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Posted: Thu 16 Sep 2010, 17:28
by Iguleder
Had some mess with my hard drive ... but now I found the final KDE sfs pack, I'll upload it soon I guess :wink:

Sorry for the inconvenience :cry:

Posted: Fri 17 Sep 2010, 07:06
by Cyril
Thanks guys, "xwin jwm" and "xwin startkde" worked.

Posted: Fri 17 Sep 2010, 07:58
by Cyril
And I'm looking forward for the new version of sfs. My only wish is hotplug in Trinity, probably via the Storage Media bookmark or whatever.

Posted: Tue 21 Sep 2010, 16:54
by kayan
Thanks for your hard work :D

Find it usefull

issues with Trinity

Posted: Tue 02 Nov 2010, 23:56
by darkduck
Nice to have KDE3 for Pyppy! Thanks for your work!

Issues I have so far in my Puppy 5.1.1 + KDE3:
1) Chromium browser does not have correct icon in menu and when linked to desktop. When placed in quick launch area (next to K button), it gets cogwheel icon.
2) Skype did not want to start at all.
3) I know that is "known issues", but are there any plans to place icons in status bar? I need at least language icon (flag or text).


Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 12:34
by Béèm
As I like KDE for it's user-friendly configurability I tried this Trinity.
I load also wine 1.32 sfs and pidgin 1.7.2 (lucid) at boot.

My favorite News Client in wine (MesNews) does start, but I can't retrieve messages, altho I am connected to the internet.

My favorite mail client in wine (Pegasus mail) does start. I give the user id to load the mail, but the mail isn't loaded. Normally there should have been an icon in the tray, but it isn't there. I looked in Pprocess and the mail client application isn't there anymore.

How can I diagnose what happens?

Also the tray applications like freemem and connection weren't in the tray. I had to start them manually. Any idea?

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 13:34
by dejan555
Try /root/.kde/Autostart directory for kde's startup scripts
If there's no such dir then create it.

EDIT: You can try making symlink to /root/Startup

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 14:48
by Béèm
Thank you dejan555
I should have realized that KDE had a separate start directory.
I made the symlinks.

As for the wine programs, I rebooted and when in KDE switched to jwm.
Verified everything and I could run those programs.
I switched back to KDE and now they run.
Don't understand why they didn't run in the first place.

There is just an issue left.

The KDE menu's only contains puppy JWM's sub-directory entries.
The ones which are in the root of JWM's menu entries are all in Lost & Found. Kinda annoying. Meaning the applications I added like the wine one's have their desktop files in /usr/share/applications as it should, but I suppose this isn't enough for KDE to get them in KDE's menu tree.
In JWM things could be arranged with fixmenus.

Is there such a thing in KDE?

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 15:05
by dejan555
.desktop files in /usr/share/applications for kde usually need different category names specified to apear in correct menus, I had to manually modify many of them for kdpup to get them in correct entries.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 15:22
by Béèm
Thank you. I was afraid for that reply.
Not easy to combine different desktop environments. :wink:
But so far it looks good.
Will work a bit like this.
I used Lighthouse also, but found it a bit heavy.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 15:57
by dejan555
You might check if you have "KMenu" though it's utility for editing menu, just remembered I had it in kdpup

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 16:13
by Béèm
Yes KMenu is there.
I remember that from KDpup I used before and LightHouse.
But where is the menu file (or files) stored?

I looked in .kde and .kde3, but didn't find something significant.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 16:28
by Béèm
I just found an easy way through KMenu.
As all these 'puppy unclassified' desktops are in the Lost & Found category, one can just grap an entry and drag it to the desired category in the Menu system.
If an appropriate category is absent, just create it.
No complex editing to do thus. :)

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 16:30
by Lobster
after working out the ctrl + backspace
and 'xwin startkde' to start . . .

worked well (and fast) in Luci 235
thanks Igu

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 16:34
by Iguleder
Working on Trinity 3.5.12, got a ready base SFS which works well, Ark and now I'm also making an Amarok SFS. :)

KMplayer or whatever it was will follow, I also want Juk or some other music player, Kopete, Kmail, Koffice ... :D :D

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 17:24
by Béèm
As Lobster says. Works fast.
My impression, app's work faster then in 235 openbox or jwm.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 18:24
by Iguleder
Got some goodies already, get them here (the kdebase-3.5.12.sfs is the base Trinity with pretty much nothing, truly minimal, applications are available as SFSs and have all their dependencies).

So far there's kpdf, Ark, Kopete and Noatun. Still running the magical scripts on the Amarok directory, so Amarok will join soon. On a second rxvt I'm working on Konversation, Ktorrent will follow.

Gotta love Trinity :)

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 19:17
by Béèm
I still have another point to clarify.
I am so used to have the drive icons on the desktop and mount them by clicking on them.
Didn't find an easy way in KDE to do this.

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 19:49
by dejan555
Um, use pmount?

Posted: Fri 05 Nov 2010, 19:57
by Béèm
Sure pmount is a possibility, but I was thinking at something more in the KDE line like media:/ and have the partitions in there ready to be mounted/unmounted with a single click.
Maybe it's utopia. :roll: