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Posted: Fri 13 Apr 2012, 04:50
by shinobar
nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40.sfs (UPDATE: 2012-04-13)
For major Puppies 4.3 and later except Slacko (nvidia-glx + libGLU and SDL)
  • Puppy-431 with kernel
  • All Wary up to 5.3 with kernel,, 2.6.32-smp, or 2.6.32-uni,
  • Racy 5.2.2/5.3 with kernel 3.0.7 or 3.0.25
  • All Lucid Puppy with kernel
  • Dpup Exprimo with kernel 2.6.39, 3.1.10-dpup, or 3.2.14-dpup
  • Saluki-15 and later with kernel 2.3.8-ski

Re: nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40

Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 06:26
by peebee
shinobar wrote:nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40.sfs (UPDATE: 2012-04-13)
For major Puppies 4.3 and later except Slacko (nvidia-glx + libGLU and SDL)
Hi Shinobar

Do you have any plans to update your slacko sfs to 295.40 on k3.1.10 please? I seem to need it for my new desktop to make the display correct.

If not, could you say how to make it and I'll gladly try to do it for you.

I have downloaded the Nvidia source and compiled and installed it OK on Slacko but it uses up lots of savefile that way and i'd much prefer to have an sfs.

Many thanks


Posted: Mon 23 Apr 2012, 23:55
by shinobar
OK, try nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40-slacko.sfs
for slacko with kernel,, 3.1.10-slacko_4gA, or 3.1.10-slacko_paeA.

Load, but do not run the nVidia Settings at this point of time, just exit the sfs_load, and run xorgwizard or reboot PC following the coming message.
Slacko 5.3.1 may need not reboot PC, go straight to the xorgwizard.
Slacko 5.3.3 beta may need to reboot PC before the xorgwizard.

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2012, 00:11
by Tman

Great work on the Nvidia drivers, but I just wanted to inform you that according to Phoronix, there have been a lot of issues with the 295.40 Nvidia driver. ... px=MTA4ODQ

Hopefully Nvidia will get it sorted out soon.

Re: nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40-slacko.sfs

Posted: Tue 24 Apr 2012, 06:32
by peebee
shinobar wrote:OK, try nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40-slacko.sfs
for slacko with kernel,, 3.1.10-slacko_4gA, or 3.1.10-slacko_paeA.
Thank you Shinobar - much appreciated - have downloaded and installed.

It seems to be working OK, but I think I'm a bit surprised at how low glxgears is reporting the frame rate - although I've nothing to compare it against for this new pc with nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a].

Thanks again.

humble request

Posted: Fri 27 Apr 2012, 00:02
by elcurita
Shino: Looks like saluki is keeping the 3.2.8 kernel.Would you consider building a sfs for the Nvidia GeForce FX 5200? .I try to compile it myself but I failed misserabily. Thank you for all you do for the puppy comunity.

Re: humble request

Posted: Fri 27 Apr 2012, 01:16
by shinobar
elcurita wrote:Would you consider building a sfs for the Nvidia GeForce FX 5200?
GeForce FX 5200 is said to be supported by 173.14.xx driver, but I have not old cards to confirm.

Posted: Fri 27 Apr 2012, 01:56
by greengeek
Just adding a comment so I can get this important topic on my list (don't know of any other way to click "follow this topic").

Posted: Mon 07 May 2012, 11:01
by peebee
glxgears gives a much "better" result on my system using the new 295.49 sfs that shinobar has posted on page 1....

thanks shinobar


Posted: Mon 28 May 2012, 08:01
by shinobar
  • For some Puppies 4.3.x, Lupu, Wary-5.1.1, Wary/Racy-5.3 (nvidia-glx + libGLU and SDL)
    • Puppy-431 with kernel
    • Wary 5.1.1/5.3 with kernel,
    • Racy 5.3 with kernel 3.0.25
    • All Lucid Puppy with kernel
nvidia-glx-sdl-295.53.sfs (UPDATE: 2012-05-28)

Load and run the xorgwizard.
This package does not have glxgears. Install 'mesa-utils' or proper package if you want.

