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Posted: Fri 26 Jan 2018, 10:30
by bigpup
Should be able to do the same in Tahrpup's PPM.

Downloaded from Puppy Package Manager(PPM) in Xenialpup64 7.5.

Did a search for xmaxima in PPM to find it.

Seems to be working, but I know nothing about it.

I do have the Xenialpup64 7.5 devx sfs loaded.
This may be needed for the program.

Posted: Tue 30 Jan 2018, 06:35
by s243a
In tharpup6.0.6 Nautilus is just a symlink that points to the default file manager.

Dropbox fails to open rox because rox doesn't recognize the option --no-desktop.

I've previously discussed this issue in another thread: ... fd355cca8f

I will work on a script to deal with this option tommorow if no one has already done so.

Edit: I got this to work. (See post)

Posted: Thu 27 Sep 2018, 00:52
by kiramm
on my secod laptop

i observed the left and right click do the same like to tap on

there is no right click

i must change to left hand mouse and put tapping on right click

then i have on left button

what is normally on right

and on right button i have also the same

that means left and right button they produce the same result

i can not copy and paste now verry sad ddd

before i had no right button function





are there some drivers to get problem awazy?


also slacko 6.3.2uefi same problem:((((((((((

Minimum spec?

Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2019, 16:42
by Barkingmad

Is anyone still watching this thread? :) :)

Do the minimum specs quoted on the front page assume a Frugal install? I'm looking at putting Tahr 606 on a P4 1.6 with 2Gb RAM and wandered if a Full would give better all round usability?


Posted: Thu 10 Oct 2019, 18:18
by 666philb
hi Barkingmad,

the specs were a bit of a guess based on my lowest specced computer. i have tahr frugally installed on an old 2003 thinkpad, single core 2gb ram and it runs fine. if you had less than 2gb ram i would probably have recommended a full install.

also make sure that you have a swap partition

Posted: Sat 12 Oct 2019, 13:45
by Barkingmad
Thanks, Phill

I will have a swap part.

The machine currently has Lupu as a full install but I did that before realizing how handy the Frugal way is. I am looking to be able to run newer browsers than Lupu can manage and Tahr seems to boot and run OK from a USB but I haven't run for long but it sounds as though I should be fine.


Posted: Sat 12 Oct 2019, 18:24
by tallboy
I have various versions of Tahr 6-series, and I definitely recommend the Tahr64-6.0.6 if your PC is new enough to support 64-bit. The programmes have been updated, and I run the latest PaleMoon 28.7.1 without problems. There is also a limited selection of graphic drivers in 6.0.5, and 6.0.6 is only 64-bit. I could not make 6.0.5 run with a widescreen 22" HP with a 1680x1050 resolution, or at any other resolution.
The 64-6.0.6 also has an absolutely gorgeous default background image :D (the icons are modified)
Correction: Tahr64-6.0.6 is also available as 32-bit, but it is non-pae, i.e. cannot access more than 4 Gb memory, perhaps not a problem on old PC.

Re: Minimum spec?

Posted: Tue 28 Jan 2020, 15:39
by glene77is

Is anyone still watching this thread? :) :)

Do the minimum specs quoted on the front page assume a Frugal install?
I'm looking at putting Tahr 606 on a P4 1.6 with 2Gb RAM
and wandered if a Full would give better all round usability?

end quote

We run Tahr 606 on several computers,
We run Dell, 2003 and 2005 computers.
2 Gig Ram, 3 Gig Hz speed.
32-bit Frugal SaveFolder install, normally.
We can boot M$XP "Master Boot Record" into M$-XP or Linux Partition (EXT2).
We normally boot all systems via FlashDrive EXT4
In our experience, the Full Install takes up too much space,
and gives no noticable speed advantage.
It is simply the original "old" method.
Remember, Puppy Linux was issued about 17 years ago,
and the first runs were the simplest to develop, not the best.

As time has gone on, the code for Puppy Linux has become much better.
(1) The method of saveFILE.4fs was an improvement.
(2) The method of saveFOLDER has proven to be the smallest and fastest.
...(1) Developing custom scripts,
...(2) Backup/Restoring to the last working system
It is a breeze with saveFOLDER !
We have been through extensive editing and development in our shop,
using the SaveFILE.4fs method, and switched !!! to saveFOLDER method.
Access to routines inside the SaveFolders (A,F,Z, et al) is as fast as it gets.
Development and Backup/Restore is very fast and dependable.
Developing/faulting/ Restoring is a breeze.
The Frugal SaveFILE ( savefile.4fs ) is a pain to use
(1) there are several steps to go through,
when developing/failing/restoring from inside of the SaveFILE.4fs.
(2) the large size of the saveFILE.4fs is slow to backup/restore.
If you are developing/failing and want to restore, it is a big deal.
With a saveFILE.4fs ( or 3fs or 2fs ) we had 512MB to 1024MB !
With Tahr we have 233 MB saveFOLDER,
With UpupBB+17 we have 70 MB saveFolder.
We wrote scripts to clear the /root/.cache in RAM and saveFOLDER.
We have shifted to UpupBB+18 for main work.
Tahr 606 handles old devices for which we have not found drivers.
In Tahr, we wish we had a ROX filer with the new "cut-n-paste" feature.
In Tahr, It would be nice to have a Zarfy to activate our large LCD second screen.

