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Posted: Mon 26 Sep 2011, 22:38
by jpeps
jpeps wrote:o1micko,

Not to belabor this, but I'm wondering if you have any insights on the defaultbrowser issue mentioned earlier. Something is different with slacko.
If I load pfix=ram & install notecase-pro, clicking on links or their "go to home" link doesn't work correctly. The same pet works correctly in Dog, Lucid, etc., so the issue appears unique to slacko.
Okay..if I insert into /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser

Code: Select all

rxvt -hold -e echo -e "$@" 
Nothing in slacko, but in Dog:

Code: Select all
Other than that, it's reading the browser...just not the args.

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 00:31
by davids45

Just to add a little to the Reboot - Shut-down saga.
01micko commented that Barry's tinkering with the first shut-down script may have created the problem. This may be right as I just tried my racya1 frugal on this desktop and it too reboots when a power-off was chosen from the shut-down menu. Wary-5.1.4 is fine.

This shut-down problem happens after I have set up my save files, and happens with full installs. Maybe trying to fix the initial shut-down has created a minor bug in the later shut-downs for certain computers?

But I think racya1 also has a problem with the radeon driver on my computer because I don't actually see the shut-down text lines - the monitor goes black when I hit 'power-off the computer' but then starts up again rather than shutting down.

Another poster with the failure to power down slackob4 on his computer said he didn't see the text lines I was seeing with slackob4. So maybe he also has a graphics card/driver problem during shutdown? I have had continuing problems with the Lucid-based Pups this way but not with the Slack pups so the drivers from the parent distributions seem to be not the same.

David S.

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 01:27
by 01micko
Hi David.. I think the shutdown woes will be over :)

I have the new shutdown config and have reverted the sleep 2 fix.. if you remove the sleep 2 in B4 (/sbin/poweroff) it may fix the issue.. I did a test by switching poweroff and reboot and my machine powered off ok pfix=ram.


Abiword is actually looking useful.. and actually I save stuff as odt all the time, so I bet thousands (millions?) do.. my feeling is if we support proprietary we should support foss as much as possible too, that's why I'll make the nvidia nouveau driver more prominent as well.

Originally I set my target at 120M iso.. that got torpedoed when seamonkey 2.2 arrived.. it grew by 5 meg! Now the iso is a chubby 124M

acpid seems to be behaving, I'm tempted to release as RC, but jpeps has his notecase issue.. sorry I can't help much there. Also a new woof is imminent, so I'll release soon B5.


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 01:38
by gcmartin
01micko wrote: ...Abiword ....
I haven't tested, but, Abiword (in the past) has paid much more attention to the more frequent changes of DOC/DOCX than they have to the less frequent changes of the open-source ODT.

Further, when saving in ODT, aspect ratios, fonts, boxes, etc would NOT carry over when trying to open in OOo/Libre/GoogleDocs. Whereas, Abiword saving as DOCs would respect those and open properly in OOo/Libre/GoogleDocs.

Looking forward. to testing. in B4

SiS Card

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 03:05
by sszindian
Sage wrote:

Possible that ssz has other HW issues because B4 now works with all my SiS video systems.

How could this even be possible when my SiS card totally supports 1440x900 IN EVERY OTHER PUPPY I USE. (Racy-Wary, Drake, Luci-529, Squeeze-499-2, NEXT, Spup-(99 &100) Squeeze-5x5, KDpup, Stardust, Quirky for some of the more recent puppy ones, and Bodhi, LPS, Geexbox, UT-TTYLinux, Free NAS, Tinycore, Joli-OS, PCLinux, Peppermint, Unity, to name but a few of the other linux programs I use (and I use them all) that give me 1440x900 without a problem)... Slacko... ain't cuttin it with my card Sage!!! But if I know 01micko like I think I do, he'll solve it for sure!!!


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 03:28
by 01micko
sszindian wrote:But if I know 01micko like I think I do, he'll solve it for sure!!!
Gee... thanks! I'll do what I can :wink:

Now, you say it works in Racy.. if you boot Racy can you please give me the results of the "driver used by Xorg" when you run "report-video"?

I could probably then get the source off Barry and see if it compiles and works in Slacko.

in other news...


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 04:22
by charlie6
Hallo MHHP ! Thanks!
MinHundHettePerro wrote:Hello, charlie6 and fellow Brookdalers :)!
I think we need to identify the least significant denominator ...
A bit more about my Brookdale's ddcprobe.txt file:

Code: Select all

# ddcprobe
vbe: VESA 3.0 detected.
oem: Intel(r)845G/845GL/845GE/845GV Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS
vendor: Intel Corporation
product: Intel(r)845G/845GL/845GE/845GV Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0
memory: 8000kb
mode: 1280x1024x256
If the 'oem:' comment is not common then let us choose 'product:'.
/usr/sbin/xorgwizard scripts line 1498 could be edited as

Code: Select all

1498   if grep -F 'product:' /tmp/ddcprobe.txt | grep -i -F -q '845G' ;then
Grep-ing the string generated by

Code: Select all

lspci --nn| grep -i vga 
should also seem being a solution.

