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Posted: Wed 10 Aug 2005, 23:41
by babbs
August numbers have been updated in my previous posting for the August stats...

Posted: Thu 11 Aug 2005, 19:44
by babbs
Great news!

I just got my my web server rental bill, and I was not charged anything extra for going over the 500GB transfer allocation last month! (Chubby Puppy's usage alone was nearly 774GB transferred in July.)

:D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Fri 12 Aug 2005, 00:05
by BarryK
I'll give you a donation!
What's your paypal email address?

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 04:30
by babbs
I've decided that it is easier to maintain the download stats for Chubby Puppy on the Wiki... With that in mind, I added a Chubby Puppy Download Stats page (presently updated through August 14th) at:

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 04:41
by babbs
I forgot to mention that since was setup (now a day shy of one full month), the site numbers are:

1,020,391,407KB Transferred (One Terabyte)
33,587 Hits
16,922 Files downloaded

Although this is but one method to download Chubby Puppy, I'd say that its been a pretty good month of downloads. (Too bad we don't have any way of finding out the torrent download rates.)

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 05:25
by GuestToo
at Chubby Puppy was downloaded 141 times, altogether

Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 07:19
by babbs

Although I'm unfamilure with the P2P community, that number seems kinda low. Does that site have the ability to track all downloads or just the ones it helps to facilitate?


Posted: Tue 16 Aug 2005, 08:13
by GuestToo
i could be reading the stats page wrong, but i think 141 is the correct number

these are the stats for torrents which are hosted by the tracker ... downloads using other trackers wouldn't show up in these stats, i don't think

some of the more popular distros like Knoppix have thousands of downloads, but i think Puppy is above average in popularity

for example, on the front page of it lists
(again, i may be reading this wrong ... i think "snatched" is the total number of downloads)

GeeXboX - 18
Ark - 1
BLAG - 37
Zenwalk - 144
Mandriva 2006 Beta 2 - 48
Klax 3.5 Alpha - 21
SUSE Linux 10.0 Beta1 - 2061
SimplyMEPIS 3.3.2.test02 - 48
Feather 0.7.5 - 7
Kurumin - 4
Damn Small Linux 1.4 - 4
Kubuntu - 86
VectorLinux 5.1 - 106
SLAX Standard Edition v 5.0.6 - 24

so (if i'm reading this right) Puppy seems to be more popular than many of the other distos

there are other torrents being hosted ... one i know of anyway, (i don't remember where, i thought maybe at

i've made 4 Puppy torrents ... the most popular was pizzapup ... 472 downloaded ... i think i also uploaded the pizzapup torrent file to, which i don't think i was supposed to do, according to the rules

as a matter of fact, i'm uploading a standard-mozilla-1.0.4 Puppy right now ... pic: