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IceWM (Jemimah's Puppeee Build)

Posted: Tue 13 Apr 2010, 21:58
by bigpup

IceWM for Puppy
This pet includes the latest IceWM, a custom configuration, and 6 themes put together for Puppeee.
latest development version, built on 4.3(Jemimah's Puppeee Build)

Grub: Puppy Bootsplash

Posted: Sun 18 Apr 2010, 04:38
by bigpup
Grub: Puppy Bootsplash

Grub bootsplash
Why don't we have our own Grub bootsplash for Puppy?" Why not! So here is one to get the ball rolling. Put the following lines in your Grub menu.lst file and download the attached file and copy to /boot/grub directory.

Acpitool: commandline ACPI status program for laptops

Posted: Thu 22 Apr 2010, 15:04
by bigpup

commandline ACPI status program for laptops.
Small command-line application, intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience are laptop users, since these people are most interested in stuff like battery status, thermal status and the ability to put their precious laptop to sleep. Most of this does not apply to desktop systems.
Besides "basic" ACPI information like battery status, AC presence, etc . . . , Acpitool also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus and IBM Thinkpad laptops, allowing you to change the LCD brightness level, toggle fan on/off, and more.