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Posted: Fri 19 Dec 2014, 17:32
by musher0
Good afternoon, csv table lovers! :)

I've uploaded version 1.60 of csvfix (released circa mid-2014) at

I compiled it from source on Slacko-6.0b. Since this powerful csv file processor
is a console app, there should be no compatibility problems with other Puppies.

Please note that the main site for csvfix is now:

The docs are included in the *.pet package, but they are also available online
at ... svfix.html



Posted: Sat 20 Dec 2014, 08:08
by musher0

Just a note to say that I have made CSVpad-1.2, a much more powerful
replacement for dmcsv, available through: ... ost#815999


Late thanks and apologies to pelo... :oops:

CSVpad will help untill libgcong found.

Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2016, 11:38
by Pelo 1734 K 1013 K

Posted: Thu 22 Sep 2016, 00:08
by ac2011
musher0 wrote:Good afternoon, csv table lovers! :)
I compiled it from source on Slacko-6.0b. Since this powerful csv file processor
is a console app, there should be no compatibility problems with other Puppies.
The link is dead but I compiled CSVfix 1.60 in Tahr and it works fine there, but unfortunately not in Wary (GlibC errors) despite being a console app.

If I try to compile it in Wary I get issues with g++ errors. Don't suppose anyone's managed to compile this on an in-between version of Puppy so it'll work in Wary?

Musher0, please check your links, s'il vous plait..

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 16:19
by Pelo
Musher0, please check your link, s'il vous plait..

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 22:46
by musher0
Hello all.

CSVpad is now available again, from PCloud. Please see edited first post of
the CSVpad thread. Thanks.

As to making CSVpad available on a Wary Puppy, I cannot, sorry:
the executable comes pre-compiled by the author, and I have no access
to the source code. I only repackaged it for Puppy.

Best regards.

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2017, 23:13
by ac2011
Thanks Musher. CSVpad is fine - it's CSVfix that I'd like to see in a Wary version. The source code for that is available, but I can't find the right build environment to create a version that'll work in Wary.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2017, 01:24
by musher0
ac2011 wrote:Thanks Musher. CSVpad is fine - it's CSVfix that I'd like
to see in a Wary version. The source code for that is available, but I can't
find the right build environment to create a version that'll work in Wary.
Hi ac2011

You're welcome.

IIRC, a while back, I compiled an earlier version of CSVfix for an older
version of Puppy. Maybe try that one?

As I'm set-up now, I only have recent versions of Puppy on my computer.
No Wary on this machine unfortunately.

But AFAIK, if you have the corresponding devx for your Wary mounted,
compiling of even the newer CSVfix should work fine. I think I had to
specify the linux environment on the "make" line and that was it.

This is the source for CSVfix and the supporting alib library.
Building requires a GCC installation. To build, enter the command
"make win" for a Windows build, "make lin" for a Linux/Unix build,
or "make mac" for a Mac build.

For further information, please see the CSVfix website

Neil Butterworth

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2017, 02:09
by musher0
For the record, here is the source of version 1.60:

You unpack it, you enter the new csvfix dir., you open a terminal there
and you type

Code: Select all

make lin
If you prefer something ready-made, I've uploaded a fresh compilation
here, for the recent slacko's, tahrpup's, and devuan/debian pups: ... jT1yeCNIWX

This pet archive contains the executable, the docs, an icon and a
desktop file to display the docs in your default web browser.

To work with csvfix proper, please remember that you must open a
terminal and call csvfix with

Code: Select all

csvfix /path/to/file

Code: Select all

csvfix help
I'll try to provide an older Wary version for ac2011 sometime later, as
I have limited time ATM. Thanks for your understanding.

If you need a separate desktop file (the pet installer on your Pup could
perhaps replace the Database category with something else, some older
versions of the PPM are funny that way), there is one below.

Any constructive comment welcome.


Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2017, 03:40
by musher0
Almost forgot: thanks for the reminder, Pelo! ;)

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2017, 21:51
by ac2011
musher0 wrote:
ac2011 wrote:Thanks Musher. CSVpad is fine - it's CSVfix that I'd like
to see in a Wary version. The source code for that is available, but I can't
find the right build environment to create a version that'll work in Wary.
Hi ac2011

You're welcome.

IIRC, a while back, I compiled an earlier version of CSVfix for an older
version of Puppy. Maybe try that one?

