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Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2014, 11:28
by Semme
+Config folder, done. Still, some do, some don't. I suspect YT's :roll: @ it again.

One I've had trouble with:

Hey, not overly important @ the moment, so, not to worry..

Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2014, 19:55
by mikeb
+Config folder, done. Still, some do, some don't. I suspect YT's Rolling Eyes @ it again.

One I've had trouble with:

Hey, not overly important @ the moment, so, not to worry..
ok tested download button gets nothing and movgrab says only webm available and fails to download. Also one of those that my older flashplayer will not play...i assume for the same reasons gtk-youtube-viewer will not work. Indeed not all content on you tube is the same and its amazing how possessive sites get of content they got for free... :D


edit not sure if relevant but link was to

Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2014, 20:39
by Semme
Hey Mike, this *still* works >> ... d-youtube/

Yeah, Movegrab I'm aware of. As for this, I have yet to try the 3.0.9 build. :arrow: Ditto on the content..

Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2014, 20:44
by mikeb
Hey Mike, this *still* works >> ... d-youtube/

Yeah, Movegrab I'm aware of. As for this, I have yet to try the 3.0.9 build. Arrow Ditto on the content..
ah ha just reminded me to check...i still have version 1.5.3 on here...that may explain a lot.... :D

Ok guess its time to update it....

The way you tube obfuscate the url now is enough to make you go cross-eyed so I leave others to do it :)


movgrab sees only webm format

Posted: Mon 24 Feb 2014, 19:17
by sindi
movgrab, when I ask for the flv, often tells me only webm is available, but if I keep trying
eventually downloads the 3gp for me. If it says wait 20 sec to retry, quit and start over.
Does the latest version download flv when asked to?

Posted: Mon 24 Feb 2014, 20:22
by Semme
Cli program (w/backgrounding) that can, it's doc, and a brief example:

Code: Select all

youtube-dl -f 18 -o - 'youtube_url' > /destination_directory/output_file.ext
If "-U" fails, wget or "save target as" the 2014.02.24 binary >> md5=97baf61ea2c516052a99876d97bf975c

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 00:15
by mikeb
Hmm updated addon still failing..odd

But youtube-dl grabs it no problem.
used python 2.7 to run it on.


Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 01:31
by Semme
Which vid Mike? Maybe spoof your user agent?

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 10:37
by mikeb
This one...been using as a test for several methods.

user agent...hmmm will try that...

My only thoughts otherwise was that a particular combination of characters confuses some methods...had that problem with the dropbox and url encoding solved it in that case.


Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 10:42
by Semme
Mine, 27.0.1 works for that. You run an older Fox.. which?

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 11:01
by mikeb
3.6..... though I did get the latest version of the addon working on it ;) .... it may be using a function that does not exist on the older version I assume though is fine for others still. movgrab behaves the same and no sign of a newer version when I last looked.

I find javascript semi incomprehensible plus the code obfustication used by you tube is confusing in itself so not something I am equipped to debug much further.

youtube-dl ...I have a python sfs thats just a few megs and it is a well behaved downloader.

When flashvideoreplacer stopped I looked at using the code from mp4 downloader to keep it working but found it too much for my tiny mind.

Just keeping abreast of the options for handling you tube really.


Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 11:22
by Semme
Yeah, probably somewhat sketchy on the dated browser.

That the add-on works with recent builds and youtube-dl in general.. should be enough for the moment.

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 11:39
by mikeb
That the add-on works with recent builds and youtube-dl in general.. should be enough for the moment.
Open source 1 - You tube 0


Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 17:20
by greengeek
mikeb wrote:

ok tested download button gets nothing and movgrab says only webm available and fails to download. Also one of those that my older flashplayer will not play....
I'm able to view and download this vid using TurbopupAlpha3a by pulling the flash from /tmp. Playing with gxine. Flash=9.0r159

Posted: Tue 25 Feb 2014, 21:33
by mikeb
I'm able to view and download this vid using TurbopupAlpha3a by pulling the flash from /tmp. Playing with gxine. Flash=9.0r159
ye olde way... we just want to get like the mp4 sort of thing.

I can download to /tmp using 10.0.15 too ....


Youtube-viewer at 333MHz 256MB RAM Thinkpad 390e

Posted: Wed 07 May 2014, 16:05
by sindi
Lupu (latest) mini. Uses 50MB memory to boot, less if I kill ROX-filer, freememapplet, etc. Changed roxterm to urxvt as defaultterminal.
This all saves some cpu time and memory, mostly memory.

Youtube-viewer and gtk-youtube-viewer both work at 240p, but not 360p even with --framedrop. Made a script viewtube

youtube-viewer --resolution=240

Alt-F10 expands mplayer from phone-sized to full screen fuzzy.

Tried without X in a real terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F2) and got a squished image.
On other laptops mplayer plays correctly -vo fbdev. Could try Xorg instead of Xvesa. The limiting factor is not memory but cpu speed and X uses memory but not much cpu. Mplayer uses about 50% cpu at 240p which implies 9/4 x 50% (over 100%) at 360p. Not a stutter at 240p.

240p mplayer also works at 233MHz with 96MB RAM and movgrab.

youtube-viewer is perl 5.10 based. Can someone in the know get it to work in puppy 4 with perl files added to the package? I tried and failed.

Posted: Thu 17 Jul 2014, 05:32
by 8-bit
I have Lucid 520 and had downloaded the GTK Youtube viewer for Lucid a while back. I have since downloaded and installed it again.
But when I run it and try doing a search, the search never completes now whereas it used to work fine.
Has Youtube changed anything that would cause Youtube viewer to not work?

Posted: Thu 17 Jul 2014, 16:09
by 666philb
hi 8-bit
just booted up a vanilla lucid 528 and gtk youtube viewer worked fine for me

Re: Youtube-viewer at 333MHz 256MB RAM Thinkpad 390e

Posted: Thu 17 Jul 2014, 16:13
by 666philb
sindi wrote:Lupu (latest) mini. Uses 50MB memory to boot, less if I kill ROX-filer, freememapplet, etc. Changed roxterm to urxvt as defaultterminal.
This all saves some cpu time and memory, mostly memory.

Youtube-viewer and gtk-youtube-viewer both work at 240p, but not 360p even with --framedrop. Made a script viewtube

youtube-viewer --resolution=240

Alt-F10 expands mplayer from phone-sized to full screen fuzzy.

Tried without X in a real terminal (Ctrl-Alt-F2) and got a squished image.
On other laptops mplayer plays correctly -vo fbdev. Could try Xorg instead of Xvesa. The limiting factor is not memory but cpu speed and X uses memory but not much cpu. Mplayer uses about 50% cpu at 240p which implies 9/4 x 50% (over 100%) at 360p. Not a stutter at 240p.

240p mplayer also works at 233MHz with 96MB RAM and movgrab.

youtube-viewer is perl 5.10 based. Can someone in the know get it to work in puppy 4 with perl files added to the package? I tried and failed.
i couldn't get it working on puppy 4
have you installed your graphic drivers in lucid?

Posted: Fri 18 Jul 2014, 05:31
by 8-bit
I want to clarify my statement of GTK Youtube Viewer for Lucid not working.
It works fine in Lupu 5.5 and up. But not with Lupu 520 on my PC.
This PC has 4gigs of memory, dual core processor, and the Invidia graphics driver installed.
Since I can still get videos using Lupu 5.5, and also Slacko using the version for it, I have work arounds.
I do not know what is different in Lupu 520 that interferes as starting the application from a terminal does not give any errors at any point.