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Posted: Sat 09 Apr 2016, 20:27
by don570
I modified pclock for fatdog arm and I noticed that
the alarm button can be made smaller. It just requires an hbox within an hbox

Code: Select all

      <edit editable="false" left_margin="10"><input file>'$WORKDIR'/alarm_txt</input></edit>
                <hbox homogeneous="true"><hbox>
                <button height-request="50">
                <label>'$(gettext "Define Alarm")'</label>
               <action>echo $ALARM > '$WORKDIR'/ALARM</action>
                      <text><label>'$(gettext "Audio")'</label></text>
                      <entry accept="file">
                      <input>cat '$WORKDIR'/ALARM</input>
                      <input file stock="gtk-open"></input>
                      <action type="fileselect">ALARM</action>

Posted: Thu 27 Jul 2017, 16:43
by don570 ... 077#962077

There's a new version of pschedule . The launching is different. Apparently some strange behaviour
with the busybox version of crond
James bond noticed this years ago but didn't report it to you. :cry:
# Description: System task scheduler.
# jamesbond 2012

start_cron() {
# static uclibc crond only understands POSIX tz, convert
export TZ=GMT$(date +%z | sed 'y/+-/-+/; s/.../&:/')
echo "Starting task scheduler."
[ ! -e /var/spool/cron/crontabs ] && ln -sfT /etc/crontabs /var/spool/cron/crontabs

Posted: Thu 27 Jul 2017, 21:01
by zigbert
Does pSchedule trouble in Puppy as well, or is this a Quirky problem?
What happens using jamesbonds code if crond is not from busybox?

Thanks for feedback

Posted: Thu 27 Jul 2017, 23:49
by BarryK
don570 wrote: ... 077#962077

There's a new version of pschedule . The launching is different. Apparently some strange behaviour
with the busybox version of crond
James bond noticed this years ago but didn't report it to you. :cry:
# Description: System task scheduler.
# jamesbond 2012

start_cron() {
# static uclibc crond only understands POSIX tz, convert
export TZ=GMT$(date +%z | sed 'y/+-/-+/; s/.../&:/')
echo "Starting task scheduler."
[ ! -e /var/spool/cron/crontabs ] && ln -sfT /etc/crontabs /var/spool/cron/crontabs
Yes, I overhauled Pschedule and the version is now 1.1.6-3, blog report here:

Scheduling non-standard reoccurences

Posted: Fri 14 Jun 2019, 03:15
by Subito Piano
IDK if anyone else would be interested in this, but i wanted to run a task at irregular intervals - in my case, workday afternoons, Mon through Fri at 2:10PM. I found i could not use CTRL+Click to pick multiple days (or multiple times or dates or months) for an event in Pschedule. However, I discovered that i could create the task without setting a schedule for it (i.e., just use the default, every minute), save it, then open the file /var/local/cron/crontabs/root and change it from:

* * * * * my_program #


20 14 * * 1,2,3,4,5 my_program #

Save and exit. Good to discover, perhaps someone else can use.
For anyone unfamiliar with cron scheduling, it's easy to find on the 'net; Corntab is a fine online tool to generate the proper time codes.