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Re: Dim screen

Posted: Wed 12 May 2010, 16:05
by BarryK
retry3 wrote:Great work as usual, Barry.

The screen is so dim I can barely make out the icons. Background is dark blue.

Things are fine in 4.3.1 (full install)

Tried 2GTK color chooser and Nathan's Wallpaper trying for lightest,brightest screen display possible and made a slight improvement by using the citrus theme, but still barely usable.

Searched thread, no one else seems to have the problem.

Probably me, notQ1, so would appreciate any direction.

Pavilion zv5120us notebook 512Gb Radeon

Regards, retr3
I have posted an upgraded ati/radeon driver, could you test that?

Posted: Wed 12 May 2010, 21:22
by oui
Hi I am using the initial radeon driver. No problem on my laptop.

Posted: Wed 12 May 2010, 21:50
by synth
A much better Opera package based on today's snapshot is now available for download from the link below.

This build fixes a lot of stuff and further improves the usability of Opera for Linux.

I removed even more (unnecessary) stuff this time, making this the lightest .PET package of Opera ever. This is the one to test.

Make sure you disable smart scrolling in the Opera preferences and limit the memory cache to 20 MB, so it uses the least amount of resources.

Also decrease the Max Window History Lines from 50 to 8 in opera:config to use even less memory.

Enjoy! Woof-Woof!
jpeps wrote:Uses less resources than Firefox, although more than SeaMonkey. Is there a way to move the window?
Try the latest build from this post and follow the instructions posted here to minimize the resource munch.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 04:42
by jpeps
synth wrote:A much better Opera package based on today's snapshot is now available for download from the link below.

This build fixes a lot of stuff and further improves the usability of Opera for Linux.

Try the latest build from this post and follow the instructions posted here to minimize the resource munch.
That solved the window issue. There's a problem with video's stalling after about a minute, which doesn't happen with firefox or seamonkey. Here's the video I used: ... e=featured

Here's resources on my Dell Latitude after the stall:

Code: Select all

Mem: 545032K used, 489592K free, 0K shrd, 32672K buff, 375916K cached
CPU:   7% usr   5% sys   0% nic  86% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Edit: maybe needs to be moved to an opera thread??

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 05:12
by TrailerTrash
Hi Barry,

Thanks for your efforts on behalf of we who do not know how to hack 3G wireless nets.

I just gave a test drive to Quirky 1.00 and thought it was near perfect. Only one glitch. Using two different computers when I probe for cell modem it returns "USB0" which is correct but on the next step the program freezes up requiring reboot. Here are some processor ID's for you.

1. AMD Phenom Quad
2. Pentium M

I live in an area where there is no CATV and thus no easy or inexpensive broadband available. For 7 years I've been on dialup. ISDN is also out of the question. I am luckier than some out here as I live on top of a mountain and do have a cell signal from a repeater some miles away on another mountain top. Two months ago I started Verison cell modem service. They use the Novatel USB760 wireless modem. So far I have not been able to get online with any linux distro. Puppy seems to be the best there is with this new release. The prospects for broadband access seem closer than ever.

I will be patient and hopefully someone else who knows how to identify a bug will do so and it can be fixed. That is, if it is a bug. when I finally get online with Puppy I can retire my XP to "offline games only".

No answer to this is necessary. I know you are busy.

I will carry the Quirky DVD with me and try it on other computers as chance allows.


ps The avatar picture is not me. I ain't quite that ugly.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 05:32
by BarryK
TrailerTrash wrote:Hi Barry,

Thanks for your efforts on behalf of we who do not know how to hack 3G wireless nets.

I just gave a test drive to Quirky 1.00 and thought it was near perfect. Only one glitch. Using two different computers when I probe for cell modem it returns "USB0" which is correct but on the next step the program freezes up requiring reboot. Here are some processor ID's for you.

1. AMD Phenom Quad
2. Pentium M

I live in an area where there is no CATV and thus no easy or inexpensive broadband available. For 7 years I've been on dialup. ISDN is also out of the question. I am luckier than some out here as I live on top of a mountain and do have a cell signal from a repeater some miles away on another mountain top. Two months ago I started Verison cell modem service. They use the Novatel USB760 wireless modem. So far I have not been able to get online with any linux distro. Puppy seems to be the best there is with this new release. The prospects for broadband access seem closer than ever.

I will be patient and hopefully someone else who knows how to identify a bug will do so and it can be fixed. That is, if it is a bug. when I finally get online with Puppy I can retire my XP to "offline games only".

No answer to this is necessary. I know you are busy.

I will carry the Quirky DVD with me and try it on other computers as chance allows.


ps The avatar picture is not me. I ain't quite that ugly.
The guy who has developed the 3G modem support is rerwin (Richard). Contact him with any questions. There's a forum thread on 3G modem development.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 07:19
by aarf
aarf wrote:more on sns failing with pupsave
sns failed today again so went to dougal network wizard and wifi connected ok.
exited and went to sns and then sns connected wifi ok.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 09:06
by dalderton
Opera Lite is excellent. Lightning.
Regards Dennis

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 09:55
by Iguleder
Barry, I have some suggestions for you, from my experience with my own distro. I'm sure Quirky's size can be reduced below the 90 MB limit.
  • - Use the BFS scheduler for the kernel. It improves performance greatly, even on non-SMP kernels.
    - Rely more on Busybox: you could use its man, less and udhcpc instead of their bigger counterparts and dhcpcd. Also, many things from coreutils can be dropped to save lots of space
    - Get sstrip.c from Buildroot and use it to strip executables in Woof instead of strip. It's great, reduces the size, I think it could be a great addition to Woof.
    - Update Busybox from the unstable 1.16.0 to 1.16.1. The former did many problems here, kept segfaulting and causing problems with permissions. Also, some of its applets don't work as they should. 1.16.1 fixed all issues for me.
    - You could make 2 kernels, one with no SMP for i486 and another one with SMP for i686, so people have more choice. BFS works well this way, I tried it on both SMP and non-SMP kernels.
    - Get AdvanceCOMP and optipng. They can be used to recompress gzip archives and PNG images. The former reduced the size of my initramfs by about 11% and both reduced the total size of my site's graphics by about 15%. They can be useful for archives present inside Woof or all the images in Woof. I think you could add another step to 3builddistro that optimizes all images and gzip archives this way.
    - e3 is very hard to use and can (I mean, should) be replaced with either the Busybox vi, which is easy to use too, or nano, a very easy editor. It depends only on ncurses, so it might be a good idea. Also, its' way better than MP ... 1 good editor to replace the existing 2?

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 10:39
by synth
jpeps wrote:That solved the window issue. There's a problem with video's stalling after about a minute, which doesn't happen with firefox or seamonkey. Here's the video I used: ... e=featured
Known issue with Flash video that should be fixed in the next lots of other fixes coming up for the known issues (check out their Desktop Team Blog for more info)
The Opera Linux team is "on fire" at the moment, working hard to bring the Linux version on par with the Windows version that offers an almost perfect browsing experience :
Opera Desktop Team wrote:With regards to bigger outstanding issues on UNIX (Plugin problems, IME, fixes to fonts and UI/focus bugs), these issues are being worked on, however we still need some more time before we can share with you the fruits of our labour. Thanks for your patience!

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 10:41
by drblock2
Although CUPS printing worked flawlessly after a frugal install, it soon stopped. (Perhaps after installing go OpenOffice 3.2.0.)

Code: Select all

opened the welcome window, but the browser (SeaMonkey and Opera) hung when any of the setup or control options were selected.

After rebooting all of the machines on my LAN, I discovered a mysterious new printer option in addition to the standard CUPS-PDF and Caxton (my HP 6P LaserJet running on an XP server). The name of the new printer is caxton@ The IP number is the address of another puppy machine on my LAN, not the XP server! This option works just fine - as long as the other puppy machine is on line.

Perhaps, I should be simply grateful since I can now print from Quirky 1.0, but I would like to know how this happened since I did not attempt to setup this option myself.

Further: I tried rolling back to CUPS 1.2.23 by installing the appropriate pet: cups 1.2.23-patched1-1-pup4. The GUI functioned as expected and I was able to reinstall Caxton and print from go OpenOffice. Attempting to print from other applications (abiword, geany, etc.) simply closed the application without warning. Adding the cups_DEV pet did not change this.

