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Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 17:09
by Q5sys
edoc wrote:So it is merely a matter of loading KDE or GNOME?
Only if the clouds would part and Angels would descend from heaven to serenade me while I work. lol
I had hoped that running KDE or GNOME would have resolved it. However it didnt. I still dont believe its an XORG issue. I'm now leaning to the idea that its a limitation of how Puppy interacts with XORG.

I've posted some Screenshots to show you the effect on my desktop. You can see in the panel that KDE detects both monitors... but it mirrors them, which is why they are stacked. When I go to the thing to extend it... well you can see the dialog. I get the same result whether I use KDE3 or KDE4.

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 17:31
by jemimah
Try this.

Boot with the VGA connected. It'll only extend the desktop if both resolutions fit in the "max screen" size. I'm still trying to figure out how it computes the max screen size.

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 17:47
by jemimah
Ok I figured it out. You need to edit your xorg.conf and specify the virtual screen size like so.

Code: Select all

SubSection "Display"
Viewport   0 0
Depth     24
#....there might be some more entries. Add the following line
Virtual 2880 1050
Pick a size that both monitors fit in. Then you can use zarfy to configure where you want the monitors to be.

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 18:19
by Q5sys
I tried it out but it didnt work for me.
Info: Laptop Screen = 1280x768, External 1024x768
Booted with VGA attached, xorgwizard detected monitor @ 1024x768.
Loaded WM, ran zarfy, and still only got mirroring no extension. (however zarfy did detect the different resolutions of my screens just like KDE does)
Then Edited the conf and ran zarfy... still only got mirroring.
I was unable to move the screens around and position them.
Then restarted X with changes to xorg.conf and X refused to load, until I reset it to its original settings.

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 18:39
by jemimah
You have to move the little red and blue boxes around, it can be tricky to drag them. It does work, I just tested.

Zarfy sort of freaks out if you make the virtual screen size too big or oddly shaped so be sure to maximize its window so you can see it all.

Or you can just use xrandr from the command line to do the same thing. ... e-10-xfce/

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 18:48
by Q5sys
jemimah wrote:You have to move the little red and blue boxes around, it can be tricky to drag them. It does work, I just tested.
Yea I tried dragging them around on my system... they didnt move at all. I dont have time to test more now, but its possible that something else on my system is the reason its not working.

I've run xandr before and it detects both monitors. I'll fool around with it more when I have the time.

Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2010, 21:50
by bones01
Thanks for the comments and advice found here. I'll give them a try today and see how things go.

I'm using xvesa, so not real confident of success. No harm in trying though.

Posted: Fri 21 Mar 2014, 22:15
by Cadejo

I found this in searching for the answer, and it worked!

Check it out. ... ual_screen

It outlines the general concept of a virtual screen that XORG uses. In it, it outlines an example, exceprt from the site:

"To turn the VGA monitor back on, with its viewport to the right of the laptop monitor:

Code: Select all

 $  xrandr --output VGA --auto --right-of LVDS 
This will probably give an error message similar to:

Code: Select all

 xrandr: screen cannot be larger than 1600x1600 (desired size 2624x1200) 

It then points you to make an entry in the "screen" section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Code: Select all

           Virtual              2048 2048 
Anyways, JWM freaks out so I wrote a quick bash and put it in my start up.

Code: Select all

#! /bin/sh
xrandr --output LVDS --auto --right-of VGA-0
jwm -restart

don't to forget to chmod +x the script! I hope this works for you all.

Posted: Sat 26 Apr 2014, 20:00
by marcos90
-Precise latest version
-Lcd monitor 17 inch and LED monitor 26 inch .
-Motherboard Intel with integrated D-sub and HDMI .

For me , this was the best solution . I wanted an extended monitor without installing complicated softwares or drivers like nvidia stuff .
The only "difficult" part was as mentionated before was the "drag" to configure the layout position .

jemimah wrote:Try this.

Boot with the VGA connected. It'll only extend the desktop if both resolutions fit in the "max screen" size. I'm still trying to figure out how it computes the max screen size.

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2015, 04:51
by joe_doorman
Disciple, seems to me your maori is incorrect grammar.

Quote "root: n. the superuser or administrator account that has complete control over everything in the machine. Running as root is a taonga of Puppy Linux users."

Taonga is in fact a War Crime (like the 1988 Mongrel Mob convention), not sure what that has to do with unix or computers..

re Zarfy,

"Edit: I uploaded a stripped version as disciple suggested.",

the 'stripped' version is a "Taonga", it has been 'gang raped'.

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2015, 10:43
by disciple
Since this is your first post I'm going to assume you're just trolling. But if your definition is right it isn't my grammar that is wrong.

Posted: Sun 13 Dec 2015, 14:41
by Flash
I googled "taonga definition" and the result I liked best was this one. It rambles around a bit but includes:
Words change their meaning over time. According to my dictionaries, taonga has evolved in four stages:

Property procured by the spear, etc.
Property, treasure.

Once it meant solely property. Now it means solely treasure.
Let's assume that disciple meant treasure.

Posted: Wed 25 May 2016, 02:18
by James186282
I was going to post a question about adding more then two monitors but before I do that for once I'll try to help out with what I know.

In short. in the /etc/X11 directory is this handy text file xorg.conf
This configures your display(s) and informs the system about the hardware thats in your machine. So for example lets say you have a machine with an NVIDA GeForce 7600 video card. Wow! Just like me. Old old old but cool because it has two output connectors. One is the old VGA and the other is the newer DVI cable. So you plug a montor (Lcd whatever) into one connector and use the other to run a second monitor.

When you boot up with the Puppy CD it will run xorgwizard and probably turn on one of them and leave the other one blank (or Possibly just run a copy of the first screen)

Now you run Geany (The text editor) and open up the /etc/X11/xorg.conf As in X(windows)-Org Configure file. In it are some sections that will talk about the hardware. First you have the video card. Here is mine

# ******************************
# Graphics Card NVIDIA 7600 GS *
# ******************************
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName "GeForce 7600 GS"
BusID "PCI:8:0:0"

Anything that starts with the # character is a comment. Just whatever blab you want to write to remind you what it is your doing *Highly recommended

Section and EndSection are what starts and ends the description of something. Like a Device. A device like a video card made by NVIDIA.

Identifier is the name of the device that we will use in some other sections. I named mine Card0 but you can call it myvideocard or zarf or whatever you like.

Driver is the software driver for the card. It is REALLY important to have the correct one. Telling the system to use the mesa or ati driver on an nvidia card is not going to work. xorgwizard found something that works but I bring it up because places like NVIDA are super anal about how their hardware really works so they make a driver thats top secret (and fast) or you can use one that is open source but might not be super speedy. Find out what your card can use and if its worth fooling with. I got all worked up and compiled a native driver for my card and it makes the 3D test spin around faster. *Open a terminal and type glxgears and watch the madness.

VendorName is really not important. You can say its NVIDIA Corporation or if your mad call it NVIDIA Goon Squad. Its not really important.

BoardName is also kind of unimportant. If either of those is used anyplace I haven't found it.

BusID is required only if you have more then one video card. I'm lucky that the NVIDIA has two outputs and its just one card so thats optional. If you need to look up your BusID start a terminal and type lspci
It should show you all the boards plugged into your computer and gives you all sorts of info on what it is who makes it and the busid. If you want to put it in? Go for it. If you don't and there is only one video card it won't matter.
Somewhere at the start of xorg.conf is another section called screen. Here is mine.

# ********************************************
# Dual Headed Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS Display *
# ********************************************
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
Option "Stereo" "0"
Option "nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder" "CRT-1"
Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024 +0+0, DFP: 1280x1024 +1280+0"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24

Ok its section and endsection just as before. Instead of a device like a video board its the "screen" as in what is plugged into what. This one is not as clear as others but lets explain what its trying to do.

The device is that Circuit board we just defined in the first part. Card0 is the NVIDiA board. Monitor0 is the first Monitor (or LCD Panel etc) thats plugged into the card and we will talk about that next. DefaultDepth is how many colors you want the card to be showing. Old Old Old cards were 8 bits and only showed 256 colours. Most newer ones are 24 bit (Photographic) so we want our card to default to that mode. If your running old stuff that might not work. But its got to be really old.

Option Stereo is a special NVIDIA (only) thing. Its in there just to tell the card that I don't have a 3D screen or XRAY specs so =0 just means turn that fancy stuff off.

Option nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder is another NVIDIA thing. Its an NVIDEA way to tell Xinerama (The dual monitor thing) that the CRT (Which in this case is the VGA cable) is connected to a monitor that we want running in 1280 by 1024 pixel mode. The +0+0 is saying that this monitor is where our desktop starts. *all the way to the top (x) all the way to the left(y) corner of the VGA monitor is zero zero. The DFP is the DVI cabled monitor (or LCD) and I want that to be in 1280 by 1024 pixel mode also. This monitor is to start where the first monitor left off. So if +0+0 is the upper left of the monitor hooked up to the VGA cable the second monitor has its upper left corner at 1280 and its in line with the same top end as the other monitor. So you can think of it as two 1280x1024 displays side by side. COOL!

I'm not sure why we have a SubSection that tells us (Again) that its 24 bit colour mode but in some setups (Non NVIDIA) this sets depth and the 1280x1024 mode (or 800x600 or 1600x1280 etc)
There is another section that talks about the actual monitor (LCD panel)
Here is one of mine. This is the monitor that connects to the DVI cable so its not vital that I explain to xorg what its capable of doing. The DVI cable has the smarts to talk to the monitor and ask it what it can do. But I did it anyway.

# **********************************************************************
# Compaq TFT-1720 Monitor.
# **********************************************************************
Section "Monitor"
# DisplaySize xxx xxx # screen dimensions in mm to get virtual dpi value
Identifier "Monitor3"
VendorName "COMPAQ"
ModelName "TFT-1720"
DisplaySize 340 270
HorizSync 30.0 - 80.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 76.0
Option "DPMS" # Energy Star able.

# starts a comment. It doesn't have to be the first character in the line. I mention this because I like to have a note that explains something like the line where Option is set to "DPMS" If I didn't put in a note telling me that this is to tell xorg that my monitor is fancy enough to dial back on the wattage when I'm not using it I would go crazy asking myself if DPMS was D.efective P.oop M.y S.tink or what?
So its the same Section at the start and EndSection at the end. This section is to inform xorg that we are spelling out the technical capabilities of a Monitor. Where do you get this? Why in the owners manual that we threw away when we first opened the box! Fortunately you can type in the model number into Google and find manuals or even just a tech review that has all the right numbers to poke in.

DisplaySize is commented out. The DVI cable tells xorg just about everything. What this is just the viewable area in millimeters. So get out your Metric tape measure and you can put this number in. If xorg doesn't know the answer? It will still run but the DPI won't be perfect and it will complain in the log file it writes when xorg puzzles over your xorg.conf file. *Note the log file is in the /ver/log directory and the name of the file is Xorg.0.log If you open that with a text editor like Geany you can find out whats going on. *Very valuable tool.

