also download kernel-modules.sfs-4.4.21, rename it kernel-modules.sfs and replace the one in the initrd or just click on it to mount and copy the lib folder to /.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 09:35
by Lobster

Thanks very much for online FAQS and very comprehensive response from JamesBond.
Secure from whom ... is a good question. Mostly advertisers, phishers, data collection bots, low level stuff. Seamonkey with changed parameters should be fine.

I have told my buddhist cyber companions about Fatdog ... ent_500251
but they are mostly non-geek

Regarding Time travel technology, we are moving towards quantum tunneling as a method of communication from future to past reception. This in itself totally transforms society BUT enough of that ...

I am finding Geany is sufficient for editing HTML at present. Just a great editor. Wonderful to be using Rox again too.
Here is Buddhist Page I did with Geany

... enough of that too ... Pah! BACK TO FATDOG!

I am going to install it to HD - very carefully, Good news about Openshot support. Will Check out the SFS.

Thanks again guys. 8)

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 11:00
by LateAdopter
Hello kirk
kirk wrote: In September I compiled VLC-3.0 from git, if all else fails you could give that a go,
Being nosey, I noticed that when you did it, but I don't touch anything there and it didn't move to packages. A couple of questions:
Is it useable? vlc/master-daily has not produced any builds on launchpad for quite a while.
Is it necessary to delete any of the existing VLC installation, e.g. plugins, before doing the installation?

Ther reason I'm interested:
VLC 2.2.x doesn't work properly with either of my CPUs.
VLC 2.1.x works with my Athlon II X2 240 (2x2.8GHz) but not with my Braswell N3150 (4x2.08GHz)
There seems to be a longstanding buffering/timing bug in VLC, when using YADIF 2x deinterlacing, that causes lots of skipping even at relatively low CPU loads.

Currently, I use gnome-mpv + libmpv with the existing ffmpeg in xenialpup64. That can play all of my PVR recordings properly by fair means or foul, in full screen. Gnome-mpv is quite primitive, though.

Thanks for Fatdog.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 11:08
by Buddy
TEMP SOLVED... The immediate workaround was to open the files, in this case PDF, from the former Fatdog(sda6) file system in the PDF viewer, and then save a copy to the new Fatdog in SPOT.

Then I could upload the PDF as attachment.

I am still looking into what is what concerning this


I am experiencing a new challenge.

First of all I did encrypt my savefile this time, so that might be somewhat connected to this challenge.

When I installed this version of Fatdog, I just deleted all the other files from my former installation (fatdog710beta2), apart from the savefile. The savefile i kept with all files at Sda6, and just made a x in front and after the filename of the savefile in order to make it not seen by boot session.

What happens now is that I got a shitload of PDF documents in that folder and also on my USB.

Before I could drag files around to SPOT and from there attach them as email attachments and send them at FB and what not.

Now the only way I can get files uploaded if to go to my own email and download a copy to /download/.

The files from both the former savefile and the usb, even if copy or move to SPOT, and the same files, I can not upload them

This goes for both FB and Gmail. Somewhat is seems that its rights this is about. But i never had this problem before.

Any views on this?


Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 12:37
by SFR
@Buddy: I think the files that fail to upload have insufficient permissions/ownership.
It's better to copy the stuff you want to upload into /root/spot/Downloads instead of just /root/spot.
The "Downloads" directory is special in Fatdog, because ownership of every file/dir you put there gets automatically changed to 'spot:spot'.


Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 13:13
by Buddy
You are totally correct SRF... That did it..

But just out of curiosity... Its not the first time I do this. When i upgrade to latest Fatdog, I never keep the savefile as I always think that its good with a fresh start.

So what strikes me is that this never happen before in my usage of fatdog. And I have been using the last 5 releases as my main OS be it a beta or not. I was always able to upload files from spot and not just from /spot/downloads.

Now since its no longer a barrier for me with you assistance, its like not a problem, but more like a thing i just like to understand.


But at said, its the first time i use encrypted savefile, so my immediate first thought goes to that.


Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 13:18
by drunkjedi
Edit: Deleted.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 13:37
by prehistoric
Still having a great experience with FD710 final. :D

I've installed it to a recycled machine mentioned here before, and plan to give this to someone who just needs a machine at home for web browsing and email. The machine had been discarded as too small and slow for anything beyond 32-bit Windoze XP, but is useful and responsive under FD710.

After thinking about explanations they will need to use this, I've decided to convert the current installation using a save file to a save-to-directory installation. Is there any convenient way to do this, or should I just go through a complete new installation from scratch?

My thought has been to copy the save file to a flash drive, where it won't be clobbered, then wipe the partition clean and do a new install. I would then mount the save file, and copy all the packages installed and other changes. Except for the change of installation method I don't want to change anything else I've done. See any problems?

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 14:18
by jamesbond

I would do it like this, assuming you have enough diskspace.
1. Temporarily boot without savefile (use savefile=none)
2. Rename savefile to something that won't be automatically loaded (see below for notes).
3. Create the directory which would become the savedir, using the **original name of the savefile**.
4. Mount the original savefile, and from there copy the entire contents to the savedir; then unmount.
5. Reboot.

If after reboot you can see the stuff that were originally in the savefile, you have achieved your goal and the original savefile can be deleted (or backed up elsewhere). If you fail, you can always re-trace from step 3.


Note step 2 is important. Fatdog basically loads savefile based on its original filename without extension. So re-maning fd64save.ext4 to "fd64save.ext4-orig" won't work; because fatdog will look for "fd64save*". Instead, rename it to "orig-fd64save.ext4".

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 15:42
by prehistoric

That seems to have done the trick. I was leery of naming a directory fd64save.ext4, since this would be misleading if the file system on the partition was something else. It does work as you said.

As an experiment based on your clues, I renamed the save directory fd64save with no extension, and this worked as well. I even deleted the copied save file to make certain the system was not picking that up instead.


Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 15:51
by mories
kirk wrote:
This did not happen in 710b2 (was the hp_wmi module included?).
Yep it's still in there. But the kernel is updated to 4.4.35. Old bugs fixed, new bugs inserted might apply in your case with this kernel update. You can go back to the 4.4.21 kernel used in Beta2 if you want. It's here. Download vmlinuz-4.4.21 and replace the kernel for final. Also download kernel-modules.sfs-4.4.21, rename it kernel-modules.sfs and replace the one in the initrd or just click on it to mount and copy the lib folder to /.
Was in beta1 ( kernel 4.4.18 ) where this computer had no problems.
Using that kernel with 710 final as indicated does not produce the problem.
Comparing sources of module hp-wmi.c there are differences between these versions.
Therefore I will use kernel 4.4.18.
Thank you.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 15:56
by irishrm
Jamesbond_kirk did a USB install for three different laptops. all working well. I do find setting up wifi very difficult in Fatdog, however got it sorted in the end. BTW thanks for including the wl driver. It looks like Fatdog will be my main OS for the foreseeable future. Thanks for a great OS.

Posted: Tue 06 Dec 2016, 16:22
by kirk
Is it useable? vlc/master-daily has not produced any builds on launchpad for quite a while.
Is it necessary to delete any of the existing VLC installation, e.g. plugins, before doing the installation?
It seems to work, but haven't did much testing. With Intel graphics it will chose the wrong video acceleration and cause problems when you full screen. For that problem go to Tools - Preferences - Video and use the "Output" pull-down to select X11 video output. You can just install it over top of VLC-2.2.4 or use the package manager and remove VLC-2.2.4 first.
Comparing sources of module hp-wmi.c there are differences between these versions.
Therefore I will use kernel 4.4.18.
Glad that works for you. Sometimes you just have to find the right kernel. The latest is not always greatest for every piece of hardware.
BTW thanks for including the wl driver. It looks like Fatdog will be my main OS for the foreseeable future. Thanks for a great OS.
Thanks irishrm, Glad to see that someone is using the wl module. I keep thinking the open source module will catch up and we can dump wl since it's like 7MB, but not so far.