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Urls to some package repos

Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2013, 17:41
by mikeslr
Hi all,

Occasionally, when I think of it, I'll add to a web-browsing folder I called "packages" a link to a repo I've stumbled across. In no way is it complete. Absent, in particular, are all the links to pets posted in "Additional Software" with links other than to repos. Some of the links are to mirrors. Some may be broken, to repos no longer in existence which I haven't pruned from the list. And it may not be what you're looking for. But I've attached it. Hope it helps. Remove the false "zip" ending. Its a plain text file.


Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2013, 20:31
by bigpup
BTW, why did you remove your post with the pet links after getting to all the trouble to assemble it Confused Shocked
I did not remove it.

For some reason the text in that post stopped showing up after doing an edit.
I can bring it back up if I select the edit button. :!: :shock:

Does anyone know what is happening here?

I must be hitting some kind of post length limit. :shock:

could have been this:
disappearing posts are usually the fault of a link - [url] - with a space in it at the end....
Anyway. That thing was getting kind of long.
Deleted some of the entries and re-posted below.

Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2013, 20:33
by bigpup
I am posting this here so I can check the links.

Links to core Puppy programs that have active topics in Puppy forum.
These may have newer versions at any time.

Defaults Chooser
Latest version ... 078#735078


Firewall status tray icon


Frisbee Network Manager
Need to check last few pages for latest version.

GetFlash install Flashplayer


GUI to download LibreOffice

Legacy GRUB Config 2013


Nathan Wallpaper Setter




pEqualizer - graphical EQ




Precord mp3,wav,ogg,aac,flac recorder/player





pupRadio (with pupTelly)


pup save hot backup




Right click options



wcpufreq CPU Frequency Scaling

Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2013, 20:38
by bigpup

Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2013, 21:01
by bigpup
I do not know about you guys.
But I am learning some stuff about supporting Woof-CE with usable programs. :D :wink: 8)

Posted: Sun 08 Dec 2013, 21:20
by bigpup
pemasu wrote:No. I dont have a list. But I know whose pets I inspect carefully. :D
I havent been that practical. But...I could try to remember to make a note, now on...

One pet I would like to see woof compliant is that rox right click pet maintained by don570. The script in it has about 1000 rows, so...I havent started to do that.
Just tried rox right click pet maintained by don570 in the test Woof-CE build of Slacko 5.7.
Worked for me OK.

At least my list made it easy to download and check the program.

Maybe we need a specific topic on programs to have available in the Woof-CE repository.

Move desktop mouse controls from button 2 to button 1

Posted: Fri 13 Dec 2013, 09:56
by gcmartin
By now, many/most of this community, probably already has a smart device. These are characterized by a touch interface.

Microsoft rewrote Windows from the ground up to provide API and development guidance for its latest operating system (OS) releases. One of the primary ideas is about the behavior of the display's behavior when touched. In reality, when you step back and understand, they are really treating the touch as mouse button 1 (left-click) to launch action(s). While, also, honoring the industry standard of "long-pause", too. And there is other behavior subsequent also.

This community's distro developer, TaZoC, understood this behavior and chose, in his distro to do a simple change of mouse behavior on the desktop. In most every PUP, today, if you click mouse button 2, you will get a pop-up. He moved that pop-up function to mouse button 1 such that it allows ANYONE with a touch screen to navigate the PC by touching anywhere on an open area of the desktop. Also, the finger's touch has other behaviors that include how traditional mouse button1 behaves. Thus, a touch PC user, can manage much/most of desktop's activity with your finger.

So here's a thought that I ask distro developers of WOOF-CE to consider.
  • Would the overall community benefit from this simple change?
  • Since mouse button 1 does nothing for any user of most every PUP), Is there a known downside to making this change?
Please understand that this ONLY APPLIES TO MOUSE CLICKS ON OPEN AREAS OF THE DESKTOP. It does NOT apply or affect any other such as right-click utilities already in use in PUPs.

This does NOT address all of Touch use in Linux. But, it certainly gives a portion such that it advances usability in system's navigation. And a manipulaton at this level means all PUPs would benefit.

Here to help

Re: Move desktop mouse controls from button 2 to button 1

Posted: Fri 13 Dec 2013, 13:15
by 01micko
gcmartin wrote:Microsoft rewrote Windows from the ground up to provide API and development guidance for its latest operating system (OS) releases. (bla, bla)

gcmartin wrote:This community's distro developer, TaZoC, understood this behavior and chose, in his distro to do a simple change of mouse behavior on the desktop. In most every PUP, today, if you click mouse button 2, you will get a pop-up. He moved that pop-up function to mouse button 1 such that it allows ANYONE with a touch screen to navigate the PC by touching anywhere on an open area of the desktop. Also, the finger's touch has other behaviors that include how traditional mouse button1 behaves. Thus, a touch PC user, can manage much/most of desktop's activity with your finger.

So here's a thought that I ask distro developers of WOOF-CE to consider.
  • Would the overall community benefit from this simple change?
  • Since mouse button 1 does nothing for any user of most every PUP), Is there a known downside to making this change?
Ok.. where is the patch?

