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Re: Acer Netbook Wireless

Posted: Wed 12 Oct 2011, 21:00
by jduffy22335
tlchost wrote:
Would there be any interest in a forum devoted to Fluppy and Puppeee?

If so, I'd be happy to host it.

I would be interested in following a forum. I use Fluppy 13, and find it to work well in most of the P4 and up laptops I have seen, and the one I use in my Dell D630 that actually recovers both suspend to RAM and suspend to disk (hibernation).

Fluppy/Puppeee Forum

Posted: Sun 16 Oct 2011, 20:19
by tlchost
I've created a forum for Fluppy, Puppee and other abandoned puppys at

Please feel to register there and share.

Looking forward to seeing you there.


Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 01:00
by edoc
When I click on that link I read this:
The Puppy Linux Online Database
The Puppy Linux Online Database concept has been co-opted by John Murga, et al. Imitation is not the only form of flattery
What does it mean, please?

Posted: Mon 17 Oct 2011, 02:19
by tlchost
edoc wrote:
What does it mean, please?
Means I gave the wrong link

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 05:58
by aarf
fluppy13.iso and fluppy12.iso at
advise if the md5sums dont check and i will re upload if need be..
hosting by russoodle.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 09:28
by nooby
Maybe Jemimah did not use usb mouse because I fail to get that going
So I will try Pemasu's Snow 5 that works well with my D250
and hoping them close enough to just work.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 13:17
by roadkill13
Maybe Jemimah did not use usb mouse because I fail to get that going
So I will try Pemasu's Snow 5 that works well with my D250
and hoping them close enough to just work.

Usb mouse works with Fluppy 013 on my Acer D255. It did not work on versions earlier than 011 though.

Posted: Sat 12 Nov 2011, 15:47
by nooby
You are so right. When I look again I realize that I had
an old Fluppy 10 on that compute.

I have no added
Snow pup 5
Lupu 528 rescue
Slacko 5295 something. Not sure.

Thanks for pointing this out to me. Too old Fluppy

Posted: Mon 14 Nov 2011, 09:22
by nooby
ignore this one I started a new thread to not clutter this with my personal things

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 18:18
by nooby
jemimah wrote:Here's the latest Midori.

You need to install all 4 pets. You should probably restart X immediately after installing due to the glib update.

I think this one's a real winner!

This package is for updating Fluppy13 only.
Which Midori is that. I have puppeee installed on Asus eeepc 900
and that one is named 0.2.9
GTK+ 2.22.1 webkitGTK+1.3.9
Christian Dywan.

I wonder why should I use Midori instead of FF 7 something
or even FF 3.6.24 which I have now in Snow puppy.


Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 19:02
by edoc
Midori ID's as Safari and works well with Fluppy 013.

Jemimah's version was stable - no one else appears to have successfully gotten Midori to even work, let alone be stable.

It was handy in the past with cookies, history, etc. closed-down as a "clean" web browser (no clutter from searches and views).

I used it with and and it worked well.

About says version: Midori 0.3.2

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 19:11
by nooby
So you suggest that I update to 0.3.2 to have the best one?

how do I do that? Oh smokey maybe still have it. I take a look

nope that is the one I have 0.2.9
where did you get you more recent one then? :)

sadly she uploaded it to her puppeee domain that now fails. ... 906#504906
So who else has it on a server?

maybe someone had a mirror?

Posted: Sun 20 Nov 2011, 19:15
by edoc
I can send you the PET that Jemimah provided.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 07:52
by nooby
Received much appreciated.
Will test it in due time.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 08:18
by *|*
post it somewhere online so i can see it too

Midori 0.3.2

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 16:26
by edoc
There are four files for Midori 0.3.2 to run correctly in Fluppy 013.

They are now located at:

Can someone let Smokey know so that he may copy them to his Fluppy 013 repository?

I am not sure how long they will remain available where I have placed them.

Posted: Mon 21 Nov 2011, 20:03
by aarf
and also
and also ... puppeee13/
these are the md5sums that i got down. check please.

Code: Select all

# md5sum *
5c46f5ded8eeeb8d890ec9af03107fc4  glib-2.28.2-i486.gz
99687deb437b5a9c523e48b7cde8c654  glib-networking-2.28.0-i486.gz
8c3221c356a3545ec5b35aedb1c742cd  libsoup-2.33.90-i486.gz
93b463deb30340fa769236a7c357b88e  midori-0.3.2-i486.gz

best version of Fluppy

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:29
by don570
I just bought an old IBM M52 Thinkcentre computer
and I discovered that it has an Intel integrated graphics chip.

I found it very difficult to boot up with Puppy.

I found an old CD with Puppy3 would boot it
and the most recent version of Racy 5.2.2 would at least boot
it from the CD, but I found lots of buggy behaviour.

So far the best Puppies that I have found to use with
this computer are Lighthouse 5.03 and Fluppy012
(but NOT Fluppy013 !!! which wouldn't boot at all)

Fortunately Fluppy012 is still available


Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:36
by edoc
Have you tried Squeeze 5X9?

Posted: Wed 07 Dec 2011, 01:41
by don570
Wouldn't boot up!!!!

Close though. I got to Xorgwizard. then black.