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Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 11:32
by ttuuxxx
If you wanted to try that Commodore emulator I posted a package on the 2.14X thread located at ... 169#402169

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 12:43
@ ttuuxxx, I have tried a few different TI 99/4A emulators that were meant for windows. None of them worked with WINE for me. As for the Commodore emulator, I never owned a Commodore. Besides, picture of a working TI 99/4A and a Commodore emulator running from a laptop wouldn't have the same effect. Also, as a member of the TI OLUG, it just wouldn't be right.

I am going to check out what you were saying with regards to that other TI emulator and editting the rules.mak. I have SDL installed in both my tower and laptop, so there might be an option. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 13:29
by ttuuxxx
did you try this one with wine ?

Posted: Thu 18 Mar 2010, 13:52
by technosaurus
To get it to work - the basic idea is ...

Code: Select all

gcc -I./ -I/usr/include -o TI99 *.c -L/lib -L/usr/lib -lc -lm
(you should probably list out the *.c)

then you will get a bunch of undefined & implicit declaration and multiple definition messages mostly because the #include(s) are not there or they don't match what is expected

these may just require adding the proper includes and tweaking to code to fit with newer structures - updated from the 1994 code.... it may be a lot ... it is doable though... just knock out one error at a time

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 01:39
ttuuxxx wrote:did you try this one with wine ?
The problem is that this requires xmess. I have not been able to get that to compile and I don't know if there is either a .pet or .pup for it. However, I am trying to avoid using emulators to run, well, emulators. However, given that xmess uses fewers system resources than wine, I may look for a precompiled .pet or .pup and give it a go. Still, rather run it directly.

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 04:41
Since my last posting, I have been searching for an xmess pet that I can try. I found the old thread for pupmess, however, all the links are dead. Nothing in the repository sites either. Guess I am going to have to learn C/C++ and try to learn how this program is supposed to work, so much for my article. Guess its just a picture of the TI 99/4A itself.

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 05:01
by ttuuxxx
KF6SNJ wrote:Since my last posting, I have been searching for an xmess pet that I can try. I found the old thread for pupmess, however, all the links are dead. Nothing in the repository sites either. Guess I am going to have to learn C/C++ and try to learn how this program is supposed to work, so much for my article. Guess its just a picture of the TI 99/4A itself.
Have you tried the emulator version of puppy yet? That might have something.

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 05:17
Emulator version? I will have to look it up. However, that will have to wait until Saturday. I don't think I will be able to get online again for the next couple days (time constraints).

Again, thank you for your help and suggestions. I do appreciate it. See you online this weekend.

Note: I will check in at facebook before and after work, if only to take care of messages.

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 05:25
by ttuuxxx
KF6SNJ wrote:Emulator version? I will have to look it up. However, that will have to wait until Saturday. I don't think I will be able to get online again for the next couple days (time constraints).

Again, thank you for your help and suggestions. I do appreciate it. See you online this weekend.

Note: I will check in at facebook before and after work, if only to take care of messages.
Yes it was called Puppy arcade

Posted: Fri 19 Mar 2010, 06:32
by Makoto
Puppy Arcade doesn't include an emulator for the TI-99/4A... yet. I forgot whether or not MESS supports it; if it does, that can also be an option.

Edit: It does. I'm not sure what may need to be done to get it working under Puppy (even any SDL versions out there), or how well it does emulate the 99/4A, but it's probably better than the Linux emulators for it I've seen so far.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have to pull out my 99/4A and the speech synthesizer... just to waste time with Parsec. :D

Posted: Sat 20 Mar 2010, 07:02
@Mokoto, lucky! I don't have a speech synthesizer. I have to play Parsec without the voice warning me of approaching enemies.

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 03:49
by Makoto
Hmm... never did find out if any of the emulators emulated the speech synthesizer (but then again, I haven't tried any of them). Then again, all I ever did with it was use it for games and make it say various things through Extended BASIC. :D

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 05:04
Makoto wrote:Hmm... never did find out if any of the emulators emulated the speech synthesizer (but then again, I haven't tried any of them). Then again, all I ever did with it was use it for games and make it say various things through Extended BASIC. :D
Yes, several of the TI99/4A emulators purport to support speech synthesis. I am still working on getting TI4Linux to work. However, I can already tell you that it won't be done in time for my company's newsletter. However, I am going to write the source code into a notebook and try to see if I figure it out using a C/C++ reference book. Maybe if I can figure what needs fixing, I can create something pretty impressive. Its worth a try. What's the worst thing I could, rewrite it in either Basic or Cobol? By the time I did that, I'd probably have also attained a certain level of mastery of C/C++.

