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Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 07:42
by zigbert
I am not the one to decide if ffmpeg of libav is the one choose, but it works really bad for pMusic having 2 different backends.....

It is okey with me that Ubuntu uses this and Debian uses that, but what is Puppy using?


Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 09:06
by jpeps
zigbert wrote:I am not the one to decide if ffmpeg of libav is the one choose, but it works really bad for pMusic having 2 different backends.....

It is okey with me that Ubuntu uses this and Debian uses that, but what is Puppy using?

Why not use whatever is installed?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 09:46
by zigbert
jpeps wrote:Why not use whatever is installed?
Because they are not equal, and in the future the will likely evolve more separately.

It is of course possible to support several backends, but I had an idea that pMusic should be the simple solution.


Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 10:16
by OscarTalks
Hi Sigmund,

One of the problems with ffmpeg is that it already is 2 or 3 backends... depending on the version number.

If new libav is still compatible with older ffmpeg then the fork that has become a complete break-away is really the newer ffmpegs.

As for what Puppy is using, looks like now it depends on the Puppy version. If you build a pup with packages from another distro then surely the pressure is on to use the packages that are official to that distro. Ubuntu and Debian have switched. Slackware 14.0 have stuck with ffmpeg. We don't really know at this time about the future of Wary and Racy.

I am glad to see Pmusic is back in the latest alphas of Precise Puppy. Have there been any reports of it not working?

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 12:01
by zigbert
OscarTalks wrote:I am glad to see Pmusic is back in the latest alphas of Precise Puppy. Have there been any reports of it not working?
Yes - Time calculation is wrong because the std output is different than ffmpeg. ... 656#684656

My system won't run Precise nor Exprimo, so right now I am not able to look at it. Slacko is atm the only alternative for me.

have not tested latest Precise alpha

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 12:09
by 01micko
zigbert wrote:
My system won't run Precise nor Exprimo, so right now I am not able to look at it. Slacko is atm the only alternative for me.

have not tested latest Precise alpha
It's too late in Slacko's develpment cycle to look at libav.

BUT, after it's released (end Feb, start Mar) I may have to follow suit and MAY produce an experimental build supporting libav, or at least provide a libav package.

I'm afraid Barry has more or less dropped Racy, and Wary is not high on the priority list at the moment, leaving Upup-Precise. He calls the shots, even if he doesn't literally "call". Using libav in precise is a pretty loud statement :? . I guess it had to come sooner or later. Even Slackware will likely follow.. one day.. not too soon.

Posted: Wed 13 Feb 2013, 14:15
by zigbert

Posted: Thu 14 Feb 2013, 22:56
by zigbert
Amazon has changed their site-layout, so albumart-grabber doesn't work anymore. Will post a fix hopefully tomorrow.


Posted: Fri 15 Feb 2013, 09:20
by zigbert
Version 3.1.6
See main post

- Bugfix: Grab albumart from
- Bugfix: Right-click menu gets wrong placement if reaching screen-right.

Posted: Fri 15 Feb 2013, 09:21
by zigbert
There will come further improvements to the album art grabber in 3.2.0. But for now, it works.


Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2013, 18:38
by zigbert
Version 3.2.0
See main post

- Basic support of libav (ffmpeg is still recommended)
- New mixer/eq window.
. . . .- Vol/balance together with equalizer.
. . . .- Volume / Balance slider works while sliding. (thanks to SFR)
. . . .- Reachable from either menu of button in main gui (also CD-frontend).
. . . .- Adjusting volume also unmutes sound.
. . . .- New icon.
. . . .- Remove balance icon.
. . . .- Msg if changing balance with a mono speaker channel.
. . . .- Bypass equalizer: Howto info.
- Album art.
. . . .- now suports bigger images (as for
. . . .- Save albumart locally also for hits in
. . . .- Bugfix: Avoid DVD's when searching amazon for album art.
. . . .- Bugfix: If local albumart file is removed - albumart-grabber returns 'not found' instead of going to amazon.
- Trackinfo: Improve detection of correct album tag.
- Preferences: Tooltip for sound card chooser adds info about bypassing eq.
- Updated LowPowered / Wings frontends.
- Remove Title - Artist info in window heading when stop playing
- Remove option to search while typing. pMusic has grown beyond this.
- Bugfix: Menu>Music sources>Radio-Hits lists each directories even if they are equal.
- Bugfix: tooltip-text for navigation buttons.
- Bugfix: Menu>Music Sources>Browse did not work

Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2013, 20:09
by 01micko
Hi Sigmund

I get the error window about balance not working (new eq gui) because my output is "mono", that's fine, but I have to dismiss it 6 times before it goes away, I checked this s few times.


Posted: Sun 17 Feb 2013, 21:30
by zigbert
Hi Mick
This is strange stuff. I am running Slacko and can not reproduce it. I tested this before I settled on the command. In the file gui_mixer, the slider is defined:

Code: Select all

<hscale draw-value="false" scale-step="1" scale-min="0" scale-max="200" tooltip-text="'$(gettext 'Balance')'
'$(gettext 'Speaker channel')': '$SPEAKER'" space-expand="false" space-fill="false">
 <input file>'$WORKDIR'/BALANCE</input>
 <action>. '$APPDIR'/func_mixer -set_volume</action>
 <action signal="button-release-event">'$APPDIR'/func_mixer -check_stereo</action>
So the signal="button-release-event" must be activated differently on our systems. Yes - that is strange. Hmm. what other signal could be used......?


Posted: Mon 18 Feb 2013, 16:38
by 666philb
hi zigbert

music transport bar now working well in precise, thankyou.

the balance doesn't work in the audiomixer

Code: Select all

Speaker channel is mono, so balance will not work. Select another speaker channel in the preferences.
i tried 'master', 'pcm' and 'front' channels and all got the error. the music is playing in stereo though despite the 'channel is mono' comment

Posted: Tue 19 Feb 2013, 12:18
by zigbert
666philb wrote:hi zigbert

music transport bar now working well in precise, thankyou.

the balance doesn't work in the audiomixer

Code: Select all

Speaker channel is mono, so balance will not work. Select another speaker channel in the preferences.
i tried 'master', 'pcm' and 'front' channels and all got the error. the music is playing in stereo though despite the 'channel is mono' comment
Hi Phil
There is no time today, but I will look at this tomorrow.

Thank you

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2013, 18:02
by zigbert
Version 3.2.1
See main post

- Bugfix: Balance slider. (thanks to 666philb)
- Bugfix: Several similar msg about mono-channel pops up when moving slider. (thanks to 01micko)
- Bugfix: Search fails if include ' in searchstring.
- Bugfix: Remove debugging gxmessage when deleting RadioHits preset.
- Bugfix: Jump_to_time stops progress bar.
- Bugfix: Searching for radio-stations, country-info is pointed to a too narrow tab.
- Bugfix: Clear active playlist when choosing 'New Playlist'.
- Bugfix: Graphical theme fails showing svg-header with ONLY_THIS_GTKTHEME=false in them

Posted: Wed 20 Feb 2013, 18:05
by zigbert
I fired up my old laptop and got the mono-msg pop up twice when moving balance-slider (not six times like you). This behavior went away went fixing the general balance issue reported by Phil. Will you please report back if you still have trouble?

Thank you

Posted: Thu 21 Feb 2013, 06:06
by 01micko

On the same laptop the balance now works, so that's good :)

Ha.. even retrovol shows that the sound is off balance :lol:


Posted: Sat 23 Feb 2013, 09:47
by zigbert
Radio station index is updated

Posted: Thu 28 Feb 2013, 07:43
by zigbert
Version 3.2.2
See main post

- Bugfix: CD-player gui