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New, Greatly Improved SFS of K-Office 1.6.3 for 4.00/4.06

Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 19:25
by playdayz
I have edited the first message in this thread to reflect the new version. With a lot of help from my friends aragon, raffy, ttuuxxx, and Lobster this version is much, much better and in my opinion definitely usable.

All of the problems people have helped with in this thread have been addressed: the fonts are right and look good, the dictionary is present and the spell checker works, the menus are working, and the remaining console messages are non-critical (afaik).

I have been emailing with some K-Office developers who have been very gracious with their time and I have learned from them some things that might be useful to Puppy (I will discuss these in a blog entry soon). One thing they said was that a project such as this would have to be done manually and would be "almost completely unmaintainable." Right on both counts, I think ;-) but it seems to be working now and it looks like it should be able to work with 4.1. And after that, K-Office 2!

Posted: Sun 24 Aug 2008, 23:22
by ttuuxxx
Well that sounds excellent :) Looking forward to newer versions.
Actually I might try to add KOffice to my next living water release, I already have a stable KDE base for Bibletime, but its kind of large, 43mb.

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 05:02
by Lobster
Bravo! :)

The test is usability.
Abiword works fine for up to about 20 pages.
Up till now I have used OpenOffice for anything larger.
Next time I will use KOffice.

I just did a logo in inkscapelite (great program inside Puppy)
next time I will use the KOffice structured drawing program
. . . which looks dead easy to use
- in combination with the drawing package perhaps

The thing I liked about kOffice was I did not have to learn it.
Intuitive and much more obvious than OpenOffice

Feedback and testing (particularly in Puppy 4.1 Beta available this week)
will I hope encourage your efforts.
I for one will be making this a feature of any future Linux tmxxine

What is great, is how you are contacting the developers
and benefiting Linux in general and Puppy in particular
I look forward to your blog

Just to remind people that this thread was posted and very little feedback was offered.

Feedback and testing and reporting is what makes a developer
know his efforts are useful.
If you don't bother why should they?

woof woof

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 05:42
by ttuuxxx
Lobster wrote:Bravo! :)
I agree, Sometimes I spend countless hours building, troubleshooting things and only get a few responses, Most often people just like to look, read, download. Like some of my Fire Hydrant forum post, some of them have over 11,000 views and only 30 or so responses.
Plus sometimes I could use some help with some issues but most of the time I have to work them out myself which takes for ever, Funny some people who are qualified could probably name the answer in 2 seconds, just off the top of their heads, But they choose not too and I'm stuck for days trying to work out one issue, Thats kind of where we fail as a community. But then just a handful would go the extra mile and actually help. Oh well I learn more doing it myself :)
Anyways I agree with you lobster, more for feedback is needed!!
keep up the great work :wink:

Ps Lobster your "N" in DINGO is backwards ????
other than that it looks great :)

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 12:06
by magerlab
this letter looks like russian И( pronounced
looks great

i really like the things that you guys are making here on murga-linux!

i'm downloding this koffice pack to try and the new icewm from tuuxxx is very nice!

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 12:23
by Aitch
Lobster: Hey I support devs!! & Lobster


& LOBSTER - YAY :wink:

ttuuxxx - I don't code, but I am always available for research, if needed

pm me

Aitch :D


Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 14:05
by raffy
Thanks a lot ! If you want, you can blog at


Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 14:50
by davec51
I tried the K-Office .sfs this morning, hoping I could substitute it for the ponderous OO. It was a big disappointment. It can't seem to handle .ppt presentations or .ods spreadsheets.

Re: Disappointment

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 15:17
by ttuuxxx
davec51 wrote:I tried the K-Office .sfs this morning, hoping I could substitute it for the ponderous OO. It was a big disappointment. It can't seem to handle .ppt presentations or .ods spreadsheets.
I'm not running Koffice at the moment but KPresenter needs a .ppt filter to open that format. probably the same with .ods
Lets not forget that this is just a start./alpha or early beta, A very good one :) If I get a bit of time I'll try to work it out, Maybe somebody else could search and make a addon package to extend Koffice format, Like we do with abiword. etc


Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 16:24
by playdayz
@davec51, thanks dave, i am sorry for the disappointment.

PPT. Here is the situation as described in the KOffice online documentation:
Powerpoint Files. KPresenter does attempt to import Microsoft® Powerpoint files but it does not always work perfectly. It depends on the Powerpoint file version and what is in the file. You can always import pictures for the background image and re-type any text. It's not the ideal solution, re-doing the entire presentation. However, just bear in mind that Powerpoint does not even attempt to read KPresenter files.
ODS. K-Office is supposed to open and save OpenDocument Spreadsheet files. I created a very simple one with OpenOffice 2.4 and then imported it into KSpread. It seems to me that there is nothing we can do here either except file a bug report if KSpread does not open a more complex ods sheet. However, the developers are not even sure if there will ever be another version after 1.6.3--all of their time is going into KOffice2.

The online documentation for KOffice is located at

Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008, 22:29
by mikeb
There seems to be a problem with loading/mounting the sfs.
Do you have and md5 hash for the download?

