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Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 07:11
by sickgut
yo yo yo yo yo RSH

Forget about everyone else, take your time off and just make your OS how you see fit as if you like and use it yourself then others will, as you are not the only person on earth that will find your OS useful.

Most people in this community couldnt do what you do buddy so dont listen to them. If people are giving you a hard time while you are posting and asking for advice and help or trying to get input, then dont do that, just make your stuff then release it.

People especially in this community will bitch about the slightest little thing and them flame you for it, like you deliberately hurt them because your OS has firefox 7 instead of 8 or something stupid like that, if the users had any sense they would make their own dream OS and they would not be here on the puppy forums to begin with.

There is an old saying: "The customer is always right..."
The sad thing is that most customers actually believe this to be true when it isnt.
You are the creator, they users are the customers,
Ive lived by the rule that: "The customer is always wrong, because other wise they wouldnt be asking your advice to begin with."

I used to have a computer business and when a customer would complain to me and tell me the cutomer is always right, i would reply "If the customer was always right then you would be able to fix your own computers and solve your own problems, you are here asking me for help because you are wrong and you believe i am right and that i can help you, otherwise you wouldnt be here."

If the people complaining where really as good as they claim they are then they would make something better than you have, they wouldnt bother flaming you or complaining at all because there would be no need to even try your OS to begin with, they would code it entirely from 0 and 1 and you would never see them again.

Take your time off buddy, ive had to do the same recently.... you need to take enough time off so that you look forward to coming back to code because you want to and you miss it, other wise you will get stressed and freak out.

chin up buddy

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 08:24
by ciento
There is a wide divide between the user, like me, and those who
code, and assemble the disparate parts into precision machines. Everyone
benefits when we all seek to excel in our own endeavors, support the efforts of others, and refrain from malice. I hope each Puppy developer feels free
to take the time needed for a full and rewarding life, with time and season
given to each facet, as it come into view.

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 08:43
by sickgut
ciento wrote:There is a wide divide between the user, like me, and those who
code, and assemble the disparate parts into precision machines. Everyone
benefits when we all seek to excel in our own endeavors, support the efforts of others, and refrain from malice. I hope each Puppy developer feels free
to take the time needed for a full and rewarding life, with time and season
given to each facet, as it come into view.
ive never met any developer or coder that didnt have a destructive cycle of overwork, then subsequent freak out then boredom and the need to get back to work on their projects.

personally i kind of notice that if i pull a 24 hour session then i get more done than 3x 8 hour sessions over 3 days even tho they both add up to 24 hours, when your on a roll your on a roll.... and when you see results for your effort its hard to stop...

maybe this should be a subject for another thread but i think all devs have trouble avoiding burnout and balancing other things properly

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 10:06
by ttuuxxx
I sometimes do 18hr days 7 days a week for puppy when I'm unemployed, when I'm employed like now usually around 4-8hrs per day, but sometimes I get lazy and do other things for a few days, lol man I'm a puppy addict.

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 10:13
by ttuuxxx
RSH the best thing to remember you don't personally know anyone on here, so if don't really know them, then just highlight the text and click delete and move on, no need to take thing sensitively, its better to look at it this way, your release will make hundreds really, if you get one or two bad apples in the bunch, just toss them into the compost pile and move on :), If its a something really distributing send me a copy of the text and I'll read it over, if it warrants some action, I'll take the action needed, I'm a admin on here, If its really bad then I could contact John Murga.

Lazy Puppy

Posted: Fri 27 Jan 2012, 12:10
by minesadorada
I gave LazyPuppy a quick test-drive in order to see Lazerus, but was surprised and pleased at the many UI improvements RSH has put into his Puppy version.

Even if you are not a Pascal coder, LazyPuppy is well worth keeping an eye on for general use.

I think it will be especially good for new Linux users to dip their toes, as the menu skill-level system is a good implementation, and I hope it gets adopted elsewhere.

I look forward to more developmentof Lazy from RSH after his break.

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 19:15
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Lazy Puppy is now restarted (2012-02-04, 20:06 GMT+1).

The .iso, the .exe and eight of the .sfs files are actually uploaded at All links are at the Download Area.

All actually missed files will be uploaded within the next days.


RE-START of LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 (2012-02-04)

Posted: Sat 04 Feb 2012, 22:14
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

Lazy Puppy is now restarted (2012-02-04, 23:14 GMT+1).

All LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 files are actually re-uploaded at All links are at the Download Area - and actually here:

ISO: ... ease01.iso
WIN-EXE: ... ease01.exe
SFS-Directory: - you can use also LazY Puppy QuickInstall

Actually all files uploaded.

And now?

I will continue my work ...

... there will be a wonderful update to LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4 8)


Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 00:15
by darkcity
Great to see Lazy back, added to big list

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 11:41
by russoodle
Good to see you and LazY Puppy back, RSH :)

Posted: Sun 05 Feb 2012, 20:13
by darkcity
does Frisbee work on Lazy?

I installed it today but get an unusual error when connecting to the internet

I select network in Frisbee 'create profile'

When I enter SSID it says

'SSID not set'

and I can't connect

haven't tried network wizard as that break the internet on standard 5.28 for my computer.

