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Posted: Thu 24 Nov 2005, 01:45
by sunburnt
I removed this post because it's irrellivant now...

Posted: Thu 24 Nov 2005, 02:14
by rarsa
There are just two tests I can think of:

Can you ping to the windows computer?

Can you see the share through Lineighborhood?

Posted: Thu 24 Nov 2005, 02:19
by sunburnt
WEARD..... the IP add. of the Win PC didn't work, so just for the heck of it I tried it's name & bingo!

smbmount // /mnt/data _____ didn't work
smbmount //160SEA/S /mnt/data ___________ DID work

I can see the share useing the PCs name, but for NFS usually the IP add. is what works, Samba seems to prefer names.

Posted: Fri 02 Dec 2005, 14:35
by alan
Just one quick question - how do you get the ftp server to start automatically on boot? (with a hd install) - probably a cryptic command in /etc/rc.d/local no doubt.



Remote puppy from win XP or other puppy?

Posted: Mon 09 Jan 2006, 22:54
by Jan E
Is it possible to remote puppy from a win XP or my other puppy computer?

Posted: Tue 10 Jan 2006, 05:06
by rarsa
See my response in your original thread. There is no need to cross post.

If you cross post I read both and have less time to respond to any.

Re: How to let puppy see a windows share

Posted: Mon 23 Jan 2006, 19:17
by VSh
rarsa wrote:LinNeighborhood:
12. Set the parameters for the mount or accept the defaults. The "mount point" is the puppy folder under which you will see the contents of the shared folder. (write down that path so you remember where it's mounted)
13. Click "Mount". Rox should open on that folder
I observed that in Puppy 1.0.7 the default is /root/mnt/<Server>/<SharedDir>. And during shutdown, Puppy tries to copy its contents to pup100 file. And it fails usually. Probably, it's a bug.

Sharing Puppy drivr wth Windows

Posted: Tue 24 Jan 2006, 01:28
by banoncom
I am relatively new to this linux stuff. I came across this puppy distro as I was looking for a light linux to run on an old laptop which has been retired to jukebox duties. So far it's great, best i've found so far for this task.
The "jukebox" (HP omnibook xe2) uses a USB 200G NTFS HD as its mp3 file source, i need to share the drive on my hme network with other win boxes. I found the ftp solution great except for some minor details which i am trying to find a solution for.
1- when I connect to the "jukebox share" which i set to "/mnt/sda1/Music" I can access the Music folder but none of the sub-directories where the music is sorted in sub folders (Albums - Various etc.) permission denied. I have tried setting owner to the user created for the share for all directories in the tree, and set permissions to 755 for same - no luck so far - any ideas?
2- When i disconnect the USB drive or re-boot the box I have to mannualy mount the USB drive and reset permission etc. Is there a way to automount the drive and keep the settings??

Thanks muchly :D

file transfer too slow

Posted: Sat 24 Jun 2006, 06:18
by ApeMan
I followed the above instructions to connect my puppy computer to a Windows computer. They are connected via a network hub. I tried both SMB and FTP, as explained above. Both are very slow at transfering files. I'm trying to transfer a 700MB file and apparently it will take over 4 hours to do it using the FTP method. If that is the case, I might as well just pull the hard drive out and carry it over to the other computer, which is in the same house, and plug it in to transfer the file that way. Before I do resort to this, does anyone know of a better way to transfer files quickly through the network hub?



Posted: Sat 24 Jun 2006, 06:23
by John Doe
Sounds like you have a 10MB ethernet connection somewhere in the chain. I can do an 11GIG file over 100MB ethernet in 40minutes.

USB2.0 will do the same file in 10minutes. If you have USB2.0 in both machines and a USB drive use that. If USB1.1 is in either, stick with the 10MB Ethernet.

IDE over the board would be faster yet (probably about 1-2minutes).

Re: file transfer too slow

Posted: Sun 25 Jun 2006, 03:37
by rarsa
ApeMan wrote: I'm trying to transfer a 700MB file and apparently it will take over 4 hours to do it using the FTP method.
Don't blame FTP or puppy. Blame your network.

There is something wrong with your network.

I can download a 700MB From the Internet in a few minutes over a 3 Mbps connection. Over my intranet at 100 Mbps I can do it in a few seconds.

Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2006, 21:28
by gabriel_007
I'm probably doing something wrong here:
I set up the ftp server following your advice.
Than I tried to access it from my Debian machine
first with a browser - I typed the address of ftp into the path and it says that login is incorrect. It didn't ask for a login or anything.
Than I thought I'd try gftp: I connected to my puppy computer and could see the contents of my "share" folder - but I have problems when I try to download anything from it.
It disconnects, says that there's no such file or directory, or that it can't modify some directory, "invalid response from server".

I can see the contents of the "share" folder, when I access the ftp with konqueror. When I use my default nautilus, there's an error, that it can't display the contents of this folder. I still can't copy any files from that computer though - with any browser.