The next line is Identifier. This is just a name. I gave it a dumb generic name "Monitor3" because I wasn't creative enough to give it a good name like Compaq1720 or something that tells you what it is. This is used later (Like naming our NVIDIA board Card0) Soooo this is important but it can be whatever you want to call it.
VendorName is not important. I put in COMPAQ because the monitor is from someones old COMPAQ computer. ModelName is not really used but this is what the thing is so I thought why not? DisplaySize OOPS! I did put it in. The commented out line is a duplicate but its not read. This is just saying the viewable area is 340mm x 270. So when you run it in 1280x1024 mode xorg can figure out what the DPI (Dots per inch) is and give you a what you see is what you get 1:1 view. That what WYSIWYG is btw. The next line is the Horizontal syn range. This is how fast the monitor can spray dots out horizontally. The faster you can run HSYNC the higher the resolution. The range of this monitor probably limits the display to 1280 mode or maybe 1600x1280 but nothing higher. VertRefresh is how many times per second can we repaint the screen. If you run a display where your repainting the screen at less then 60 times a second you will see it flicker like an old time movie projector (It looks crappy) If you can go faster like 75 times a second it makes what your seeing on an old time tube monitor look better then good. Like etched in stone.
Ok, so you need to have one place that needs to pull this together with what your using as a mouse (touch pad? Light pen???) what kind of Keyboard your beating on and so forth. I won't go on about defining the mouse and keyboard. Whats already in your xorg.conf is probably done for you and since you know how to do monitors and video boards (Graphics Controllers) this will be pretty easy to understand. Anyway this pulls it together. Its called the ServerLayout and here is mine.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Default Layout"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"

You know that Section and EndSection are the start and end of the "ServerLayout" I "think" Default Layout could be called anything. Old Brown Shoe 400 maybe. But what it is? Is that its the default layout so later on someone looking at it can go "hummmmm that must be the default layout of this guys computer."
InputDevices are as we mentioned earlier lines that spell out to xorg what the mouse and keyboard are and CoreKeyboard i and CorePointer are important. They have to be named that. Keyboard0 is defined elsewhere but you could name it MyKeyboard and ThatMousething and it would be fine just so long as you name it that when you define them. The important line is Screen. The number after screen can be thought of as the Video boards number. I have one in the old Dell so we start at 0? Like 0 1 2 3 if we had 4 different cards. Why start at 0? Why ask? Screen0 is what we called our multimonitor lashup. This might be better named but thats my xorg.conf name and I'm sticking with it. The 0 0 is again what the upper left part of the screen is located at. 0 0 is a good thing. You can poke in different numbers and have parts of your screen out of view and you won't be able to see things. Great huh? 0 0 is a good thing.
Ok, there is some very important stuff that has to be set and frankly I know enough about it just to know screwing around with it is a good way to goof everything up. I'll bring up one thing that you want to be sure is on. Its in theServerFlags section and here is a copy of mine.

Section "ServerFlags"
# Uncomment this to disable the <Crtl><Alt><Fn> VT switch sequence
# (where n is 1 through 12). This allows clients to receive these key
# events.
# Option "DontVTSwitch"
# Enables mode switching with xrandr
# There is a report that this can cause Xorg not to work on some
# video hardware, so default is commented-out...
# but i want to use it in xorgwizard so leave on...
# with the old Xorg behavior (pre-7.4)...
# Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
# Xorg 7.4, Ubuntu Jaunty, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is disabled by default...
Option "RandR" "on"
# With this, Xorg won't talk to HAL to add evdev devices and you'll be back
Option "AutoAddDevices" "false"
# For no-Hal, kirk also suggests this...
Option "DontZap" "false"

most of it is commented out but the Option to turn RandR on is a 9.95 on the cool-o-meter. But this post is already book length so once you all recover from me sending something other then a question I'll post some examples of how you can "play" with your monitors by rearanging them, rotating them and my favorite... Creating a huge Virtual screen and see what hardware panning is like... "Scroll bars?!? We don't need no stinkin scroll bars!"

Posted: Wed 25 May 2016, 03:13
by disciple
With an nvidia card I've always used the proprietary driver and nvidia-settings.

Posted: Thu 26 May 2016, 01:31
by James186282
disciple wrote:With an nvidia card I've always used the proprietary driver and nvidia-settings.
Right on! I downloaded the Native driver from NVIDIAs old card archive. To compile it you need to exit to the command line (No X) and be sure you have all the Kernel files and devx to do the compiling. It had a learning curve but I've moved that card from one machine to another so its becoming a lot less confusing.

