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Not Mine

Posted: Thu 22 May 2014, 05:17
by stemsee
Yes I noticed that 3.5.9 mod folder, it wasn't mine, it must haave been in the skeleton.

I hadn't altered the Distro-Pkgs-Specs in anyway - this was truly a first experiment building a dpup on woof-ce ... I only had to comment out repos and add a few packages and build my own kernel and package it as a pet, as the kernel kit only builds an sfs. A few other minor things...It was luck that it came out so nice! So I am not surprised to see some bugs. I have built a couple more since then, with up to date kernels and more customization, but I m still learning about the woof-ce environment and how to add various packages at various stages of the build, and also other alterations on-the-fly,especially to Status files!

Glad you like it.

I just found that my precise-ce doesn't do a full install. Can anyone confirm this?

Cheers stemsee

Casting in Pelo's Workshops, by Emtec team

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2016, 00:00
by Pelo
Installed to day, first steps (boot and wireless without breaks, was easy and fluent)
Forum is searching its wheezy, this one is in my casting list this week to succeed upup Van Pup, no longer supported by starhawk.
Firefox , small text editor and spreadsheet have been kept available for my sweet home needs,
PPM reloaded, seems some repository don't load.
This Puppy is still a friendly one..
Derivatives : in french, 'deriver' means ship having lost their route, their way, due to damage on sails or shell of the boat. :)
i Should say :?

Nothing urgent, first try to find users of stable ones...

Posted: Tue 26 Jan 2016, 00:28
by Pelo
"I use Dpup Wheezy quite a lot.
What would be especially interesting is if you could build a Debian Jessie puplet from the "Testing" packages."
eh minute, step by step is the better way to go. Nothing urgent, first try to find users of stable ones...
I am late in my casting schedule, there are too many Puppies born form woof. Are they suitable for public release? Let our quality department time to test.

Puppy is famous until now for it's speed and useful applications for home usage.
What would happen if no keyboard, no wireless, or no support to our customers, builders being escaped as thieves once the woof puppy published ?
A 'jessie' Puplet will soon be available, but make sure that Puppy 'wheezy' is safe and stable.. Hummmm, not sure for all puplets. Look at the forum the last post for each one.
A lot of builders failed in their try to make their baby standing up...

Posted: Sun 28 Feb 2016, 11:10
by stemsee
It is on a voluntary basis only ... clearly impossible to maintain every pup I have built, and their kernels and custom apps! Would be a challenge even if funded!!

5.7.1 by shinobar should not be a bad idea.. .

Posted: Wed 19 Jul 2017, 07:09
by Pelo
Ok stemsee, we know that you cannot do everything .. The fact that that is worrying you makes you be welcome everywhere.
Precise should be an LTS as Lucid is. Which version to choose ? 5.7.1 by shinobar should not be a bad idea.. .
When these Puppies are installed on networks, for several passengers, often, non Linux experts, the distributer prefers updating them than to change to a newer version, were lot of things still have to be corrected.
ToOpPy and Triton are in that case, in France. ASRI EDU was too, but the administrators moved to Primtux, based on Debian.
Stable and LTS is what people really using daily their Puppy like.
Devs can play to make new versions, but a stable version is essential.
Puppus Dogfellow Precise evolution