As I'm set-up now, I only have recent versions of Puppy on my computer.
No Wary on this machine unfortunately.

But AFAIK, if you have the corresponding devx for your Wary mounted,
compiling of even the newer CSVfix should work fine. I think I had to
specify the linux environment on the "make" line and that was it.

This is the source for CSVfix and the supporting alib library.
Building requires a GCC installation. To build, enter the command
"make win" for a Windows build, "make lin" for a Linux/Unix build,
or "make mac" for a Mac build.

For further information, please see the CSVfix website

Neil Butterworth
An earlier version sounds good but I haven't found one - do you have a link?

I do have the source and I attempted compilation. Can't remember the issue as it was a while ago, but I think it was a problem with a later version of C libraries required. But compiling on a later Puppy that had those libs made the binary unusable on Wary. I'll have another attempt some time.

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2017, 23:49
by musher0
Hi ac2011.

What is the glibc version of your Wary? You can find out by typing in

Code: Select all

ldd --version
And the version of your Wary, please? I ask because the oldest Pup I
have available is Puppy CE-3 by forum member wanderer and its glibc
version is 2.11. If your Wary had glibc 2.11 or higher, I could try to
recompile csvfix on Puppy CE-3, and it should be ok.

Otherwise, I'll have to reinstall your Wary version, and as I said before,
it's not that I don't want to help out, but I have limited time ATM, sorry...

Tip: If you're in a bind, depending what you want to do, of course, you
can perhaps use awk to extract and/or process data from your csv file.
All Puppies have awk.


Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2017, 06:30
by musher0
Hello ac2011.

Here is csvfix-1.20 (goes back to 2013) for Puppy: ... aruSWEFpGX.
I dug it out of an old repository I had.

Works fine from terminal on Wary-5.5.

I tried compiling csvfix-1.60 on Wary-5.5 and got the same error you got.
Even csvfix-1.50 refused to run on Wary-5.5.

So there you go. The pet archive has scripts and *.desktop files for
opening a terminal to run csvfix (doesn't run it, but puts you in position
to, IIRC) and for showing the docs. I didn't re-test these scripts, but they
were ok then, they should be ok now!

This csvfix-1.20 certainly has a few less parameters to process your csv
file with, than the new csvfix-1.60, but it's the best I can offer given the
Wary-5.5 context.

BTW, Wary-5.5 has glibc-2.10.1, if anybody needs this info.


Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2017, 17:17
by musher0
Hello again all.

As a reminder, we also have on this forum discussions about
Fields.awk: ... 501#908333
for light and moderate csv table needs.

Also worthy of note is gnumeric, which can be used to manage
simple lists, if that's all you need to process.

For bigger needs, there is datacrow, a java app. that allows you to
create collections (aka databases) of almost anything: ... 550#686631

There is also a discussion about datacrow in French, here: ... 550#686628
We owe the French translation of datacrow to French member Argolance,
the developer of ToOpPy. Thanks, Argo!

I mention both datacrow threads because the discussions evolved in
different directions, so both may be useful to a serious user.

Please note that datacrow requires a recent java JRE to run.

Last but not least: the "base" (aka "sbase") application in
OpenOffice / Libre Office, which needs no introduction, of course. Sbase
has a good SQL language for constructing queries.

All considered, we're pretty well equipped now on Puppy for processing
databases of various kinds if we need to.

With the above tools, Puppy Linux can be used as a viable solution in a
Small Office / Home Office environment. Can you believe that some
narrow-minded people have dismissed the Puppy OS as unsuitable for
serious work only because of its name?! Ah! Shame on them!


Professional Office suites

Posted: Fri 10 Feb 2017, 07:05
by Pelo
Little Puppy was featured with light tools for home works, usually once a month. Unfortunately, some of our puppy lovers have work to do at home, after a long day at the office or teaching classes of nasty pupils. Sure Libre Office will be the Office suite to load on our Little Puppy,

Personally , i have Microsoft office, soft Office, Open Office, Libre Office on my Windows partition for any professional task
My choice : Windows Seven for tasks, Puppy for fun :)

Business section here, was created for you, men , and women, for your feed back.

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2017, 03:43
by ac2011
musher0 wrote:Hello ac2011.

Here is csvfix-1.20 (goes back to 2013) for Puppy: ... aruSWEFpGX.
I dug it out of an old repository I had.