I want to experiment with other puppy versions and friend couldn't load it in dingo either.
What version of squashfs is used?



md5 & mounting sfs

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 02:01
by playdayz
ae3fb1478cf7c7f34ebc3fa566e1fde9 K-Office_400.sfs ... 00.md5.txt

Those are the md5 sum. I just downloaded and compared and its the same up and down for me.

Is this your procedure to mount?

1. Download the K-Office_400.sfs to /mnt/home (or move it there)
2. If using 4.06, rename K-Office_400.sfs to K-Office_406.sfs
3. Go to Menu: System: Bootmanager configure bootup
4. Click on Choose which extra SFS files to load at bootup
5. Select K-Office_400 (or 406) and Add it to the right side
6. Make sure to untick Ignore above user selection....and then click OK
7. Reboot Puppy
8. Check Menu under Document (also check /usr/share/applications/kde in case something might go wrong with the menu)

This is about all I know about mounting an sfs file. It will mount of course by just clicking it, but it will not run that way. This version will not run with 3.01, but should run with 4.00 and 4.06. I am sure there are things that would prevent its running correctly; I tested with default 4.00 and 4.06 so maybe create a new default installation???

I used sunburnt's progam here to make the sfs ... 84&t=30760

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 02:28
by mikeb
Ok thanks for the quick reply and info.

I checked and the md5 says my download is good so it must be a squashfs issue as it will not click and mount. Diefferent squashfs versions are not backward compatible.
Do you know which kernel you are using....2.1.21 or 2.6.25?



ps thanks for working on this project.


Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 03:57
by playdayz
in 4.06 it is

I made the sfs in 4.00 which is

the same sfs works in both

you are using 4.00 or 4.06?

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 08:43
by Béèm
playdayz wrote:6. Make sure to untick Ignore above user selection....and then click OK
I have a problem with this point.
If the box is unticked, it doesn't load any sfs for me with _400, _406 in the name. I have to delete the _4xx part or rename it to _v4xx

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 15:35
by playdayz
As I understand Bootmanager, if the box Ignore above user selection... is checked then Puppy will automatically load any sfs file that is in /mnt/home that has the same number as your version of Puppy. For instance, if the box is checked and there is a file named K-Office_400.sfs in /mnt/home then your Puppy 4.00 will automatically load it--but if you are using Puppy 4.06 then it will *not* automatically load it (hence the renaming). I think I have seen this misfire, which is why I suggest unchecking the box and Adding the properly named sfs file to the Right side, clicking OK and rebooting. However, it should also work to check the ox if the K-Office sfs is located in /mnt/home and the number matches your Puppy version.

I have checked this with default versions of Puppy 4.00 and 4.06 on frugal installs and Live-CD installs. As I understand it, there is a problem with using sfs files in a full install--not exactly a problem, it is just not meant to work in this way.

To help me check this out, if there is a problem could you please do the following checklist?

Puppy Version? 4.00 or 4.06 - only

Install method: frugal or Live-CD - only (USB should work but not tested - Full *should not* work)

K-Office_400.sfs or K-Office 4.06.sfs - must match Puppy version and be located in /mnt/home

Bootmanager shows K_Offifce_400.sfs or K-Office_406 in Right side

check /usr/share/applications/kde/ after reboot

Thanks for your troubleshooting

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 17:50
by mikeb
Ok quick update...i managed to unpack with latest unsquashfs from debian then repack with older mounts ok..seems 3.3 incompatible with 3.1 .



Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 18:59
by mikeb
Quick update no2.......I can run kword in puppy 2.12 using the remade sfs.....all seems to files/compose/print.....complains about desktop/mime type files in console but I don't think 2.12 uses them.




Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 23:21
by Béèm
So I could finally start to test KOffice and begun with a spreadsheet created in OOo. (ods)
Quite some sheets are present.
So I opened the Kspread and selected open.
After a while Kspead just vanished from memory.
The spreadsheet isn't that big, just 246KB.

I tried another then, much smaller.
It loaded, but as there are vlookup functions in there, I can't work with it in Kspread.

I tried a odt document.
That one loaded. It wasn't very big and just some text and scanned pictures.
Another one had a problem with the footer being on 2 lines instead of one.
Another was a two column table with overflow on several pages.
I only got the first few lines in the table cells.

Word documents .doc aren't accepted.

Slideshow .ptt aren't accepted.

There was no help. No wonder that the sfs file is smaller then the OOo's one. When comparisons are to made, it should be done with the same contents.

So not a comfortable start.
Probably when one starts with the Koffice environment, one can do the work which is needed to be done, but as with the Microsoft Office suite, one is trapped in the proprietary environment.
Koffice doesn't seem to support the odx formats fully. (yet?)

Console Messages to Ignore

Posted: Tue 26 Aug 2008, 23:35
by playdayz
According to the K-Office developers I talked to many of the K-Office messages are not critical, more in the line of information for the developers. I'm sure it would be great to get rid of them all, but my experience of KDE is that all of the apps pepper the screen with messages. That used to really bug me--it's what made me start looking at leaner, tighter programs and end up with puppy!