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Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 09:07
by drblock2

Thanks for your prompt advice.

I tried both variants of your code pmedia=atahd and idehd and the machine still hangs.

Apparently, Wary isn't finding the hard disk. Strange.

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 11:39
by chrismt
Wary 5.1 uni-processor build didn't detect my USB mouse when i did a full install, but it detected it when i ran the live cd.....


Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 11:55
by BarryK
Aaaaargh! Somehow I left out Jimtcl. This is a PET package needed if you want to use a 3G modem.

Wary 5.1 users, please install this PET: ...

Looks like there is going to have to be another bugfix release soon.

Wary 5.1 uni-processor on old PC. 3G-modem autodetection pet

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 14:50
by rodin.s
Wary-5.1 uni-processor works really great on AMD-K6-3D 333 MHz 256 Mb RAM. I only had to replace mplayer. On another PC (Celleron 900 MHz 512 Mb RAM) it works OK but X-server crashed once. Don't know the reason.

DdShurick from russian Puppy team have created 3g-modem auto-detection package. When you plug in 3g-modem - icon appears on the desktop. When you click on it - modem connects to the net and the icon changes. When you click on it again - modem disconnects from the net. No settings needed. We believe that APN is stored in modem and it is not needed to enter it each time. There is apn sript to check stored APN. Just enter

Code: Select all

in console. And enter

Code: Select all

(or your APN) to put APN into modem. I have adapted the package for Wary. Tested on Huawei E1550, should work on ZTE MF100 and others. (For this version modem should be without pin-code).

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 15:55
by rjbrewer
Uniprocessor version doesn't suffer from the extended load-module
count when booting, but has so much else added to boot script
that the boot is still slowed.

Right click rox icon problem seems fixed in this one.

Wine version

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 17:06
by MorganP
I have installed an earlier Wary (504) into an ebox 3310 and installed the Wine pet 1.1.39. That works pretty well but there are some details that Wine is having a problem with for me.

I tried to install Wine 1.3.13 which did not report any problems during installation, but the wine menu items are not present and it does not run any Windows apps. ... a221be84c3

Are those later wine pets compatible with Wary 5? I did not update to Wary 5.1 and try again, but wasn't sure if I had to use a wine specifically built for Wary.

Thanks. I'm really happy with Wary 5 besides my wine problems..

ATI Radeon problems

Posted: Tue 22 Feb 2011, 22:50
by scsijon
sorry but with the release build,
the radeon driver doesn't seem to work with my card (ATI HD4350-RV710) either by probe or select, the pre-release build and earlier (wary5.0) has autoselected and "worked out of the box". I shall download the alternate and see if it's just this build later.


UPDATE: no, uniprocessor version gives the same result, stuck with xvesa to use.

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 00:50
by Karl Godt

Code: Select all

grep -n hci /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
if [ ! -d /initrd ];then #v423 full hd install.
#v423 have this in 'init', probably need here too...
if [ "`echo "$MODALIASES" | grep 'bc0Csc03i10'`" != "" ];then
modprobe --config /tmp/pup_event_modprobe.conf yenta-socket
[ $? -eq 0 ] && sleep 2
#v423 k2.6.29.6 dmesg has warning that ehci-hcd should load before uhci-hcd and ohci-hid
# this is contrary to my understanding all these years, but oh well, let's do it...
ELSPCI="`elspci -l`" #jesses great little utility.
[ "`echo "$ELSPCI" | grep '0C0320'`" != "" ] && modprobe --config /tmp/pup_event_modprobe.conf ehci-hcd
#...perhaps a udev rule could have done this?

Code: Select all

[ "`echo "$ELSPCI" | grep '0C0310'`" != "" ] && modprobe --config /tmp/pup_event_modprobe.conf ohci-hcd
 [ "`echo "$ELSPCI" | grep '0C0300'`" != "" ] && modprobe --config /tmp/pup_event_modprobe.conf uhci-hcd
I am not running wary but I think to probe for ohci and uhci may be a good idea for rc.sysinit and init@initrd.gz even if it seems a little late :oops:

DdShurick from russian Puppy team have created 3g-modem auto-detection package.
I am using pgprs-shell mostly but thought why not look inside :
if [ -a /dev/ttyUSB2 ]; then #USB2 потому что USB0 и USB1 е

potential issue of snapmergepuppy

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 05:57
by shinobar
It is great that the new snapmergepuppy works fast.
But I suppose it has some potential issues.
  1. I wonder why we need to save the device nodes under /dev. They will be created after boot with udev architech.
    I am not sure it was the case, but my one laptop failed in sound at a time. It recovered by removing all /dev and reboot.
    I think most of them under /dev also need not in the main sfs.
  2. No problem in wary, but serious for some puppy having pup_ro10-19.
  3. It is better to give an exit code when saving failed. Of course the rc.shutdown needs to be modified to use it.
Here is my patch.