For Backup and Restore we use our own code.
We run a custom Back-2-Tar and a custom Save-2-Flash
referenced at : ... 24#1050224


So, that has been our experience.
MBG ...( Money Back Gaurantee )
YMMV ... ( Your Milage May Vary ) !!!

Posted: Tue 28 Jan 2020, 19:13
by glene77is
UPDATE 200208
We have uploaded a zip file "a-b2t-s2f-scripts_...- zip"
dated 200208, at ... 61#1042561
Our work is a revision of "pupsave-backup 1.2.1" by 2byte.

Our work is a stream-lined version of "Hot Backup".
We Fixed or hid some little things from the original.
Our "B2T" automatically selects compression via ".tar".
Our "B2T" runs OK on frugal SaveFolder installs on EXT2/3/4 drives ,
including several bootable FlashDrive installs with Xenial, Tahr, UpupbBB.
Our script runs successfuly in 32-bit Frugal SaveFolder installs
on EXT-2/3/4 format media :
* Slacko 632
* Xenial 708
* Tahr-606
* UpupBB-03 ( +10, +12, +14, +16, +17 )
Our real projects , in radio and electronic design
are at http://www.GeoCities.WS/glenE77is/
and are published/reviewed in Europe on
Also Referenced under "Utilities" at : ... 69#1048269
We invite comments.

PuppyLinux tahr 6.0.6 issue

Posted: Tue 18 Feb 2020, 20:42
by tavireso
Hi everybody! I have a trouble with the distribution PuppyLinux tahr 6.0.6; I have used this link ... 6-uefi.iso. Firstly, when puppylinux shows the desktop, the keyboard doesn't works, it is a Unitec k-870 keyboard, after a time, it works, but the direction keys don't work, when I use the directional up key, it open a software, and the others don't do nothing. I think it was the keyboard, firstly I had a Hewlett Packard Keyboard Model: KU 0316 Spares P/N 537746-161. Can someone help me?

Posted: Wed 19 Feb 2020, 05:57
by bigpup
With a new install, sometimes the install is bad or the iso download is bad.
Delete the Tahrpup 6.0.6 install.
Do a fresh new download of the Tahrpup 6.0.6 iso.
Do a clean new install of Tahrpup 6.0.6
If keyboard is using USB connection. Try a different USB port.

If still having problem with keyboard.
Give make and model of computer?
If computer is a new or not too old computer.
Probably need to be using a newer version of Puppy.

Model of computer

Posted: Thu 20 Feb 2020, 21:50
by tavireso
Hi, Everybody. Mister Bigpup, the computer is a Tablet pc Kupa X11 pro, it is a model from 2011, and it only support this kernel version, ubuntu tahr kernel version, I have tried others updated kernels, but it doesn`t run, I have tried Lubuntu 14.04 and when I have updated to Lubuntu 16, the keyboard and mouse don't work. I like Puppylinux tahr 6.0.6 because 6.0.5 don't let me calibrate the touch display and the 6.0.6 is correct calibrated.

Posted: Fri 21 Feb 2020, 03:57
by bigpup
We now know what computer it is and why you choose to use Tahrpup 6.0.6.

But did you try any of my suggestions?

Is the keyboard plugged into computer when booting?

Posted: Sat 22 Feb 2020, 00:05
by tavireso
Hi everybody! Mister Bigpup, I have followed the steps you have suggested me.
Delete the Tahrpup 6.0.6 install. Done
Do a fresh new download of the Tahrpup 6.0.6 iso. - Done. I have checked the iso with its md5.
Do a clean new install of Tahrpup 6.0.6 - Done
If keyboard is using USB connection. Try a different USB port. Done. First, I had connected the keyboard to a usb hub Image
In the second install, I have used a main usb interface Image
Is the keyboard plugged into computer when booting? Yes, mister.
I like to use tahr because YouTube videos have playing fluid with the Tablet PC. The issue with the direction keys is happening again. What do you think what is happening?

Posted: Sat 22 Feb 2020, 07:31
by bigpup
Are you trying to use the keyboard while you have a software keyboard running on the desktop?
If yes.
Shutdown the software keyboard.

menu->Setup->Mouse/keyboard Wizard->Advanced Configuration->Keyboard Model

Make sure you are using the generic selection for exactly how many keys your keyboard has.

Any help?

Posted: Sat 22 Feb 2020, 12:35
by tavireso
Hi everybody! Mister Bigpup, I don’t know what happened, but The direction keys are working well, and the number keys too. Thank you for your time and your help.

Puppylinux tahr 6.0.6 Bluetooth issue

Posted: Sat 22 Feb 2020, 20:18
by tavireso
Hi, everybody! I have a trouble with bluetooth manager, It doesn't open. If you can see in the next image, It is installed:
The bluetooth card is detected, the next image is of the lsusb:
And the next image is the bluetooth software I have installed in Puppy Package Manager:
I show you all software I have installed:
Other link with better quality Google Drive Image Link .In Google Drive you can to use zoom and space bar and to maintain pressed left click to move the image from up to down.

Does someone know what is happening? Do I need to do a fresh install?

Posted: Thu 09 Jul 2020, 13:31
by john4gaming
tavireso How did you install Chromium?