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Posted: Tue 08 Mar 2011, 05:51
by GustavoYz
DropQuest its over... :(
It's all over...

We had a great run but Dropquest is now closed to new entrants (your friends who already started can still finish, though). This was our first Dropquest, but it won't be our last. Keep a look out for the next one! And get there early...
Thanks for this useful post!

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 02:13
by ocpaul20
Can't Hostgator be used? I realise it is not free, but you can have unlimited bandwidth and unlimited space and unlimited subdomains. I believe Babycroc hosting package is about 100-150 USdollars.

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 09:19
by Q5sys
ocpaul20 wrote:Can't Hostgator be used? I realise it is not free, but you can have unlimited bandwidth and unlimited space and unlimited subdomains. I believe Babycroc hosting package is about 100-150 USdollars.
As with most places that claim 'unlimited bandwidth and unlimited space' its not. The moment you use a certain amount of % of the bandwidth on the box or a certain % of the storage on the shared box, you get a call and they complain. If you read the fine print (which usually isnt available until after purchase) the plan isnt really unlimited. Its just no set limit, the limit is whatever starts to cause issues for the other hosting packages on that box.
Since its not defined... they can claim that whenever they want and there is nothing you can do about it. It's better to pay for X amount of bandwidth so you know how much you have, than it being a sliding scale that you have no clue about.

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 13:02
by russoodle
You're spot-on there, Q5sys. Don't forget the resources such as cpu and memory usage, too.

Because Eric hosted everything relating to Puppy, not just ISOs, his b/w usage averaged out to approx. 70GB PER DAY, IIRC, which is quite mind-boggling :shock:

Mine, thank goodness, is nowhere near that or i couldn't afford to keep it up! BUT, you just need a very popular or long-awaited release or two to drive the traffic into a feeding frenzy.

A few good examples of this are the releases of Hacao, the Vietnamese/English adaptation, which always attracts multitudes of downloaders, Legacy OS (TEENpup) and more recently, 10wt3ch's Puppy Studio, which was consistently eating up, at a guess, around 75% of bandwidth allowance all by its little self. In one month recently, my usage was 900+GB, mostly PS downloads. These examples all weighed in at over 200+MB too and it's amazing how it manages to add up.

I don't know what the answer is. I'd like to be able to host every bit of Puppy-paraphernalia there is going but i can't and realistically, i doubt that anyone else can, either. I mean those of us kennel-dwellers, not places like ibiblio or Internode.

Perhaps those who would like to host, or do so already, could work out a way of balancing the load between us, if that's possible.....i don't know..
Anyway, i'm willing to help if anyone has any suggestions.

My 0.2c for now.

Posted: Thu 24 Mar 2011, 13:55
by p310don
I do like the decentralised nature of p2p. It helps minimise the risk of losing everything like what happened with If enough users with decent broadband and decent quotas could seed torrents, for example, then a lot of major iso's could be shared.

Even things like the open/libreoffice sfs's and other large programs could be shared efficiently across a large number of seeders.

Then if the host site only had torrent files on it, it'd be a comparatively small bandwidth usage, as opposed to whole iso's.

Posted: Mon 13 Jun 2011, 19:39
by Cust0dian
  • got updated system of retrieving files, so slightly changed process of direct linking.
  • New idea of easy using BitTorrent protocol with help of BurnBit service.
[url= ... 349#490349]

Posted: Thu 17 Nov 2011, 22:18
by green_dome
Wuala has changed a few things.
-2 GB storage by default.
-Removed trading.

currently disabled, but in the works...
-100 GB file size limit


Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2011, 11:28
by Cust0dian
Thanks, green_dome. First post updated.

[url= ... 349#490349]

Posted: Fri 27 Apr 2012, 01:13
by green_dome
Wuala increased their included (free) storage to 5GB.

Posted: Fri 27 Apr 2012, 06:06
by Cust0dian
green_dome, thanks again, for countless time. First post updated.

[url= ... 349#490349]

Posted: Sat 28 Jul 2012, 03:01
by 01micko
Google Drive is usable with Grive.. I made a Rox app for it and use it daily.