Code: Select all

> #110222 shinobar: remove all /dev, allow 'pup_ro10-19', exit code for no space
< #w003 /dev/.udev also needs to be screened out... 100820 added var/tmp
< find . -mount -type d | tail +2 | sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^root/tmp|^\.wh\.|/\.wh\.|^dev/\.|^dev/fd|^dev/pts|^dev/shm|^var/tmp' |
> #w003 /dev/.udev also needs to be screened out... 100820 added var/tmp #110222 shinobar: remove all /dev
> find . -mount -type d | tail +2 | sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^root/tmp|^\.wh\.|/\.wh\.|^dev/|^var/tmp' |
< FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep "$BASE" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah
< #Copy Files... v409 remove '^var'. w003 screen out some /dev files. 100222 shinobar: more exclusions. 100422 added ^root/ftpd. 100429 modify 'trash' exclusion. 100820 added var/tmp
< find . -mount -not \( -regex '.*/\.wh\.[^/]*' -type f \) -not -type d |  sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^pup_|^zdrv_|^root/tmp|_zdrv_|^dev/\.|^dev/fd|^dev/pts|^dev/shm|^\.wh\.|^var/run|^root/ftpd|^var/tmp' | grep -v -E -i '\.thumbnails|\.trash|trash/|\.part$'  |
> FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep -w "$BASE"| head -n 1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah #110222 shinobar
> rm -f /tmp/snapmergepuppy-nospace #110222 shinobar
> #Copy Files... v409 remove '^var'. w003 screen out some /dev files. 100222 shinobar: more exclusions. 100422 added ^root/ftpd. 100429 modify 'trash' exclusion. 100820 added var/tmp #110222 shinobar: remove all /dev
> find . -mount -not \( -regex '.*/\.wh\.[^/]*' -type f \) -not -type d |  sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^pup_|^zdrv_|^root/tmp|_zdrv_|^dev/|^\.wh\.|^var/run|^root/ftpd|^var/tmp' | grep -v -E -i '\.thumbnails|\.trash|trash/|\.part$'  |
<   FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep "$BASE" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah: this is very slow; try not to check every iteration
>   FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep -w "$BASE" | head -n 1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah: this is very slow; try not to check every iteration #110222 shinobar: fix for pup_ro10 and more
>    touch /tmp/snapmergepuppy-nospace  #110222 shinobar
> [ -f /tmp/snapmergepuppy-nospace ] && exit 1 #110222 shinobar

Re: PPM cursor

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 07:39
by BarryK
broomdodger wrote:PPM cursor
Hi Barry

Puppy Package Manager when no package found

The cursor shows when over the desktop,
then disappears behind the main PPM window,
then shows again if you hit the
"Sorry, no matching package name" red dialog.

Ahhh! switching back to PPM from Seamonkey after copying the text in the red dialog without closing the dialog, the whole PPM window is blank. If I move it out of the way I can see the red dialog, click "okay" then PPM window displays.

Is it possible to have <return> trigger the "okay" as well as the mouse?

Fixed, see:

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 07:42
by BarryK
Sylvander wrote:Used Wary-510-k2.6.31.14-uniproc-ide.iso to make a CD-RW.
[The more up-to-date kernel wouldn't boot on my 2003 desktop PC]

1. I notice that this Wary searches deeper than where the pupsave files are located [In case there might be more?]

1. It lists TWO of everything it finds.
i.e. If there are 2 pupsave files; one on the HDD and one on a Flash Drive, it lists them as items 1 and 2, then lists them again as 3 and 4.