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 05:34
by ttuuxxx
KF6SNJ wrote:
Makoto wrote:Hmm... never did find out if any of the emulators emulated the speech synthesizer (but then again, I haven't tried any of them). Then again, all I ever did with it was use it for games and make it say various things through Extended BASIC. :D
Yes, several of the TI99/4A emulators purport to support speech synthesis. I am still working on getting TI4Linux to work. However, I can already tell you that it won't be done in time for my company's newsletter. However, I am going to write the source code into a notebook and try to see if I figure it out using a C/C++ reference book. Maybe if I can figure what needs fixing, I can create something pretty impressive. Its worth a try. What's the worst thing I could, rewrite it in either Basic or Cobol? By the time I did that, I'd probably have also attained a certain level of mastery of C/C++.
I think the only way to go as of right now is mess, I've spent tons of ours looking into this for you and really linux/Ti99/4a doesn't have all that much support.
xmess.x11 ti99_4ae <<<--- is the file you need to run the TI emulator on mess,
there's only a couple of pages on google about it ... 3c376e0bf9
goodluck :)

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 05:47
Hmmm..... Interesting. I went to a page regarding emulators and read the following:
The third contender, TI4Linux, is text-only and needs a lot more work to be useful, though the C source is efficient and quite interesting to read. Despite some quirks, TI99sim is much the best TI emulator for Linux.
So, perhaps, it would be best if I try to work out why I can not get TI99sim to compile and then later look at TI4Linux and see what can be done with it. Thanks ttuuxxx. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. Gives me some food for thought as I prepare for sleep.

Have a good one. I'll swing by the forum before church.

Oh, feel free to try to look me up on facebook.

Christopher Rose
Christopher Lee Rose (my fan page - I do play harmonica...wonder if I can hook that up to a USB?......hmmm......)

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 20:29
I have tried to compile TI99Sim a couple times now. However, the error I keep getting is that of not being able to execute cc1plus as there is no such file or directory. I wonder if that is causing the missing declaration errors. Given that I can not seem to find the file cc1plus in dexv_400.sfs, how would I go about getting it? Any ideas?

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 22:20
by ttuuxxx
This is what I'm getting in a terminal

sh-3.00# ti99sim-sdl
Unable to locate console ROMs!

I'm stuck at the

"The Console ROM & Cartridges

Once you've run "make install", you will need to create the console ROM cartridge "TI-994A.ctg" (see convert-ctg below for instructions) in order to run the emulator. This ROM cartridge contains the operating system, the BASIC interpreter, and a description of the RAM configuration for the computer. Without it, the emulator will not do anything useful. Once you have created the console ROM cartridge, copy it to either ~/.ti99sim/roms or /opt/ti99sim/roms."

on page


Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 22:41
by ttuuxxx
If you want to continue where I left off you'll need 2.14X and the devx located at ... 00510638c0
and the 2 files below
and follow the instructions included in /ti99sim-0.0.10/doc/README.html that upi downloaded previously.

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 23:05

Thank you for your assistance in this (again). I have a few different sets of roms. I can test them to see which do and do not work. I am going to have to learn C/C++ if only to understand how you can do all of this. You are a very brilliant guy who certainly knows more about computers that I will likely ever learn. I really appreciate your time and patience. Perhaps I can buy you dinner if you ever come up this way of if I somehow (my music?) end up down your way. Its the least I can do. Maybe I can come up with more to repay. My gratitude towards you always.

Posted: Sun 21 Mar 2010, 23:45
by ttuuxxx
Thanks but its not complete, I'm in the middle of building another 2.14X release and stopped for a few minutes, You'll have to follow the instructions as mentioned earlier and try to figure where/how to make the ti994a system rom, you need that before you can add regular game roms etc.