I've been trying to get a second card going to have a three monitor lash up but all I have are different brand PCI cards. I can take out the NVIDIA card and get Puppy up with the card but mixing them seems to be more difficult then it looks. I tried to get the mother board video to run by fiddling with the BIOS. Some character on Youtube shows how he does that but I think his motherboard is new and improved. My equipment is all old (But nice for running Puppy fast) I'm wondering if the problem is having two drivers from two different companies or if its something dumb I'm doing.

Posted: Thu 26 May 2016, 15:32
by James186282
I hinted at explaining what little I know about xrandr. The program is made to rotate and resize you displays on the fly. So assuming you got your xorg.conf file working and you have two monitors side by side you can start to play with them.

I got started at a company called CPT that made an 8080 based computer with a page oriented screen. Portrait not Landscape. So think a piece of paper that your typing on in the narrrow position. I admit that I hate the widescreen monitor for exiting. If I want to write software or a letter to my cousin I want a screen that resembles a piece of paper in orientation.

First type xrandr -q

this will let you see what your video is doing and what its capable of doing. In my set up it shows that VGA-0 connected primary 1280x1024++0+0
and a long list of modes it can be run in. TV-0 and DVI-I-0 are disconnected. *Note I don't have these connectors on my NVIDIA card.
DVI-I-1 is connected as 1280x1024+1280+0 which means its the monitor to the right of the VGA monitor.

So what we've learned is that the left monitor is VGA-0 and the right monitor is DVI-I-1.

So I want one to be a page orriented display. In a terminal type
xrandr --output VGA-0 --rotate left
Is this just cool or what? Now you just need to find a way to mount the monitor on its side (Some come with a way to flip the stand In my case rubber feet and leaning it up against the wall.

The bad thing is that now I have a screen that is 1280 high on the left monitor and 1024 high on the right monitor. There is a dead spot under the right monitor and it would be nice to have a square desktop that I could get around to. So..... Why not reopen the xorg.conf file and make a virtual screen with hardware panning???

Edit with Geany

If you scroll down to the Section "Screen" block here is my new improved one with some comments to remind me what I'm doing.

# *****************************************************************************
# Dual Headed Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS Display *
# ------------------------------------------
# SCREEN an area into which graphics may be rendered, either through software *
# alone into system memory as with VNC, or within a graphics device, some of *
# which can render into more than one screen simultaneously, either viewable *
# simultaneously or interchangeably. Interchangeable screens are often set up *
# to be notionally left and right from one another, flipping from one to the *
# next as the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the monitor. *
# *****************************************************************************
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Device0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
Option "Stereo" "0"
Option "nvidiaXineramaInfoOrder" "CRT-1"
Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x1024 +0+0, DFP: 1280x1024 +1280+0"
# ******************************************************************************
# DISPLAY a collection of screens, often involving multiple monitors, *
# generally configured to allow the mouse to move the pointer to any position *
# within them. Linux-based workstations are usually capable of having *
# multiple displays, among which the user can switch with a special *
# keyboard combination such as control-alt-function-key, simultaneously *
# flipping all the monitors from showing the screens of one display to the *
# screens in another. *
# *
# The term "display" should not be confused with the more specialized jargon *
# "Zaphod display". The latter is a rare configuration allowing multiple users *
# of a single computer to each have an independent set of display, mouse, and *
# keyboard, as though they were using separate computers, but at a lower *
# per-seat cost. *
# ******************************************************************************
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Virtual 2560 1280

As you can see in the SubSection Display I listed the graphics modes I want to be able to run and added the Virtual line. My NVIDIA card is capable of handling a virtual screen of 4096x4096 but I want to show this a little smaller to keep it from being confusing.
With my left screen rotated the resolution is 1024 across by 1280 high. When you but that up to the other screen at 1280x1024 you have a weird shape
:xxxxxxxxxxxx:ooooooooooooooooo: ^
:xxxxxxxxxxxx:ooooooooooooooooo: 1024
:xxxxxxxxxxxx:^ dead zone

So when I create a Virtual screen I started with what I would have had horizontally if both monitors were landscape mode and doing 1280x1024
I want to get rid of that dead zone so my vertical number is 1280


So now when you mouse off screen? You HAVE to check it out. Scrolling the way it ought to be. Hardware pan!

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 20:44
by edoc
Got a new AOC i2769vm 27" monitor, with a display port connector, for Christmas.

Just hooked it up (was waiting to complete assembly of a new desktop but decided not to wait).

What I'd like to do is to split the 27" display vertically so I may view two different windows at the same time.

Can this be done from within Puppy or will I need to download a program?

EDIT: I see "screen" in Packages but it failed to install due to two missing dependencies,
libelf-0.8.13-x86-64-2.txz and utempter-1.1.5-x86_64-1.txz

When I tried to download libelf-0.8.13-x86-64-2.txz in Packages it displayed a bunch of programs, including some that were Puppy distro specific (e.g. Racy) - I'm uncertain how to proceed.

Will "screen" work with any window or only in terminal mode?

Thanks - David

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 22:21
by disciple
James186282 wrote:I admit that I hate the widescreen monitor for editing. If I want to write software or a letter to my cousin I want a screen that resembles a piece of paper in orientation.
I'm with you on that one, and two side by side monitors in portrait is better, but a huge modern widescreen can do the same job.
What really irritates me is guis like the Microsoft "ribbon" that really on an enormous amount of horizontal space. Do this in a recent version of Microsoft word and half the gui is missing because there isn't enough space. Use a monitor that isn't huge enough and you have the same problem even with just one document using the whole screen. And the stupid ribbon takes up so much vertical space at the same time that that causes issues too.
James186282 wrote:So now when you mouse off screen? You HAVE to check it out. Scrolling the way it ought to be. Hardware pan!
edoc wrote:What I'd like to do is to split the 27" display vertically so I may view two different windows at the same time.
Well, you can obviously do this with any normal window manager, so presumably you are wanting something that will make it behave like two separate monitors, so a window will "maximise" to half the screen.
I spent a lot of time a few years ago looking for a way to do this, and I determined that it is technically possible (using xephyr or xnest to emulate a dual screen setup IIRC), but not worth it in terms of effort, and increasing the complexity of your system. But if you do do it I'd like to hear a report about it.
There are much simpler solutions to achieve roughly the same end.
1. There may be a tiling window manager that will suit you.
2. A window manager with features like the microsoft "aero snap".
3. A separate program to provide "aero snap" e.g. opensnap (I see there is now also an "opensnap-quicktile", which I am not familiar with). I have a non-standard opensnap configuration which is IMO more useful, if you are interested.
4. A good set of window manager key bindings. My set is based on the Windows key and the number pad numbers, for resizing and positioning windows, as well as maximising and unmaximising. It is good enough that I don't actually bother running opensnap (which is Python based). I currently use Openbox, so my key bindings are based on those posted at ... n-openbox/. I posted a couple of times in the comments there with my additional ones - search for "Alister".
edoc wrote:EDIT: I see "screen" in Packages but it failed to install due to two missing dependencies
Screen is for working in the terminal, it does not help you manage windows.

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 22:49
by edoc
Way cool!
Yes, what I'd like to do is to be able to edit on the left side of the screen and see the result on the right; e.g. when editing HTML or to view news on one side as I email or Twitter on the other.
(I get that when editing HTML I'd have to manually refresh the result side.)
If you have a way to make this happen I am interested for sure!
I'm not concerned about "standard methods" if they are theoretical but rather a tried and true method that a fellow Linux user has tested.
Right now this PC is running Just Lighthouse 64 but once my new desktop has been completed I will upgrade to a newer distro & may also test out refracta.
Thanks! David

Posted: Sun 15 Jan 2017, 23:18
by disciple
L64 includes openbox, so why don't you try out my keybindings (+ the last set in the main post at that link, under 1. Move windows to screen corners and edges) for a start?

With them, basically, Win+5 maximises or restores the active window, Win+0 minimises, and Win+any other numpad number resizes and positions e.g. Win+1 sizes the window to take up the bottom left quarter of the screen, Win+4 the left half of the screen, Win+2 the bottom half of the screen etc.[/code]