Re: potential issue of snapmergepuppy

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 07:47
by BarryK
shinobar wrote:It is great that the new snapmergepuppy works fast.
But I suppose it has some potential issues.
  1. I wonder why we need to save the device nodes under /dev. They will be created after boot with udev architech.
    I am not sure it was the case, but my one laptop failed in sound at a time. It recovered by removing all /dev and reboot.
    I think most of them under /dev also need not in the main sfs.
  2. No problem in wary, but serious for some puppy having pup_ro10-19.
  3. It is better to give an exit code when saving failed. Of course the rc.shutdown needs to be modified to use it.
Here is my patch.

Code: Select all

> #110222 shinobar: remove all /dev, allow 'pup_ro10-19', exit code for no space
< #w003 /dev/.udev also needs to be screened out... 100820 added var/tmp
< find . -mount -type d | tail +2 | sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^root/tmp|^\.wh\.|/\.wh\.|^dev/\.|^dev/fd|^dev/pts|^dev/shm|^var/tmp' |
> #w003 /dev/.udev also needs to be screened out... 100820 added var/tmp #110222 shinobar: remove all /dev
> find . -mount -type d | tail +2 | sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^root/tmp|^\.wh\.|/\.wh\.|^dev/|^var/tmp' |
< FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep "$BASE" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah
< #Copy Files... v409 remove '^var'. w003 screen out some /dev files. 100222 shinobar: more exclusions. 100422 added ^root/ftpd. 100429 modify 'trash' exclusion. 100820 added var/tmp
< find . -mount -not \( -regex '.*/\.wh\.[^/]*' -type f \) -not -type d |  sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^pup_|^zdrv_|^root/tmp|_zdrv_|^dev/\.|^dev/fd|^dev/pts|^dev/shm|^\.wh\.|^var/run|^root/ftpd|^var/tmp' | grep -v -E -i '\.thumbnails|\.trash|trash/|\.part$'  |
> FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep -w "$BASE"| head -n 1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah #110222 shinobar
> rm -f /tmp/snapmergepuppy-nospace #110222 shinobar
> #Copy Files... v409 remove '^var'. w003 screen out some /dev files. 100222 shinobar: more exclusions. 100422 added ^root/ftpd. 100429 modify 'trash' exclusion. 100820 added var/tmp #110222 shinobar: remove all /dev
> find . -mount -not \( -regex '.*/\.wh\.[^/]*' -type f \) -not -type d |  sed -e 's/\.\///' | grep -v -E '^mnt|^initrd|^proc|^sys|^tmp|^pup_|^zdrv_|^root/tmp|_zdrv_|^dev/|^\.wh\.|^var/run|^root/ftpd|^var/tmp' | grep -v -E -i '\.thumbnails|\.trash|trash/|\.part$'  |
<   FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep "$BASE" | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah: this is very slow; try not to check every iteration
>   FREEBASEK=`df -k | grep -w "$BASE" | head -n 1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -f 4 -d ' '` #110212 Jemimah: this is very slow; try not to check every iteration #110222 shinobar: fix for pup_ro10 and more
>    touch /tmp/snapmergepuppy-nospace  #110222 shinobar
> [ -f /tmp/snapmergepuppy-nospace ] && exit 1 #110222 shinobar
Great stuff! Applied:

Posted: Wed 23 Feb 2011, 10:12
by Shep
I've been using Wary 104 with a few added packages plus Barry's zzz .pet to endow it with 3G modem capability. It operated nicely indeed on my veteran 560MHz PIII desktop. But I decided to try the upgrade, so burnt the CD for Wary 5.1, and rebooted. Horror! :x :x

Code: Select all

You will either have to uninstall the Puppy 2 packages or install missing dependencies

gtk+12 gtkxft gtk_pixbuf10 glib12
tk tcl tix uri tktable tablelist tile trf combobox gnocl img
imlib libx aw95_DEP4
speex libosp[2 cdr dao SOX
libidn fig2dev pstoedit mtools
I didn't even know I had any puppy 2 packages installed. :cry: :cry: Which were they?
And I think there was a further alert came up, but it disappeared while I was busy writing down that first list of things I'd have to fix. :(
Then when the desktop came up, it had no volume control. Music player pmusic did play, but at zero volume. And worst of all, my 3G modem was not recognized. :evil: :evil: I switched off, and went to the pub.

