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Posted: Sun 16 May 2010, 19:02
by broomdodger
`f00 wrote:@broomdodger - "magnetic windows" is the snapto setting, I believe (window-to-window, window-to-edge etc) and varies with wm. In your jwm personal or the template, hth
I found the place to edit and snapto does work in jwm. AND found the place to change the double click speed, 400ms was too fast for me.

Wireless connection worked with Quirky

Posted: Thu 27 May 2010, 02:13
by bones01
At last, I've been able to connect with wireless. Had all kinds of unexplained trouble with Deep Thought, but Quirky, with the Simple Network tool, seems to have done the job.

Thanks Barry, for doing what you do.


(I might need to make this my default puppy)

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010, 13:59
by hokal
eeepc901, 2GB RAM , 4GB SD boot drive and 64GB Runcore SD drive

Hi there!

switched over from puppeee to quirky. Although puppeee is streamlined for ASUS eeepc's (very fast booting!), it's also overloaded with programs I never needed. But biggest problem is, that puppeee's old cups version is a pain (according Jemimah) and upgrading cups to 1.3.11 is impossible, since all embedded programs are loosing their printers.

With Quirky 1.2 CUPS I have another problem:
My networkprinter will be setup by copying into /usr/lib/cups/filter, then add printer and provide the correct ppd-file during setup. Having done that, and trying to print the test page, CUPS complains: :(
"usr/lib/cups/filter/ failed". definitively got the correct rights (chmod 755). Could it be a collision with gtklp ?? In older puppy versions 4.2 and 4.3 (with upgraded cups to 1.3.11) this always worked fine. Any suggestions to solve this problem are welcome. :idea:

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010, 14:14
by rcrsn51
hokal wrote:But biggest problem is, that puppeee's old cups version is a pain (according Jemimah) and upgrading cups to 1.3.11 is impossible, since all embedded programs are loosing their printers.
Go here and read the section Printing from Applications.
With Quirky 1.2 CUPS I have another problem:
My networkprinter will be setup by copying into /usr/lib/cups/filter, then add printer and provide the correct ppd-file during setup. Having done that, and trying to print the test page, CUPS complains: :(
"usr/lib/cups/filter/ failed". definitively got the correct rights (chmod 755). Could it be a collision with gtklp ?? In older puppy versions 4.2 and 4.3 (with upgraded cups to 1.3.11) this always worked fine. Any suggestions to solve this problem are welcome. :idea:
Could you describe what printer you have and what is?

Where did you originally get the driver for this device?

Quirky 1.2

Posted: Tue 22 Jun 2010, 23:49
by GullyProber
have just used Quirky 1.2 - delighted that Radio NZ (wmv stream) connected no troubles, and my other main pleasure is BBC on flash - set up all in less than 5 min. Many thanks all for your great work.
I will try the retro on my pentium lll which at present only works with puppy retro4.2.0 - the original Win98 wont reinstall. My Asus 701SD flies with retro - although I appreciate the Xandros was trying to be idiot-proof I felt I was in handcuffs till I got Puppy running on it.
Have a nice day. I will have fun puddling around with Quirky. :P :lol: