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Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 11:21
by Sit Heel Speak
Having difficulty in getting the ISO to burn. I don't want to post it until I can actually burn it, and have the live-DVD boot and run...

**update: believe it or not, now I'm getting a POST beeps error from the machine. Too late at night to be messing around inside the case. Back in 18 hours or so.

Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 17:21
by Sit Heel Speak
(sigh) One is tempted to pronounce round oaths characteristic of U.S. Marines, lumberjacks, et cetera...

It will be another day or two before I can upload it--one picture says it all:

F5 and then complete mechanical disassembly, cleaning, and re-seating everything will likely fix it.


If the Puppy community wishes to have an office-2.02CE with the fonting tweaked to perfection by yours truly...I must say...votive prayers may help...


Posted: Fri 22 Feb 2008, 19:19
by Its Gone Funny
I had one in my workshop did that. Its still lying on the floor in the "unexplained" pile though there's them that says its the video ram for sure. Good luck with it Will be holding my breath for the lovely fonting!

Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2008, 19:31
by Sit Heel Speak
OK, I once again have a working development machine...secondary IDE controller on the old mainboard gave up the ISO is now ready to upload...but now Eric's ISP is having trouble with his server, where I'm planning to upload it to. Stand by...

Posted: Mon 25 Feb 2008, 20:50
by Sit Heel Speak

Uploaded and available for download. Announcement:

It undoubtedly carries all the warts of the original; the price for using it is, report what's wrong with it in the thread cited above or, better, here.

I plan to ultimately migrate it, once bugs are shaken out and shortcomings well-defined, once we know what best works for you, to Puppies 3 and 4, which should make it faster and much more capable. But I will not sacrifice stability for the sake of eye candy or the iffy ability to (un-stably) run "leet" programs. I hope this is on the path to meeting your students' needs. --SHS

Posted: Wed 27 Feb 2008, 04:07
by pistoi0
Helen, more manna from heaven, following the contribution from SHS.

If you would like Raffy's Safepup, as adpated for my purposes, please download a copy of Safepup from Raffy's site. The version I have used has been updated as of Feb. 7. Raffy's site also has an excellent tutorial for modifying and remastering Safepup. Below is the file to download.

Having burned your copy of Raffy's Safepup, download my specially modified pup_213.sfs. This includes the auto-mount USB folder. Bear in mind, you may add or delete as you wish and then remaster the result. I have seen this Pupsafe run very well on a Thinkpad 700x with a PII 300 MH processor.


Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2008, 17:10
by raffy
gola10 from here reported:
.. tried to replace on Safepup ISO pup_213.sfs with the one you suggest using isomaster. The iso is build but when booting, there is a Kernel panic message and everything stops.
I had the same result, so this observation is confirmed. is it possible that you have saved the remaster in a DOS/Windows partition? I understand that remasters are best saved in Linux (ext2) partition.

Thanks for all your efforts.

Posted: Mon 03 Mar 2008, 22:24
by pistoi0
Posted as response to the the thread indicated above by Raffy:

Something came to mind as I read in the post about difficulties with my build of Safepup pup_2.13.sfs. I also encountered a kernel panic when adapting the build for a Thinkpad 700x and found I had to toggle apci. Raffy's original comes with apci=force. I suggest trying apci=on /=off =/force to see if any of those work. There is also the possibility that the upload is corrupt.


Posted: Tue 04 Mar 2008, 04:00
by raffy
Thanks for the quick reply. Could you perhaps provide the md5sum of your pup_213.sfs?

Also, just a typing correction, it is acpi. :)

Posted: Tue 04 Mar 2008, 04:59
by pistoi0

Here is the md5sum for my pup_213.sfs.

And thanks for catching that typo!

18bdb488b0bd5a46a0508507eaddaaf2 pup_213.sfs


Posted: Sat 08 Mar 2008, 15:02
by raffy
Sorry for the delay, the md5sum that I got is
eefc01addacb2c506a4fae8bce5ec599 pup_213.sfs

Hope you can retry re-uploading it one of these days. :)

Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 02:34
by pistoi0

The pup_213.sfs is uploaded.
Md5sum=97abfe99e0c1136db77a7fa3f8e97064 pup_213.sfs


Posted: Mon 10 Mar 2008, 03:20
by raffy
Thank you very much, pistoi0, I got the same md5sum - the upload/download was OK.


Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2009, 01:36
by raffy
For people reading this, the download URL for pistoi0's sfs is

It is to be used only with puppy 2.13 (safepup is built from 2.13).

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2009, 02:10
by ecomoney
Hi Helen, welcome to the "kennels". I run a computer suite at a local preschool, and the server you just got edupup from! Hope you like it.

A group of intrepid souls are developing a package called gCompris, which is an addon for edupup. Its essentially "brain training for kids" aged 2-12, a superb program that our kids love and Im sure yours will too. We could also use a hand testing the latest version thats being put together as we speak.

There is another guy called Sidders from Bolton who is running puppy at a nursery school there too.