Next day when I switched it on, fearing what else could be awry, there were no messages about missing dependencies, and the volume control had returned. See, there are good elves like the shoemaker said!! :P 8)

But still no go with the modem, so I ran the which I'd kept a copy of, and now the modem was all go. I notice that after unplugging and reinserting the usb modem I no longer get the green overlay message saying "modem is now ready for use" or words to that effect. The main thing is that it does work. I found PPM listed zzz TWICE in the installed packages. I uninstalled one of them and they both uninstalled. So I reinstalled it, and again it's listed twice. No big deal.

The upshot: all seems well and good. :P I particularly like the new pmusic which can be accessed via an icon on the tray beside the volume control; it sure beats having to do to rxvt to kill the player. And now, each mouse click adds a music file to a playlist.

Wary 5.1 -- I like it! :P :P

Seamonkey Crashes

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 04:26
by BongoPlayer
Thanks Barry,

Even though I had to disconnect my noisy (failing) hard drives, I can still browse the net, do online banking, receive and send e-mail (Hotmail) with your Puppy Linux 4.3.1 and an 8GB USB Pen Drive.

With both versions of Wary 510 (k2.6.32.28 and k2.6.31.14-uniproc-ide), the browser (Seamonkey) crashes.

FROM: /errs.log

"(seamonkey-bin:2731): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(seamonkey-bin:2731): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
/usr/lib/seamonkey/ line 131: 2731 Killed "$prog" ${1+"$@"}"

FROM: /var/log/messages:

Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: seamonkey-bin invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x280da, order=0, oom_adj=0
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: Pid: 14359, comm: seamonkey-bin Tainted: P #1
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: Call Trace:
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104c911>] ? oom_kill_process+0x59/0x1fa
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104ce77>] ? __out_of_memory+0xf4/0x107
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104cee4>] ? out_of_memory+0x5a/0x7c
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104f6d4>] ? __alloc_pages_nodemask+0x3e2/0x4a0
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c105b285>] ? handle_mm_fault+0x1a1/0x550
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1045f93>] ? handle_IRQ_event+0x1a/0x95
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1016dc9>] ? do_page_fault+0x1db/0x1ea
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1016bee>] ? do_page_fault+0x0/0x1ea
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1289546>] ? error_code+0x66/0x70
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1016bee>] ? do_page_fault+0x0/0x1ea
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc kernel: Mem-Info:
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: DMA per-cpu:


Re: Wine version

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 05:13
by MorganP
MorganP wrote:I have installed an earlier Wary (504) into an ebox 3310 and installed the Wine pet 1.1.39. That works pretty well but there are some details that Wine is having a problem with for me.

I tried to install Wine 1.3.13 which did not report any problems during installation, but the wine menu items are not present and it does not run any Windows apps. ... a221be84c3

Are those later wine pets compatible with Wary 5? I did not update to Wary 5.1 and try again, but wasn't sure if I had to use a wine specifically built for Wary.
I went ahead and loaded 5.1. No problems in general except the dual save-file issue. I tried to install Wine 1.3.13 into this version but as I assumed, it did not work. After installation I get the message that the menus are being updated at the end of installation but no Wine menus were present. I did find wine bin files where expected.

Am I limited to installing Wine 1.1.39?

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 10:13
by BarryK
Shep wrote:I've been using Wary 104 with a few added packages plus Barry's zzz .pet to endow it with 3G modem capability. It operated nicely indeed on my veteran 560MHz PIII desktop. But I decided to try the upgrade, so burnt the CD for Wary 5.1, and rebooted. Horror! :x :x

Code: Select all

You will either have to uninstall the Puppy 2 packages or install missing dependencies

gtk+12 gtkxft gtk_pixbuf10 glib12
tk tcl tix uri tktable tablelist tile trf combobox gnocl img
imlib libx aw95_DEP4
speex libosp[2 cdr dao SOX
libidn fig2dev pstoedit mtools
I didn't even know I had any puppy 2 packages installed. :cry: :cry: Which were they?
And I think there was a further alert came up, but it disappeared while I was busy writing down that first list of things I'd have to fix. :(
Then when the desktop came up, it had no volume control. Music player pmusic did play, but at zero volume. And worst of all, my 3G modem was not recognized. :evil: :evil: I switched off, and went to the pub.