LazY Puppy 5.2.8-4

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 00:19
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more

darkcity wrote:does Frisbee work on Lazy?

I installed it today but get an unusual error when connecting to the internet

I select network in Frisbee 'create profile'

When I enter SSID it says

'SSID not set'

and I can't connect

haven't tried network wizard as that break the internet on standard 5.28 for my computer.
Sorry, i do not know Frisbee. I also do not use any network connections and the internet connection that i do use is a mobile gprs modem, because i do use it on several computers in several places. I have written my own internet connection program (based on the standard wizard, wich mainly means, copied the code and removed unneeded parts for an easier use) to connect onto the internet using this mobile gprs modem.

LazY Puppy is based on Lucid Puppy 5.2.8-4, so all known and unknown problems of Lucid will be "available" :) in LazY Puppy.

On my "Home Workstation" i do use LazY Puppy 100% without using a save file. In my experience this is the mode wherein LazY Puppy seems to be most stable and does less problems. I began the work on LazY Puppy using the first version of lucid and because of the big sound (and other) problems i did realize LazY Puppy especially for a use without save file.

That's why the .sfs's are been loaded using the LazY Puppy sfs-loader-gui. Without using a save file you can easily load and unload the ,sfs's. Also i did never had any problems with sound etc.

So i do prefer:

1. Use it whenever it is possible without a save file.
2. In other cases do only install frugal - never do install full.

Sorry to be unable to give a bit more help on this issue.


Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 19:48
by darkcity
Puppy 5.2.8-4 doesn't reproduce frisbee error, so I'm stumped - may look at wireless by commandline thread


what sort of problems did you have with SaveFile? :idea:

Puppy 5.2.8-4 doesn't reproduce frisbee error

Posted: Mon 06 Feb 2012, 21:06
by RSH
LazY Puppy Info Center ... 223#591223
Quick & Easy Information to BugFixes, Updates & more
darkcity wrote:Puppy 5.2.8-4 doesn't reproduce frisbee error, so I'm stumped - may look at wireless by commandline thread
I have downloaded the frisbee and will give it a try in the next days. Must move to a friend of mine, to do this - so it takes a bit of time.
what sort of problems did you have with SaveFile?
As far as i know there are no problems using a save file. All Problems has been related to the first lucid 528 iso i did use. Especially there has been no sound after each and every first reboot using a new save file - and it won't fix (then).

Actually there is a problem with shutdown LazY Puppy using full install. I've been told so, but did never reproduce this. I do not use full install and i am not interested to install any puppy in full mode...

...frugal is best of all and if it doesn't work i use it without save file. To hold preferences, i create either .pet's (mostly) and install them after reboot or i do a remaster (less).

Actually i do install 5 .pet's after reboot and then executing one install script to set some path's and parameters. This is just once a day, so i can live with these 2 minutes to spend on this after reboot.. 8)

Some of my settings are moved onto the usb device (outside LazY) and then putting symbolic links (inside LazY) to these settings.

Works fine and lives much longer than every save file (possibly)! :D

still expensive gprs connection ?

Posted: Tue 07 Feb 2012, 16:26
by nancy reagan
Hi RSH glad you're back.

Should you still be on that expensive gprs connection this might be a hint ?

Here in Holland we have a lot of -free- wifi connections in libraries (Bibliotheken ohne Abonnement) und restaurants (Mac Donalds, Raststaette ?).

Taking it that Kassel is a relative big town, I presume you have them too. Why not give it a try. A cup of coffee or a glass of beer is probaly much cheaper than 1 minute on gprs (Aldi talk ?).

Posted: Thu 09 Feb 2012, 19:32
by don570
Bacon recorder has been upgraded to 2.6,
a minor bug was found ... 252#603252
I will work on the translations now.


There is a new version of audacious.


Posted: Sun 12 Feb 2012, 02:00
by darkcity
Hi RSH, I've loaded your Audio SFS on music2go pup. Works rather well (just tweaked the menu). The only problem is Bristol GUI AKS and Mixer are the only working virtuals - if I click on another a window the correct size opens, but then close :twisted:

any ideas?

Abispell dictionaries

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 17:44
by don570
I forgot to post my improved version of Abispell
dictionaries. The important thing about it is that
it fixed the German dictionary which I hadn't packaged properly. ... 453#604453

By the way if Geany is recompiled to accept
the plugin 'Spellchecker' then it can
be used as a simple word processor. See this thread ... 28&t=75864


Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 18:59
by don570
Here's a picture of spell checking using Geany.
Unfortunately the dictionaries are old.



Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 21:59
by darkcity
Great news, got on line using LazY ; -)

Using Network Wizard ; -)

Regard Bristol GUI - most of the virtualisations don't seem to work. But I'm probably not setting it up correctly.

BTW you can improve the font rendering in firefox by un-commenting-out some code in /etc/fonts/local.conf

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- /etc/fonts/local.conf file for local customizations -->
<!--  Enable sub-pixel rendering -->
	<match target="font">
		<test qual="all" name="rgba">
		<edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>rgb</const></edit>

<!-- suggested by 'upnorth'
 Reject bitmap fonts -->
     <patelt name="scalable"><bool>false</bool></patelt>