Posted: Fri 13 Dec 2013, 17:58
by pemasu
Microsoft rewrote Windows from the ground up to provide API and development guidance for its latest operating system (OS) releases. One of the primary ideas is about the behavior of the display's behavior when touched.
The incredibly poor usability of windows 8 touchpad friendliness was one of the reasons I removed it from my laptop....My 20 years old daughter ( win os 8 ) laptop user called me and asked where is Skype in her laptop !
She couldnt find it because of missing menu and incredibly useless touchpad friendly system to launch it absolutely sucks !
I suggested her to use 'search' app...and she found it. So...if you know you have some app...use search...and it find the app and you can lauch it....and that is usability ?
Win 8 was really hard and crude economical driven forced push to gain share in tablet markets and it forced win 8 also as os in laptops.....where it does not belong...and nobody wanted it.
Market forces for tablets...and lousy one...nothing else.

Posted: Fri 13 Dec 2013, 20:13
by Ted Dog
win8 is bad win8.1 is worse.. now it takes 3 changes to get to a desktop the start button is a overlay and near worthless.
Videos are suspect if not MS typed. long pause before playing. And if you play a OTA HD TV capture in .ts format it writes the activity to protected files. requires you to attach to NST servers for actual time stamp sync of your activity. :shock:

Win8 hid non windows setup hardrive parts. On win8.1 it will display used linux parts as unformatted and prompts each time for reformation. One accidentally pressed mouse click and linux is now been assimilated in the borg collective of Win8.1

Configure and clone remote repositories automatically

Posted: Fri 27 Dec 2013, 15:28
by nilsonmorales
Sorry my english is not very good looking :D

Code: Select all

#Script to configure and clone remote repositories automatically
#27122013  written by D-coy
#27122013, GPL3 (/usr/share/doc/legal)
#28122013 nilsonmorales help lines and English version

# settings for username and email

echo -n 'Enter your Username: '
read username
if git config --global $username 2>/dev/null ; then
git config --global $username
echo -n 'Enter your Email: '
read email
git config --global $email

#General settings
#You can add your own settings here
git config --global core.editor geany
git config --global core.pager ''
git config --global color.ui true
git config --global http.sslVerify false
git config --global push.default matching
git config --global push.default simple
git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit"
echo -n "Do you want to clone a repo? y/n: "
read clone
if [ "$clone" == "y" ]; then

#Enter address repository

echo -n "Repo URL: "
read repo
git clone $repo
echo 'Need "git" package installed...'   

Posted: Fri 27 Dec 2013, 21:57
by mavrothal
Thanks nilsonmorales.
BTW to clone woof-CE at the "Repo URL: " script prompt type:

Code: Select all

Posted: Mon 30 Dec 2013, 09:21
by musher0
mavrothal wrote:Thanks nilsonmorales.
BTW to clone woof-CE at the "Repo URL: " script prompt type:

Code: Select all
Hi, mavrothal.

That's a URL, not code, isn't it?

Best regards.


Posted: Mon 30 Dec 2013, 15:38
by mavrothal
musher0 wrote:
mavrothal wrote:Thanks nilsonmorales.
BTW to clone woof-CE at the "Repo URL: " script prompt type:

Code: Select all
Hi, mavrothal.

That's a URL, not code, isn't it?
Picky, picky... :D
but is actually code since you must type it in the terminal in the context of a specific script to clone therepo.If you just paste it in your browser instead of cloning the repo you just go to the woof-CE github page.

Posted: Mon 30 Dec 2013, 21:15
by musher0
Ok, mavrothal, I'll be even "picky-er". Which context, please?
bash: No such file or directory
See for yourself, it doesn't work! :P


Posted: Mon 30 Dec 2013, 22:31
by mavrothal
musher0 wrote:Ok, mavrothal, I'll be even "picky-er". Which context, please?
bash: No such file or directory
See for yourself, it doesn't work! :P

OK let's try this again :roll:
I'm responding to a post from nilsonmorales above that has a script to setup your git variables and download a(ny) repo.
The scripts reads 8 lines from the end:

Code: Select all

echo -n "Repo URL: "
read repo
git clone $repo 
and I comment
BTW to clone woof-CE at the "Repo URL: " script prompt type:

Code: Select all
So in the context of the script in discussion the url becomes code.
You can find many more lines of code like this in any download script I believe.
Please go ahead and start picking on the authors if you still think that these are URLs and not code.
Happy New Year.

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 07:02
by musher0

Hey man, I'm not picking on anyone. Sorry for any confusion.

I just want to download the Woof git as can be done with pekwm, for example, and
give it a try. I tried to download the packages the way I do with pekwm, and it doesn't
work. That's my context.

Happy New Year to you too.


Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 08:03
by musher0
Ok now. Got the Woof zip'd package installed and running.
Thanks for scrubbing my ears a little. BFN.

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 08:16
by mavrothal
musher0 wrote:Ok now. Got the Woof zip'd package installed and running.
Be advised that downloading the zipped file from the woof-CE github page (clicking on the "Download ZIP" button) will get you a static snapshot of the master branch of the repository. Will not clone the repo. ie you will not be able to track/commit/push any changes you make, see the other branches, update the repo etc.

Posted: Tue 31 Dec 2013, 11:28
by musher0
mavrothal wrote:
musher0 wrote:Ok now. Got the Woof zip'd package installed and running.
Be advised that downloading the zipped file from the woof-CE github page (clicking on the "Download ZIP" button) will get you a static snapshot of the master branch of the repository. Will not clone the repo. ie you will not be able to track/commit/push any changes you make, see the other branches, update the repo etc.

Thanks for your "advisory".

At this time, I only wish to study how a Puppy can be built, I do not wish to contribute. (Perhaps in due time.)

Now that I have the full package installed, how do I get the developers' recent edits?
Through the "git clone" command? Thanks in advance.
