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Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2013, 01:07
8-bit wrote: But that, I kind of expected as I was booting it on a dual-core amd processor PC. But.... That PC will NOT run 64bit applications as it was built with a 32bit buss.
All dual core AMDs support 64-bit. I'm not aware of AMD possibly disabling 64-bit except for some maybe some Semprons.

That's not correct unless you have a socket 462, which was never 64-bit.

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2013, 17:54
by Iguleder
Iguleder wrote:Full instructions are located here.

However, in order to make a 32-bit, you'll have to do one extra step: run 4buildpackage for each package mentioned here. Before you do this, you'll have to change the architecture (under conf/distrorc) to "i486" and remove all Subito packages from the package list. Once all packages are built, you can rebuild the whole thing with those packages included.
GoDaddy wrote:
NOTICE: This domain name expired on 01/07/2013 and is pending renewal or deletion.
Yeah, I've given up that domain. I migrated all my stuff to my new domain and decided to drop this one.

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2013, 18:01
Does Slacko 5.4 have most of the required dependencies already?

I know it don't have git and aria2. But PPM will tell me that git is installed already! :?

And Python appears to not be installed, despite PPM claims there's Python installed already. :?

I had it up to my knees with PPM! :x

Now, does Slacko 5.4 have all of the other dependencies already?

(other than advancecomp and optipng)

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2013, 19:01
by Iguleder
You don't need any of these ... :roll:

I don't know what the heck you're trying to do, but Puppy has everything you need in order to run roar-ng II. If you don't have Git you can always download a tarball via GitHub.

Posted: Tue 22 Jan 2013, 20:53
Iguleder wrote:You don't need any of these ... :roll:

I don't know what the heck you're trying to do, but Puppy has everything you need in order to run roar-ng II. If you don't have Git you can always download a tarball via GitHub.
Thank you. Was just dealing with PPM issues and just reinstalled Slacko 5.4 last night.

It looks like git gets installed when I tell PPM to install git, despite there's text telling me it's installed already. :?

It also looks like Slacko comes with a failed Python install by default. :?

Posted: Wed 23 Jan 2013, 03:32
Iguleder wrote:You don't need any of these ... :roll:

I don't know what the heck you're trying to do, but Puppy has everything you need in order to run roar-ng II. If you don't have Git you can always download a tarball via GitHub.
Looks like git went fine.

I was able to cd to the roar-ng-ii directory.

Posted: Thu 09 May 2013, 05:56
by efgee
Hi, just found "roar-ng ii" and thought I try it out.
Got the github package and started it according to the readme file.
Went the easy route just to see if it even would work on my machine and started the shahor build.

The first 3 steps went OK except an error message said that one file could not be created because it already exists...
Didn't sound too bad, so I proceeded.

Had to use sudo for the 4th step to get started (permission was needed):
"sudo ./roar-ng build isolinux shahor.iso"

But it stops with an error:
Registering the "initramfs" package
./common: line 806: /home/efgee/roar-ng-ii/sandbox/initramfs/var/hpm/initramfs: No such file or directory
./roar-ng: line 343: cpio: command not found
which: no advdef in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl)
/home/efgee/roar-ng-ii/media/isolinux: line 47: mkisofs: command not found
Error: failed to create the bootable media image.
Is there more documentation that I should read?

The host distro was Manjaro (Arch for lazy ones like me...)

In any case, I think your tool is pretty cool, even if I'm too dumb to use it :wink: