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Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2016, 09:47
by kylerickards
Hi peterw

Nope, tried loading both modules but it still refuses to see the wifi aspect - odd as I know it shows up in Mint and when doing lspci... Baffled now, perhaps I will just have to cable it?


Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2016, 14:29
by rcrsn51
You will get more help if you start a new request in the Beginners section, not by adding to this thread.

Posted: Sun 12 Jun 2016, 15:31
by kylerickards
Apologies, I was engaged with peterw who has been very helpful to me. I didn't realise I had to start a new thread.


Frugal vs, Full Install

Posted: Fri 01 Jul 2016, 20:19
by mikeslr
I've posted to this “Sticky

mikeslr explanations are worth a translation

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2016, 10:20
by Pelo
mikeslr explanations are worth a translation in all languages of the Puppy World :) for Beginners In English speaking.
Perhaps i should be allowed to translate them to french, right here ?

Posted: Sun 22 Jan 2017, 18:25
by seguinvegan
Hello. I have Precise Puppy 5.7.1. installed and almost all working on partitioned ext3 drive after changing it from ext4. My problem is that I can only get a network connection from booting from the usb install drive os. I am using it now with the usb drive key in drive, but when I reboot and take it out, and then go to the network wizard, I can't refresh to find available networks because all of the buttons are greyed out and unusable. I did get an alert that says that I did not set up my network and it is undetectable.

I started a thread at: ... 4&t=109500

and I figured many whom might have pearls of wisdom would have autoreply alerts for other threads, thus posting here.

FYI, I have a windows background and am new to Puppy and am determined to make this work. My laptop is a Dell D820 Latitiude.

Thank you for your time.

Re: A Beginner's Guide to Installing Puppy

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 02:45
by frankhatton
My computer is in the process of loading puppy onto a flash drive so that I can install puppy onto the hard drive. It has the message Please wait, copying files from .iso file...on the desktop How long will this take? It has been 12 hours up to now.

Posted: Sat 11 Mar 2017, 02:50
by Semme
Welcome Frank.

Whatever you've got going on, STOP! and try one of the methods here.

12 hours to transfer 200mb, something is wrong..

Posted: Tue 19 Sep 2017, 12:24
by Pelo
:evil: semme, ISOBOOter is for Old and expert linux people.
12 hours to transfer 200mb, something is wrong.. format it again, or try another one.
Some of us use Lili Live usb creator , that was my tool, when i was a true beginner wits USBs. They are different ones, but this one works well and is nicely decorated.

Easiest way to install to a "Windows" computer

Posted: Mon 25 Sep 2017, 17:04
by mikeslr
Hi All,

So, you've got a Windows computer and want to install your first "Puppy". If your computer does not use the UEFI boot mechanism --now standard if your computer came with Windows 10+, probably present if it came with Windows 8+, and may be present if it came with Windows 7-- one of the easiest way is to install into Windows one of the exe files you'll find here: ... _Installer. Thanks as77 for providing the link and, especially, ally for maintaining the archive.

Run it, and when asked, select "Frugal Install". See here why, ... 423#910423.

If you're not sure which "exe" to pick, select Puppy_slacko593.exe.* Slacko593 is my 'work-horse'. It pretty much runs on any computer. If you have lots of RAM and a powerful CPU it will make use of them (within the limits of a 32-bit system); but it will provide far better performance than Windows on computers having only 512 Mbs of RAM. Time enough, later, to do some research, try out a couple Puppies which may be "better/newer" and find out which is the best Puppy for your computer. For example, look here: ... 186#968186. Or better yet, post to that thread providing information about your computer, see here, ... 618#739618, and ask for recommendations. Posting to a thread will take it to the top of the Subforum. I know it seems odd, but to post to a thread, you click the "Reply" button. The "New Topic" button starts a new thread.

Once you have one Puppy running, it's a piece of cake to add another using the tools built into every Puppy. As mentioned in the above link regarding Frugal installs, one of their advantages is that they are run from folders/directories: they do not require an entire partition.

If you have a computer which does use the UEFI boot mechanism, you'll find on the Puppy_Linux_Windows_Installer webpage the Windows8Readme.txt. It provides simple, but very general, information. This post, and the posts it links to, will provide other possibilities and specific instructions. ... 159#858159


* You'll also find exe versions of Tahrpup6.0Ce (pae and Non-pae). Some computers can not access more than 4 Gb of RAM and a regular (pae) built won't run on them 'out of the box' and for some pre-2004 +/- computers, at all. Tahrpup 6.0Ce was an early build. While it did work, over the next two years various improvements were made. Currently, the last of the Tarhpup series is 6.0.5. If there had been a Tahrpup605.exe, I would have recommended it rather than Slacko593. See this post, ... 302#968302 and the posts of others on that thread.

location of latest puppy ISOs for major versions?

Posted: Fri 03 Nov 2017, 15:13
by madscijr
I discovered Puppy Linux around 2013, I downloaded a few versions which I mainly run off of jump drives:
* Wary Puppy 5.5
* Precise 5.7.1 retro
* Puppy Slacko 5.9.3 (which I believe came as Puppy Arcade)
* MacPup 5.5
* Puppy 5.2.8 Lucid

I haven't done any updating in some time (like 2014) but when I go to the download page ... elease.htm
it looks as though it hasn't been updated in a couple of years.

Would someone please point me to the latest versions (ISOs) for the above flavors (if they are even still being maintained) or the equivalent? I mainly use "precise retro" and "wary".

If possible please include links or the names of the exact ISO files, because I have googled around and am finding download sites with all sorts of variants and subfolders, that are very confusing to make sense of.

Thanks and much appreciated!

precise 5.7.1 is quite a rolling OS

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2018, 12:37
by hamoudoudou
precise 5.7.1 is quite a rolling OS if you check derivatives. Look for skamilinux team in Hungaria. US is the basic Hu is Overlaid.. But csipesz made nice improvals
Topic and mikeslr feed-back
when Puppies are born, local developers improve some stuff for locale users. Hungarian version is worth to be an offical one, if agreed by US Team

Arabic manual pdf based on Lucid 528

Posted: Mon 11 Jun 2018, 23:45
by hamoudoudou
In puppy Linux welcoming page, Pdf for arabic users is available.
Not new, Lucid 528, but newer than many other languages, including Fr
click on arabic