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treesize does the job quite always,

Posted: Sat 02 Jul 2016, 01:28
by Pelo
treesize does the job quite always, id est sometimes is not responding. Why, i don't know. Generally i use it for /usr/
sure Musher could be happy with some apps to run in terminal. But his goal is to create them himself. Don't disturb him when he is in Programing cycle..
My pendrive is quite full (4GB) Treesize does nor go to it. I don't know where is the fat..
ncdu ? pet loaded from topic ncdu
Success :!: hidden files were there. deleted now.

Treesize included in X-Slacko Slim

Posted: Thu 28 Jul 2016, 13:43
by Pelo
Passenger controls the MBs of his Slim Puppy mistfire topic click the blue. Pet provided there.

tree gives slightly different results

Posted: Mon 14 Aug 2017, 07:27
by Pelo
tree gives slightly different results

Posted: Mon 14 Aug 2017, 12:38
by Flash
Different from what?

in Treesize, you open, directories to see inside.

Posted: Mon 14 Aug 2017, 13:24
by Pelo
from treesize. in Treesize, you open, directories to see inside. Tree is really a tree.. (arborescence in French). But no sizes

very useful with X-Slacko Slim (pet downloaded 413 times)

Posted: Thu 14 Jun 2018, 12:50
by hamoudoudou
very useful with X-Slacko Slim (pet downloaded 413 times)
If Mistfire wants to keep, his puppy Slim, he has to check where is the fat..

iron the browser removed,

Posted: Mon 23 Jul 2018, 22:18
by hamoudoudou
iron the browser removed, pupsave still quite full. why..
Don't have opinion, make sure of things
RAM and Pupsave

Posted: Tue 24 Jul 2018, 20:58
by Argolance
hamoudoudou wrote:Iron the browser removed, pupsave still quite full. why..
Don't have opinion, make sure of things