I uninstalled both pets and found that I was back to CUPS 1.3.11 with hanging GUI, but with printing functioning via caxton@ on all applications.

As the little girl who erred down the rabbit hole said: “This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 10:59
by looseSCREWorTWO
When I use Quirky to play movies (MPEG, AVI, etc) the sound all comes out of the Right apeaker.

Puppy 421 Retro plays the same movie files with no problems.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 12:43
by rcrsn51
drblock2 wrote:.. (my HP 6P LaserJet running on an XP server)...
Are you connecting your printers via Samba? There was a discussion on Page 8 of this thread concerning CUPS 1.3.11 and Open Office. There is also a fix. You may need to start a new pup_save to get it working again.

Concerning the "phantom" printer: If a machine is running CUPS 1.1.23, it will automatically advertise its installed printers across the network. So it can act as a print server even though the printer is actually being served by an XP machine. I suspect that's what you are seeing.

CUPS 1.3.11 only advertises its printers if you want to.

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 14:55
by `f00
I have posted an upgraded ati/radeon driver, could you test that? tried in q100 - seems to work well but differences are subtle, perhaps better support for xinerama or multi-head. Nothing 'broken' and Xorg picked up the updated libs on a simple re-X. Should be fine as standard ati/radeon on the next quirky if there are no rollbacks :|

vidcard0 - RV280 (aka ATI Radeon 9200), AGP
vidcard1 - not used, but also RV280 (switched off in BIOS - aka Radeon 9200SE), PCI (old-style)

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 15:08
by BarryK
I am testing a retro-Quirky, built with the kernel (same as in Puppy 4.3.1) and it is working fine, using it now.

One thing though, I couldn't get wireless to connect, tried both Dougal's Network Wizard and my Simple Network Setup.

I fixed it in SNS, and the fix may solve problems that others have had with SNS. It may also account for some reports of SNS working sometimes, or not connecting automatically at bootup.

Grab these two files, gunzip them and make sure their execute flags are set, and place them at /usr/local/simple_network_setup:

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 15:33
by panzerpuppy
`f00 tried in q100 - seems to work well but differences are subtle, perhaps better support for xinerama or multi-head.
There are some nice improvements and fixes in this driver. Here's a quick'n'dirty changelog:

- better support for integrated / notebook ATI graphics chips and new Radeon cards
- many fixes for 2D rendering on newer Radeon cards + minor performance improvements
- triple monitor (triple head) support
- Xv fixes + performance boost
- Support for ATI-equipped Intel Macintosh computers

Re: Quirky 1.0 feedback

Posted: Thu 13 May 2010, 23:28
by IndygoEEI
Billtoo wrote:Playing a video at cnn caused seamonkey to crash.

I downloaded the latest firefox from mozilla and videos at cnn worked fine.

I tried seamonkey again and videos at cnn don't cause seamonkey to crash anymore after installing firefox.
That's probably cross-platform problem. Seems firefox based browsers
has a bug n the code that causes these crashes. OS doesn't matter although this problem for windows systems has been patched for a

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 00:10
by broomdodger
Iguleder wrote:Barry, I have some suggestions for you, from my experience with my own distro.
- e3 is very hard to use and can (I mean, should) be replaced with either the Busybox vi, which is easy to use too, or nano, a very easy editor. It depends only on ncurses, so it might be a good idea. Also, its' way better than MP ... 1 good editor to replace the existing 2?[/list]
I agree, both e3 and mp should be dropped now that tiny vi is available and quite good.

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 00:30
by panzerpuppy
Nooooo! (don't listen to these guys Barry)

'mp' is a *great* console based editor for editing xorg.conf and similar files when you exit from 'X'. The best I've ever used for that purpose. I wouldn't want to see it being removed and replaced with another 'vi'-clone.
MP is unique and only available in Puppy/Quirky.

Posted: Fri 14 May 2010, 01:59
by BarryK
panzerpuppy wrote:Nooooo! (don't listen to these guys Barry)

'mp' is a *great* console based editor for editing xorg.conf and similar files when you exit from 'X'. The best I've ever used for that purpose. I wouldn't want to see it being removed and replaced with another 'vi'-clone.
MP is unique and only available in Puppy/Quirky.
Yep, I agree. mp is very easy to use, vi is arcane.

But, there is a good case for dropping e3.