BTW, how are 'ddcprobe' commented the other Brookdale fellows's trunks? Thanks for any answer !


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 06:21
by Sage
that got torpedoed when seamonkey 2.2 arrived
Someone reported SM2.4 - maybe it was lob? yesterday?
So what do you think will be the consequences?!
I just cannot understand the obsession with SM. Jemimah saw the light and switched to Midori - one respects her vision and abilities as much as yours, mick. Nothing is forever! Although my own preference is for Opera, I expect to pay a size penalty after installing. Surely that's the point? A distribution is just that - a compressed minimal vehicle to kick start any punter before customising?
If you want to win even more friends and influence people, a distro <=100Mb (50Mb would be better!) is in order. Half the US seems to be still on DUN. My friends over there are screaming because of their cr*p phone system and their greedy capitalist owners who are more concerned with lining their pockets than getting their nation connected. Oz has quite a few remote communities, too, not mentioning anyone in particular...


Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 07:11
by Volhout
Just before I saw the release of B5, I tried B4.

Machine: Athlon64.

Video and audio worked flawless. Ethernet found through SNS. No problems. Only few remark:

- the popup to customize (Xorg / country settings) appeared twice.
- a .DOC opened with Abiword showed strange cubes, like cells of a table. Probably a missing font or w wrong interpretation of the layout.
- after SNS selection it immediately tried to connect (for 10 seconds) but there was no indication (I was staring at the wallpaper) it was doing anything (no "wait a bit" message) so I feared SNS stopped working.

The wallpaper is nice. Allways liked lightfall through prisms.

Will download B5 today.



Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 07:28
by nooby
- the popup to customize (Xorg / country settings) appeared twice.
I think it do that on all versions of Lupu, Snow puppy, Polar Puppy Dpup and so on. Not sure about Wary.

Seems to not be a priority thing. Maybe it is needed for to make further changes one was not aware of?

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 08:33
by jpeps
01micko wrote:
acpid seems to be behaving, I'm tempted to release as RC, but jpeps has his notecase issue.. sorry I can't help much there. Also a new woof is imminent, so I'll release soon B5.
Good news...Links are working in latest NoteCase Pro ver 3.4.8. Also, doesn't need additional libs. Works right out of the box...even the menu is set up correctly with an icon.

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 11:16
by 01micko
pemasu wrote:01micko. To confirm kernel related touchpad problems and working ones.

Code: Select all

Above is the reason I have made my tests. Kernel module drivers participate to the behavior of touchpad. In my Acer 5820TG and even ( Snow Puppy ) has that hypersensitivity problem. Some Barrys builds with some kernel ( I dont remember which versions ) had the same slow movement problem, yes.... it was quirky something.

In Lucid Puppy my disable touchpad when writing fixed the hypersensitivity by syndaemon commands.

About the fix: -, - dont have those problems.
Remember that my core Ubuntu packages have been the same in all my builds. I havent included those Maverick - Natty - Oneiric packages much. I have jumped out of the boat with my builds in about Lucid Puppy 5.1 time. I have though included synclient and syndaemon from Oneiric though and in Dpup from wheezy because they work better. The options worked flawlessly with newer versions. But....the kernel made the fundamental difference. That is one reason I havent updated Snow Puppy with, it just dont behave best with my laptop touchpad.

Above just for somekind confirmation, that kernel makes the differerence...

About Slacko, no...I havent build it with woof with freshly compiled kernel to find out would it fix the touchpad problem. I just havent had time and energy to do that, but who knows....

The cave out: Different Xorg versions have probably big SAY of the touchpad behavior, maybe even Flsynclient workability affects, dont know.

But...if you are gonna do kernel update test version, I will test it and report.....
I think that it is worth the try. Barrys DOTconfig- does not have bluetooth modules the way. But it has vgaswitcheroo - debugfs enabled for dual graphics switching. Also you get that new broadcom driver jim3630 has been stubbornly speaking of. You get rid of his complaints also... :D
I said the latter positively, no hard feelings behind. Dont take me wrong. Lol.
ok, here's what I have now for bluetooth, also enabled the scsi tempestuous mentioned, not to mention ath9k and the broadcom ones were already done. Just need the firmware :wink:
hehe,, spoils of KDE :wink:

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 13:54
by gcmartin
Been using SM2.4, evverything just works, speedily! Browser works, email works, composer works, Chatzilla works, and seemingly integrates very well with this desktop. Added Java and Flash. All combined in one solution....SeaMonkey.

Thanks 01Micko et al for this one-stop combined solution. Long live Netscape!

Posted: Tue 27 Sep 2011, 21:07
by eternal-sunshine
DaveS wrote
eternal-sunshine (cool name)
Thanks. I'm yet another Dave from the UK so I thought I might try a different handle.
Grateful for your It worked fine without python.


Your acpid-2.0.12-1 pet works for me as I no longer need acpi=force in the boot stanza.

Now I see there's a Beta5 so over to that thread.