I'm using puppy 2.02
I'm clueless

Posted: Mon 04 Sep 2006, 21:59
by fluxit

Betaftp has problems on Puppy >=2.0

Just FYI, to have mozilla prompt for an ftp password use the format: ftp://username@ipaddress-or-servername

Posted: Tue 26 Sep 2006, 23:47
by r__hughes
GuestToo on 9 Sep 2005 wrote:if i wanted to copy files from Puppy, i would click /root/ghttpd/httpd

files and folders (and symlinks) in /root/ghttpd/htdocs will now be available on your network and on the internet


i find this easier than setting up file sharing

you may have to open a port in your firewall, or shut it down

there's a roxapp that starts/stops the httpd server with the click of a button on my dotpups page

---- and now time warp over 1 year to 26 SEP 2006
and I've just been using this technique in pup2.02sm and it works fine for transferring windows-shares to puppys (my network has 4 PCs which frugally dual boot to windows or various pup versions - the actual state being the whim of the current user).

Anyway - I've created puppy ghttpd symlinks on each computer to the required windows shared folder- eg
ln -s /mnt/home/junk /root/ghttpd/Shares/c_junk
ln -s /mnt/home/box /root/ghttpd/Shares/c_box
ln -s /mnt/home/audio_files /root/ghttpd/Shares/c_audio

I've set the ghttpd config to home in on the ghttpd/Shares directory and all works perfectly - almost -
All symlinks navigate fine from remote puppy PCs & all target windows folders/subfolders can be navigated & all individual files can be copied by 'save target as ---'

Only problem is - this won't copy folders & contents - trying to save the target folder by 'save target as---' results in the saving of the html address of the folder :(

This is such a nifty technique to get windows shares from puppies I'm just praying that someone has a solution to this folder problem.

Posted: Wed 27 Sep 2006, 00:39
by fluxit

wget -r url will recurse directories. You might want to read the help(wget --help) first. I'm not sure if you also wanted to copy these files from Windows? Wget is also available for Windows.
Of course you could always install and use Samba instead, or an ftpd+ncftp(or similar) client.

Posted: Thu 28 Sep 2006, 14:43
by r__hughes
fluxit wrote:wget -r url will recurse directories. ---------
Thanks - I'll look into that.

Help - I'm really thick!

Posted: Mon 13 Nov 2006, 00:54
by ICanoe2
I have tried following rarsa's instructions and gone through this thread numerous times however with limited success in file sharing.

Problem 1 - Seeing my XP machine
Linneighbourhood works great => no problems
In Lineighbourhood I can see the following
Service: //DININGROOM/Denise
Mountpoint: /root/mnt/DININGROOM/Denise
Command line => problems
I tried the following commands
smbmount //
result = cannot resolve mount point
result = no such file or directory
I'm still not sure if there should be a space between smbmount and // :?

After reading further in the post I tried various permutations of the smbmount command as above with the exception being that I replaced the IP address with DININGROOM (the computer name) with results similar to the above.

Problem 2 - Seeing Puppy via my XP machine - SOLVED (see below)
I again followed the instructions in the thread.
I tried to add a user named "localuser" via the following command
adduser -h/root localuser
result = login already in use
I tried to add a user named "share" via thr following command
adduser -h/root share
result = SUCCESS :D
I then added name and password and optimism was high.
I went to my XP machine and explored to this location but the only thing I can see is the readme file called betaftpd.anon
How do I see my files and where do I enter this username and password information?

*After posting I played some more on my XP machine and found "Login as... in the file menu. Oops :oops:
Hurray, I can see all of my files both ways. No it's just the command line so that I can make this available with start-up

Posted: Mon 13 Nov 2006, 14:49
by trapster
If your xp machine is //
and you have a directory /mnt/DININGROOM on your puppy box.


Code: Select all

smbmount // /mnt/DININGROOM
should work.

note the <space> after Denise.

Posted: Mon 13 Nov 2006, 19:13
by MU
Very nice Howto, it should be added to Linuxneighbourhood in Puppy.

I have a problem though:
Connecting to the XP-machine works fine, and I can copy files among Puppy and XP.
But special characters are shown wrong.

As this is a common problem in applications based on Gtk1 (Rox-filer 1.2), I tried it in the Gnome-Filemanager Nautilus (that can display unicode, as it is based on Gtk2).
Still no joy, even after installing some truetype-fonts (the free dejavu, and tahoma from Windows).

In Nautilus, I can create a file like test-

Posted: Tue 14 Nov 2006, 20:44
by MU
ok, without linneighbourhood I found a solution:

smbmount //MACHINE/folder /root/mnt/MACHINE/folder -o guest,codepage=cp437

I'm writing a script at work that scans the network for shares, and then automatically mounts all available folders in /root/LocalNetwork/ (those without password). Will continue/finish it in 2 days I think.

this is how the script looks like at moment:
It does not work at moment, as I added some test-code, and were interrupted then.
