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Posted: Tue 11 Sep 2012, 17:12
by don570
I've done a reinstall to check on the procedure again.

I didn't explain some things properly.

There are two methods to create an image file

1) Blanks
2) Basilisk 'Create' button

I've rewritten this with more info to help user.


You need an official Apple OS 8 CD or a burnt copy of same.
I use an old copy of Toast4 so I don't know about other burn programs.

The OS 8 CD isn't listed on the image's list. Instead Basilisk
does a search of the CD tray when the 'Start' button is clicked.

If you try to run OS 9.2.1 you will see a question mark popup on screen.


Be sure your hard drive has enough free space to hold the image
and do a check of its size after you create the image file.
Basilisk needs to know the paths to image file and to ROM file. Be sure
that these are correct.

Good luck . It's not that hard once you get your hands on an
official OS 8 CD.


Posted: Wed 12 Sep 2012, 05:48
by mmmrr
hi don

has a brief clear text on 'dd' with useful examples of code, ie: what to put at the prompt .

the first of the examples below will do the job
and if 'os-8-mm.iso' is used in place of 'myCD.iso' then it'll be easy to spot in a list, we'll know what it is, [os8], we'll be able to track its behaviour/history over the few days/operations.

i was able to get some checksums from the os8iso
i have:

F23857AAD354406C8CA4D938FFFAE9DB===MD5 hash

653E723FB18934718FE5D853BCC00812BFACA669==SHA1 hash


only one match is required.

please see if can checksum the iso you know will work. at prompt, enter: 'md5sum' then one space, then the name of the isofile as it appears in a folder[directory]. on the key beneath the escape key, upper left corner of keyboard, the '~' and '`'
key is usually found. ~ uppercase, ` lowercase

` that keystroke opens a console, [ie a prompt window or a terminal window] in the active folder,
usually the one most recently opened. mouseclick in the blank part of the folder where the iso file is, to make it live, then click the ` key

terminal opens, enter at prompt:

md5sum=one space= [name file as shown in directory/folder].iso --press enter--

save the resulting mix of letters,numbers, please
and send it to me so that i can check that the sum
i get after recieving the transfer, whether it's by
cd or by etheric, ie you upload it to a suitable spot
from which i download it, checksum, try again if needed. let you know if the transfer was good so
you can remove, if you wish, the file from yr online transfer account. sound do able?

many thanks, cheers, mm
Data transfer forms of dd: first:

dd if=/dev/sr0 of=myCD.iso bs=2048 conv=noerror,sync

which creates an ISO disk image from a CD-ROM.

...........................................: second:

dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb2 bs=4096 conv=noerror

which clones one partition to another

.............................................: third:

dd if=/dev/ad0 of=/dev/ad1 bs=1M conv=noerror

whichs clones a hard disk "ad0" to hard disk "ad1".

'bs' refers block sizes

The noerror option means to keep going if there is an error. The sync option means to pad the output blocks.

medical social stuff

Posted: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 14:26
by mmmrr
hi don,
between sudden demands from the health side
and sudden demands on other sides i've had only
two brief looks at the compu [email] in the last 24
hours. it's probably going to be another 24 hrs
until i get a chance to go over and act on what you say about the basilisk front window, could you post a picture of yours, please.

is the 'dd' working for you?
cheers, mm

Posted: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 21:35
by don570
I explain how I made an OS8 install disk image and then split it
into chunks to store it on a free data storage site.

I used Barry Kauler's 'Pudd' then used RSH's 'rightclick_split-1.4'
It's surprisingly simple and quick to do using Puppy Linux. :lol: ... 066#652066


Posted: Thu 13 Sep 2012, 22:56
by mmmrr
thanks don this is a great link , thanks, cheers, mm

Posted: Sat 15 Sep 2012, 18:29
by don570
Something strange that I just noticed !!!

I have been using blank disk images or ones that created by
my program HFS-image

However when you use the 'Create' button in the first window of Basilisk
(see picture) , there is odd behaviour by the OS installer program.

Apparently it doesn't see a file system inside the image and the
installer asks to initialize the disk. You must give permission to do this!!

...But watch out . Be careful that it is a blank image that
you are initializing. Allow the initialization and the installer
will proceed quickly to make the installion of OS 8. It takes only
about 4 minutes max.