Next day when I switched it on, fearing what else could be awry, there were no messages about missing dependencies, and the volume control had returned. See, there are good elves like the shoemaker said!! :P 8)

But still no go with the modem, so I ran the which I'd kept a copy of, and now the modem was all go. I notice that after unplugging and reinserting the usb modem I no longer get the green overlay message saying "modem is now ready for use" or words to that effect. The main thing is that it does work. I found PPM listed zzz TWICE in the installed packages. I uninstalled one of them and they both uninstalled. So I reinstalled it, and again it's listed twice. No big deal.

The upshot: all seems well and good. :P I particularly like the new pmusic which can be accessed via an icon on the tray beside the volume control; it sure beats having to do to rxvt to kill the player. And now, each mouse click adds a music file to a playlist.

Wary 5.1 -- I like it! :P :P
Thanks for the feedback. Wary 5.1 already has the 'zzz' package installed. What was missing was the 'jimtcl' package that 'zzz' needs, as reported in an above post.

Hmmm, the upgrade is still not working properly. It looks like the old /etc/rc.d/rc.update script is running instead of the new one (I don't know why). You can ignore all those messages.
Anyway, the next time that you upgrade it should be ok.

Re: Seamonkey Crashes

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 10:20
by BarryK
BongoPlayer wrote:Thanks Barry,

Even though I had to disconnect my noisy (failing) hard drives, I can still browse the net, do online banking, receive and send e-mail (Hotmail) with your Puppy Linux 4.3.1 and an 8GB USB Pen Drive.

With both versions of Wary 510 (k2.6.32.28 and k2.6.31.14-uniproc-ide), the browser (Seamonkey) crashes.

FROM: /errs.log

"(seamonkey-bin:2731): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead

(seamonkey-bin:2731): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
/usr/lib/seamonkey/ line 131: 2731 Killed "$prog" ${1+"$@"}"

FROM: /var/log/messages:

Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: seamonkey-bin invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x280da, order=0, oom_adj=0
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: Pid: 14359, comm: seamonkey-bin Tainted: P #1
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: Call Trace:
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104c911>] ? oom_kill_process+0x59/0x1fa
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104ce77>] ? __out_of_memory+0xf4/0x107
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104cee4>] ? out_of_memory+0x5a/0x7c
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c104f6d4>] ? __alloc_pages_nodemask+0x3e2/0x4a0
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c105b285>] ? handle_mm_fault+0x1a1/0x550
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1045f93>] ? handle_IRQ_event+0x1a/0x95
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1016dc9>] ? do_page_fault+0x1db/0x1ea
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1016bee>] ? do_page_fault+0x0/0x1ea
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1289546>] ? error_code+0x66/0x70
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: [<c1016bee>] ? do_page_fault+0x0/0x1ea
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc kernel: Mem-Info:
Feb 23 11:49:50 puppypc user.warn kernel: DMA per-cpu:

I have no idea why that is happening, but I have a suggestion. Click on the 'setup' icon on the desktop and choose 'Upgrade X drivers' then install the Xorg 7.5 upgrade PET. It will be interesting to find out if that makes any difference.

ffmpeg and i586

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 10:40
by rodin.s
I guess ffmpeg compiled for i686. so pmusic doesn't work on i586. I put mplayer binary from PuppyRus Jeans to my-applications/bin and use it for music and internet radio.

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 17:12
by Doglover
Nice job Barry, but my wireless network settings are not saved when rebooting or shutdown. I'm using the standard Network Wizard. Everything else works great.

Posted: Thu 24 Feb 2011, 18:39
by ravensrest
Upgraded from 5.0 to 5.1 by just moving vmlinuz, initrd and wary_510 to my Wary 5.0 partition. All seems OK except I am under the distinct impression that Seamonkey 2.0.xx in Wary 5.1 and Wary 5.0 are slower and more uncertain of operation than version 1.1.18 in Puppy 431. The apparent degradation re the earlier version seems to be url dependent. It is difficult to obtain hard numbers as I generally don't know how fast my DSL channel is at any particular time, but I have switched back and forth between the two systems many times now and definitely feel Puppy431/Seamonkey 1.1.18 is preferable.

Anyone else notice this?