Works fine from terminal on Wary-5.5.
Thanks musher0, much obliged. That's working fine here and does what I need. I did try compiling 1.60 on various other Puppies but couldn't create any version that works on Wary. This'll do fine, though - thanks again.

Posted: Sun 19 Feb 2017, 05:39
by musher0
My pleasure, ac2011! :)

Posted: Thu 08 Mar 2018, 07:34
by musher0

Here is csvfix for XenialPup7.

To recreate the complete pet for it from the sections provided below, please open a
terminal in the download directory and type:

Code: Select all

cat xa*
I realize this is an inconvenience. On the other hand one does not have to run to
"Devil's Corner" and back to fetch the material.


What is particular in this version:
-- strangely, developer Neil Butterworth has not changed the version number. It is
still version 1.60;

-- however this one is dated 2015, and compiles with a library that was not there
before, AFAICT;

-- I ran all the tests provided and only one function "seems" to be broken, "shuffle."
(Test results are attached.) I ran them a couple of times to make sure, but there
was still one error. I'm not sure if that is due to a conversion fault on my part. (I
converted all the tests and corrections files from WhineDose to Unix format.) Test
reports on the various csvfix functions will then be much appreciated from your side.)

-- I devised a special rxvt terminal to the colors of the csvfix logo. When you will
click on the csvfix entry in your menu, this terminal will open. Simply type:

Code: Select all

csvfix help

Code: Select all

csv help <function>
in that terminal to get started.

-- There is also a menu entry for the csvfix docs. Those will open in your browser
when you click on that entry. May I suggest that you work your csv file(s) with the
csvfix terminal and the csvfix docs side-by-side for easy reference.

-- I translated the csvfix logo from *.ico to *.png.


Now having more experience with Puppy and Linux, I fully realize that some of the
csvfix functions are not really needed in a Linux environment, i.e., in presence of
the awk language, and also of the sqlite3, paste, nl, join, cat, head, etc., utilities,
which PuppyLinux provides OOTB.

Nevertheless, IMO, csvfix preserves some advantages:
-- it is a complete environment devoted to csv processing, and

-- its documentation is absolutely superb. In short, you do not need to know the
complete ins and outs of some GNU/Linux utilities to take advantage of csvfix,
simply the basics of csv databasing;

-- finally, csvfix is multi-platform: it runs on WhineDose and Linux. Some users may
appreciate not having to learn another set of commands to process csv files when
they have to switch platforms. (As much as I love Linux, I am also realistic.)


So there you go. In the coming days, I will revive the dead URLs on the previous
pages, so Puppyists will lesser versions than the XenialPup7 can once again use

Feedback appreciated.



P. S. 1) The csvfix development site is now at the following bitbucket URL:

2) Test results from the "runalltests" script:
PASSED ab.test
PASSED atable.test
PASSED block.test
PASSED case.test
PASSED check.test
PASSED dates.test
PASSED diff.test
PASSED echo.test
PASSED edit.test
PASSED erase.test
PASSED escape.test
PASSED evalextra.test
PASSED eval.test
PASSED exclude.test
Execution problem with exec.test - please correct
PASSED fileinfo.test
PASSED find.test
PASSED fixed.test
PASSED flatten.test
PASSED fmerge.test
PASSED from_xml.test
PASSED headtail.test
PASSED inter.test
PASSED join.test
PASSED map.test
PASSED mdflat.test
PASSED merge.test
PASSED mline.test
PASSED money.test
PASSED multi.test
PASSED number.test
PASSED order.test
PASSED osep.test
PASSED out_join.test
PASSED pad.test
PASSED pivot.test
PASSED printf.test
PASSED put.test
PASSED read_dsv.test
PASSED retsep.test
PASSED rmnew.test
PASSED rowsort.test
PASSED sequence.test
[01;31mFAILED shuffle.test[00m
PASSED skippass.test
PASSED smoke.test
PASSED sort.test
PASSED specquote.test
PASSED splitlen.test
PASSED splitregex.test
PASSED split.test
PASSED splittrans.test
PASSED sql_delete.test
PASSED sql_insert.test
PASSED sql_update.test
PASSED squash.test
PASSED stat.test
PASSED summary.test
PASSED template.test
PASSED toxml.test
PASSED trim.test
PASSED unique.test
PASSED val_fields.test
PASSED wmulti.test
PASSED write_dsv.test

1 failed, 64 passed