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Re: "Overwrite?" Y (a zillion times)

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008, 20:12
by John Doe
Turpin wrote:To the user, this means having to hit the Y key while holding down alt sometimes many thousands of times.
perhaps it's too late this time, but one way around that behaviour is to hold down the y key rather than pressing it again and again.

Posted: Wed 16 Apr 2008, 20:16
by Turpin
That would work if the repeat didn't happen so slowly. I have my typematic rate turned to highest, and it was still only copying a couple files a second when I tried that. So I had to resort to using my dexterity that luckily I still have in my hand to speed the process up. I figure I did on average 8 files a second that way, but my hand was worn out. At times I was probably doing 20 files a second, playing a little game to see if I could max out the cpu for a moment. :lol:
oops, that would max out the hd before the cpu.

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:32
by DreamsToGo
NOT A BUG but there's a new version of xine-lib out.

[quote]15.04.2008 xine-lib 1.1.12
A new xine-lib version is now available. This release contains a security fix (unchecked array index, CVE-2008-1686). There are also a few bug fixes (including the regressions), a new version of the pulseaudio output plugin, and open-source support for RealAudio “cook


Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 17:10
by Wilsonb
Using Puppy 398, Beta 4
Initially running Live-CD;
The Install Icon - brings up the Pet Package Manager. Is this normal or what install suppose to bring up Universal Installer or HD Install. Maybe I\'m thinking of standards like in Ubuntu.

After doing a Universal Install on USB flash device;
Was a hit or miss when trying to make device bootable.
Fat32 (lba) , boot flag- dos label
Also, most of the time get;
syslinux: possibly unsafe /tmp/permissions
and it doesn't write a bootable syslinux.
You will have to go here if your using windows and download syslinux.exe
and run;
syslinux.exe -sfma [USB drive letter]

Also, it starts to hang sometimes at 'switch-root'.
Also after creating .2fs file, hangs at Starting X, xorg.conf, even when selecting XVesa mode.

Novice question:
Why doesn't Puppy understand commands like;
I thought that was universal.


Make Puppy Software Installer a standard app included in build. Pet Package manager is lacking.

Dual core

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 18:26
by divisionmd

Was really glad when i tested the Dingo Alpha 1 that it works/loads both CPUS in my computer.

However when i try the latest release of Puppy 4 the Beta it however does not load the dual core in my pc?

I hope that the final version of Puppy 4 will use and autoload both CPUS´s.

To test if the Puppy is using both cores i typed this command: "cat /proc/cpuinfo"

Best regards,

Posted: Thu 17 Apr 2008, 23:17
by jcagle
Dotpuphandler is not working right. I installed it, then tried to install a .pup, and all I get when I click on it is a window with the filename. It doesn't actually install it or ask me if I want to install it.

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 03:56
by cam34
Puppy 3.98 (beta) does not work in a Virtual Machine (Virtual Workstation 6.0.0) Hangs on: Uncompressing Linux... Ok booting the kernel

This is a shop stopper for lots of reviewers etc etc.

PS MD5 sum is good

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 05:24
by HairyWill
I'll second the dotpuphandler problem.
You can also add me to the list of those whose sound settings are retained between boots. Both the main volume and PCM are zeroed and muted every boot.

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 05:44
by DreamsToGo
Sound Problems,

I only sometimes get the sound problem. It doesn't happen every boot. I have found that when it does occur all I need to do get the sound back is right click the tray icon, this shows the mixer which I close immediately without touching any of the sliders. Hey presto sound comes back!

Re: Dual core

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 12:29
by nic2109
divisionmd wrote:Hello,

Was really glad when i tested the Dingo Alpha 1 that it works/loads both CPUS in my computer.

However when i try the latest release of Puppy 4 the Beta it however does not load the dual core in my pc?

I hope that the final version of Puppy 4 will use and autoload both CPUS´s.

To test if the Puppy is using both cores i typed this command: "cat /proc/cpuinfo"

Best regards,
Johan; my guess is that this is a kernel issue. If I recall correctly dual-core support is present in the latest kernel but not the previous one.

