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Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2015, 13:46
by Griot
Hi folks!

Did anyone tried to compile version for Slacko 5.70? Are there many dependencies to hunt for or it could be simply compiled with

Code: Select all

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --build=i486-pc-linux-gnu

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2015, 14:10
by Semme
Phonon libs sound questionable. Still, give your line a shot.. That's what compiler errors are for.

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2015, 14:27
by Griot
Thanks, Semme.
Yes, phonon libs are reported as missing when .pet for Precise
is installed. Anyway, I'll give it a try tomorrow.

Posted: Tue 23 Jun 2015, 15:49
by Semme
Would be nice if the darn thing was self-contained. So many :roll: gay-ass libs..

How would you feel about Artha and WordNet if they were available as Slackware pkgs?


Update! Use the semi-portable build here.

After unpacking, rename it "goldendict" and stick it in ~/my-applications/bin.

In addition you should grab and install the WordNet pet.

Extract these libs to /usr/lib, though I suspect a few more I had grabbed earlier.

If it launches, great! Hit F3 and choose /usr/share/goldendict-wordnet as your dictionary directory.

If it doesn't, tell me what a console fire says.

There were a few more details but I'll wait for you to get back..

And yes, Slacko 5.7.


Oh yeah, tcl and tk libs to boot!

Not sure if they're in the devx..

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2015, 12:55
by Griot
Hello, Semme.
Thanks for being helpful and supportive.

Nope, it wont run. Da#$ libs!

Terminal spit-out:

Code: Select all

# goldendict
goldendict: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Ideas :?:

EDIT: Found this one ... 1.txz.html but it's for Slackware 13.37. IDK is it safe for use with Puppy Slacko 5.7 since it's based on Slackware 14.0?

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2015, 13:31
by CatDude

lzo-2.03 is available via the PPM here in my Slacko


Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2015, 13:32
by Semme
Pass on that and instead strip these out to /usr/lib.

Reload and let's have the latest console message..

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2015, 13:51
by Griot
Yes, it works after copying everything from 'gd_libs-1' (except dir 'maybe').

Code: Select all

# goldendict
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme.
Reloading all the tabs... 
Building the index for dictionary: "WordNet 3.0 (En-En)" 
Building a tree of 403 elements
Load done
Reloading all the tabs... 
getResource: gdlookup://localhost?blank=1
scheme: gdlookup
host: localhost
getResource: gdlookup://localhost?blank=1
scheme: gdlookup
host: localhost
getResource: gdlookup://localhost?word=Welcome!&group=4294967295
scheme: gdlookup
host: localhost
In-place finish.
X Error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) 2
  Extension:    143 (XInputExtension)
  Minor opcode: 46 ()
  Resource id:  0x12
Loading 30 abbrv
====reading 16384 bytes
====reading 42759 bytes
Thank you very much, Semme.

One more question, If I may.
Can I add dictionaries (in .bgl format) in this version following the same procedure as described by vicmz, here?

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2015, 13:55
by Semme
:wink: Sure, you bet.

As for the dictionary addition.. Give it a shot >> F3, add and choose your folder.

Posted: Wed 24 Jun 2015, 14:41
by Griot
Got it! Same as older version.

One must add dictionaries one by one, then exit GoldenDict and so on, otherwise indexing error may appear.
Too bad Wiktionary can't be added (or is it me?).
SSL handshake error occurs.

Anyway, thanks a lot, Semme.
It's a must for my honorary job, also it's usuful when translating stuff for Puppy Linux. I'm back to beginning with Puppy stuff, thanks to frequent power failures. Broke my HDD and all my previous work (mostly for Precise 5.71, including install) went straight to oblivion.

I bet Tesla would found a solution for that. :)

Cheers, folks!

Posted: Thu 25 Jun 2015, 13:25
by Semme
Griot, grab your dictionary from here, then add the folder. Back on the program window, ctrl+F5 or rescan files.

On second thought, try this one first. Much smaller and it works.

Rather, it *may* work for you.

Posted: Mon 29 Jun 2015, 14:09
by Griot
I haven't seen your post, Semme.
Forum hickups?

Smaller one works just fine.
Thank you. :wink:

EDIT 2.VIII 2015.

Hi, folks!

Just to report that this version with addition of these pets and English Wiktionary for Goldendict (thanks Semme!) (Edit: fixed link for Wiktionary)
works like a charm on 6/2015 version of
SuperLucid 2 (though there's newer one from 7/2015).

If you're going to use it for simple translation (without speech option&stuff)
then there's no need for hunting libs and other voodoo.
Just grab your copy (rename it to "goldendict" - without quotes!)
and move it to ~/my-applications/bin.
Install you grabbed earlier, launch goldendict and press F3
then choose /usr/share/goldendict-wordnet as your dictionary directory.
Remember to follow these steps if you're going to add
more dictionaries.

goldendict portable

Posted: Wed 05 Aug 2015, 22:39
by vicmz
Added GoldenDict Portable 1.5.0 RC from the GoldenDict Github site, see first post.

on peut écrire en français sur le forum

Posted: Wed 12 Aug 2015, 20:49
by Pelo
on peut écrire en français sur le forum, à partir de maintenant, avec ce dictionnaire.

Posted: Wed 18 Nov 2015, 12:41
by Griot
Hi, folks!

Anybody running Slacko64 6.3.0?
I can't run 'goldendict64 1.50 RC6' portable.
After renaming it to 'goldendict' and moving it to /root/my-applications/bin
terminal spits out this:

Code: Select all

# goldendict
Cannot open /root/.thumbnails/normal
/35ef3ee1f7639d95945854d76f2e3819.png for writing
There's no .thumbnails hidden directory. Any ideas what to do?

Posted: Wed 18 Nov 2015, 12:52
by L18L
Griot wrote:There's no .thumbnails hidden directory. Any ideas what to do?
Just create one:

Code: Select all

mkdir -p /root/.thumbnails

Posted: Wed 18 Nov 2015, 13:37
by Griot
That wasn't hard, huh? :oops:

Meanwhile, I found ' 4' is missing.
Lib hunting now, will report later.

EDIT: Working fine after installing phonon libs + gstreamer from PPM.

Is there any translating dictionnary to link to Puppy ?

Posted: Fri 05 Feb 2016, 07:11
by Pelo
old solution
English is hardly unsderstood in France, goldendict explains what words mean, but it explains it in english.
Is there any translating dictionnary to link to Puppy ?
I open a special window with 'Reverso' when reading the forum. Us, barbarians, are in permanent translation from English to French... or Spanish or another one..

Posted: Mon 06 Nov 2017, 13:54
by kerl
I'm using X-Slacko Slim.
I installed goldendict-1.5.0-RC-all.PET and gstreamer-0.10-precise.PET
How can I make sound work?
How can I make the scan popup work? any web browser and pdf reader recommended where this feature works?