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Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 13:32
by sunburnt
Hi technosaurus; Old thread, hope you still have interest in it.

As to configure options, saving all of them in a config. file would be good.
A config. profile file selector combo perhaps, the default config. at the top.

I`ve used the cli arguments to fill the source file and the user def. opt.
I need to set user def. opt.: --prefix=/tmp/apps.sq/mnt/( SrcFileName )
It conflicts with the checkbox: "--prefix=/usr" ( A saved config. would fix it.)

I need to compile apps. to run in the path setup by --prefix .
PCompile has lots of options, I understand some of them.
Some of the options might be useful for building apps. like this.

It seems to me PCompile is capable of building for other Linux distros.
I need to understand the options better. Are you willing to discuss this?
Perhaps by PM so your forum thread stays cleaner?

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 22:06
by harii4
It seems to me PCompile is capable of building for other Linux distros.
I need to understand the options better. Are you willing to discuss this?
Perhaps by PM so your forum thread stays cleaner?
Other forum users might find such info useful as well? :wink:
It might be over my head but just saying.....

Posted: Tue 14 Feb 2012, 22:59
by technosaurus
I guess I could revisit this a bit, maybe even add download support too. It needs smarter handling for cflags too (gc-sections sometimes breaks plugins and xml based UI.) and some tooltips explaining various nuances for each flag.

Posted: Wed 15 Feb 2012, 16:04
by sunburnt
Download support? What repository?
I looked at Slack but I didn`t see many packages, maybe I missed them.
I tried with Debian but it`s a mess to try to follow dependencies.
Tiny Core Linux`s dependency tree files were complete.

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 20:45
by sunburnt
A GtkDialog gui I made, lists package groups, then packages and it`s info.

Posted: Thu 16 Feb 2012, 22:39
by technosaurus
Sorry for being unclear. I meant having an editable field for the source tarball's url (an edit box or editable combobox, with default as saved location if any exist). I recently made a xdialog progress meter for wget that would work nice.

I need to make a list of requirements first, so I can at least stub out additional features.

Post subject

Posted: Sat 18 Feb 2012, 15:58
by oldyeller
Hi technosaurus,

I am new to this compiling stuff and need a hand held help. I downloaded your pet and don't' know how to use it, So if you are willing can you help me.

I have lupu 528-004 and what two compile two programs. 1 fluxbox 1.3.2 and xiphos. Will do all the work for this just need help to get started.

I was able to do fluxbox through the terminal, but xiphos is way above my head.

