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Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 03:34
by big_bass
Hey amigo

thanks for the links to apps on your site you always have good stuff :D

which amigo has the better solution using the stock puppy

there is also another way to check to see what will be installed and what will get generated by the install script

**but that only works using pkgtools and slackware packages

I do this on TXZ pup by running a new root

Code: Select all

cd /path-to-folder/PackageName   # you have the package or packages you want to install 
  installpkg -root  /root/squashfs-root *.t?z
# /root/squashfs-root ยท this is what you get when you uncompress the sfs
#by default thats the name that is given

this may look odd to someone else that doesnt use pkgtools so I 'll explain what happens for them

basically you are telling the install command to use a new root
so in this case is installing into a folder called

and then from there you have a real installed program to a folder
making it 100% transparent to see only what was installed
and all the files that get registered in the package management too

this is much better than a chroot because its clean


I took this a few more steps further and have a GUI for it

Posted: Sat 28 Aug 2010, 08:57
by amigo
Tracklist, when used with sentry, will track file, etc creation by any command. So, if you are running an installer script, or the command 'make install' or whatever, it will tell what happens when the command is run.

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 13:04
by steve_s
Thanks again, all! Great stuff! 8)

list pet contents

Posted: Sun 29 Aug 2010, 21:08
by vovchik
Dear puppians,

Here is a little script I just wrote to show the contents of a pet in a terminal. Just type lspet in a console session and you will see something like:
root$ [/mnt/hdb6/install]-> lspet
All OK...checking contents....
For some pets (e.g. Wine), this make take a while!
Contents of
It should install in /usr/local/bin. I may also do a gui version.

Have fun.

With kind regards,

Re: list pet contents

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 03:15
by seaside
vovchik wrote:Dear puppians,

Here is a little script I just wrote to show the contents of a pet in a terminal.

As usual, a handsome piece of code. Thanks.

I also felt the need some time ago to see what the pet had before installing and for a while I just renamed the .pet extension to tar.gz and opened it with Xarchive until it dawned on me to just change the wrapper file.

Change the file "/usr/local/lib/xarchive/wrappers/" - in the section under "Supported file extentions for tar" add the pet extension.

Code: Select all

GZIP_EXTS="tar.gz tgz pet"
Now a right click with Xarchive opens the pet file and you have all the information and the possibility to extract any individual file for a further look.


New BaCon ls-pet lister

Posted: Mon 30 Aug 2010, 19:29
by vovchik
Dear Puppians,

I decided to implement a new version in BaCon , in preparation for a gui version. This one shows filesizes and runs more quickly - I think - than the bash script I did yesterday. The source code is also here, so you can compile it yourself if you download the BaCon sources.

The output looks like this:
Contents of
/usr/share/applications/pup-advert-blocker.desktop (251 bytes)
/usr/local/pup-advert-blocker/pup-advert-blocker (6748 bytes)
/usr/bin/pup-advert-blocker -> ../local/pup-advert-blocker/pup-advert-blocker (0 bytes)
Total installed package size (in bytes): 6999
With kind regards,

Posted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 16:27
by vovchik
Dear puppians,

Here is a gtk gui version of ls-pet. After installation, I recommend right-clicking in a pet in ROX-Filer and going to "Customize Menu". There make a symlink to /usr/local/bin/ls-pet-gui. Then you will be able to right click on a pet, select ls-pet-gui and it will show you the contents in a gtk window, so you don't have to open a terminal. The program is extremely simple, but I find it useful. The tar.gz file contains the source files I used for BaCon.

With kind regards,

Posted: Tue 31 Aug 2010, 22:02
by steve_s
Vovchik: sweet! Great stuff!