Barry started Dingo with the latest kernel but reverted (round about alpha 5) to the previous one (as in Puppy 3) as he wasn't happy with some of the new wireless "features". See his blog for details.

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 12:41
by nic2109
jcagle wrote:Dotpuphandler is not working right. I installed it, then tried to install a .pup, and all I get when I click on it is a window with the filename. It doesn't actually install it or ask me if I want to install it.
This has already been noted by Barry and may have been caused by the 'gettext' function being omitted by accident.

See his blog (bottom of page 5) for a bit more detail.


Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2008, 23:08
by Doglover
Hi just tried the beta and found that entering my password to my pup_save was displayed and not hidden as usual.

Ndiswrapper also does not work.

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 06:01
by linuxcbon
Do you plan to make firewall on by default ?
Here is short and ok :

Code: Select all

# ! /bin/sh
iptables -F
iptables -X
iptables -Z
# block all
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
# allow all out
# allow local in
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
# allow answers in
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
This improves security.

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 08:44
by mclien
File open dialog gxine:
still opens outside the screen, but is moveable with 'alt' key pressed.
Has anybody the same problem with this window, or is it a thinkpad 600 specific problem?

I am yhe only one not able to do a nfs mount?
(even mount-FULL doesen't work)

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 09:07
by Botanic
is 4.00 the latest stable version or not yet?

that is what i understand first from the release notes. ... -4.00b.htm
but on the websites, distrowatch, etc. it's still 3.01 ... and there is no "Dingo" mentioned

also, release notes say the file is puppy-4.00-seamonkey.iso, but really it's 3.98 ??
i'm not sure what exactly to download to be up to date... thank you to let me know

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 09:34
by Béèm
Puppy 4 (dingo) is still in test phase. Now very soon at beta 2.
Beta 1 was at 398 so very close to 400 :wink:

I use Dingo from alpha 1 on and I take for granted that sometimes I have problems.

So altho beta 1 works pretty well it can't be considered yet as a stable release.

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 10:59
by DreamsToGo

I have installed xine ui from the pupget repositories because I fine gxine very inadequate indeed. I have also installed mplayer and its codecs.

Concerning NFS, Puppy no longer supports NFS. I moved to smb (now CIFS) which works just as well, if not slightly faster. This does mean that your file server needs to export using smb or cifs. Hairywill's pnetmount will find the smb shares from the server, or if you want to mount them at every boot, add smbmount command to your startup script in /root/startup. It is better to add the command in this script rather than in rc.local because the network connect is now backgrounded during the boot, so may not be available when rc.local is executed.

Here's a copy of my smbmount command as an example,

smbmount //Office/MyMusic /home/hilary/MyMusic -o guest

Office = the name of the server
MyMusic = the name of the mount on the server - be careful this is not the name of the folder.
/home/hilary/MyMusic is the name of the folder on the Puppy machine which will take the mount.
-o guest = option as user guest.

I am using Ubuntu on the server.

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 15:02
by Botanic
Béèm wrote:Botanic,
Puppy 4 (dingo) is still in test phase. Now very soon at beta 2.
Beta 1 was at 398 so very close to 400 :wink:

I use Dingo from alpha 1 on and I take for granted that sometimes I have problems.

So altho beta 1 works pretty well it can't be considered yet as a stable release.
right then. i got confused by the latest release notes:
Finally it has happened! The last 'official' release of Puppy was version 3.01, released October 15, 2007. Version 4.00 is happening 6 months later, which is an incredibly long time considering the previous frenetic schedule of releases. Anyway, here it is: the live-CD file is 'puppy-4.00-seamonkey.iso' and is just 83.3MB. Download from
... written in advance? :)

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 17:18
by Béèm
Good remark. Where did you get that info?
I had the first alpha downloaded at 15.01.2008, which, indeed, isn't 6 month from 15.10.07. :wink:

Posted: Sat 19 Apr 2008, 20:39
by panzerpuppy
Here's a list of new bugs,glitches and annoying stuff I found in this beta that should be fixed in the final 4.00 release
(see last post by panzerpuppy):