[*]For Slacko 5.3.3 with kernel 3.1.10-slacko_4gA, or 3.1.10-slacko_paeA. . (contains glx, OpenGL and SDL)
nvidia-glx-sdl-295.53-slacko.sfs (Update: 2012-05-28)

]nvidia-glx-295.59.sfs / getnvidia-0.2

Posted: Fri 22 Jun 2012, 05:53
by shinobar
Updated nvidia-glx-295.59.sfs
New, SFS/PET builder.
See the top post for the deatail.

Posted: Tue 10 Jul 2012, 16:10
by rob_0126
Hey folks. Im new to posting but have used puppy on and off for a few years.

I am having a problem with loading nvidia drivers for a geforce fx 5900 xt.
I am using puppy lucid 5.2.8 and tried the 174. drivers and, using an Acer 173 lcd monitor @1280x1024 res.

the generic drivers have the screen offset to the rt a bit.

If i install the nvidid 174. pup in the lucid repository, and after, i restart x server, it drops to prompt i have to use xorgwizard to unld driver because it wont load.

i also have this problem when i switch wm from openbox to xfce(installed wm). in that scenario, xorgwizard wont even run and have to hard reboot. Scrren centers correctly in xfce if I change refresh from 60 to 75(top edge is off a hair)

Is that the right driver for my vid card?
Does the xfce 4.6 wm in lucid repository trouble nvidia driver?

This is the only problem im having in puppy 5.2.8, getting the nvidia driver to take.
(I do get the error in the nvidia server settings that the driver isn't being used)

Btw, precise puppy beta generic driver loads screen correctly.


Posted: Sat 14 Jul 2012, 22:27
by shinobar
UPDATE: See the top post.
# 14jul2012: remove old nvidia driver in the backup, fix flash install

Nvidia Optimus

Posted: Tue 31 Jul 2012, 17:03
by Scooby
I want to ask you shinobar since you seem to be something of an expert
on Nvidia drivers.

I want to run Bumblebee on puppy linux!

Bumblebee is a program that enables nvidia optimus technology to be used in Linux. There is compiled versions for ArchLinux, Ubuntu and Mandriva.

Is there a puppy linux distro that you think could run any of these?

Could it be compiled for any puppy linux distros? For me it is not so important what puplet Im runnin. Have been running Lucid, Slacko,DPUP Exprimo and Fatdog

Please help, I'm a noob in Linux but has knowledge with windows programming(And I'm very tired of anything from M$ )

PS If it doesnt work with puppy linux which of ArchLinux, Ubuntu and Mandriva is easiest to get on a usb flash drive?

nvidia driver built on dpupu 5X15

Posted: Tue 21 Aug 2012, 14:52
by charlie6
Hi shinobar,
many thanks for the;
here got a try on a compaq evo 510 PIV + Nvidia GeForce2 NV11DDR (personal save file was 768MB) MX200 graphic pci card:
I managed to built a nvidia driver in dpup-exprimo 5X15 (all seemed to go well as i got "OK check" for all prerequisites, and finally got .pet and .sfs nvidia driver archives.
see my 2 posts on page 142 here ... start=2115

other tets:
installed the nvidia-glx-sdl-295.40.sfs , and got the same warnings as above.

So i'm wondering what should be missing
Thanks in advance for any help

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2012, 06:03
by charlie6
double pose - deleted

SOLVED Re: nvidia driver built on dpup 5X15

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2012, 06:57
by charlie6
solved ==> see here :D ... 983#647983

failed to build of 96.43.20 nvidia driiver on 5X.

Posted: Wed 22 Aug 2012, 16:26
by charlie6
failed to build of 96.43.20 nvidia driiver on 5X.
see more here ... 052#648052
thanks for any help!


Posted: Fri 31 Aug 2012, 02:02
by shinobar
UPDATE: to install NVIDIA driver / build SFS/PET.
# 29aug2012: again fix GL (rc.nvidia)


Posted: Sat 29 Sep 2012, 02:16
by shinobar
nvidia-glx-304.51.sfs (UPDATE: 2012-09-29) (UPDATE: 2012-09-29)

See the detail on the top post.