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Posted: Sun 27 May 2012, 17:53
by nooby
We still has to get why I could not open up the 1-hotROXpussy.squashfs
file. It never behaved as you told me it should so it is not only the live-rw
that seems to be affected.

But I am very busy with rearrange my room for some weeks now
So I dearly hope somebody else do these tests. Okay?

Trust that I do very much appreciate that you made all that effort.

Edit. I did a final test. I changed the name to live and
had same code as you suggested. I did mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt
and I installed the apt-get update and used synaptic to install iceweasel
and I made a reboot and it did remember nothing of it.

Posted: Sun 27 May 2012, 18:59
by saintless
nooby wrote:I certainly did my best to unzip the offical live-rw file
and placed it on the / that my puppy name root.

So I have no idea why it failed. Ooops can it be this thing?

title Pussy Linux Beta 2
kernel /pussyhotrox/vmlinuz rw live-media-path=/pussyhotrox boot=live config persistent swapon quickreboot noprompt autologin username=root password=pussy toram=1-hotROXpussy.squashfs
initrd /pussyhotrox/initrd.img

And I took the vmlinuz and the initrd.img from the Beta One of
hotRox. Where did you take it from?
Don't touch the boot code if it boots well, Nooby.
Vmlinuz and initrd.img are from the last iso which is on the site:

Extracting the live-rw example archive - what is the problem?
Boot 1-hotROXpussy, navigate to /scripts/control-panel/save-file/normal/ and use xarchiver to extract the file. Or copy the file on your sda2 partition and use LM or Puppy to extract it.
Or use the icon Control-panel on the desktop and navigate to save-file --> normal ->
nooby wrote:We still has to get why I could not open up the 1-hotROXpussy.squashfs
file. It never behaved as you told me it should so it is not only the live-rw
that seems to be affected.
I never told you to open 1-hotROXpussy.squash file for any reason. Boot the system and take what you need from the running 1-hotROXpussy.squashfs.

If you mean you can't open 44-firefox.squashfs I do this with single click on the file from hotROXpussy. It is the same from Pussy linux.
Single click creates mount point (folder) in /mnt. Second click unmounts the squash file.

You can change the extension from 44-firefox.squashfs to 44-firefox.sfs and single click in Puppy will open the file for you.

I don't think someone else will have the same problems as you, Nooby.
The important thing is you managed to get RW access to your boot partition.
The rest of the problems you will fix when you have time with testing.

nooby wrote: Edit. I did a final test. I changed the name to live and
had same code as you suggested. I did mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /mnt
and I installed the apt-get update and used synaptic to install iceweasel
and I made a reboot and it did remember nothing of it.
Nooby, if you have live-rw on top of sda2 and you need to mount sda2 after reboot this means the live-rw file is not loaded on boot and it doesn't work. You must have been doing something wrong.

Obviously Pussy linux is not enough friendly for you but it can use NTFS boot partition with RW access and you manged to test this. This is the important thing from this experiment.

Posted: Mon 28 May 2012, 11:48
by nooby
Not easy to know.
You must have been doing something wrong.
Haha I sure could have but I did check at least 3 times
maybe even 5 times and I fail to see what went wrong.

Maybe when I told the software to extract the live-rw file?

I don't dare to let it create it out of command I used the gui
and may have done something odd there.

So hope somebody else can give it a try.

Remember that it did fail to open up the 44-firefox the way you describe too.

So we still need to understand why that does not happen as you expected.

But I am doing work at the apartment and that will take days so have to
give priority to that thing.

Posted: Mon 28 May 2012, 20:27
by saintless
nooby wrote:Remember that it did fail to open up the 44-firefox the way you describe too.

So we still need to understand why that does not happen as you expected.
Nooby, why you can't open the 44-firefox squash file from pussy linux is not something I can help you with. I'm sure everyone else like me using Pussy linux can open any squash file or iso file with single click on it.

I suspect the reason could be the NTFS partition formatted by Windows and not by GParted. If your save file is made or extracted properly it could explain also way you can not use live-rw save file on this NTFS partition.

With or without live-rw file you already have a way to boot Pussy linux and to have RW access to your boot NTFS partition. Convenient for you or not you have a way to do it.
You can use flash drive formatted with vfat or ext and put the save file on it. If you don't want to use flash drive you can learn how to create a snapshot and how to merge the snapshot with your squash file, which does the same job.

So for me your problem with booting Pussy linux from NTFS partition with RW access is solved. I can't suggest you more convenient way to do it.

I'm not the one who is going to hack successful the initrd.img file. I've already tried to do it and maybe I will continue with this experiment but I count on luck, not on my poor linux skills :wink:

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2012, 03:14
by saintless
Hi, people :)

My remastered Pussy-linux version is ready and for anyone interested the result is uploaded in: ... saintless/

Mirror 1:
username: guest@saintless
password: download

Mirror 2:

The file is: remastered2.iso. There is remasterd2.txt file also.
md5sum: 0e39d2b1a7ac7aa7eac142afb7ebe5cd
The size is 570 Mb.

It is made from the pussy-xtra-beta-preview2.iso but the squash file is only one.

Note this is only a remastered copy of the original pussy-xtra-beta-preview2.iso with some changes made for my needs:

What is different from the original:

Removed programs:

1. Open Office
2. Assault Cube
3. Seamonkey
You can still use them as portable applications. Just extract them from the extra version from Sickgut's site and run them with single click.

Added options and files:

1. One click debian package install and one click debian packages from folder install option. When you right click on debian package or on any folder you will see meowget and dir-meowget menu option.
2. Duplicate entries in Pussy and Debian menu are removed.
3. Added icons from puppy in usr/share/pixmaps/puppy
4. Added true type fonts in /.fonts
5. Reboot start menu button.
6.,, added in usr/lib in order to make h3v web browser work.

Included fixes:
1. Rox-filler focus problem - created new /etc/profile with export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true line which will override the profile file from 1-filesystem.squashfs

2. Special keyboard keys fix from Emil - change in the /etc/jwm/jwmrc file:
?<!-- #DEBIAN unused -->
<Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>

3. Bigger fonts for X-term from JBV:
New lines in /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm:

*faceName: Mono
*faceSize: 14

And one line for standard IBM-PC type keyboard for Function keys to work properly:

*sunKeyboard: true

4. Auto mount and unmount all drives script from Emil:
Added in /scripts folder + automount-all-drives script is copied in /etc/profile.d for auto mount on boot. You can find the mounted drives inside the media icon on the desktop
or in /media folder.

5. Exit X problem fix from Emil:
Created new file in /etc/profile.d with this content:
if [ -z "${DISPLAY}" ] && [ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]
Added packages: alsa-base, lsof, advancecomp, lzma, libxrandr-dev.

Added programs:

1. Synaptic
2. Smplayer
3. Amule
4. Firefox - from the squash file made by JBV.
5. h3v - light web browser (inside xtra folder)
6. CUPS ( single click on desktop script will start it in h3v)
7. XFE - file manager
8. Searchmonkey (in xtra folder)
9. Softmaker office 2008 (just in case I got a permission from K. Richter to include it. Big thanks to him :).

If you need to add custom menu entries in the Start (Meow) menu make a copy of /etc/jwm/jwmrc in /root and rename it to .jwmrc
This file /root/.jwmrc will become hidden. Every change you make there will reflect to the Meow menu after you click on the Refresh button.

I have started to make the menu entries by editing /etc/menu-methods/jwm and running, update-menus command and click on the Refresh button.
It seems to me much more easy to make the changes in /root/.jwmrc, but I'm still experimenting this and it is not included yet.

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2012, 17:30
by saintless
On this picture you can see my next step:


I'm trying to make /.jwmrc file to look and feel like gnome desktop. I already found very good configuration file and I will modify it to our needs.
It will be a choice desktop. You will have a choice to copy this file in /root and to have gnome look and feel desktop, or you can use the original jwmrc file as it is.

Posted: Sun 10 Jun 2012, 20:26
by emil

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 00:08
by nooby
Thanks saintless that one looks nice.

Is it easy to add Phyton 2.6 does it have a kernel
that works well with 2.6? I know too little.
None of the Live ubuntus that I can boot
does have it so I need a way to include it at boot.

And Pussy can do such things as I get it.

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 03:20
by saintless
nooby wrote:Is it easy to add Phyton 2.6 does it have a kernel
that works well with 2.6? I know too little.
None of the Live ubuntus that I can boot
does have it so I need a way to include it at boot.
The extra version already has Python 2.6.6, Nooby.
You can start it from Debian --> Applications --> Programming --> Python (v2.6)

If you type:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install python
apt-get will upgrade python and python-minimal packages. This means you will get the latest available version for Debian Squeeze, which is Python 2.6.6-3+squeezy7. This is the package I see when I upgrade python.

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 07:27
by greengeek
Trialling pussy now. The desktop did not appear till I clicked on one of the menus for Rox. Is that normal? Also my wireless interface is not detected - any ideas how I can get it to detect and then load a module? (Tosh TE2100 laptop with Intel Calexico wireless that usually uses IP2200w (or something similar?)

Interesting assortment of programs. Good idea to add Textmaker.

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 07:31
by nooby
Thanks I sure have to test that one then

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 07:47
by saintless
greengeek wrote:Trialling pussy now. The desktop did not appear till I clicked on one of the menus for Rox. Is that normal? Also my wireless interface is not detected - any ideas how I can get it to detect and then load a module? (Tosh TE2100 laptop with Intel Calexico wireless that usually uses IP2200w (or something similar?)

Interesting assortment of programs. Good idea to add Textmaker.
Nooby, you have to click on Roxfiler-background to load the desktop. There is a way to make it appear after boot but this is not important now.

The important thing - you don't have internet connection! Please, try the original Pussy linux or 1-HotRox on the same laptop and write do you have internet connection with them?

If you have it is possible some of my internet settings to be left inside of the remastered iso or i did something wrong to break wicd.

Please, tell us do you have sound also?

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 07:51
by saintless
Nooby, do you have a way to test this laptop with wired network also? Do you have internet connection then?

I have tested the remastered iso on three different computers but all of them are wired connected and since my network settings are the same I can only tell the hardware is working well. I don't have wireless.

Can you please test the remastered2.iso on another computer with wireless and tell us do you have connection there?

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 09:13
by nooby
Not sure what happens here. I wrote a bad English grammar.

I intend to test Pussy when I have finished the restructure
of my compact living apartment. So all is a big mess here.
Only access to this single computer and have no time to test now.

So maybe some weeks or months from now.

Under normal circumstances I would gladly have tried to help
but now I only do things I am highly motivated to do.

Wifi test I don't feel for now. I don't remember the password
and don't want to mess with restoring the wifi to open
and then give it a new password.

Could it be GreenGeek you talk to, he is actually testing things now.
He wrote this "Trialling pussy now. " The post above mine there so
easy to get the idea it is me talking in both. And ...

Logically it does mean he can be of help in case he has time and
are motivated. he at least reported what did happen to him so
your suggestions may actually help him and that is what I hope
will happen but I personally have not time to help out although
I sure want to help but has to give priority to the "house maintenance "
So maybe you looked
at my post and thought I where testing it. It is GreenGeek that do it now. :)

Maybe he or somebody else can do the test? No offense intended.
Only lack of time due to total mess locally. :)

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 09:43
by saintless
nooby wrote:So maybe you looked
at my post and thought I where testing it. It is GreenGeek that do it now. :)
Sorry, Nooby, I really overlooked who wrote this post :oops:
I also have some memories you have Tosh TE2100 if I don't mistake and this helped me to overlook the name.

GreenGeek, the questions in my last two posts are for you if you have time for tests :)

The easiest way to start the desktop background is to create a copy of /etc/jwm/jwmrc in /root and to rename it to .jwmrc
Then edit the swallow section in the file to this:

Code: Select all

      <!-- Additional Swallow attribute: height -->
       <Swallow name="start rox pinboard "  >
       rox -p --pinboard=PIN
In order to save this change you have to create a live-rw save file or to modify the iso. If you are using frugal install you can also create a snapshot with the changes.
There is an example save file with instructions in catroll-panel-->save-file-->normal

You will find much more information and the original extra and base version + 1-hotROX here:

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 12:54
by emil
Hi saintless,
can you post your jwm configuration? Maybe I take time to play around again...

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 13:59
by saintless
emil wrote:Hi saintless,
can you post your jwm configuration? Maybe I take time to play around again...
Hi, Emil,
I guess you ask for the gnome look jwmrc file.
Here is the original untouched file I got. Unzip it, copy it in /root and rename it to .jwmrc
Then click the refresh button.

In order to have the icons from the picture you will need to apt-get gnome-icon-theme package. You need only the 16x16 folder with icons.

Edit: Because I got this file some time ago I forgot where the source page is located. I was able to find it again today:
We have this base gnome jwmrc configuration thanks to Kerry_s!

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2012, 16:08
by nooby
Nope sorry I have three netbooks and one laptob and they are.
Two Acer D250 and D255 and Asus EEEPC 900 and PackardBell A6
which is a sub division of Acer. So no Toshiba at all.

Posted: Thu 14 Jun 2012, 09:10
by greengeek
saintless wrote:The important thing - you don't have internet connection! Please, try the original Pussy linux or 1-HotRox on the same laptop and write do you have internet connection with them?
I just tried the original Pussy and have the same condition with wireless - I can not find any way to enter my wireless key and get it to connect. When I right click the network icon (bottom right, in the system tray) it says that it can not find any wireless networks.

If I type lsmod it does appear that the module for the wireless interface is loaded. (I couldn't see the whole list of modules because there were too many to display on one screen, and there is no scroll bar).

Forgot to try sound. Will try again later.
Will also try wireless on another PC.

One other issue: I can find my usb drives in the media section, but cannot see my internal hard drive. Could not find anything like pmount or MUT to mount the drive?

Posted: Thu 14 Jun 2012, 09:49
by greengeek
Just to clarify - when I use your new version of Pussy I do have sound, and I am able to connect via wired network (posting from H3V now...). Still no wireless though.

Also, with the new Pussy I can see all of my drives - both usb and internal.

I must say this new Pussy is really very good! Well done. If I can get wireless going I will be really happy. :-)